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FASTBOAT TOUGH February 12th, 2011 05:31 PM

Re: Helo News game related.
Helo news:

1. SAAF having continuing problems with it's helos and decision making.


FASTBOAT TOUGH February 14th, 2011 12:15 AM

Re: Helo News game related.
Just finishing what I started yesterday in the transfer of "raw data" from the "patch thread" to the home threads. Q&A between Don and myself along with the pictures are again, as a reminder in the "Patch Thread". A perfect example here is, how about that RNZAF NH90 TH A109 helo add? Like I said you're getting it the way I presented it.

Helo News game...

I'm going to start this a little differently see APC Page 7 Post #69 for a moment, read it carefully please, then carry on. In hindsight maybe I should've polled the issue, the only response I got came from Suhiir on Post #70. But I'm taking my shot here based on the fact no one took the opportunity to "kill" the idea since I posted it, so here goes. This applies to the USMC AH-1Z, USA AH-64D BIII and Turkish T129 AKAK for now as they are new platforms. Multi-missioned and armed in one package as normally equipped configuration per the refs and pictures offered.

Here's comes the "rub" as discussed above. As this is a work in progress the "rub" is where I left off a day ago. I thought, I would find more to delete here but there's less. I have had to make some guesses here as the USMC AH-1 helos never got designated past I believe it was the AH-1T (Only one if I remember.) in the game. So I offer the following solution. The AH-1W came into service in 1985, I'm sorry but I didn't have time to track them all down and I had to check them all manually to find 1. Which were the latest AH-1W helos to establish the "bridge" to the AH-1Z? & 2. Were the AH-1Z helos entered based on the projected earlier delivery dates? I hope I did, here goes:

A1. ADD: USMC/AH-1Z VIPER/JUN 2011/C2/M 179 20mm AG w/750Rds, 8 AGM-114L LONGBOW HELLFIRE ATGW, 2 x 2.75 Laser Guided AFPKWS (LGA) 19 Shot Rocket Pods and (2 AIM-9 SIDEWINDER AAM dropping these as I now see more clearly the game limited weapons slot issue with the helos.)/ Picture below shows this configuration. Also the USA doesn't get the LGA as they dropped the program. The PDF Pocket Guide is a must here in the Protection and TSS sections in particular. Armor protection up to 23mm rounds in the rotor section and it keeps flying is substantial as an example. Recommend that TI/GSR 60, increase FC and survivability such as IR dampeners were greatly improved and armored engine surfaces (AH-1W as depicted by M3 has been modified to this standard as well.) as compared to UNITS 502 & 503 below.
Bell announces that on Sep. 24, 2010 NAVAIR deems the AH-1Z operationally ready.
Approved for full rate production Nov. 28, 2010.
As above from Bell.
Overview and I highly recommended checking out the PDF Pocket Guide in upper left for more detailed info.
Excellent info on the AH-1W and AH-1Z.
This needs addressing especially as these are tied into the TSS system above and with the AH-1W as well, just a recommendation anyway.
Deployed on AH-1W helos now. USA dropped the program the USN was smarter here to finish it, and who says we don't take care of the Marines!?! Well sometimes anyway!?!
Production ready. Accuracy to within 0.75M vice I believe the unguided accuracy was between 5M to 10M.
As above.
Posts: APC Thread Page 7; #69, Page 8; #70; #71 & 75. USMC Aircraft... thread (All threads page 3) Post #5. From this thread Page 1; Posts #1; #4; #7 &9.

Believe these to be the AH-1W and AH-1Z.

M1. MOD: USMC/AH-1/Use UNIT 502 to model the above A1. ADD AH-1Z VIPER.

D1. DELETE: USMC/AH-1/UNIT 503/ As noted above.

M2. MOD: USMC/AH-1/UNIT 501/AH-1 to AH-1W/End date from DEC 2005 to DEC 2010./

M3. MOD: USMC/AH-1/UNIT 500/AH-1 to AH-1W/JAN 2010 to DEC 2020 vice JAN 2000 to DEC 2005/This is the bridge unit to the AH-1Z as an improved AH-1W, REMEMBER as noted in the refs above most airframes are going to come from the AH-1W. These are improved above the levels as they exist in the game now and slightly "dumbed down" from the AH-1Z helos. Weapons same, TI/GSR 45-50, FC+, Protection etc. Though some improvements have started as noted not (all) will be included until these are sent to be finally fully refitted and RESET to the AH-1Z thus effectively ending the AH-1W series after 2020.

AH-1W target system upgrade.

Overview of the HELLFIRE "LONGBOW".

A2. ADD: TURKEY/T129/JUN 2012/C2/Vulcan TM197B 20mm w/500Rds, 2 x 4 SPIKE ER ATGW, 2 x 2.75 Laser Guided CIRIT 19 Shot Rocket Pods/Based on the (is) Italian A129I Helo.
The A129 "MONGOOSE" has been in service since 1989 and is battle tested most recently in IRAQ. It was chosen over the SAAF (DENAL) AH-2A ROOIVALK in the final round of completion. Turkey had to reopen it's AH Helo competition over the long delays in the AH-1Z program. Turkey opted out of that program in 2004, which was the only export customer for the AH-1Z.
Full program background.
Same as above with more technical info.
Additional order.
Maiden flight.
About Turkish CIRIT.
About Turkish ATGW LARAT.
http://www.military-today.com/helico...9_mangusta.htm First of its kind in Europe.

As noted above.
Last section covers the above.

A3. ADD: USA/APACHE AH-64D BIII/JAN 2012/C2/30mm w/1.2KRds, 8 AGM-114L LONGBOW HELLFIRE ATGW & 2 x 2.75 AFPKWS 19 Shot Rocket Pods picture provided./ The Block III takes the APACHE certainly to and beyond the levels of the AH-X COMANCHE except in the area of stealth. The advances in electronics and bandwidth are far beyond what was achieved in the 6 - 8 years since the AH-X program was killed. The debate has already started (Some a handful of years ago.) as to which is better the AH-64D Block III or AH-1Z. I'd say it's too close to call. What I don't doubt is when they come on line, 1 will be #1 and the other #2 and #2 isn't so bad when you're on the same side.

Poor mans preview.

Approves low rate production.
Overview of the HELLFIRE "LONGBOW".
Details some of the sensor issues I brought up above.

So now we say goodbye too:

D3. USA/AH-X (COMANCHE)/UNITS 274 - 276 & 916/
As noted above.

D4. ISRAEL/AH-X (COMANCHE)/UNIT 283./ As above.

A4. ADD: NEW ZEALAND/NH 90 TTH A109/JUN 2011/C3 P20/
With its roll on - roll off ramp it can also accommodate a single vehicle up to 2.5 tons. The TTH has "nap of the earth" flying ability. There is supposed to work done or being done to accommodate MG's for protection.
Breakdown of the RNZAF NH-90 program.

That's all of them and I'll work a little closer with Don on a timeline to minimize or better to spread this stuff out for the 2011 - 2012 campaign. My many thanks to all of you and Don especially for letting me get this info through up to the end when I did. This is for all the hard work that Don and Andy do and to all the rest that work hard on the OOB's out there. But it's all for naught without the players who make this worth while at least for me to do this in the first place speaking for myself at any rate. :clap: :cheers:


FASTBOAT TOUGH February 27th, 2011 03:45 PM

Re: Helo News game related.
1 Attachment(s)
News of the past week.

1. Chinese new transport helo type and lift capabilities unknown.
Pic from above source:
Attachment 10864

Notice what appears to be one of the newest AH's in the upper left. It appears to be similar to the former USA CHEYNNE AH. I have been following the development of a new AH by the Chinese that might make next years list.

Note to self track and follow for the 2011/2012 campaign.


Warwick March 7th, 2011 01:08 AM

Re: Helo News game related.
Although I can't be certain the large helo looks like a Super Frelon, it could be the AC313 which was revealed at the Zhuhai 2010 airshow which is another Super Frelon clone minus the boat-shaped fuselage bottom.


FASTBOAT TOUGH March 13th, 2011 04:28 PM

Re: Helo News game related.
News from the past week.

1. Brazil gets the UH-60L, they will replace the UH-1H helos the Panther Squadron has been operating for almost 40 years. The question here is though the ref states these are for SAR, they could be pressed into military service in theory. Does this make it a game issue if no other UH-60 helos are used by Brazil or any other country in a similiar situation?

2. USMC declares the AH-1Z operational. Note picture again supports version submitted for the game and hopefully for "slot management" the "one size fits all" discussion I presented on the patch post covering it and posts prior to that. Also para 6 breaks down the the number of AH-1W RESET conversions and how many AH-1Z helos will come from new airframes. Most AH-1W helos are currently only slightly "dumbed down" from the 1Z see the patch post refs again on this.

Follow up? :capt:


FASTBOAT TOUGH April 3rd, 2011 02:32 AM

Re: Helo News game related.
1 Attachment(s)
The news of the last week...

1. Well this week should prove interesting starting with this first item here and ending with the MBT thread. It looks like Lebanon will get some of my attention for the 2011/2012 patch campaign but thus far nothing to the extent overall of last years campaign :rolleyes:, ok I'll give it my best shot anyway and I promise no inputs for New Zealand!! ;) Based on one of the following refs (#2 a reliable source.) apparently Lebanon has no fighter aircraft at all, and will need some modification after I've done a little more research into the matter. I will assume the T-72 tanks are the T-72M1M which is the current Russian export model that Venezuela just recieved as well among other systems. But this is the Helo world and Lebanon is to or has gotten the consummate air assault helo with a carry of C3/P8 fully weaponized Mi-24 (Not Mi-35M export version.) attack helos.

Attachment 10968

2. This next is very confusing the way the article comes across. Awhile back (Last summer/early fall.) I reported that the ROOIVALK was grounded for numerous problems maintenance related. They were all to have been overhauled with updated avionics and sensor/weapons systems. I believe these are RESET birds similar to what happened with the USMC AH-1Z birds. If the article stands as is we got this bird wrong in the game, however I'm standing by the RESET issue until I prove myself wrong. See earlier posts on the the ROOIVALK in this thread. This is normally a very reliable source.

3. The CH-53K will be ready for the CORPS operationally by 2018. This helo will replace the heavy lift CH-53E SUPER STALLION and will be called the SUPER DUPER STALLION when fielded. Alright just seeing if you were paying attention out there!?! :shock:
Please note stats at the bottom this is a major improvement to the CH-53E.

4. HELLFIRE II ROMEO almost ready as it reaches another milestone.

Well I'm off to bed enjoy the rest of your weekends as mine has just begun, guten nacht! Got to keep some people honest and Mom would be so proud!?!


FASTBOAT TOUGH April 5th, 2011 11:34 AM

Re: Helo News game related.
Just wanted to clear up the ROOIVALK story from the previous post item #2. As I suspected they were and are still being RESET to include a new ATGW, improved FC, night fighting capabilities, TI/GSR and avionics. In total over 130 modifications were made. All ROOIVALK helos will be RESET before years end.

On the list for follow up for the 2011/2012 campaign :capt:


Suhiir April 6th, 2011 01:03 PM

Re: Helo News game related.

Originally Posted by FASTBOAT TOUGH (Post 774827)
3. The CH-53K will be ready for the CORPS operationally by 2018. This helo will replace the heavy lift CH-53E SUPER STALLION and will be called the SUPER DUPER STALLION when fielded. Alright just seeing if you were paying attention out there!?! :shock:
Please note stats at the bottom this is a major improvement to the CH-53E.


Dang !
Apparently the info I'd gotten on the CH-53K (lord knows when I got it, worked on the OOB for like 3 years) was dead wrong as I had them available in 1996.
Probably a classic case of intended upgrade delayed by funding.
Thanks Pat !

FASTBOAT TOUGH April 25th, 2011 02:51 PM

Re: Helo News game related.
News of the LW+:

1. The GAO determines the money well spent for the CH-53K.

2. More on HELLFIRE II and variants.

3. Russia to bring back the Mi-35AH, it appears Russia's military has been impressed with the performance of the Mi-35M that it's ordered it's own which are more advanced then the current versions they have flying now, among other helo news in the ref.


FASTBOAT TOUGH May 10th, 2011 12:33 AM

Re: Helo News game related.
News of the LW+

1. USAF looking to retire it's UH-1 helos, yes that's correct the UH-1. Wait until you read where they're using them, that was a surprise to me!

2. USAF helo acquisition strategy.

3. Australian DOD puts the brakes on the MRH-90 helo. The MH-90 series helos have had problems along the same lines in Europe as well.

4. USA retires the last UH-1 helos serving in Europe.

5. So how about those stealthy MH-60 BLACKHAWKs? Well there might be some concerns that China is going to have a look as reported in our mainstream media as well, before we get our parts back.


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