View Full Version : Idea for a lobby feature

January 15th, 2006, 11:57 AM
I know the plan for the patch is to not have the lobby remain mostly empty most of the time, but at the moment, it is. And this means some people "camp" in there all day, hoping for a game... and will sometimes miss it if they fail to check from time to time.

One nice feature would be to let people have some message that is displayed when someone logs into the lobby, like "I'll be back at such and such time" (oh, and displaying time of messages would be nice as well).

One good idea that eternaloptimist gave me is "check in on the hour", but still - these features would help.

January 15th, 2006, 06:57 PM
In my "Multiplayer issues" (or was it suggestions?) thread, I said your should be marked AFK if not in the lobby for a certain period.

What might be useful though is a sound if someone joins the lobby, like a BING!, even if the window is minimised.

January 16th, 2006, 04:02 AM
Quitch said:
What might be useful though is a sound if someone joins the lobby, like a BING!, even if the window is minimised.

Just FYI -- this feature's been on our list for the upcoming patch.
