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-   -   SCENARIOS! (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=24783)

DRG July 10th, 2005 05:01 PM

Use this thread to post new scenarios for the game. Use another tread to discuss them please. This will make finding new ones easier for everyone


Skirmisher July 15th, 2005 10:00 PM

The Pesh Merga Company --New Scenerio--WinSPMBT
1 Attachment(s)

Here is the new one folks. Go forth and conquer. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

I playtested this several times and it is winable,just got a marginal victory on my last try.

DRG July 15th, 2005 10:47 PM

Re: The Pesh Merga Company --New Scenerio--WinSPMB
You should be OK now. I had the thread locked


Skirmisher July 16th, 2005 01:17 AM

Re: The Pesh Merga Company --New Scenerio--WinSPMB
Thanks for moving it over.

MacGalin August 4th, 2005 06:39 AM

Road to Poznan - New Scenerio--WinSPMBT
1 Attachment(s)
Okay, here's my first serious scenario to be posted... Poland vs. Germany, June 1996. Enjoy.

Edit: Just fixed a artilery bug, uploaded corrected mission.

Pergite August 5th, 2005 10:03 AM

\"Sudanese Surprise\"
1 Attachment(s)

Slot 250 "Sudanese Surprise"

The situation is still bleak, but finally the UN has begun to show some presence. This scenario takes place later this atumn in and around a newly constructed military camp in the Sudanese country side.

You are acting camp commander and have just finnished an interview wiht a BBC news team when all hell breaks lose...

This is a small scale engagemnt that will last 20 turns.
1. Defend the refugees
2. Rescue the reporters
3. Defend the camp

Please enjoy!

MacGalin August 15th, 2005 06:53 AM

\"Old enemies\" France vs Germany, 2011
1 Attachment(s)
Here's the new one."Old enemies", meeting engagement between France and Germany.

wulfir September 4th, 2005 03:04 PM

New set of scenarios
1 Attachment(s)
- MBT Scenario Batch A -

This zip contains a number of scenarios for winSPMBT.
Most of them are large and will likely be demanding to the average player.

You have been warned. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/smirk.gif


150 The Cornered Rat 9/05

151 Ukrainian Crisis 2/05

152 Paradrop 8/05

153 Stirring the Hornets Nest 10/05

154 Kachanik Defile 6/99

155 Destined to Defeat 7/98

156 Hour of Doom 10/91

157 Incursion 7/85

158 Hungarian Storm 9/91

159 Ambitions of the Neighbours

160 Cry Havoc 6/98

161 To Settle the Score 8/05

162 Socialist Duel 3/80

163 The Belgian Wall 8/89

164 Into the Mouth of Hell 8/89

165 Issue in Doubt 8/89

166 Norwegian Battlefield 8/89

167 Grosspetersdorf 8/89

168 The Defence of Dobbiaco 9/89

169 Against the Red Flood 9/89

170 Consider Yourself a Hero 8/89

171 Battle for the Beachhead 8/89

172 Follow on forces Attack 9/89

173 Bulgarian Assault 8/89

174 Relentless Advance 9/89

DRG September 4th, 2005 11:39 PM

Re: New set of scenarios *DELETED* *DELETED* *DELETED* *DELETED* *DELETED*
Post deleted by DRG

wulfir September 5th, 2005 09:57 AM

Re: New set of scenarios *DELETED*
Post deleted by DRG

DRG September 5th, 2005 11:52 AM

Re: New set of scenarios

wulfir said:

By all means, feel free to include any senario(s) you like. Let me know if there's somehting that needs fixing.

I can of course send the maps too, if they would be of any interest.


The scenarios will get a much wider audience in the patch

This would be better discussed off list but I will need them renumbered starting at 118. I also need you to add the slot number to the front of each title so your first one that is in Slot 150 now needs to be set up in slot 118 and read

118 The Cornered Rat 9/05

This puts all the scenarios in the same format

Your slot numbers for your scenarios would be 118- 142 and yes, the maps would be great as well. Slot 214 will be your first slot number for any maps you send

Send me an email off list. I will need this by the end of the week at the very latest. If this is a problem let me know. I would do most of this myself but this week my time is very limited

You may want to fix the text in the last scenario and change Bulgaria to East Germany http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif


MacGalin September 6th, 2005 03:14 AM

Re: New set of scenarios
Umm... wouldn't it be better to have this discussion in new topic, and leave Scenarios! topic only to post new files? It will be easier for the new users to find new stuff this way...

Anyway, some of these scenarios look great, Wulfir. I can't wait for the weekend to play them http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif.

DRG September 6th, 2005 09:42 AM

Re: New set of scenarios

MacGalin said:
Umm... wouldn't it be better to have this discussion in new topic, and leave Scenarios! topic only to post new files? It will be easier for the new users to find new stuff this way...

Anyway, some of these scenarios look great, Wulfir. I can't wait for the weekend to play them http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif.

Yes it would have. That's why I said "This would be better discussed off list " in the first place but Ulf didn't post his email address and it looks like by shrapnel one isn't forwarding my mail. When we are done I will delete these posts and it will be all nice and neat again


wulfir September 6th, 2005 01:19 PM

Re: New set of scenarios

DRG said:
Send me an email off list.

Righto, scenarios and maps moved to the assigned slots. Scenario and map names changed to include slot number.
Bulgaria replaced with East Germany for the last scenario. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Should I upload them here, I've tried the drg sharapnel email but I can't get through. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/image...s/confused.gif

My own email is wulfir@yahoo.com.

Artur September 6th, 2005 05:23 PM

Re: New set of scenarios

wulfir said:
- MBT Scenario Batch A -

This zip contains a number of scenarios for winSPMBT.
Most of them are large and will likely be demanding to the average player.

You have been warned. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/smirk.gif


150 The Cornered Rat 9/05

151 Ukrainian Crisis 2/05

152 Paradrop 8/05

153 Stirring the Hornets Nest 10/05

154 Kachanik Defile 6/99

155 Destined to Defeat 7/98

156 Hour of Doom 10/91

157 Incursion 7/85

158 Hungarian Storm 9/91

159 Ambitions of the Neighbours

160 Cry Havoc 6/98

161 To Settle the Score 8/05

162 Socialist Duel 3/80

163 The Belgian Wall 8/89

164 Into the Mouth of Hell 8/89

165 Issue in Doubt 8/89

166 Norwegian Battlefield 8/89

167 Grosspetersdorf 8/89

168 The Defence of Dobbiaco 9/89

169 Against the Red Flood 9/89

170 Consider Yourself a Hero 8/89

171 Battle for the Beachhead 8/89

172 Follow on forces Attack 9/89

173 Bulgarian Assault 8/89

174 Relentless Advance 9/89


I just took an initial look at them. If they are as good as they look in the beginning you did an excellent job and set up a very high standard.
Well done!


Double_Deuce September 6th, 2005 06:18 PM

Re: New set of scenarios

wulfir said:

As soon as I get our resident techie to add the CAMO Group Category to the ACG/SZO Website's DL Section, I'll have room for them there in addition to what you get uploaded here. Are they in a zip file? Can you email them to me?

JagdtigerPL September 8th, 2005 04:29 PM

Re: New set of scenarios
My first scenario:


Bernard October 6th, 2005 06:42 AM

Re: New Scenario
1 Attachment(s)
My first scenario (or at lest the first worth uploading):-

In the rice paddies, March 1966

Intense USA vs VC company sized battle.
Poor cover and enemy units coming from all directions.

Xdude October 27th, 2005 07:38 PM

Re: New Scenario
1 Attachment(s)
Roadside Ambush, 9/83
US Army vs East Germany

Needs playtesting please. No one over here with me in Iraq plays WinMBT. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

desh44 October 29th, 2005 10:51 AM

Re: New Scenario
Hi X
Just got a chance to play your scenario....I like it. When you first start playing it looks grim with all the armor coming at you but if you set up right you can take a toll on them.
I got a decisive on this one. Only lost one objective point and took out most of the armor units. For tactics I placed the ranger foot units in the building with their engagement range set at 1 so they would hit the tanks as they passed. This cost sometimes when there were 3 or more tanks moving in at one time but it did work. the dragons I set on the hill tops or just behind and took out the tanks as they got closer. The air really helped. If not for it I might have been overrun. I might try it out without using the air just to see what happens. You might want to include a couple of ammo canisters on the drop as the dragon teams run out of ammo real fast. If you did this you could eliminate the air support.

The map looks good overall. For esthetics you could add patches of rough terrain and bare earth. I find that mixing some of these in makes it look nice.

I noticed you mentioned you were over there. Will pray for your safe return.

Tom D

Xdude October 29th, 2005 03:22 PM

Re: New Scenario
Thanks Desh. I appriciate the comments and the support. The intent is to have the lower quality national guard units suck it up and fight with what they have. The map is based on a scenario for the older SPMBT, made by a very good friend (Who always kicks my arse at this game).

I'm playing it again and will post score(s) when I have time. Perhaps on the AAR forum, once I finish it.

I was thinking about a 3rd revision, giving the east germans a few T-80s, but that might be a little too evil.


Mustang February 21st, 2006 05:36 PM

Re: New Scenario
Here are a few scenarios I made:

Helo Wars 1 and 2:


Battle of Wadi Al Batin:


Arena Combat:


Alpha January 29th, 2007 10:15 AM

Red Lightning
1 Attachment(s)
So finally here are 3 scenarios which were planned for the "Red Lightning" campaign (1991 Nato vs. Russia+Poland.)

The zip contains:

3 x scens (Garstedt, EŽbruck, Braunweiler West-Germany)
1 x Alpha OOB newest version (required for RL)
1 x Picture pack as some eye candy for the RL camp

EŽbruck map by Double Deuce - thanks.

If anyone has more time and determination to build a camp from the scens, then go ahead, contact me here or alpha /at/ vampirefreaks.com.

I also have a 4th unfinished scen which sees the west on a probing attack into the ex DDR/GDR....maybe i finish it sometime.

Have fun so far. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/cool.gif

dita February 4th, 2007 04:20 PM

New Scenario UK Vs Iraq
1 Attachment(s)
Here is the file, refer to this post for details.


Saved as number 240.

Double_Deuce February 11th, 2007 04:16 AM

Re: New set of scenarios *DELETED* *DELETED* *DELE

DRG said:
Post deleted by DRG

I take it Wulfir's scenarios were deleted because they are now in v3.0?

Beachinnole November 24th, 2007 04:18 PM

New Scenario \"Grab the Nukes 12/24-25/2007\"
1 Attachment(s)
I placed this sceanrio in slot 998 to avoid conflicts with other's scenarios and figured Slot 998 is a good place to place it. Please rename to your next avail. slot in your game...

Operation "Empty Quiver"*
Date: December 24-25, 2007*
Battle location: Somewhere in Pakistan*
Battle Type: Pakistani Rebels vs. 101st Airmobile*
Design by: Al Sandrik (asandrik@bellsouth.net)*
(Suggestion, it would be wise to read the entire summary!)*
The political crisis in Pakistan continues to deteriorate with the former Inter Services Intelligence (ISI) Chief Major General Hamid Gul (ret.) and the now rebel Pakistani 1st Strike Corps seizing an airbase containing the plutonium cores for the Pakistani air delivered nuclear weapons. Gul is a fierce Islamic zealot (Google this guy if you don't already know about him!), one of the creators of the Taliban, and staunchly anti-American! CIA and DIA Intel assets indicate the detonators have also been secured for the weapons (held at a separate facility) and plans are being made to transfer both to a third location. Worse still communications between Gul and Al Quada have been intercepted indicating a possible transfer for some weapons to that terrorist group. For a week now an airmobile brigade of the 101st Airmoble/Air Assault Division have been deploying to an Airbase in coastal Pakistan for a possible mission to seize the weapons. On the morning of Christmas Eve (Dec 24th) an intercept confirms the cores would be removed the next day. The go order is given for an airmobile assault on the facility overnight on Christmas Eve. As western audiences watch the growing riots in Pakistani cities on their TV screens the assault begins. Failure is not an option as if the assault is unsuccessful two Tomahawk Cruise missiles each with a 10 kiloton tactical nuclear warhead will be launched against the site at 06:00 local time on Christmas morning.*
This scenario depicts an airmobile assault against a very well defended facility. *
The scenario is designed to be played with the human player as the American side against the Pakistani AI.*
Operation Empty Quiver.*
Units of the 101st Airborne Division which have deployed to your advanced base on or before 24 December 2007 will be utilized to secure nuclear weapons cores in possession of rebel Pakistani forces. A Special Operations Forces (SoF) observation team has been inserted to the area and will provide Forward Air Control (FAC) for Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses (SEAD) and Close Air Support (CAS) missions. To date, friendly air assets deployed are not sufficient to completely reduce opposing Anti-Aircraft Artillery (AAA) and armored assets. It is suggested you utilize your observation and attack helicopter units to further reduce AAA prior to airmobile insertion. The Landing Zone (LZ) is expected to be hot. Intel and satellite imagery suggests an initial landing near the runway-hanger area would be more successful than an LZ near the Storage Bunkers. It is imperative that your forces secure the Storage Bunkers or initiate egress prior to 05:30 LST. Due to the deepening and critical political situation in Pakistan, if the situation is not secured prior to 05:30 LST, the USS Gettysburg will initiate a nuclear strike on the facility at 06:00 LST regardless of egress status!*
Intel: Rebel Pakistani Army/ISI assets are estimated to be…*
Two (2) Battalion sized infantry units.*
One (1) Armored Company.*
12 Improved Hawk Batteries.*
Numerous lighter AAA assets.*
Good Luck, it will be a near run thing should you accomplish your mission!*

Beachinnole November 27th, 2007 11:17 AM

Re: New Scenario \"Grab the Nukes 12/24-25/2007\"
I noted a error in the map after I posted the scenario. Late in playtesting I was tweaking unit directions and somehow changed what was a 100x80 map to a 100x100 map with 20 "blank/Bare earth" hexes now at the bottom. Will correct that later but it shouldn't affect gameplay.


Hub01 June 5th, 2008 11:41 PM

Re: New set of scenarios
1 Attachment(s)
Fort Irwin NTC, the Washboard, northwest of Bicycle Lake in the Central Corridor. From Dragons at War: Land Battle in the Desert, by Daniel P. Bolger

New to the NTC and the prowess of OPFOR, the Task Force pushes tiredly into their third day of operations. Units are exhausted and out of contact. The supply trains are in a shambles. But, the tempo is unrelenting, and TF Dragon now must execute a deliberate assault against a reinforced Motor Rifle Company.

The TF recon platoon had been in contact with the enemy during the night, but were withdrawn before daylight from Hill 1406, in order to provide a screen against a possible enemy incursion through Coyote Canyon. At dawn, the whereabouts of the enemy MRC is unknown...

Imp August 14th, 2008 02:29 PM

Re MBT Scenario Batch A
Can an administrator please delete this post & those associated with it as all are now included in the game using slots 118-142. Also delete this but would like to say good idea having Subdivisions like this.
Could add some more like
Map editing Questions tips
Maps wanted
Campaign ideas

wulfir April 19th, 2010 04:39 PM

Scen 244: Blocking Force 11/48
1 Attachment(s)

Scenario slot 244!

November 12, 1948...

The 200th Division is coming...

Trained by the Americans, enough tanks to be called an armouerd division..., led by Chiang Kai-Shek's son...
...attacking west to break the Communist encirlement of the KMT 7th Army.

A blocking force, communist troops of Wei Guoqing's column, are waiting..., no tanks, no aircraft, no heavy artillery...


wulfir April 20th, 2010 01:59 PM

scen 245: Police Action
1 Attachment(s)

Scen 245!

December 19, 1948.
North of Polso, Java Island.

Operatie Kraai has been launched..., Dutch Marines have landed near Toeban and are advancing south. Near Polso the TNI rebles make a stand.

Let the gloves come off...:hurt:

RazGator April 21st, 2010 09:07 AM

Good subject. Lots of conflicts in this area of the world after WWII that are all but forgotten about. Working on a 1965 British counter-insurgency operation in Borneo scenario but it was such a low intensity conflict that it's hard to make an interesting game of it.

wulfir April 21st, 2010 01:04 PM


Originally Posted by RazGator (Post 741528)
...but it was such a low intensity conflict that it's hard to make an interesting game of it.

Agreed. Especially low-intensity stuff is difficult to do somehting creative with...

RazGator April 21st, 2010 06:55 PM

Played through. The map has a good feel to it. Finished with a marginal victory. The Dutch captured all victory hexes with a loss of 32 Marines and a total score of 1162. The TNI suffered 241 casualties, 1 jeep and finished with a 293 point total. Good scenario. Enjoyed it.

burroughs April 22nd, 2010 03:41 PM

Hello guys.
I dare to disagree on the subject of low intensity conflicts and counterinsurgency warfare. I am participating in "The Battle for the South Atlantic" tournament at the Blitz site that covers the Falklands War; obviously all of the scenarios are based on small units actions, company up to a battalion sized elements mostly. Just like during the Malaysian emergency first and then during the Borneo operations. A couple of weeks ago I set up a regular patrol of a pratroop platoon augmented with SAS teams already present in the AO agains a Kopassus company scattered in the jungle after a paradrop. Worked quite well in my humble opinion, but I could not develop that much furter due to the lack of knowledge in scenario making. I think there is a potential to make the Borneo campaign settings interesting enough by skillful combination of some historic background and ingame mechanics - air assaults, reinforcing the far flung firebases and outposts under fire, conducting patrols and setting up hasty ambushes based on some last minute intel or seaborne and airborne infiltration and incursions off the Indonesian border from both sides. Certainly the map size needs to be adjusted accordingly. I am not a map maker myself and I indeed did not manage to find any interesting and of a decent size ones in my mostly stock set.
Good luck to Your project. I will be following the news on that, hoping to see it ready here any time soon.

wulfir April 22nd, 2010 04:32 PM


Originally Posted by burroughs (Post 741780)
I am participating in "The Battle for the South Atlantic" tournament at the Blitz site that covers the Falklands War; obviously all of the scenarios are based on small units actions...

IMHO the problem is not so much the fact that it's a small unit action - I think most players like the small size "lunch-hour" size scenario...

...but how can you transfer a geurilla set-up to winSPMBT?
How many players would like to patrol an 80x100 jungle map looking for two insurgent scout teams hidden away - that might or might not be located during the 30 turns of the game...

Granted PBEM games with quality players like those at the Blitz will always be better than facing the AI and human vs human play also offers a lot more possibileties with regards to objectives that need to be achieved for winning etc.

Btw, Burroughs - don't fear the editor, get cracking on those maps. :)

RazGator April 23rd, 2010 12:30 AM

I said that it was hard to make good scenarios with low intensity conflicts; it's not impossible though. I did a Falklands scenario included in the latest patch covering Operation Corporate. It required some manipulation of victory hexes to get the AI to make a fight of it, but it can be done. It's a matter of having some unusual angle to make it interesting. This "angle" can be any of a number of factors. Unusual objectives, special rules, equipment, units, terrain and maps can all be used to enhance small scenarios.

Research for low intensity conflicts can be a bear as well. Such conflicts rarely have much tactically detailed material available from which to design an interesting scenario.(Try and find much tactical info on the French-Algerian War '54-'62)

Mobhack April 23rd, 2010 02:34 AM


Originally Posted by RazGator (Post 741828)
I said that it was hard to make good scenarios with low intensity conflicts; it's not impossible though. I did a Falklands scenario included in the latest patch covering Operation Corporate. It required some manipulation of victory hexes to get the AI to make a fight of it, but it can be done. It's a matter of having some unusual angle to make it interesting. This "angle" can be any of a number of factors. Unusual objectives, special rules, equipment, units, terrain and maps can all be used to enhance small scenarios.

Research for low intensity conflicts can be a bear as well. Such conflicts rarely have much tactically detailed material available from which to design an interesting scenario.(Try and find much tactical info on the French-Algerian War '54-'62)

A useful site for scenario research:

e.g. this one for an example of a hostage rescue op (has sketch map):


wulfir June 20th, 2010 05:28 AM

1 Attachment(s)


Soviet VDV troops of the 345th Regiment enter Mamhud-i-Raqi behind the regular Afghani soldiers - supposedly their comrades-in-arms but in reality considered worthless by the VDV...

...inside the town the Mujahedin waits behind prepared positions, burning with hate for the Soviets...

(Semi-fictional scenario based on Zimgas Stankus' Kaip tamparma Albinosais.)

DRG June 20th, 2010 09:17 AM

Ah...... Ulf....... The CMT is numbered 245 but the dat and Txt file are 246


wulfir June 20th, 2010 12:52 PM

1 Attachment(s)

:mad: :mad:

Rezipped the files, these should be the correct ones...

wulfir July 28th, 2010 09:05 AM

1 Attachment(s)

November 14, 1989,
San Salvador...

The 'Tet Offensive of Central America' is a few days old.

Government forces are counterattacking; Panhard armoured cars and infantry andvance into the Zacamil district where the fighting is particulary severe...

...helicopter gunships are in support, but no artillery...

SaS TrooP January 3rd, 2011 09:24 AM

1 Attachment(s)
All right, my first scenario is ready:


East Walkers*
Date: May, 1989*
Battle Location: Wodzislaw, Silesia, Poland*
Battle Type: Polish delay vs. USA advance*
Game Length: 40 turns
Difficulty: Hard
DESCRIPTION: WWIII has begun in Europe.
Following NATO counter-attack, US Army launches swift blitzkrieg style assault in order to cut Czechoslovakia and enter Silesia, polish most important industrial area.
To do this, NATO must break through so called Moravian Gate, a depression between Sudetes and Carpathian Mountains through city of Wodzislaw with 50000 inhabitants at the time.
City is defended by remnants of 25th Mechanized Division from Opole (Opplen), which suffered heavy combat losses. Also, polish forces lack of strength as their main fighting vehicle is SCOT, incomparable with Bradleys. American forces approaching Wodzislaw consist of mechanized brigade, with overwhelming artillery and air support.
Your task is to defend Wodzislaw at all costs. Reinforcements from Gliwice (reserve tank battalion) and Krakow (mechanized battalion) are on their way. Deployment of these units will start at turn 12.
NOTES: If playing against the AI, player should take Poland side.*
Source: Hypothetical Scenario
Design by Marcin "SaS TrooP" Kaluza. Mission takes place in my city**

WodzisƂaw is optically enlarged to provide more space. In reality, there are much more buildings and streets, but city shape is somehow... a bow, which is filled with rather rural area.
25th mechanized division regiment was accurately reconstituted in exception of command company, communications company etc. Generally, battle element is realistic, with some real names as col. Kuriata. Unrealistic are Gliwice reserve tank battalion tanks, as it consisted mainly from T-55Us. The were changed to T-55 Meridas, as scenario is hard enough that way :P
I hope you enjoy it, even if its long and demanding. Rather for hardcore simulation fans.

Scenario is now on slot 260, naturally can be changed freely.

wulfir January 21st, 2011 01:27 PM


Originally Posted by SaS TrooP (Post 767560)
All right, my first scenario is ready:

Good scenario, good map! Especially if this is your first...!

Played it through, but made it into a two scenario campaign and swapped Player 1 Nation to Sweden and set build points to the same as the value of the original Polish force.

This will upset the intended balance of the scenario but it is fun to play because it is somewhat more unpredictable than the generated games (and it allows for some playtesting of a user OOB I'm trying to develop for Sweden).

My force was made up of:

Elements of Infantry Brigade type 77:

Brigade-Infantry battalion type 77 (4 companies, motorised)
Brigade AT Company (motorised)
Brigade ATGM Company (TOW, motorised)
Brigade Engineer Company
Brigade Tracked AT Company (IKV91 tank destroyers)

Elements of Armored Brigade type 66:

Armoured-battalion type 66 (2 tank companies, 2 mechinf companies, 1 arty bty).
Pioneer Company (motorised)
AT Company (TOW, mech)
Armoured Recce Company
AA Platoon (RBS70, mech)

Support Elements:

AA Platoon (40mm Bofors, motorised)
AA Company (RBS70)
AA Platoon (RBS90)
Artillery Battalion (155mm off map)
Strike Element x2 (AJ37 with Maverick)

I deployed the infantry battalion in company positions along frontline reinforced with the AT companies and Bde Engineer company. The bulk of the Armoured companies and the Recce company was kept back for counterattacks.

The American air and artillery preparation caused heavy losses, especially nasty was a series of A-10 strikes that wiped out a full infantry company on a truckborne road march. The American hammerblow in the south fell upon one engineer company and a second infantry company, both were virtually destroyed in the fighting although it was possible to stall the American attack. I used the Armoured Recce Company as a reserve fighting formation although this is a big no-no as the Recce is rather weak - but I had nothing else to use to plug the hole in the south.

Elsewhere the fighting was somewhat less dramatic but I took major losses especially my own tanks and APCs were easy meat for the US weapon systems with TI. Of course given that a human player will always have the advantage over the AI and the fact that I could deploy my full force from the get go tilted the scenario in my favour but it was still a hard fought scenario, and great fun. Took me until turn 34 to finish the whole thing.
Big and gritty, my kind of game...! :)

Oche January 27th, 2011 09:34 PM


Originally Posted by SaS TrooP (Post 767560)
All right, my first scenario is ready:


East Walkers*
Date: May, 1989*
Battle Location: Wodzislaw, Silesia, Poland*
Battle Type: Polish delay vs. USA advance*
Game Length: 40 turns
Difficulty: Hard
DESCRIPTION: WWIII has begun in Europe.
Following NATO counter-attack, US Army launches swift blitzkrieg style assault in order to cut Czechoslovakia and enter Silesia, polish most important industrial area.
To do this, NATO must break through so called Moravian Gate, a depression between Sudetes and Carpathian Mountains through city of Wodzislaw with 50000 inhabitants at the time.
City is defended by remnants of 25th Mechanized Division from Opole (Opplen), which suffered heavy combat losses. Also, polish forces lack of strength as their main fighting vehicle is SCOT, incomparable with Bradleys. American forces approaching Wodzislaw consist of mechanized brigade, with overwhelming artillery and air support.
Your task is to defend Wodzislaw at all costs. Reinforcements from Gliwice (reserve tank battalion) and Krakow (mechanized battalion) are on their way. Deployment of these units will start at turn 12.
NOTES: If playing against the AI, player should take Poland side.*
Source: Hypothetical Scenario
Design by Marcin "SaS TrooP" Kaluza. Mission takes place in my city**

WodzisƂaw is optically enlarged to provide more space. In reality, there are much more buildings and streets, but city shape is somehow... a bow, which is filled with rather rural area.
25th mechanized division regiment was accurately reconstituted in exception of command company, communications company etc. Generally, battle element is realistic, with some real names as col. Kuriata. Unrealistic are Gliwice reserve tank battalion tanks, as it consisted mainly from T-55Us. The were changed to T-55 Meridas, as scenario is hard enough that way :P
I hope you enjoy it, even if its long and demanding. Rather for hardcore simulation fans.

Scenario is now on slot 260, naturally can be changed freely.

Great scenario!, i really enjoyed it, quite a challenge to stop the US advance, took me 40 turns, ended with a marginal victory. Thanks for uploading.

DRG January 28th, 2011 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by SaS TrooP (Post 767560)
All right, my first scenario is ready:

If you like I can include this with the next patch


SaS TrooP February 1st, 2011 11:54 AM

I would be honoured if that happened!
At least if there is really nothing to fix etc.

Mobhack February 14th, 2011 12:03 AM

1 Attachment(s)
This scenario is posted stand-alone for user testing.

It is intended to be the second one in a user campaign that I am developing on the back burner, but it may have stand-alone potential.

Feedback is wanted on the Tanzanian perspective (too easy or too hard, etc) since the campaign will be from that POV.

It may well be too much of a Ugandan walk-over if played Human v Human, but any feedback from testers doing so would be welcome as well.

It is currently in slot 250, but that can easily be changed in the usual way.


"Amin Attacks!"*
Date: 30 October, 1978*
Battle Location: Kyaka, Northern Tanzania*
Battle Type: Ugandan advance vs Tanzanian delay.*
Description: Internal dissent in Uganda had led to some more of Amin's troops deserting across the border to Tanzania, with some of the elite Simba forces now joining with the existing Uganda National Liberation Army (UNLA). Skirmishing between Ugandans and the Tanzanians and Ugandan rebels had severely escalated along the Tanzania/Uganda border*
Finally President Idi 'Big Dada' Amin declared war on Tanzania, claiming that Kagera province was rightfully Ugandan territory and Ugandan forces invaded aiming to annexe the region. In response, President Nyerere of Tanzania mobilised the Tanzania People's Defence Force, expanding his total armed forces from 40,000 to 100,000.*
* Situation:*
Ugandan forces have swept into Kyaka Town, and are in the process of massacring the civilian population there as well as general looting.*
Tanzanian People's Militia forces, aided by some Ugandan rebel allies from the Simba Regiment and the UNLA are resisting the enemy thrust, but the Ugandan forces have armour and these forces are light in anti-tank weaponry.*
* You are in charge of a regular army task force sent to relieve the defence of Kagera, and then counter-attack and throw the invaders out. Your task force begins off-map and will arrive over time. You have some Scorpion light tanks, and also a 'simba-simba' (Grad) MRL recently captured from Uganda during the border skirmishing. Ammunition resupply is also very limited.*
You must try your best to rescue or shepherd to the rear any civilians fleeing from the town. [These are quite expensive in points, and the Ugandans will happily mow them down - Designer note].*
* Do not rely on the Ugandan rebel troops since thier morale may be somewhat fragile, though the Simba troops may be the better ones should you have to use them. They are in any case deployed on the flanks rather than to hold the centre.**
Notes: If played against the AI the human player should take the Tanzanian side. (Designed for Tanzanian as human player).* The scenario may also be played Human v Human.*
Design by: Andy Gailey.*

Oche March 3rd, 2011 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by Mobhack (Post 771061)
This scenario is posted stand-alone for user testing.

It is intended to be the second one in a user campaign that I am developing on the back burner, but it may have stand-alone potential.

Feedback is wanted on the Tanzanian perspective (too easy or too hard, etc) since the campaign will be from that POV.

It may well be too much of a Ugandan walk-over if played Human v Human, but any feedback from testers doing so would be welcome as well.

It is currently in slot 250, but that can easily be changed in the usual way.


"Amin Attacks!"*
Date: 30 October, 1978*
Battle Location: Kyaka, Northern Tanzania*
Battle Type: Ugandan advance vs Tanzanian delay.*
Description: Internal dissent in Uganda had led to some more of Amin's troops deserting across the border to Tanzania, with some of the elite Simba forces now joining with the existing Uganda National Liberation Army (UNLA). Skirmishing between Ugandans and the Tanzanians and Ugandan rebels had severely escalated along the Tanzania/Uganda border*
Finally President Idi 'Big Dada' Amin declared war on Tanzania, claiming that Kagera province was rightfully Ugandan territory and Ugandan forces invaded aiming to annexe the region. In response, President Nyerere of Tanzania mobilised the Tanzania People's Defence Force, expanding his total armed forces from 40,000 to 100,000.*
* Situation:*
Ugandan forces have swept into Kyaka Town, and are in the process of massacring the civilian population there as well as general looting.*
Tanzanian People's Militia forces, aided by some Ugandan rebel allies from the Simba Regiment and the UNLA are resisting the enemy thrust, but the Ugandan forces have armour and these forces are light in anti-tank weaponry.*
* You are in charge of a regular army task force sent to relieve the defence of Kagera, and then counter-attack and throw the invaders out. Your task force begins off-map and will arrive over time. You have some Scorpion light tanks, and also a 'simba-simba' (Grad) MRL recently captured from Uganda during the border skirmishing. Ammunition resupply is also very limited.*
You must try your best to rescue or shepherd to the rear any civilians fleeing from the town. [These are quite expensive in points, and the Ugandans will happily mow them down - Designer note].*
* Do not rely on the Ugandan rebel troops since thier morale may be somewhat fragile, though the Simba troops may be the better ones should you have to use them. They are in any case deployed on the flanks rather than to hold the centre.**
Notes: If played against the AI the human player should take the Tanzanian side. (Designed for Tanzanian as human player).* The scenario may also be played Human v Human.*
Design by: Andy Gailey.*

Great scenario, I ended with a decisive victory, took me 21 turns, lost about 300 men against about 800 men. I really enjoyed it since it's an infantry combat scenario (tankheads steer away from this one :-)). Enemy artillery is overwhelming and constant, bogged down my troops in the town area and disorganized my defenses on the town center and bridge area on the first turns. Unpredictable deployment of enemy reinforcements kept me on my toes as well. In the first turns, the UNLF company and militia units in the western sector have a hard time pushing forward or holding the line since they lack Squad support machineguns and rely on limited AT gun and mortar support unlike their closest aggressors on the opposite side of the river bank. The Simba company units on the eastern sector are the better equipped and have it much easier than their western sector friends. The reinforcement of a Scorpion tank Platoon really helps to withstand the pressure from the enemy supporting M4A1(76)s and scout cars. IMHO the scenario difficulty and balancing are good enough for experienced players. This kind of scenarios are the ones that keep me faithful to the series after all these years and flood my head with even more scenario design ideas. Thanks for uploading Andy!.

Patric March 27th, 2011 01:07 AM

Operation Mikado V 1.0
1 Attachment(s)

Although I made some scenarios years ago, I've never uploaded one to this forum.
I'd like the community of this forum to play test this hypotetical scenario from the Malvinas / Falkland war and suggest tweaks or changes that could improve it.
It should be played from the British side. In order to play as the Argentinean, first I do have to tweak the timing and approach routes for the British to make it more challenging to the Argentine player.



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