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-   -   Star Wars Mod - continued (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=37728)

Major_Mapleleaf July 9th, 2008 02:51 PM

Re: Star Wars Mod - continued
I got the MOD working, so here's a bit of feedback with what I am finding.

1. The Z-95's seem to be way more effective than the X-Wings - in ANYTHING. My Z-95's ripped a Star Destroyer to shreds in seconds while my X-Wings could barely dent a corvette in combat. It doesn't matter what I take on, the Z-95's kick ***, the X-Wings get blown out of the sky in two seconds. I think it should be the other way around.

2. Capital ships seem to be completely useless against fighters. Shouldn't they be able to mount guns that work better against fighters? I can't seem to mount many of the guns that would be useful against fighters and the Flak guns seem to be of little use, especially since I can only find one of them.

3. With the Bith fighters having the teleporting ability of the Zorg, it makes them almost unbeatable in combat. They take a few shots, jump to a new location and by the time my ships can get their guns pointed at them, their shields have gone back to full.

Anyways, I can tell you've done a lot of hard work on this mod and it is lots of fun, but I think it's a bit unbalanced in combat. Keep up the good work. If I can help with anything, let me know.

charliecooper July 18th, 2008 08:15 PM

Re: Star Wars Mod - continued
1) I didn't see anything that was preventing the X-Wings from being effective. The difference between the Z-95's and the X-Wings is a computer system and photon torpedoes, which is identical to the movies.

2) Yes, the capital ships need to be outfitted with the correct weapons to battle fighters. Some weapons can't target fighters, because the fighters are too small and fast. (I tried to make it as realistic as possible. They made similar comments during the movies.)

3) Yes, the Bith fighters are viscious in their own right. You need to kill them before their capital ships get within range.

chabex August 19th, 2008 02:47 PM

Re: Star Wars Mod - continued
Are there any progress on this mod? The crashes are really annoying and this great mod does not deserves this... I'd love to play it but I'd rather not if it freezes my sysstem... Please cure this!

charliecooper August 25th, 2008 02:45 AM

Re: Star Wars Mod - continued
Can you be specific about when it crashes?
Is it at a specific place on the map?
A specific point, when the game is loading?

Are you having other problems?

(I am not experiencing any crashes, when I play the mod.)

Dylan August 27th, 2008 08:00 PM

Re: Star Wars Mod - continued
I'm running this on a Mac, so people playing the game on Windows machines may be getting something different.

This mod freezes–-which is to say, I get the pinwheel cursor and the application becomes unresponsive, requiring a force quit-- for me when I click the "start" button in the mission selection screen. The console offers this:

8/27/08 5:48:18 PM [0x0-0x22e22e].com.digitaleel.weirdworlds[2793] ERROR: audio_loadasset can't find combat/wp_flakshot.wav
8/27/08 5:48:18 PM [0x0-0x22e22e].com.digitaleel.weirdworlds[2793] ERROR: File not found: graphics/items/s_subspace.jpg

While wp_flakshot.wav is present (I don't think it's the problem, anyway), s_subspace.jpg has gone missing. In an attempt to prevent it's deletion, I installed the mod fresh and locked every single file in the mod folder. It didn't help.

I hope this helps.

chabex August 31st, 2008 06:24 AM

Re: Star Wars Mod - continued
Charliecooper: The mod crashes just after when I pick my ship and the staff gives me the assignment...

Fiacha September 5th, 2008 12:49 AM

Re: Star Wars Mod - continued

Originally Posted by chabex (Post 635375)
Charliecooper: The mod crashes just after when I pick my ship and the staff gives me the assignment...

I found three missing files: the two identified above, plus I believe there is an error in one of the weapon graphics files. Also, there was a reference to a ter_asst hull which didn't exist which would cause a crash when a scenario tries to load. After cleaning those problems up (I just copied the flak canon sound file to the missing filename and resized the subspace thingy to 64x64 btw), I get no more errors in stderr, but now the game locks up every time I try and start the mission with the Millenium Falcon. The other two run fine it seems. I've had the thing crash once with a segmentation fault (Deploying SDL parachute) in the stderr, but I can't figure out what's causing the problem since I can't get it to generate errors now.

Fiacha September 5th, 2008 01:07 AM

Re: Star Wars Mod - continued
I stand corrected. Today it crashes every time I attempt to start a scenario, no matter what the ship. Still no errors though.

Fiacha September 5th, 2008 01:46 AM

Re: Star Wars Mod - continued
Aha! (I hope). I bumped up the numbers per the suggestion in a thread elsewhere, and I'm running again.

Thread: http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=38598

Incidentally, even running the program under IDA Pro didn't reveal anything that looked like a significant issue in the debugger.

Fiacha September 5th, 2008 02:05 AM

Re: Star Wars Mod - continued
Well that lasted exactly until I stopped and restarted WW. Now it's back to locking up again. Looking at the stdout file, it cuts off in the middle of fleet entries, so there may still be something to the numbers issue.

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