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Smersh May 17th, 2006 03:30 AM

German Biased?
I don't want to argue whether its ethical or not to play as the Germany Army during world war 2. This seems to come up a lot. and people seem to love playing as the "romantic" whermacht. but one thing I noticed in SPWW2, is a clear emphasis on the German Army in scenarios. relative to the amount of German scenarios in lets say WAW or even MBT (yes, not about ww2).

I would say conservatively that 60-75% the 330 something scenarios are to be played as the German Army. Then you have some American army, and Royal army scenarios, and a handful of Red army ones. This nearly ignores and de-emphasizes the other biggest players in the War.

What do you guys think of this?

Mobhack May 17th, 2006 04:54 AM

Re: German Biased?
There is no inherent German "bias" in the game.

However, scenarios come from outside designers and hence tend to emphasise their preferences. And also - references. There is much more written work available for designers to base research on the Germans, or battles involving them as the enemy after all. Not so much available about (say) the Vichy French versus Allies in Syria.

One idea Don and I were thinking about was to get a series of "lunch hour" scenarios together, i.e. short but interesting (maybe 10-12 turns, probably on small maps) as perhaps too many of the more involved or even "monster" type was in the current mix. That might just be a place to investigate the "smaller" countries and/or little known conflicts of WW2.

As this is scenario related - it probably would have been better in the scenarios sub-forum, but I will leave it here for general discussion.

It may be an idea to start off a separate thread there along the lines of "what sort of scenarios would you like to see developed" in there later, maybe as a poll once any general ideas were thrashed out here. Everyone coould then vote for front, infantry heavy or tank-heavy etc etc.

But I would bet that the Great Patriotic Anti-Fascist War theatre of the conflict would predominate, as I believe many players would gravitate to the area with the "biggest kewlest tanks"? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif.


(sorry if the above is a bit rambling, but have just allowed myself an all-nighter playing Sims 2 and am just about to crash http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Pyros May 17th, 2006 05:39 AM

Re: German Biased?


From the scenario designer's point of view, what really matters is how much challenging is a scenario and how many on-line resources the designer may easily find available.

So, I don't really think that there is a point to discuss this issue any further.

But I will tell you three things in order to help you understand that there isn't any pro-German conspiracy among the designers:

1. Currently I am participating in two campaign projects (Anzac WW2 campaign and the Warsaw Uprising 1944; from the Poles POV)
2. My last scenario was Greece against the Italians 1940 (played as the Greeks)
3. Finally, I suggest you to take a look at the Campaign questionnaire and see yourself what is the choice of the audience.

Campaign questionnaire


Smersh May 17th, 2006 12:45 PM

Re: German Biased?
I'm fairly satisfied with your replys. I did look at the questtionaire, and perferred nation for campigns was 33% germany and 30% USSR, yet there isn't a single Red army campign.
I'm not trying to blame anyone or call it a conspiracy, but there is clearly an un-intentional bais towards the germans.

Cameronius May 17th, 2006 01:29 PM

Re: German Biased?
There was a good Red Army Campaign in the original SP. Poland 1944, I think it was?

Panzermeyer May 17th, 2006 01:30 PM

Re: German Biased?
I don't really think it's an unintentional bias. The Germans and all their cool WWII hardware are what sells war games. The game is called steel PANTHERS not steel SHERMANS. It's based on a couple of old board games called PANZER leader and PANZER blitz. They're just giving the people what they want.

wulfir May 17th, 2006 01:31 PM

Re: German Biased?

Smersh said:
What do you guys think of this?

All in all I think the majority of players find the Germans the most "interesting"...

My own favourite topic is the Polish army 39-45 but sources are hard to find..., for the German, American, and British armies it's much, much easier finding good, detailed sources...

I've also taken an interest in the French army, particulary the battles of 1940 (but finding translated stuff is hard - it's mostly Sedan, Arras, Dunkirk...)

serg3d May 17th, 2006 03:10 PM

Re: German Biased?
My favorite are Russians. They have a lot of cool tanks too, especially before Barbarossa, and after 1944. And KV-2 monstrocity, single tank capble with veteran crew to stop 1941 panzer division. Unit wich can be used as artillery, infantry support and assault tank. I want to play Chinese Communists and Nationalists too later. BTW do Chinese Communists have Red Pikes (mlee only) units ?

Smersh May 17th, 2006 03:13 PM

Re: German Biased?

Panzermeyer said:
I don't really think it's an unintentional bias... They're just giving the people what they want.

like I said, the USSR according the survey on this site is perferred by 30% of the people who voted, Germans recieving only 3% more. again, no Red Army campign, and very little scenarios compared to "demand". people clearly want some Soviet scenarios and campigns

Panzermeyer May 17th, 2006 03:30 PM

Re: German Biased?
I think that vote would come out much differently if people were only allowed one choice each.

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