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Kristoffer O August 23rd, 2007 12:36 PM

Games per player poll
I got curious again. In the MP threads it is evident that most players join more than one game. I am involved in only one, and it takes a lot of time (me being a micromanager). I got curious and wondered how many games people sign up for?

As a side question I started to wonder how much time people spend on their turns.

Baalz August 23rd, 2007 01:04 PM

Re: Games per player poll
Well, I'm in 5 games ATM: Perpetuality, Dolphin, Allegiances, Sophistry, and Nuance. Sounds like a lot, but in general only one or two of my games at any given time requires a lot of attention, for instance right now here's roughly how long it takes me to do a turn:

Perpetuality (just hitting late game): 45-60 mins
Nuance (latish-mid game): 30 mins
Sophistry (mid game): 15 mins
Allegiances & Dolphin (early game): 5-10 mins

The time I put in varies a lot depending on how busy I am with other stuff. Sometimes I'll rush through a turn, just taking care of the urgent stuff, sometimes I'll go back and pour over a turn several times (when I'm waiting for a host http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif ). Since the host schedule is usually close to 2 days (late games usually get pushed to 3), I'm only playing each game roughly every other day and some days I don't do dominions at all. I very generally try to stagger it so I'm not in more than one or two late games at a time, figuring I'll be eliminated in some of the games before I get there.

Velusion August 23rd, 2007 01:10 PM

Re: Games per player poll
I spend 3+ hours usually on my Perp turn (LA Ermor late game + lots of diplomacy) but much less on the other games.

Shovah32 August 23rd, 2007 01:24 PM

Re: Games per player poll
If time spent includes discussion, planning, diplomacy and general time thinking about the games then I dont think there is a high enough time category listed for me http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif.
Too bad for me time spent never seems to equal skill achieved http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif.

Meglobob August 23rd, 2007 01:51 PM

Re: Games per player poll
I am in 3 games at the mo, by mid game I spend an 1+ on my turns.

At my dominions playing peak I was in 8 games! Errr I was at my most addicted then, not recommended... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Lazy_Perfectionist August 23rd, 2007 02:04 PM

Re: Games per player poll
What precisely is mid game, and why isn't there a choice for 'haven't made it to mid game'?

Jaguar, Chupacabra- kilt. Am only still in Smoky thanks to an early ally against the giants.

I am actually in a late game or two... but I don't keep track of quite how long it takes. I should...

Outrider may be mid game for most players, but considering that I have trouble holding onto six provinces against 800 troops of R'lyeh, and the only real command decision I have to make is where to put my super combatant pretender.

Salamander8 August 23rd, 2007 02:21 PM

Re: Games per player poll
I'm currently in 2 games, I was in 4 at one point though. Perpetuality and Chinchilla are the 2 I am currently in and I tend to spend a lot of time on my Perp turns. I log on frequently to tweak my turn several times before being satisfied.

Gandalf Parker August 23rd, 2007 03:06 PM

Re: Games per player poll
I hold mine down since I also am a micro-manager

Baalz August 23rd, 2007 03:38 PM

Re: Games per player poll
Heh, yeah, the time I list is just the time I'm sitting with the application open giving orders...I spend probably that much again in diplomacy and contemplation. But I can do that in my slack time at work and commuting, so it doesn't count! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

jutetrea August 23rd, 2007 03:50 PM

Re: Games per player poll
Mid-late LA TC ~ 1hr in Perp (48 hr host), getting beat on so limited options
Mid-late MA Pan ~ .5hr in Newbies (48 hr host), getting beat on so limited options
Mid-late MA Mict ~ .5-1hr in Epic Heroes (48 hr host), pretty limited option nation

Mid unlucky is pretty much over (you can reset if you need GP), but for late game EA TC it was about 2 hrs/turn including tweaks.

Xietor August 23rd, 2007 04:09 PM

Re: Games per player poll
I am presently in 3 mp games:

Alpaca-MA Pangaea
Big Game-MA Ctis
Epic Heroes-MA Shinuyama

Alpaca is late game. Five players left, and total war is about to ensue. So that game will be over i think in next 15-20 turns. I spend 30 minutes a turn. Not much diplomacy left.

Epic Heroes-Game is on turn 50 or so. I spend 10 minutes per turn. My war is going smoothly. Little diplomacy.

Big Game-turn 60ish. I spend about 1 hour per turn, and maybe another hour doing diplomacy. By far more time spent on this game than the other 2 combined.

But being at war with 5 people tends to require your "A" game for survival.

After Alpaca wraps up, I will not join another game, though I may sub some. I think 2 games is my new max.

But I do plan another flurry of work on the Epic Heroes Mod after that game wraps up, then hosting one more Epic Heroes Mod game, before releasing the final version of it.

atul August 23rd, 2007 04:28 PM

Re: Games per player poll
I'm playing in Perpetuality and Hydrant. And two is as much as it goes for me, I don't even know why I took up the second game while still going strong in Perp.

I answered 30 minutes which is way too small for time I use with Perp. On the other hand, I can't consider that a representative example since I've never had that big an empire - and I doubt I will soon have another chance. I'm just glad the game's going 72 hours soon...

PashaDawg August 23rd, 2007 08:36 PM

Re: Games per player poll
You're in HYDRANT because it looked like way too much fun, and I begged. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

Warhammer August 24th, 2007 01:44 AM

Re: Games per player poll
I am in two currently, and I think that is my max. Two games takes plenty of time for me.

Szumo August 24th, 2007 04:05 AM

Re: Games per player poll
I'm in 4 games atm:
Nuance - late mid game
Jaguar - early late game, only 3 human players left
DoomChicken - early game
Perpetuality - late game

Generally, i'm trying to keep between 3 and 4 games running, with no more than two in mid or late stage. I don't micromanage often, so i can keep early game time per turn to 5-10 minutes including diplomacy, mid late game time to 15 minutes to 45 minutes a day (per game) including diplomacy.
That assumes 24h timers - most games go to slower timer once in middle stage so that's a turn per 2 days usually.

Ferrosol August 24th, 2007 06:39 AM

Re: Games per player poll
I am in four games at the moment

Hydrant- Early/mid game
Dolphin- Early/mid game
Mods over Europe- Mid game
BARK- Mid to late game

Sombre August 24th, 2007 07:13 AM

Re: Games per player poll
I'm in 2 games.

NeoXenkinima and Mods over Europe.

I'll probably be in a third game when lch returns.

sum1lost August 24th, 2007 02:17 PM

Re: Games per player poll
About 15-30 minutes for a jaguar turn: Early late game, for two of the players. Third will get a nasty surprise if his research doesn't pick up soon.

About 15 minutes for a chinchilla game. I'd say its in its late-mid stages, for two players. Everyone else is really just entering middle (few summons/powerful evocations)

About 5 minutes for my other games. (Chupucabra and Mara).

Lazy_Perfectionist August 24th, 2007 02:37 PM

Re: Games per player poll
I will say my turns are longer before bed and quicker after a nights rest. A good half-hour of time is easily eaten up by indecision after a long day's work. I'd say in midgame, on an 8 player map, micromanagement doesn't take that long, as much as deciding whether and when to break a siege.

Though I don't know if you can call it midgame when I've got Earth Blood Deep Well (agartha) and have a large golem army, R'lyeh has Forge of the Ancients, and Pythium has elemental royalty. And thats only with regards to my immediate neighbors and myself. Not many nations have been eliminated (2, 3), but at least a couple have gone AI as well, so the threat level is lower and the tech level is higher.

DrPraetorious August 24th, 2007 05:37 PM

Re: Games per player poll
I am in:

Allegiances - Mid Era Team Game
Perpetuality - Big Game
Sophistry - EA Game
ModsOverEurope - Mod Test Game

But my sinister influence extends much farther, with tendrils of malice buried deep in the black, secret heart of every player in every game, whispering obscene blandishments of hatred and betrayal.

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