View Full Version : Odd save behavior in "Lend a Helping Hand"

October 22nd, 2005, 01:13 PM
I think I may have discovered an "undesired feature" in the 1.10 version of LoL. I was playing "Lend a Helping Hand" in the standard Campaign. I saved my game around turn 14 and reloaded it a few days later. The Elf cities all changed to Afflicted cites and I found myself playing an Afflicted vs Afflicted game. I don't think that was what was intended. Unfortunately, I didn't keep the save game.

Hiro, I'll try to repro it again. Let me know if you need copies of the save games or there are any diagnostics I can turn on that would assist.

Postscript: Simply save at any point in the scenario and the behavior reoccurs.

October 22nd, 2005, 01:45 PM
Good find! We'll look into it and fix it in v1.20.

