View Full Version : multi-path spells and forging with holy magic

July 26th, 2006, 11:21 AM
It would be cool to see some spells and magic items that are multi-path'd with holy magic. Dom2 uses astral, but I'm not sure why. Even if having multi-path holy magic isn't in the base game, it would be nice to be able to mod it.

July 26th, 2006, 01:15 PM
Oversway said:

It would be cool to see some spells and magic items that are multi-path'd with holy magic. Dom2 uses astral, but I'm not sure why. Even if having multi-path holy magic isn't in the base game, it would be nice to be able to mod it.

I would like to see or be able to mod holy/unholy gems within DOM_3. I recall previous topics discussing holy/unholy gems as well.

July 26th, 2006, 04:36 PM
They never existed. There might've been some strange typo about it in the game, but I'm not sure about that. Any way, Holy magic can't be part of items, because items need gems of both types of the paths needed to forge them (and I hope this isn't changed, because it's essential for many multi-path items). It does work as the secondary path of combat AND ritual spells, though - check the Oglala mod. It has N2H2 summon.

July 26th, 2006, 07:30 PM
Even tho holy/unholy gems never existed it would be sweet to find them or mod them into a game. Some rare event or rare magic site allowing them to be found would be a fun easter egg.

July 27th, 2006, 01:16 PM
Na - I do not want Holy gems - already now, holyness is too close to be "just another kind of magic". Holyness is different, the more rules are there to make it different the better.

What I would add instead is that the power of holy spells change heavily with the dominion of the current pretender. Also, preaching in non-aligned provinces might be very effective, but trigger harsh reactions by the local population.

The whole concept of holyness and dominions is IMHO the weakest point in Dom2, please improve it in Dom3.