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Warhero March 2nd, 2017 05:12 AM

Re: 2017 release Map work
Sorry Don I meant only game generated maps, not pre-made maps. I understand if game generate let's say only 5-6 hex straight road but more than 10> is too much IMHO.


DRG March 2nd, 2017 07:46 AM

Re: 2017 release Map work
Yes, I understand you meant game generated maps. My comments applied to game generated maps. Anyone has the ability to alter the map they are offered when starting a game if they don't like it and as I said the road generation codes already have variables so roads aren't 100% east -west but the variables are required to be subtle otherwise crazy things happen and for that reason WYSIWYG

Warhero March 2nd, 2017 09:46 AM

Re: 2017 release Map work
Yeah I can accept that. It's more frustrating to see for example sand roads and asphalt roads somehow "combined" into each other about 10 or more hexes;)...


DRG March 2nd, 2017 10:00 AM

Re: 2017 release Map work

Originally Posted by Warhero (Post 837520)
Yeah I can accept that. It's more frustrating to see for example sand roads and asphalt roads somehow "combined" into each other about 10 or more hexes;)...


Yes, I know. I don't like it either but that's the roll of the dice you get sometimes...but it's still a rare occurrence and that is why we added the edit feature so if you get a map you like but it has something weird like that you can fix it.

Keep in mind we are getting the map generator to do things far more creative than it never did as SP2

Imp March 4th, 2017 07:47 PM

Re: 2017 release Map work
Maps look great you should add them to the patch, this looks like a big step forward.

Warhero with regards to roads edit them if they are to straight for your liking, occasionaly I will change the path bit more common is clear a bit place some high grass or similar then redo the road to block LOS due to minor elevation changes hinderance effects.

Imp March 4th, 2017 08:56 PM

Re: 2017 release Map work
Ha just realised patch is out sorry

DRG March 6th, 2017 04:28 PM

Re: 2017 release Map work
1 Attachment(s)
The completed Goldap, East Prussia Nov 1944 map..... just a reminder it will only work properly in a winSPww2V10 or winSPMBTv11 and up game. Extract this to your games Maps folder

Imp March 8th, 2017 07:10 AM

Re: 2017 release Map work
Thanks for the map :up:
The changes you have made to the terrain tiles are very good, things seem a lot easier to define especially when zoomed out.

Regarding the random fill tool its good for adding a bit of "colour" to the map but also very effective for modifying generated maps.

Good for placing groups of trees or gaps in dense forests.
Very handy for generating an objective like a little town.
I do a pass of dirt or some such then buildings, sometimes not quite what I want but just hit undo & do again.
Takes minutes to produce something acceptable.

DRG March 8th, 2017 08:00 AM

Re: 2017 release Map work
I'm still experimenting with it myself. The Goldap map started as a Venhola generated contour map ( I LOVE that program :up::up: and HIGHLY recommend that anyone who wants to try their hand at map making for the game learn to use..it is NOT difficult at all once you understand you need to flood fill the entire map to start with page 2, upper left button clear terrain to see the contours..(and also that you need to click maybe three or four times to make sure all the contours are placed...sometimes the game needs to "build" a hill in steps and those additional clicks ensures that is done ) then I add details based on Google map info and working from a 1940's era contour map of the area as the Town is larger now than it used to be.

Depending on just how big an area you are working on the splatter effect can be adjusted to suit the particular circumstances...an entire 200x160 map or a tiny 20x20 but I find for adding in final random details something like 8 or so for area then maybe 12 for splatter allows you to say...add random bits of red earth through a forest that can be built up with extra clicks here and there that can enhance the map.....same thing with pines.....build a forest using the regular trees then add a swath of pines building more here......less there. Or blending combinations of high grass and the other grass types with a touch of earth or red earth or the forest ground cover terrain creates a visual effect on the map that was possible in the past but would have been highly labour intensive.

I also find adding those details is best done with the map zoomed all the way out to see the "big picture" but afterwards you have to check roads for gaps but setting fill range to 2 and splatter to zero allows you to line a road with trees as trees do not paste over roads....other terrains will, but not trees which is VERY handy .

DRG March 11th, 2017 05:47 PM

Re: 2017 release Map work
This is a terrain priority list for both games as of March 2017. This is for the serious map markers who may need a reference, beyond practical experience, that show which terrains will dominate and which will be dominated by other terrains higher up the priority list.

So the first ones on the list are the lowest priority and the end of the list is the highest. There are many other terrains not listed ( trees , roads, railway for example because they are handled differently than "earth" terrains.

winSPWW2 and winSPMBT terrain priority as of March 2017

P10_TER95 - Red Earth
P11_TER81 - Earth
P12_TER63 - Red Sand
P13_TER83 - "Beach" Sand
P14_TER65 - Gray Sand

P17_TER20 - Sand
P18_TER55 - Volcanic Sand

P20_TER70PB - Dry Grass

P22_TER00 - Green Grass
P23_TER87 - Grass_2
P24_TER89 - Grass_3

P26_TER44 - Mud

P30_TER93 - Forest Groundcover

P33_TER36PB- very light snow

P42_TER70PB Winter scrub

P44_TER07 - High Grass

P46_TER14 - Sand Dune Patches
P48_TER85 - Cobblestones-Brick red
P49_TER86 - Cobblestones-Stone grey
P50_TER28 - Pavement Hex

P53_TER10 - Snow

P55_TER37 - Winter Snow Drifts
P56_TER35 - Winter light snow

P59_TER72 - Tall Dry Grass

P62_TER02 - Rough

P64_TER79 - Red Sand Rough
P65_TER18 - Sand Rough

P67_TER67 - Gray Rough

P70_TER12 - Rough Snow

P73_TER16 - Winter Swamp

P76_TER62 - Swamp 2 ( Jungle )

P79_TER05 - Swamp

P82_TER48 - Impassible Ground level

P85_TER17 - Winter Crops

P88_TER42 - Rice Paddy

P92_TER58 - Tilled Fields

P95_TER04PB - Green Crops

P98_TER33 - Yellow Grainfield

P101_TER60 - Mid Winter Fields
P102_TER04PB - Harvested Field
P103_TER74 - Crop Stubble Fields ( winter )

P109_TER78 - Winter Stream Joins

P119_TER76 - Ice
P120_TER22 - Water
P121_TER97 - Deep Water

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