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Talrivian June 19th, 2011 11:15 PM

Holy Nooby Rage! [Started]
1 Attachment(s)
I am starting up a new newb game. I would like players to have at least 1 game under their belt, but first timers are welcome too!

Age: Early Age
Map: Parganos (Llama's fix) (parganos_llama.map and parganos_llama.tga)
Hosting: 24 Hours and quickhost
Mods: None
Graphs: Off
Independents Strength: 7
Hall of Fame Entries: 15
Renaming: Allowed
Victory Condition: Last player standing, or until players agree who is the winner.
Diplomacy: All is fair in love and war!
Players: 8
Banned items: Items that generate gems or blood slaves, such as clams. (They turn the game into a cheese fest. Sorry, but perpetual energy breaks one of the fundemental rules of the universe, and thus the game.)

Please stay in the game until the end. If you have to leave, please let me know so that I can find a substitute to replace you.

The game is being hosted on llamaserver.net. Here is the link:


When the new patch is released, I am going to ask that everyone send in their turns using the 3.26 patch until llamaserver.net updates to 3.27. When llamaserver.net updates, it will send back the turns with 3.27 patch, and you should update to 3.27 to continue playing!


Talrivian - Hinnom
LongBrodie - Niefelheim
Thanatus del Dragos - Fomoria
Umsolfunolanis - Atlantis
Kuketski - Mictlan
Mojo the Avenger - Abysia
yugi24862 - Marveni
Korwin - Lanka

LongBrodie June 19th, 2011 11:16 PM

Re: Holy Nooby Rage! [Recruiting]

Thanatus del Dragos June 20th, 2011 12:04 AM

Re: Holy Nooby Rage! [Recruiting]

Talrivian June 20th, 2011 12:53 AM

Re: Holy Nooby Rage! [Recruiting]
Welcome Thanatus del Dragos!

Umsolfunolanis June 20th, 2011 06:43 AM

Re: Holy Nooby Rage! [Recruiting]
Hello, I would be happy to join as Atlantis. Will be my first game MP.
I have read a lot about CBM. I use it in Singleplayer. Any chance of playing with it in this game??

kuketski June 20th, 2011 07:44 AM

Re: Holy Nooby Rage! [Recruiting]
i want to join as Lanka!

Talrivian June 20th, 2011 12:05 PM

Re: Holy Nooby Rage! [Recruiting]

Originally Posted by Umsolfunolanis (Post 779178)
Hello, I would be happy to join as Atlantis. Will be my first game MP.
I have read a lot about CBM. I use it in Singleplayer. Any chance of playing with it in this game??

Sorry Umsolfunolanis, but this game will not be using the CBM mod. CBM changes MANY things about the game, and I believe it is better for a new player to get used to the vanilla version first before deciding which one to play.

While CBM does make some nice changes, it also makes many changes that I do not agree with and that I consider very subjective and absurd and that have NOTHING to do with balance. Therefore, in my hosted games, I will not be using the CBM mod.

I believe that while some of the races have an advantage in tactical options, and it is easier for them to develop a powerful strategy, all races can still be viable in Vanilla. They just need an intelligent player to find something good about them.

By the way, I am changing some rules for this game, so read the first post again to see if you agree or disagree with the changes.

Umsolfunolanis June 20th, 2011 12:54 PM

Re: Holy Nooby Rage! [Recruiting]
Ok, im fine with vanilla. Im in.

Mojo the Avenger June 20th, 2011 09:51 PM

Re: Holy Nooby Rage! [Recruiting] 5/8 Players
I'd like to play. Abysia.

kuketski June 21st, 2011 01:18 AM

Re: Holy Nooby Rage! [Recruiting] 6/8 Players
i havent played vanilla SP for a month or two, need to rebalance my pretender and starting build before we start.
Can i change nation if i wont be satisfied with vanilla monkey-demons?

Talrivian June 21st, 2011 01:33 AM

Re: Holy Nooby Rage! [Recruiting] 6/8 Players
Of course, no problem.

kuketski June 21st, 2011 01:13 PM

Re: Holy Nooby Rage! [Recruiting] 6/8 Players
After thinking about nations and pretenders, i`ve decided to switch my nation choise to R`lieh so that our Atlantis mate wont be lonely in sea =)

Umsolfunolanis June 21st, 2011 01:50 PM

Re: Holy Nooby Rage! [Recruiting] 6/8 Players
From the deepest crevices of the sea I see evil tidings arise.
A lonely place the sea should be..
and never two pretenders may dwell there free!

kuketski June 21st, 2011 02:51 PM

Re: Holy Nooby Rage! [Recruiting] 6/8 Players
Atlantians make nice slaves...once lobotomized!

There can be only one sea pretender!

p.s lets hope we dont start in water province on east, thats surrounded by land!

yugi24862 June 21st, 2011 03:53 PM

Re: Holy Nooby Rage! [Recruiting] 6/8 Players
I'll join as Marveni. The map seems a bit big though, with 6 land nations on 220 provinces! Thats almost 36 provinces per land player, which seems a bit big to me. Mabye we could move to a smaller map like The Desert Eye?

Mojo the Avenger June 21st, 2011 04:28 PM

Re: Holy Nooby Rage! [Recruiting] 6/8 Players
I assume gem generators are fair game?

Talrivian June 21st, 2011 04:56 PM

Re: Holy Nooby Rage! [Recruiting] 6/8 Players
I'll look at the maps when I get home, and choose one that's smaller, or I can increase the amount of players to 10.

Also, if you read the first post, you'll see that I said no gem generators. They ruin the game, and turn it into a stupid cheese fest.

Mojo the Avenger June 21st, 2011 05:14 PM

Re: Holy Nooby Rage! [Recruiting] 7/8 Players
Oh I completely missed that. Awesome. I wasn't looking forward to that part of vanilla.

kuketski June 22nd, 2011 01:56 AM

Re: Holy Nooby Rage! [Recruiting] 7/8 Players
if you consider taking smaller map, plz keep in mind that we have 2 aquatic nations and that big bad Atlantis already sharpens his teeth predatorily looking at my poor innocent mind slaving nation!

If water will be too tight for us two, one of us will be forced to march on land!

P.S. Umsolfunolanis and all other participants, plz turn on private messaging!

kuketski June 22nd, 2011 06:11 AM

Re: Holy Nooby Rage! [Recruiting] 7/8 Players
After some calculations i come to decision, that if Talrivian will pick an other map with small sea area, ill play Mictlan.

in small sea area i`ll have to fight Umsolfunolanis from the very start or else we`ll be falling behind in territory. And if battle occures, whoever wins will be weakened and still falling behind.

Umsolfunolanis June 22nd, 2011 07:46 AM

Re: Holy Nooby Rage! [Recruiting] 7/8 Players
Cowering in fear allready? The sea belongs to Atlantis either way...

Since im fairly new to Dominions I have a question about gem generators. Will they be blocked so I cant accidentaly forge them or do I have to pay attention to that?
Are we talking about any artifact that produces gems?

Korwin June 22nd, 2011 07:57 AM

Re: Holy Nooby Rage! [Recruiting] 7/8 Players
Not shure if I count as Newbie. What definition is used in this game?
If its, never won an game, I count. And would choose Lanka (or Sauromantia).

Edit: There are items who generate blood slaves? Or is the sanguine rod meant?

kuketski June 22nd, 2011 08:18 AM

Re: Holy Nooby Rage! [Recruiting] 7/8 Players
Fear?? Ha! I just dont want to sit in a murky puddle after you run to land, shivering in fear that remaining of your underlings will fall before might of my commander`s mind!

I`d like a nice water space, lets say 1/4 of provinces, as there are 2 aquatic nations of 8! What fo you think?

Talrivian June 22nd, 2011 11:40 AM

Re: Holy Nooby Rage! [Recruiting] 8/8 Players
Ok! Some changes!

The map has been changed to Parganos (Llama's fix). I have uploaded the map as an attachment on to the first post of this thread.

Kuketski: You have been changed to Mictlan.
Korwin: You are our eigth player!

When I say no gem generation items, I mean exactly that:

No items that generate gems passively every turn. An example would be "clams", which generate astral pearls, and "fever fetishes", which generate fire gems.

There is no way that I can disable these items, so I will just expect everyone to abide by these rules through an honor system.

Since I will be the administrator for this game, I will have the power to enforce rules against exploits by use of the Master Admin Password, which will let me remove any cheating players from the game. Of course, I will not abuse this power without a vote from all of the other players first.

So, if there are no objections, let's begin this game! Start designing your pretenders, download the map, and upload them so that we can get this show on the road! The name of the game on llamaserver.net is the same as this forum thread:


Mojo the Avenger June 22nd, 2011 01:13 PM

Re: Holy Nooby Rage! [Recruiting] 8/8 Players
Is this the same version currently linked from llama's maps and mods browser?

Talrivian June 22nd, 2011 01:25 PM

Re: Holy Nooby Rage! [Recruiting] 8/8 Players
Not the one at the top of the list, no. It's the one listed at the bottom of the list. But the link there is broken, so I uploaded it here.

It is REALLY confusing because there are like 341,438,943,488versions of that map floating around.

If you guys want, wait for me to message llamabeast so that I can figure out which version is the correct one.

Mojo the Avenger June 22nd, 2011 01:32 PM

Re: Holy Nooby Rage! [Recruiting] 8/8 Players
It's fine I'll download yours. I just don't have a .7z program on my computer and grumble grumble whine whine

Talrivian June 22nd, 2011 02:25 PM

Re: Holy Nooby Rage! [Recruiting] 8/8 Players
Ok, I just found out that you don't need the .map file, only the image file. So, just download the zip file that I attached to the post, and upload your pretenders!

kuketski June 23rd, 2011 04:58 AM

Re: Holy Nooby Rage! [Submitting Pretenders] 8/8 Players
Nice! I`ll add link t our game just in case


Ill upload my pretender in 7 hours! And lest dip the world in blood!

Mojo the Avenger June 23rd, 2011 09:59 AM

Re: Holy Nooby Rage! [Submitting Pretenders] 8/8 Players
Any chance we could get that link in the OP for convenience?

Talrivian June 23rd, 2011 10:06 AM

Re: Holy Nooby Rage! [Submitting Pretenders] 8/8 Players

Mojo the Avenger June 23rd, 2011 04:41 PM

Re: Holy Nooby Rage! [Submitting Pretenders] 8/8 Players
anyone else submit like six different pretenders?

kuketski June 24th, 2011 01:26 AM

Re: Holy Nooby Rage! [Submitting Pretenders] 8/8 Players
We`re waiting for

LongBrodie - Niefelheim
Thanatus del Dragos - Fomoria

LongBrodie and Thanatus del Dragos, plz, upload your pretenders!

LongBrodie June 24th, 2011 02:14 AM

Re: Holy Nooby Rage! [Submitting Pretenders] 8/8 Players
Sorry for the delay. I work rotating 12 hour shifts and I was totally pooped this week. I like to take my time with pretender design (I have an unusual design for Niefelheim this time around) and I just didn't have the time or energy or really get into it until now... But now I'm done and ready to go! :D

kuketski June 24th, 2011 07:44 AM

Re: Holy Nooby Rage! [Submitting Pretenders] 8/8 Players
I`ve just recieved first turn! GAME STARTED!!!

Talrivian June 24th, 2011 12:26 PM

Re: Holy Nooby Rage! [Submitting Pretenders] 8/8 Players
Good luck to everyone!!!

kuketski June 24th, 2011 01:42 PM

Re: Holy Nooby Rage! [Submitting Pretenders] 8/8 Players
Talrivian, could you turn on Reminder e-mails?
it can be very handy to fasten turn sendings!

Talrivian June 24th, 2011 02:09 PM

Re: Holy Nooby Rage! [Submitting Pretenders] 8/8 Players
No problem, done!

And the verb should be "quicken", not "fasten". "Fasten" means to attach something or make something secure, like a seat belt or a harness, or maybe a hair pin.


llamabeast June 24th, 2011 06:26 PM

Re: Holy Nooby Rage! [Started]

While CBM does make some nice changes, it also makes many changes that I do not agree with and that I consider very subjective and absurd and that have NOTHING to do with balance
Since I have recently taken over maintaining the CBM mod, I would love to hear what you don't like about it. The aim is for it to be both good and unobjectionable (if that is possible!).

Talrivian June 24th, 2011 07:50 PM

Re: Holy Nooby Rage! [Started]
Llamabeast, I have sent you a private message.

Korwin June 25th, 2011 04:17 AM

Re: Holy Nooby Rage! [Started]

Originally Posted by llamabeast (Post 779368)

While CBM does make some nice changes, it also makes many changes that I do not agree with and that I consider very subjective and absurd and that have NOTHING to do with balance
Since I have recently taken over maintaining the CBM mod, I would love to hear what you don't like about it. The aim is for it to be both good and unobjectionable (if that is possible!).

The reason why I don't sign up on CBM games, is the many many undocumendet changes.
I am still grappling with vanilla, here at least I can look it up.
The other reason for not liking CBM is: it changes so fast.

Mojo the Avenger June 25th, 2011 10:03 AM

Re: Holy Nooby Rage! [Started]
llamaserver didnt send me my second .trn

Talrivian June 25th, 2011 11:05 AM

Re: Holy Nooby Rage! [Started]
Mojo, I am having the server send your turn again. If you ever need to, you can go to the game on llamaserver.net and click on "request turn resend".

I have postponed the automatic hosting by 8 hours to give you time.

Mojo the Avenger June 25th, 2011 11:11 AM

Re: Holy Nooby Rage! [Started]
Thanks a lot. Don't worry about postponing it though. I'm playing my turn right now.

Korwin June 25th, 2011 11:12 AM

Re: Holy Nooby Rage! [Started]
Me too, use the resend option: http://www.llamaserver.net/doAdminAc...&action=resend

Edit: Ups, Ninjaed

kuketski June 27th, 2011 08:30 AM

Re: Holy Nooby Rage! [Started]
Looks like Thanatus del Dragos is stalling...

He`s stalling in NewPlayersRumble game too, where im admin =(

Korwin June 28th, 2011 02:32 PM

Re: Holy Nooby Rage! [Started]
Sub, AI or restart?

The Kurgan June 28th, 2011 03:23 PM

Re: Holy Nooby Rage! [Started]
If you decide to restart, I would like to be your 8th. I am in two other MP games that are on the early turns and I get my turns right in. I only have a short internet blackout this weekend for about 36 hours visiting relatives. :p

If you decide you want a sub after 4 turns for Fomoria, I will have to think on that (since I am not a fan of Fomoria).

Just let me know. :)

Talrivian June 28th, 2011 11:07 PM

Re: Holy Nooby Rage! [Started]
If he stales anymore, I will set him to AI. Or the Kurgan can sub.

kuketski June 29th, 2011 07:20 AM

Re: Holy Nooby Rage! [Started]

Originally Posted by Talrivian (Post 779524)
If he stales anymore, I will set him to AI. Or the Kurgan can sub.

Looks like Thanatus is back!

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