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dmm March 6th, 2001 07:30 PM

Re: Natives
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by Windborne:
how much of my technology should a level 1 culture be able to understand? There should certainly be limits or we'll all simply raise the natives up to full player status in a few turns<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
In Asimov's first Foundation novel, the planets surrounding the Foundation are still using Imperial technology but haven't a clue as to how it works. Later, the Foundation introduces more technology, but in the guise of a religion, with the hierarchy of course all being unbelieving Foundationers. (That's Asimov the Agnostic for you!)

Anyway, my point is that low-tech populations can be taught to use very high-tech stuff. (Like, 4-year-olds who can operate PCs and camcorders [and shoot guns].) Really, if you think about it, how much science and technology does the average American, European, Japanese, etc. properly understand? Heck, I'm a physicist and one of the world's smartest people http://www.shrapnelgames.com/ubb/ima...ons/icon12.gif and I don't understand most of it!

dmm March 6th, 2001 07:40 PM

Re: Natives
I forgot to say that maybe primitives shouldn't be allowed to research anything, even after being given lots of tech.

But maybe not. Who's to say that primitives wouldn't be quick studies? They might even be inherently smarter than tech-reliant races. Do you really think you're smarter than Isaac Newton, just because you've got better tech?

But some races might react strongly against tech, because of religious or cultural reasons. What if you run the risk of "infecting" your own society with a "Back to the Forests" movement or a pacifict movement? Maybe contacting primitives should have some big risks attached! What other risks might there be?

Windborne March 6th, 2001 07:46 PM

Re: Natives
One risk might be the evolution of the "Pirate races" talked about in a previous post, with their own ai, the natives take your ships, and modify their own tech to learn boarding, suddenly they are attacking your fleets and planets, co-opting them into their own little parasite-empire, entirely reliant on pillage from higher races bacause they are unable to build their own ships or even really repair yours!

Nitram Draw March 6th, 2001 07:56 PM

Re: Natives
One trait or consequence of meeting a native race might be disease. Maybe there should be an increased chance of plague for both the native and the explorer.

Lupusman March 6th, 2001 08:11 PM

Re: Natives
Wasn't there a Star Trek episode like that? Where there was a race that would force others into giving them higher technologies by, for one thing, hold Jordi hostage, but didn't really understand how to repair od produce it themselves.

dmm March 6th, 2001 08:58 PM

Re: Natives
Yes, there was just such an episode.

Relevant episodes from the classic ST:

"A Piece of the Action" -- the one with the gangsters. They were quick studies in imitating the Feds.

title unknown -- the Klingons are giving tech to the townspeople who then begin to prey on Kirk's hillpeople friends.

title unknown -- the Klingons and UFP are fighting over this planet full of primitive pacifists, who turn out to be extremely advanced.

"Spock's Brain" -- the givers of pain and delight (the women) live inside the planet while the men live outside. They are descendants of a super-advanced race, but don't understand the tech at all.

How many relevant episodes can YOU think of?

DirectorTsaarx March 6th, 2001 10:45 PM

Re: Natives
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by dmm:
title unknown -- the Klingons and UFP are fighting over this planet full of primitive pacifists, who turn out to be extremely advanced.

Ah, yes, the Organians... aka "Big Blue Light Bulbs"...

Windborne March 7th, 2001 05:57 PM

Re: Natives
Yes lots of star treck episodes deal with variations of this, or of the minor races, but the question is how to best put them in the game so they will be interesting and dynamic parts of it, not just roadkill for big empires? LOL

mac5732 March 7th, 2001 08:46 PM

Re: Natives
How about random natives, give some or all of the native races some special tech that they either start with or have capability of reaching. However, in order to obtain it you must either capture or have them join you. Then, you have the Tech only from that one planet, if for ship you can only put on ship built at that planet and you only have it so long as you control planet, if you lose planet for whatever reason, you lose tech until recaptured. This would or could make them much more important to control or fight over. just an idea Mac5732

Sirkit March 8th, 2001 03:47 AM

Re: Natives
They tried something like that in Birth of the Federation, you built a special facility and the effect was either system or empire wide, it worked pretty well unless you accidentally over did it and killed every one in the system and then it was forever lost, this made the minor races verry important because some of the structures bordered on vital to survive, such as research modifiers, the races then had to be treated carefully and the destruction of one was a loss to the entire galaxy.

The minor races had a cool little defensive mecansism, defence platforms, witch acted like really powerful ships that couldn't leave the system, ie. mines, they could make a ship hurt bad by the time it reached the planet and actually got to take over it was sometimes so weak from battle that it was repelled.

There was also something that was important though for certin Empires (ie. federation) bombarding caused revolts, while with say cardasians it 'silenced dissidents' and made the populations happier. But as a balance the feds could negotiate better so often the minor races got pulled into the empire and became 'members', really they became protectorates from the evil romulans oh noooo!

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