View Full Version : DAR: Mersa Brega, North Africa

November 19th, 2008, 04:02 PM
Germany vs. GB

Mission: Assault, Mersa Brega, North Africa, 12/1942 - grouped objectives.

Enemy: Reinforced Battalion - 1-2 Armor Co., 2-3 Infantry Co., 4-6 Artillery Btry, plus ATG, AAA and air support. Average force experience, ~70.

Terrain: Map = 100x100; rolling desert hills with terrain elevation ranging from zero to 30. Only two large elevation 30 hill are in the forward area of the enemy deployment area. One dominates the North third of the battle area and the other the center third. South third is mainly low ground with several small elevation 20 hills; limited soft sand and rough; visibility = 53; no roads; no logical axis of advance.

Troops: 1 Armor Co. (PzKw IVg), 2 Infantry Co. (SS w/tracks), 11 Artillery Btry (On board, 9 tubes SPA, 24 tubes towed w/o transport, 6 Off board tubes), 2 Heavy Tank Pltn (PzKw VIe), 2 ATG btry. (75mm PAK 40 w/tracks)), 2 MG Pltn (MG42(2) w/tracks), 3 Eng. Cos. 2 Para. Cos w/2 FJ MG-42 sections, plus recon (including 1 spotter plane), AAA and ammo supply. Average force experience, ~90. It's not a historical force, but high command gave me a blank check and I used it :D

Time: 47 Turns


Being on the defensive, the enemy can be expected to use obstacles. Most typically, these consist of mine fields and wire. The enemy hasn't been known to use dragon's teeth or fire pits. Their main obstacle generally is a mine field running the length of their entire front. More limited lines (mines or wire) are forward of the main line with the objective of forcing any flanking force into their central engagement area. The enemy tends to place the limited lines on the FEBA (or deployment line in this case :)), with the main mine belt 250-500m farther back. Sporadic mine fields can be expected beyond the main mine field belt, with frequency increasing around objectives.

Enemy infantry can be expected forward of and behind the main mine belt. Most will be behind the mines, but some will be forward to harass approaching engineers. Supporting the infantry will be crew served weapons, tanks and field guns. Additional defenses can be expected around the objectives. Field fortifications can be expected in these areas, positioned to mutually support each other and protect the flanks. These fortifications can be on the objectives or positioned to cover them. Enemy artillery can also be expected to be on (towed and SPA) and off board.

Defensive strategies of the enemy are to generally hold positions, with an occasional spoiling attack by armor in platoon strength. Well placed spoiling attacks can disrupt the timing of assault operations and plans need to be in place to deal with them.

The keys to the battlefield are the two large hills. They provide a clear of the engagement area and there is no way to approach the enemy defenses unseen. Well placed guns on the military crest will be able to engage targets within range with plunging fire making top hits possible. While there are three groups of victory hexes, two groups have centers 250m apart and can be treated as one. The single group (objective G1) is one the Northern most large hill (designated as hill 30-1), behind and Southeast of the crest. The remaining two groups (G2,G3) are approximately 1200m East Southeast of the Southern most large hill (designated as hill 30-2).

Since the large hills dominate the engagement area, they need to be bypassed or captured. Bypassing in this case isn't an option since objective G1 is on hill 30-1.


Assault forces will be divided up into four groups:

Breach Force: 2 Engineer companies (dismounted).
Para Force: 2 FJg companies, 2 FJg MG-42 sections.
Overwatch Force: 2 75mm ATG batteries, 2 Tiger platoons.
Maneuver Force: 1 PzKw IVg company, 2 SS Infantry companies (mounted), 1 Engineer company (mounted).

The basic plan is to target hill 30-1 initially. The Breach Force will breach the obstacles in two locations: due West of hill 30-1 and 500m North, roughly Northwest of hill 30-1. While the engineers are breaching the obstacles, the Para Force will drop in the enemy rear 1000m behind hill 30-1. The Breach force will objective is to capture hill 30-1 and objective G1 and the Para Force will advance Southwest to block any reinforcements from arriving from the South end of the enemy defensive positions. The Maneuver Force will circle behind hill 30-1 on the North side and push South to objectives G2 and G3. The Para Force will push forward at this point covering their left flank and the Breach Force will push forward covering their right. The Overwatch Force will push forward to provide as much overwatch as possible without crossing the main mine field belt.

To try to increase the success of the air drop, two scout units will be dropped early as pathfinders. It wouldn't do well to drop two airborne companies into the enemy's armor reserve position!! :shock: Based on the information from this pathfinding mission, the drop zone could be hit by prep artillery fire, moved or the drop scrubbed. The drop will occur between turns 15-20 based on progress of the Breach Force.

Estimated Timeline:

Turn 1 - Pathfinder drop, scouts move out.
Turn 3 - Breach Force moves out.
Turn 9 - Overwatch Force - Tiges take positions.
Turn 12 - Breach Force reaches obstacles.
Turn 16 - Breach Force clears obstacles.
Turn 17 - Para Force inserted; Maneuver Force moves out.
Turn 25 - Maneuver Force links up with Para Force in rear of hill 30-1.

The Breach Force and scouts will deploy on the LD since they have to move out early. The Maneuver Force will deploy 1500m behind the LD to minimize casualties in from any enemy prep fire, if it occurs. Overwatch Force ATGs will deploy in best positions possible on or near LD, while Tigers will deploy 1500m back and move to overwatch positions later.

I've attached a map with my basic plan outlined on it. Enemy positions are speculative as the British didn't answer the memo asking about their disposition :)

November 19th, 2008, 05:57 PM
Turn the right flank as the tigers soften the center and left!
Though the para force might arrive too late or too far away to do much good other than take out some artillery pieces more than likely parked on that hill middle right.
I would be so tempted to drop them second turn and hope for the best!
Or in the southeast quad but that would be really foolish.

Other than that,looks like a fine strategy.
But what do i know?:smirk:
Anyways, looking forward on future reports :)

November 19th, 2008, 06:16 PM
Turn the right flank as the tigers soften the center and left!
Other than the para force might arrive too late or too far away to do much good other than take out some artillery pieces more than likely parked on that hill middle right.
Other than that,looks like a fine strategy.
But what do i know?:smirk:
Anyways, looking forward on future reports :)

Too far away, probably, but shouldn't be too late for the role I need them to play. They will ensure the corner is clear so the enemy doesn't hit my Maneuver Force from behind. Even if they bite off more than they can chew, they will keep the enemy tied up for a while and I could peal off a few tanks to help them if necessary. Also, they will "distract" the enemy off-board artillery some from the engineers who have to breach the mine field. In other words, cannon fodder :)

How's that for ahistorical? No army would really drop elite troops in such a situation for just a battle. Maybe if it was one of those "if we win this battle, we win the war" types, maybe, but not under these circumstances.

Overall, it's the safest place I can drop them, short of in my own deployment zone :). They need to be dropped where I can link up with them relatively quickly. I can't drop them anywhere in the middle of the enemy deployment area because AAA would blast the first group of JU-52s apart. The other option would be to drop them in the lower corner. There, I might not even be able to link up with them. At least with the pathfinder mission, I get to decide if the drop might is practical before I schedule it.

November 19th, 2008, 07:07 PM
Turn 1

Enemy prep fire ineffective.

Scouts crossed the LD. Ordered not to engage enemy targets further than 100m away and unless they fire first.

Pathfinder mission underway. Insertion was uneventful.

Spotting plane reports no sightings on initial pass.


Friendly: Zero

Enemy: Zero

November 19th, 2008, 07:11 PM
Turn 2

Enemy artillery fire ceased.

Scouts continuing to move forward. No contact.

Pathfinder mission underway. No contact.


Friendly: Zero

Enemy: Zero

November 19th, 2008, 07:14 PM
Turn 3

Scouts continuing to move forward. No contact.

Pathfinder mission underway. No contact.

Engineers crossed the LD.

Second pass by spotting plane reports no enemy sighted.


Friendly: Zero

Enemy: Zero

November 19th, 2008, 07:19 PM
Turn 4

Scouts continuing to move forward. No contact.

Pathfinders report enemy tank platoon positioned in LZ.

Engineers continuing to advance.


Friendly: Zero

Enemy: Zero

November 19th, 2008, 10:44 PM
Turn 5

Scouts continuing to move forward. No contact.

Pathfinders report nothing new after sighting the enemy tanks.

Engineers continuing to advance.

Third pass of spotting plane spots nothing new.


Friendly: Zero

Enemy: Zero

November 19th, 2008, 10:50 PM
Turn 6

Scouts continuing to move forward. No contact.

Pathfinders report nothing new after sighting the enemy tanks.

Engineers continuing to advance.


Friendly: Zero

Enemy: Zero

November 19th, 2008, 11:10 PM
Turn 7

Scouts are at the base of hills 30-1 and 30-2. No obstacles or enemy units sighted yet. This is puzzling :confused:

Pathfinders are continuing to search the area around the LZ. Aside from three Lee I in revetments, nothing else has been seen. Artillery could be used to smoke and suppress them for the air drop.

Engineers continuing to advance.


Friendly: Zero

Enemy: Zero

November 19th, 2008, 11:27 PM
Turn 8

Scouts continuing to recon hills 30-1 and 30-2. Nothing to report at this time.

Pathfinders continuing to search for additional threats. Air drop scheduled for turn 15.

Engineers continuing to advance.

Spoiling attack under way along South edge. There are three 75mm ATGs in this sector to deal with the threat.


Friendly: Zero

Enemy: Zero

November 19th, 2008, 11:35 PM
Turn 9

Scouts continuing to recon hills 30-1 and 30-2. One scout is on the top of hill 30-2. Nothing to report at this time.

Pathfinders continuing to search for additional threats.

Engineers continuing to advance.

Along South edge, three enemy Lee I tanks are advancing. Three friendly Tigers have joined the ATGs in this sector for defense. This was planned as part of the overwatch and not really in response to the advancing enemy tanks.


Friendly: Zero

Enemy: Zero

November 20th, 2008, 12:30 AM
Turn 10

One scout unit on hill 30-1 stumbled on three machine gun bunkers on the forward slope. The scout unit was destroyed and the front bunker opened up on the advancing engineers. Overwatching ATGs engaged the bunkers with no effect. No obstacles have been spotted yet, so the bunkers appear to be outside of the defensive perimeter. On the top of the hill, one Lee I tanks has been spotted. On the North slope of the hill, one Sherman I was spotted in a revetment.

Scouts still reporting nothing on hill 30-2.

Pathfinders continuing to search for additional threats.

Along South edge, three enemy Lee I tanks are advancing. Three friendly Tigers have joined the ATGs in this sector for defense. This was planned as part of the overwatch and not really in response to the advancing enemy tanks.


Friendly: Five

Enemy: Zero

November 20th, 2008, 12:46 AM
Turn 11

Overwatch ATGs continued to engage bunkers without effect. Engineers are advancing under smoke. A second Sherman I has been spotted on the North slope of hill 30-1, two more Lee I tanks on the top of the hill, two more South of the hill and yet two more to the rear of the hill. The original Lee I spotted on the hill was engaged and destroyed by Tigers.

Scouts on the Southern slope of hill 30-2 stumbled into a mine field.

Enemy artillery is dropping to the rear of the advancing engineers. If they don't pick up the pace, enemy artillery will zero in.

Along South edge, three enemy Lee I tanks are advancing. Three friendly Tigers have joined the ATGs in this sector for defense. This was planned as part of the overwatch and not really in response to the advancing enemy tanks.


Friendly: Three

Enemy: One Lee I tank destroyed.

November 20th, 2008, 01:11 AM
Turn 12

Enemy artillery obscured the view of the ATGs and the bunkers, so they ceased firing. One Tiger platoon had an angle on the front bunker and engaged, without effect. Artillery smoked the bunkers and engineers will move in and take care of them. A third Sherman has been seen on the North slope of hill 30-1 and a total of six Lee I tanks are on top of the hill. One Lee on the South slope was destroyed. Two more scouts stumbled into mines on the top the hill, forward of the tanks.

Scouts continuing to move forward on hill 30-2. Tigers may be able to take positions on the forward portion of the top remaining clear of the mines, but assisting in dealing with the tanks on hill 30-1. Those tanks may be more than the engineers while trying to clear mines. Enemy artillery is now hitting the forward slope of the hill, but nothing is there.

The enemy spoiling attack has been dealt with. One tank was destroyed by Tigers, another by ATGs and the third was immobilized in the enemy mine field.

Artillery plotted on enemy tanks in LZ and smoke to block line of sight between tanks to rear of hill 30-1 and LZ.


Friendly: Estimated 5 casualties.

Enemy: Three Lee I tanks destroyed, one immobilized.

November 20th, 2008, 01:29 AM
Turn 13

Lead bunker on hill 30-1 destroyed by engineers. Two Lees destroyed at long range by Tigers. Remaining engineers advanced. The Southern company advanced without issue, but the Northern company is taking fire from the Shermans on the North slope of the hill.

On hill 30-2, one scout is circling back to ensure there are no mines around before the one Tiger platoon takes position on it. Two other scouts are skirting around the North and South slope and into the rear.

Immobilized tank from spoiling attack finished off by ATGs.

Artillery dropped smoke Southwest of LZ and bombarded three Lees in LZ. One more chance to hit them before the air drop arrives.


Friendly: Estimated 5 casualties.

Enemy: Three Lee I tanks destroyed, one bunker destroyed.

November 20th, 2008, 01:57 AM
Turn 14

Engineers are maneuvering against remaining bunkers. Some crested the hill and were engaged by enemy infantry deployed with the Lee I tanks. They popped smoke to buy time as the Tigers are heading forward to support. Artillery has been plotted on the Shermans.

No activity around hill 30-2.

Most air dropped units came in fine, but a few overshot the drop zone and landed on the enemy Lees! The enemy tanks beat them up pretty badly and what was left was clobbered when my artillery came in again!! At least one of the tanks was immobilized.


Friendly: Estimated 25 casualties.

Enemy: One Lee I immobilized.

November 20th, 2008, 02:13 AM
Turn 15

The second enemy bunker has been destroyed. One remains on the top of the hill. Engineers who crested the hill backed off to wait for tanks support and artillery to engage the enemy tanks and infantry on the hill. Artillery dropped on the Shermans on the North slope of the hill.

Scout to the rear of hill 30-2 was engaged and destroyed by a sniper and Lees South of hill 30-1.

There were a few survivors from the units that dropped on the enemy tanks and they took their revenge. Two enemy Lees destroyed. The remaining two companies are maneuvering against the remaining enemy tank in the LZ and the enemy tanks to the rear of hill 30-1.

Maneuver Force crossed the LD.


Friendly: Estimated 10 casualties.

Enemy: Two Lee I tanks destroyed, one bunker destroyed.

November 20th, 2008, 02:34 AM
Turn 16

Final enemy bunker destroyed. Artillery starting to drop on enemy positions on top of hill 30-1 and continued on Shermans. Artillery plotted on rear of hill. Tigers should be able to engage Lees and Shermans in 2 turns.

Scout on top of hill 30-2 still hasn't found any signs of mines. One platoon of Tigers should be in position in 2-3 turns.

Artillery hit the remaining tank in LZ and paras are maneuvering to hit tanks to rear of 30-1 after artillery hits.

Maneuver Force continuing to advance.

Enemy artillery targeting one ATG of Overwatch Force. Once it ceases, the guns will be moved forward to better positions.


Friendly: Estimated 5 casualties.

Enemy: One bunker destroyed.

November 20th, 2008, 03:20 AM
Turn 17

Artillery continuing to hit enemy positions on hill 30-1, but lifted on Shermans. One Tiger should be in position to engage next turn. Two Tigers crested forward slope of hill. One Lee destroyed and one damaged.

Remaining scout sighted 6pdr ATG behind hill 30-2. While maneuvering for a better view, it stumbled into a second and was destroyed. Tigers will be in position to engage in two turns, but need to steer clear of the 6pdrs. Engagement range would be less than 500m and the guns would be better if softened up by artillery first. The Tigers can support action on hill 30-1 without moving into view of those guns.

Paras engaged one of the Lees behind 30-1 before the artillery hit, so the fire mission was canceled. They continue to move against the remaining tank in the LZ.

Maneuver Force continuing to advance.

Enemy artillery targeting one ATG of Overwatch Force. The remaining five have been picked up and are being moved.

Attached are screen prints of the main engagement areas (hill 30-1 and LZ) and hill 30-2 and its tactical importance with respect to hill 30-1.


Friendly: Estimated 10 casualties.

Enemy: Two Lee I tanks destroyed.

November 20th, 2008, 02:40 PM
Turn 18

One Tiger traded shots with two Shermans on North slope of hill 30-1 with no effect on either side. Two Tigers on top of hill engaged and destroyed one Lee I tank and suppressed infantry. Engineers moved forward and cleared some mines. Enemy infantry and artillery engaged the engineers with some effect. Artillery continuing to hit enemy positions on hill 30-1.

Tigers moved onto East edge of hill 30-2 crested. From there, they engaged and destroyed one Lee tank on hill 30-1.

Paras assaulted and destroyed remaining Lee I tank in LZ. They are turning out to be more effective against enemy tanks than expect. So far, they have destroyed four.

Maneuever Force has halted for the moment until the mines are cleared on hill 30-1 and the Shermans dealt with. The overall enemy dispostions are much different than expected.

Enemy artillery targeting one ATG of Overwatch Force. Still, it's not having any effect.


Friendly: Estimated 10 casualties.

Enemy: Three Lee I tanks destroyed, estimated 5 casualties.

November 20th, 2008, 03:35 PM
Turn 19

Tiger engaged and destroyed two Sherman tanks on North slope of hill 30-1. One Sherman remains. Engineers have cleared more of the mines. Enemy infantry on top of hill are withdrawing, but were only seen in platoon strength. Two Tigers on top of hill have pulled back. Artillery from both sides continued to fall on top of hill, inflicting casualties on both sides. Several engineers are withdrawing also.

Tigers on hill 30-2 have engaged and destroyed one Lee I tank on South slope of hill 30-1. Artillery hit and immobilized another Lee on the South slope.

Paras have destroyed another Lee I tank behind hill 30-1. They also sighted and engaged a 6pdr ATG. Artillery dropped on gun as it was near an enemy tank. This force has done much more than was expected.

Maneuver Force is still at a halt. They will have to begin moving next turn or risk being a target for enemy artillery.

All overwatch ATGs are being moved forward.


Friendly: Estimated 10 casualties.

Enemy: Two Lee I and two Sherman tanks destroyed, estimated 10 casualties.

November 20th, 2008, 04:09 PM
Turn 20

Some engineers started pushing forward supported by Tigers on top of hill 30-1. Tiger on North side maneuvering against last Sherman. Infantry seen on back side of hill by paras engaged there. Artillery continuing to hit both sides. Enemy hit harder this time.

Took a chance with the Tigers on hill 30-2 and engaged one of the 6pdr ATGs behind hill. ATG was destroyed. Farther back, a 40mm Bofors was spotted by a scout. Artillery was plotted on that target.

Paras destroyed 6pdr ATG behind hill 30-1 and continued pushing Southwest.

Maneuver Force is started moving again. It should be able to link up with Para force by turn 25.


Friendly: Estimated 10 casualties.

Enemy: Two 6pdr ATGs destroyed, estimated 10 casualties.

November 20th, 2008, 04:51 PM
Turn 21

Tiger and Sherman on North side of hill 30-1 traded shots at 250m to no effect. Sherman came uncomfortably close to going through the front armor of the Tiger. Tanks from Maneuver Force are deploying to assist. All enemy units on top of hill have withdrawn to rear slope. Scouts have found mines on the back side of the hill. Artillery is still continuing to fall. Several engineers turned and ran again. A large gap has been cleared through the mines. Tigers on top of hill engaged and destroyed one Lee I tank on rear slope.

Tigers on hill 30-2 engaged and destroyed Lee I tank on South slope of hill 30-1. Scout is moving forward to try to locate remaining 6pdr ATG behind hill. The gun destroyed a scout earlier. It's location is "known", but the gun isn't visible. Artillery is continuing to hit the location of the 6pdr and bracketed the Bofors behind the hill.

The paras destroyed yet another Lee I tank. They are starting to turn South to move toward the G2/G3 victory hex groups.

At this point, I'm considering moving the Maneuver force over the top of hill 30-1, rather than along the North slope. The Sherman tank there would be a major threat to the infantry loaded tracks. Crossing the top of the hill would also shave a turn or two off of the time required to link up with the Para Force.


Friendly: Estimated 10 casualties.

Enemy: Two Lee I tanks destroyed, estimated 10 casualties.

November 20th, 2008, 05:41 PM
Turn 22

Tiger and Sherman continued to exchange fire until two PzKw IVgs took out the Sherman at 500m from the flank. Maneuver Force moving around North slope of hill 30-1 because of heavy enemy artillery on hill top. Recon tracks blundered into the sights of an enemy Lee and two were destroyed. Tigers on hill top destroyed one Lee and one 6pdr ATG. Enemy behind hill in company strength. Friendly artillery hit their positions. The mines on the rear slope of 30-1 seem to be in the form of a line, so engineers are advancing to investigate. Moderate casaulties on both sides.

Tigers on hill 30-2 held their position when scouts found mines on the Eastern each of the top of the hill. A second Bofors was sighted. Artillery plotted on same, while earlier plots hits the first Bofors.

Elements of the Para Force are heading South toward the Bofors, while others are heading Southwest to assist in dealing with the infantry on the rear of hill 30-1. ATG engaged group heading Southwest. Fire was returned. Casualties on both sides.


Friendly: Two SdKfz 250/10 recon tracks destroyed, estimated 25 casualties.

Enemy: One Lee I and one Sherman I tanks destroyed, one 6pdr ATG destroyed, estimated 20 casualties.

November 20th, 2008, 06:12 PM
Turn 23

Heavy fighting on hill 30-1. Troops approaching objective G1 from East, North and West. Enemy putting up a stiff fight with small arms and artillery. PzKw IVg immobilized on North slope of hill. Tigers engaged and destroyed two more Lee I tanks on rear slope. Engineers seem to break as fast as they can be rallied. Some are approaching secondary mine field on rear of hill. Panicked enemy troops are running into these minefields. A breach needs to be made quickly in the mines so the Maneuver Force can break into the open. I'm considering moving this force to the left of the Para Force, rather than the right to swing clear of the mines that seem to be along their original route. The edge of the map will guard their flank.

Tigers on hill 30-2 received some incoming mortar fire and moved slightly forward to clear the impact zone, but not too close to the mines detected on the Eastern edge. No targets to engage at this time.

Paras pushing toward objective G1 from the East, while others are starting to engage Bofors from the North. These Bofors are approximately 1200m NNE of objectives G2 and G3. Units pushing West destroyed 6pdr ATG.


Friendly: Two SdKfz 250/10 recon tracks destroyed, estimated 15 casualties.

Enemy: Two Lee I tanks destroyed, one 6pdr ATG destroyed, estimated 15 casualties.

November 20th, 2008, 06:57 PM
Turn 24

Enemy defenses around objective G1 on Southeast corner of hill 30-1 are crumbling. Except for a platoon just West of G1, all other enemy forces are routed or retreating. Enemy artillery is continuing on North slope, so Maneuver force is moving over the top. They will be late linking up with the Para Force, but the paras have effectively linked up with the Breach Force. A small opening has been cleared through the second mine field, but the area needs to be check further before the Maneuver Force proceeds through.

Turns out the Tigers on hill 30-2 aren't alone! Two enemy infantry sections are positioned on the South edge of the top. The Tigers were repositioning to see if they could get a better overwatch position for objectives G2 and G3 when the infantry opened up at 100m. If they hadn't been so trigger happy, they might have bagged one. As it is, the Tigers had nothing better to do than engage the infantry. A couple of AAA tracks tagging along with the Tigers joined in. Smoke dischargers were popped to screen the left flank of the tanks while they deal infantry threat. At this time, the enemy infantry is still in good order.

Paras are continuing to push West to G1 and South toward the Bofors. The group heading West destroyed another Lee tank. I think that was their eighth! The force heading South destroyed one of the two Bofors sighted.

Screen print of action near G1 on Southeast corner of hill 30-1 is attached.


Friendly: Estimated 10 casualties.

Enemy: One Lee I tank destroyed, one 40mm Bofors destroyed, estimated 20 casualties.

November 20th, 2008, 10:51 PM
Turn 25

There are mines all over the place around objective G1 and the enemy is showing me where they are as they run. Several additional enemy sections seen around G1 and were taken under fire. Engineers widened the breach through the secondary minefield. The Maneuver Force will start passing through next turn. Enemy artillery on hill 30-1 has lightened up some.

Tigers and SPAA units continued to engage enemy infantry on hill 30-2. Another enemy infantry section was detected while one of the original ones was destroyed.

Paras engaged and destroyed a 6pdr ATG near objective G1 while approaching from the East. Other elements continuing to push South. Artillery caused the crew of the remaining Bofors to run. These were engaged and reduced in size by a nearby scout.

Overall, resistence is beginning to get lighter. Lifted friendly artillery to allow for resupply.


Friendly: Estimated 10 casualties.

Enemy: One 6pdr ATG destroyed, estimated 30 casualties.

November 20th, 2008, 11:42 PM
Turn 26

Circle closing on enemy infantry around objective G1. All infantry routed or retreating. The last Lee I tank on hill 30-1 was assaulted and destroyed by engineers.

Tigers and SPAAs destroyed last two enemy infantry sections on hill 30-2. Scout searching East of hill spotted a gun crew, but doesn't see a gun. It is possible this crew is from the 6pdr that destroyed a scout earlier. By destroying the crew, the gun becomes useless.

Paras engaging infantry West of G1 and Bofors to their South. A thir one was found, but abandoned after receiving a great deal of small arms fire.

On a small plateau Southeast of objective G1, three enemy 6pdr ATGs opened up in three different directions. One fired at a Tiger on 30-1, another Northeast at the advancing paras and the last engaged and destroyed one of the SPAAs on hill 30-2. Paras engaged one and inflicted some casualties.

Two enemy Sherman II tanks seen approaching the paras from the Southeast, distance 500m. The way the paras have handled tanks, I'm not really worried.


Friendly: One SdKfz 251/17 destroyed, estimated 10 casualties.

Enemy: One Lee I tank destroyed, estimated 35 casualties.

November 21st, 2008, 12:13 AM
Turn 27

Only one enemy infantry section near objective G1. It was getting hammered from all sides. Tiger engaged and destroyed one 6pdr ATG of battery Southeast of G1. Tigers from hill 30-2 engaged and suppressed another. Paras from the Northeast engaged and destroyed the third. Two flags turned on objective G1.

Now 3-4 Sherman II tanks are seen approaching the paras from the Southeast. The paras have forming up on the blind side of the slope to try to ambush them as they come through.

Scout found and destroyed the "hidden" 6pdr ATG.

Three Lee I tanks have been seen North of objectives G2 and G3 heading North to G1. One was destroyed by a Tiger on 30-1. A total of six empty emplacements are seen around the G2/G3 area, so there might be three tanks yet unseen. One infantry section is also moving out with them.

Tigers are moving into position on the East edge of hill 30-1 to engage them. Care must be taken because mines are everywhere.

Maneuver Force passing through gap in secondary minefield. Enemy artillery dropped about 150m North of the column.


Friendly: Zero

Enemy: One Lee I tank destroyed, three 6pdr ATGs destroyed, estimated 10 casualties.

November 21st, 2008, 01:13 PM
Turn 28

Enemy resistence around objective G1 has ended. Paras destroyed the last enemy ATG and all enemy infantry has been destroyed. Two more flags turned on G1. The going is slow because most hexes are mined.

Two Sherman II tanks have been destroyed approaching Paras from the Southeast. They were engaged by the overwatch Tigers on hill 30-2. Only one more is seen at this point.

Scout East of hill 30-2 engaged by a sniper to the North and an FOO to the South. They are taking a beating.

A second Lee I tank approaching objective G1 from the South has been destroyed by Tigers on hill 30-1. The last one crested a rise and took fire from the Tigers and halted. The one enemy infantry section opened up on the paras at long range and inflicted a few casualties.

Maneuver Force continuing through the gap. The column shift South to give incoming artillery a wider berth.


Friendly: Estimated 5 casualties.

Enemy: One Lee I tank and two Sherman II tanks destroyed, one 6pdr ATG, estimated 10 casualties.

November 21st, 2008, 02:48 PM
Turn 29

All flags turned on objective G1 and all enemy in the vicinity elimated. The Tigers on hill 30-1 will hold position while enemy forces advance North to try to recapture G1. They were able to destroy last visible Lee I tank approaching from the South.

Last Sherman II tank destroyed from Tigers on hill 30-2.

Two enemy infantry sections trying to move North toward objective G1, but encounting heavy fire from paras. Artillery has been plotted to disrupt their advance.

Maneuver Force continuing through the gap. They will swing wide to the East edge of the map before turning South. This will have them passing behind a small hill providing conceilment for the move. The plan is for them to approach objectives G2 and G3 from the East. Since all mobile enemy forces seem to be heading toward objective G1, all that should remain are towed guns. The mobile force has three companies of leg units that will take point on the advance. PzKw IVgs will stay back and provide supporting fire. Artillery will be used to suppress gun emplacements. I have to keep in mind there still may be field fortifications and mine around those objectives.

Enemy artillery is inflicting light casualties on hill 30-1.


Friendly: Estimated 5 casualties.

Enemy: One Lee I tank and one Sherman II tank destroyed, estimated 10 casualties.

November 21st, 2008, 03:23 PM
Turn 30

The spotting plane made a run over objectives G2 and G3. Enemy infantry spotted moving North in company strength, one Lee I is still in a revetment between the two objectives and six Bofors seen. The spotting plane was engaged by the Bofors and was damaged, so it won't be back. The mission was well worth it, however.

Engineers and paras will hold position to stop the enemy infantry from recapturing objective G1. The Tigers on hills 30-1 and 30-2 will similarly hold position. Advancing enemy infantry took heavy casualties from friendly artillery.

Maneuver Force will require about six turns before it can attack the enemy round objectives G2 and G3. Artillery will bombard those positions until then to soften them up and limit interference with the Manuever Force getting in position for the assault. No field fortifications were seen, but they may be too well conceiled.

Enemy artillery is inflicting light casualties on hill 30-1.


Friendly: Estimated 5 casualties.

Enemy: Estimated 25 casualties.

November 21st, 2008, 03:51 PM
Turn 31

Artillery hit enemy infantry again with good effect. They really aren't moving North anymore. Three Lee I tanks showed up from South of objectives G2 and G3. Tigers on hill 30-2 engaged and destroyed one. The Tigers also engaged two of the Bofors, destroying one.

Maneuver Force starting to turn South along East edge of map. Paras are engaging enemy HQ near their path.

Enemy artillery is still inflicting light casualties on hill 30-1.


Friendly: Estimated 5 casualties.

Enemy: One Lee I tank destroyed, one 40mm Bofors destroyed, estimated 15 casualties.

November 21st, 2008, 04:54 PM
Turn 32

Enemy infantry continuing to be hit by artllery and has ceased forward movement. They have further been engaged by Tigers on hill 30-1 and para machine guns. One enemy battery is still hitting hill with artillery.

Enemy HQ unit engaged at close range by two recon tracks. It took heavy casualties and withdrew from the map.

Tigers on hill 30-2 destroyed two Lee I tanks continued firing on Bofors. The one tank sitting in the revetment is still there an not moving. Artillery came in on enemy gun positions and was widely scattered and generally ineffective. Adustments should change that.


Friendly: Estimated 5 casualties.

Enemy: Two Lee I tank destroyed, estimated 15 casualties.

November 21st, 2008, 05:23 PM
Turn 33

Artillery continuing to pound enemy infantry. Machine guns and Tigers and hit them as well. Enemy artillery is making life very difficult for the engineers.

Artillery also was adjusted onto enemy Bofors and one 3in mortar. Two Bofors and the mortar are abandoned.

Recon tracks from Maneuver Force have unloaded scouts behind screening hill. Those will move out while the heavy elements of the Maneuver Force comes up.


Friendly: Estimated 10 casualties.

Enemy: Estimated 15 casualties.

November 21st, 2008, 05:41 PM
Turn 34

Most of enemy infantry is running now. There is more armor around objectives G2 and G3 than initially seen. A Lee I tank destroyed two of my recon tracks. I'm going to have to be careful with my approach from the rear. My PzKw IVgs will maneuver against the offending Lee. Another moved forward and a third is now moving around G3. What this does seem to indicate is there aren't any mines in the area. Either that or they are just getting lucky.

Artillery continuing to hit gun positions around objectives.


Friendly: Two SdKfz 250/17 recon tracks destroyed, estimated 5 casualties.

Enemy: Estimated 10 casualties.

November 21st, 2008, 09:24 PM
Turn 35

Additional enemy infantry spotted approaching objective G1 from SSW. Could be platoon strength. Infantry approaching from the South is regrouping to a minor extent and attempting to more to G1 again. They are taking small arms fire from paras to the North and Northeast. One ATR team actually got next to G1, but the area is swarming with engineers who quickly dispatched them.

One Lee I tank was engaged by Tigers from hill 30-1, but it's unclear if it was destroyed or moved into a defile. There are lots of burning Lees around.

Artillery continuing to hit gun positions around objectives. Enemy mortar crew attempting to return to their gun.


Friendly: Zero

Enemy: Estimated 10 casualties.

November 21st, 2008, 09:47 PM
Turn 36

Two tanks from Maneuver Force moved into position on a small hill to overwatch objectives G2 and G3. From this position, they engaged two Lees, destroying one. Artillery is continuing to fall in the area. The enemy crew went to ground 50m before getting back to their mortar. I'm going to deal with the last Lee and move the tracks forward to overrun the objectives. Tanks will come with them to deal with the remaining Bofors. Three have crews with them, but are either pinned or retreating. At this point, all guns are temporarily out of action.

Enemy infantry is continuing to by hit by artillery and still taking casualties. Because the ATR got close last turn, the engineers and paras are pushing forward some to keep them farther away.

Random enemy artillery falling around without effect.


Friendly: Zero

Enemy: One Lee I tank destroyed, estimated 10 casualties.

November 21st, 2008, 10:09 PM
Turn 37

Maneuver Force beginning finally assault on objectives G2 and G3. Lead elements are 500m ENE and advancing. Enemy crew tried to get back to mortar and received heavy fire from tanks and tracks. Last enemy Lee I tank in area was destroyed by two mark IVgs in overwatch. Enemy infantry moving North has been rendered combat ineffective. All are running now. Paras spotted, engaged and destroyed another 6pdr ATG.

Random enemy artillery falling around without effect.


Friendly: Zero

Enemy: One Lee I tank destroyed, estimated 15 casualties.

November 21st, 2008, 10:23 PM
Turn 38

Maneuver Force assault within 250m of objective G3. Leg units starting to dismount. Overwatching mark IVgs engaged one remaing Bofors to keep suppression on crew high. Most artillery on objectives have been lifted except one battery hitting each of remaining two crewed Bofors. Mortar crew remanned their gun, but were almost completely destroyed by dismounted infantry.

Enemy infantry force heading North has been destroyed.


Friendly: Zero

Enemy: Estimated 20 casualties.

November 21st, 2008, 10:30 PM
Turn 39

Three platoons of infantry have been dismounted on or near objectives G2 and G3. One flag on G3 turned. Crew of one of the remaing two Bofors destroyed. Several other fleeing units also eliminated. One enemy infantry section spotted by scouts 500m West of G2 heading East. It won't get there.

Enemy artillery inflicted a few casualties around objective G1.


Friendly: Two

Enemy: Estimated 10 casualties.

November 21st, 2008, 10:36 PM
Turn 40

Mines encounted around objective G2. Two empty tracks destroyed. No time to clear them, so chances have to be taken. Crew to last Bofors eliminated.

Enemy artillery inflicted a few casualties around objective G1.

Scout trading shots with enemy infantry section. The scout only has one man left, but not due to this action. It will pop smoke to survive an engagement that is pointless.


Friendly: Two SdKfz 250/1 half-tracks destroyed, three casualties.

Enemy: Estimated 5 casualties.

November 21st, 2008, 10:43 PM
Turn 41

All flags on G3 turned. Two on G2 turned. Another enemy infantry section seen 250m West of G2. Artillery dropped on unit to slow it down and prevent it from interferring with final victory. They are supressed now. Now units on hill 30-1 or 30-2 can spot enemy to engage them.

Enemy artillery inflicted a few casualties around objective G1.


Friendly: Zero.

Enemy: Zero.

November 21st, 2008, 10:47 PM
Turn 42

Two more flags turned on G2. Three more left and should be turned next turn. Artillery hit one enemy infantry section inflicting casualties. Location of unit unknown. It was lost in the smoke.

Enemy artillery ceased firing.


Friendly: Zero.

Enemy: Three.

November 21st, 2008, 11:22 PM
Decisive Victory!!!!

Turn 43

Last flags turned. Enemy infantry section routed through objective G2 and was taken apart.


Friendly: Zero

Enemy: Estimated 7 casualties.

Total Casualties


Men: 248
Artillery: 0
Soft Vehicles: 0
APCs: 6
AFVs: 1 (1x SPAA track)


Men: 718
Artillery: 20
Soft Vehicles: 0
APCs: 0
AFVs: 44

Note: One German spotting plane damaged, but not downed.


Germany: 8244
GB: 843

Final Comments

Overall, this battle wasn't very complicated. Most of the heavy action involved two different groups. Obviously, the Tigers did a great deal of damage. It makes one wonder what effect a handful of Tigers would have in North Africa in late 1942, rather than mid 1943. They would have been prime targets for British aircraft, but it does make you think.

The other group that had a significant impact were the paratroops. They did much more damage than I thought they would, destroying around eight Lee I tanks and somewhere around six 6pdr ATGs. In addition to that, they were really rough on the British infantry. So much for my idea of them being just cannon fodder.

British defensive obstacles were less than usual in this battle. There actually was a gap in the main mine belt. This is surprising considering the amount of points I had to assault with. There were also fewer field fortifications than normal for an assault as well. An additional three bunkers were near the Southern edge, but those were not encountered since my assault hit along the North edge. The British were tank heavy during this battle (44). This is more than usual for a defense, but just goes to show you can't predict the AI anymore :)

I've attached the save just before I ended my last turn. Enjoy!

November 23rd, 2008, 09:38 PM
Obviously, the Tigers did a great deal of damage. It makes one wonder what effect a handful of Tigers would have in North Africa in late 1942, rather than mid 1943. They would have been prime targets for British aircraft, but it does make you think.

The Alt.history part of SP is just awesome!:D

Another well written report RERomine!