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-   -   winSPWW2 V10.01 upgrade for 2017 (http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showthread.php?t=51493)

DRG February 6th, 2017 11:30 AM

winSPWW2 V10.01 upgrade for 2017
Version 10.01 NOW AVAILABLE !!

( see additional note at the end of this post )


As usual, we remind everyone that ongoing secure PBEM games WILL fail when a new patch is applied while they are being played.

================================================== ==============
WinSPWW2 version 10.01

20 New Scenarios
17 Revised Scenarios
2 Revised Campaigns
4 New maps
134 New or Revised Photos
36 Updated OOB files ** all revised for ver 10.01
73 New or Revised vehicle/ aircraft Icons
135 New or Revised Icon and Terrain Graphic files
3 Revised Text file
71 campaign text files
7 new or revised sound files
10 revised terrain sets
7 new terrain sets
Corrected cost calculator ver 10.01

There was a bug showing when off map batteries that were due to arrive later as reinforcements but the scenario designer had programmed them to fire in turn 0 pre-game bombardment that caused phantom fire missions. This has been fixed. Off map artillery that are plotted to fire before they arrive now properly clear down the illegal fire mission instead.

A bug whereby the early end of battle routine in a PBEM campaign was not engaging correctly and games that should have ended went on even when there was no enemy activity has been fixed.

Map sizes now increment/decrements by 5 hex increments, not 10 as before giving players more control over map size

The "phantom crews" bug in long campaigns has been fixed

A bug where the wrong observer may be used as the basis for scatter when the observer was retreating or worse was fixed.

The function to recombine split off crew with their vehicles (usually caused by loading the vehicle onto a cargo plane and then unloading again) had been inadvertently removed from the code. The "j" key functionality is restored to the deployment screen so if you have loaded a vehicle into a heavy air transport aircraft for a para drop. You can now unload it during the deployment phase for whatever reason and you can now re-join the crew and vehicle by pressing 'j' ( for "join" ). Previously you had no choice but to leave it behind. This is really not an issue for the time period winSPWW2 covers as there are no aircraft that can carry and paradrop vehicles but this puts both games in sync

A scenario info button to the game play screen, this is helpful if you have forgotten what battle you were fighting or need to know the scenario battle location ( batloc # ) once the game is underway. Previously there was no way to know which map your battle was on after the game had commenced. Helpful if you like the map and want to generate a similar one again using the same batloc #.

Units which manually turn to face a new hex may now draw opfire. This affects both infantry and vehicles at different ranges and there are random variables we tossed in to make in unpredictable but generally ( and the randoms we added really do mean "generally" ) in hex infantry movement could possibly attract opfire from enemy units up to 3 -5 hexes away (generally...). Vehicles shifting hull or turrets around could attract opfire from enemy units up to 10 hexes away ( and maybe a bit more... ). And all that depends on the enemy's training, morale, suppression level, vision rating and battle visibility etc. AS WELL AS your units training, morale, suppression level, visibility etc.. This new game feature was originally intended to stop players from turning their tanks in place to present their heaviest armour towards the most likely threat without attracting enemy attention. That was expanded to include swinging the turret as obviously that kind of movement if spotted by the enemy would naturally draw fire in a real battle situation and then that was expanded to include infantry as well. The bottom line is if you just want to "look around" to check your LOS use the } hotkey otherwise you risk drawing unwanted attention to your unit .

There were very rare cases when palm trees were generated on winter maps and we *think* this is now fixed. It was more an issue in winSPMBT where there are a lot of "re-cycled" batlocs but safety code has been added to both games "just in case"

54 pages of OOB suggestions were integrated into the game OOB's

Info on revised terrains for 2017

After a hiatus of many years we added more terrain and revised to varying degrees some of the old ones. All terrain will show up on generated maps at one time or another but this year only CD owners will have access to edit the new terrain and we have added new way to edit them into maps

Here's a list of revised terrain. The list of new terrains are in the New for CD holders section below
  • Summer trees are totally redone and more have been added to the base set
  • Ground level grass
  • Beach Sand has been totally redone ground level and hills
  • Autumn trees have been reworked a bit so they aren't as colourful
  • Winter trees have been reworked a bit as well. Not as much as the summer set but they have had a touch up
  • Summer, Autumn and Winter orchards have been reworked to make them a bit denser than before.
  • What was "winter grass" in the game is now "very light snow" because there is a new "light snow" set ( see below )
  • Short dry grass set has been totally redone ground level and hills
  • Impassible terrain has been totally redone ground level and hills
  • The green crop set has been totally redone ground level and hills

NEW for the extended CD version holders only

* The DLLs that Scenhack uses to sort scenarios have been included with this patch for the vast majority of players who don't have Borland Paradox installed on their Hard Drives for over a decade (and why we forgot everyone else needs them too :))

* CD / extended version holders will now get a warning message if they try to enter a building hex with a vehicle. You are now asked to confirm that you really want to do that. This is to stop you from inadvertently immobilising yourself as most cases involving building entry with vehicles is the result of a too long movement call through an urban built up area. The feature will also display on rough+slope combinations if you have travelled 3 or more hexes and thus are in danger of sticking. It's just a "friendly reminder."

* We have introduced a new Formation sorting routine for the premium game. Over all the years these games have been developed, unit classes have expanded as required, but there was no logical order to the expansion as they were added on a need-it-now basis so the different infantry, armour and artillery unit classes that were used to build formations were spread all over the 256 unit class slots available and this meant that in some cases when buying formations you had to search through multiple pages of formations to find the ones you wanted. The new routine in place for CD holders only helps group unit types together and in a more intuitive and logical way. The caveat to that is that when sorting formations by unit class the unit class of the formation is still determined by the first unit in the formation and there is really no getting around that.

For example. with this new routine if you go into the artillery page you will generally find that Forward observers are the first formations listed then generally if there is consistency to the first unit in the formation you will find the light mortars, then the medium mortars then the heavy mortars then the AT guns, then the Hvy AT guns through field guns into rocket formations, off map guns and finally AA guns. Again...its all determined by the first unit in the formation but in the past ( and the free game will still use the original method ) you may have had a one type of infantry company with unitclass #1 infantry as the first unit but the second type of infantry company may have had a unitclass # 64 Medium Infantry unit leading to in some cases a dogs breakfast of the sort order. A good example of that was the winSPMBT Russian OOB in the years that the T-55 and T-62 unitclass #13" medium" tanks were active along with the T-64 and up unitclass #59 "MBT" formations but the lower end Mediums were on page one and the higher end MBT's were on page 2. With this they are all grouped on page one and we think this will help bring a bit more order to the game

* A new button has been added to the main screen that allows access to the premium map editor from inside the game.

Info on new terrains added for 2017

* There is a new "scrub grass" ground and hills set in dark brown tones for ground and hill levels that would be useful on maps between November and March but also as an accent on any map type. In the map editor this can be accessed from the "add short grass" button which is on page 2 of the editor to the right of the add trench button. You will be prompted to " Press 1 for regular grass, 2 for scrub grass "

* There is a new bare field ground and hills set that represents either a freshly planted field or a freshly harvested one. These are also handy as a base for any orchard type. In the map editor this can be accessed from the green crop button. You will be prompted "Press 1 for Crops, 2 for Tilled "

* There is a new "light snow" ground and hills set that will show up in the game in place of the old "winter grass" which is now called " very light snow". The new "light snow" is used by the game as a base tile over which winter trees are placed. It can be accessed only on winter maps from the button on page one directly under trees. You will be prompted "Press 1 for light snow, 2 for very light snow"

* There are now pure coniferous sets for summer and winter and those will be auto-generated on maps. These represent "old growth" pine forests and have additional movement and sighting restrictions above regular mixed forests. This can be accessed from the Trees button and you will be prompted "Press 1 for mixed Trees, 2 for Pines "

* There are also new vineyards and coconut plantations/ groves for use in map making and these are also placed in small amounts on game generated maps. In the map editor this can be accessed from the Orchards button and you will be prompted "Press 1 for orchard, 2 for Vineyard, 3 for Coconut Grove "

* Deep water has been added ( ground level only naturally ). It is a very subtle change as it had to be . The water animation palette is fixed and not very big which limited my options and after two failed experiments I settled on what we have now as a compromise but as I said....it's subtle but sometimes subtle is best. The game palette was tweaked a bit to brighten up water....it's a bit more " Mediterranean" or "South Pacific" blue now.........a little less " dreary November " grey-blue.

We have also added an exciting new way to apply terrain to the map

Previous to this release the "Fill range" and "Fill" functions in the map editor were mainly used to flood and entire map with a base terrain that would follow the contours already on the map. If you tried to fill less area it placed whatever terrain you chose to use as a giant Hex shape block of terrain that was virtually useless for making maps so as a general rule anyone making a map avoided that control unless they were "skinning" and entire map. We have added a new dimension to the fill range controls that expands it's usefulness 10 fold or more

Now when pressing "Fill range" Extended game ( CD ) owners will see the following prompts:

First you will see "New Fill Range: " and you can enter any number you like. 255 will fill and entire map but you can choose any amount . After entering the number of hexes you wish to place your terrain onto the map, this new message will appear: "Enter 0 for Block fill, or 1-90 for a Splatter Effect ". "0 for Block fill" will give you what this feature has always given... a solid mass of terrain but entering 1-90 for a Splatter Effect controls what percentage is covered in the area you selected. Enter a high number and it will fill to that amount, Enter a low number and you have a much finer control over how much is placed on the map allowing you to build terrain gradually. It can almost be thought of as a spray gun. It is very useful when building up a forested area or when starting a map off after building the hill contours if you want to blend different types of grass.

AS WELL ( yes.... there's more ! and to anyone who builds maps this will be huge )we have changed the old SSI function of "right clicking" the mouse to add 7 hex clusters of terrain to the map at a time. Left clicking the mouse button will still give you single hex fine control but now right clicking the mouse utilises the same function as fill range so whatever range and density you have set you can now add by clicking the right mouse button. If you want to use it the "traditional" way simply set the range to 2 and 0 for Block fill and it will behave as it always has but now you can set whatever range you want to control the size of the fill but you can also adjust the splatter effect which GREATLY enhances the usefulness of the tool so adding terrain becomes quick and easy reducing the time it use to take to hand build a map by many hours.

This new tool has many uses but one thing you really want to avoid is mixing contrasting terrains together too much. A little is OK but it really depends on what you are mixing as too much is very distracting and can totally camouflage any contours on the map. What it's ideal for is blending similar colour densities together or placing forest. you can also use it to place hills but even a fast computer will take a few seconds to compute everything and place it on on a full sized map so be patient at first as slower computers may take a little longer to complete the command. We are after all, asking a 20-year-old game to do a lot more than it used to but it will with sometimes spectacular results. I help design the feature and I'm still finding new ways to use it. We look forward to seeing the maps players design with this new feature.

EDIT.... MARCH 31/ 2017

A revised 10.01 version of this year's patch was released March 31. 2017. It was necessary to do this because this was a year we were pressing a new CD version for BOTH GAMES as well as releasing patches and after the 10.0 version was released we discovered a couple of glaring OOB errors and that the cost calculator was not working correctly for perhaps 5% of the units in the games......the problem is between both games 5% of the units is about 2400 units so we corrected both winSPMBT and winSPWW2 for the CD's and that meant we had to issue an updated 2017 patch once the CD's started being shipped so everyone's OOB's will match for secure PBEM.

Anyone who DL'd the early March Ver 10.0 should also DL this new Ver 10.01 version. When installed and the game starts you will see the new 10.01 version number at the bottom of the screen

We regret that this had to be done....but it had to be done

More detailed PR HERE


scorpio_rocks February 6th, 2017 12:18 PM

Re: winSPWW2 V10 upgrade for 2017

Originally Posted by DRG (Post 837089)
* We have introduced a new Formation sorting routine for the premium game.

OMG - Thank You! :up: This sounds awesome!

Mobhack February 6th, 2017 01:18 PM

Re: winSPWW2 V10 upgrade for 2017

Originally Posted by scorpio_rocks (Post 837091)

Originally Posted by DRG (Post 837089)
* We have introduced a new Formation sorting routine for the premium game.

OMG - Thank You! :up: This sounds awesome!

It puts the formations with similar types all together e.g. all the tanks, all the light tanks, the grunts.

Always excepting those formations where the designer has done something different (e.g. the 0 is a scout leading a formation of engineers).

Also in the works - the never-used "move and shoot" preference to be axed, and instead it will be used as a preference for the "turning triggers opfire" new feature, for those who dont like it. Though that may wait on feedback from this release.

DRG February 6th, 2017 02:15 PM

Re: winSPWW2 V10 upgrade for 2017
1 Attachment(s)
This example shows what we mean by sorting and what happens when a formation type is led by a units class that differs from the main category. In this case, it's the first two formations then after that little bump in the road it settles down and you can see the progression
Brit OOB Arty June 1944


DRG February 6th, 2017 09:22 PM

Re: winSPWW2 V10 upgrade for 2017

5 4 Horse Gun Limber ******* NEWwinSPWW2 v10
10 Stug-IV *****REVISED WinSPWW2 v10
18 Russian Camo M4A2 (76) ******* NEWwinSPWW2 v10
74 SU-100 M1944 (green) ********REVISED WinSPWW2 v10
921 ROM-Bloch210 ********REVISED WinSPWW2 v10
{9148, -1}, // 1948 SU-101 (prototype) *********NEW WinSPWW2 v10
{9149, -1}, // 1949 SU-102 (prototype) *********NEW WinSPWW2 v10
{9150, -1}, // 1950 T-26T Green *********NEW WinSPWW2 v10
{9151, -1}, // 1951 T-26T Winter *********NEW WinSPWW2 v10
{5837,2159}, // 3237 LCM green *****************REVISED WinSPWW2 v10
{5838,2159}, // 3238 LCM grey *****************REVISED WinSPWW2 v10
{5839,2159}, // 3239 LCM camo with supplies *****************REVISED WinSPWW2 v10
{5867,2159}, // 3267 Japanese SB(D) ********NEW WinSPWW2 v10
{5949,-1}, // 3349 Heavy Truck- Green ***********REVISED WinSPWW2 v10
{10094, 10095}, //3495. FCM Char 2C - Camo *********NEW WinSPWW2 v10
{10096, 10097}, // 3496. Sherman V - Winter *********NEW WinSPWW2 v10
{18560, -1}, //7960 Yokosuka P1Y1 **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18561, -1}, //7961 Yokosuka B4Y1-Camo **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18562, -1}, //7962 Yokosuka B4Y1-Grey **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18563, -1}, //7963 Vildebeest- British **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18564, -1}, //7964 Bulgarian Do 11 Prilep-pre-war **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18565, -1}, //7965 Bulgarian Do 11 Prilep **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18566, -1}, //7966 German Do 23 **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18567, -1}, //7967 Westland Wapiti - British **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18568, -1}, //7968 Junkers A-20 **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18569, -1}, //7969 Ki-43-I Hei **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18570, -1}, //7970 Fokker C.X- Netherlands **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18571, -1}, //7971 Horten Ho 229 <blue OOB> **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18600, -1}, //8000 Britain 37mm Bofors **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18601, -1}, //8001 2 pdr **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18602, -1}, //8002 6 pdr **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18603, -1}, //8003 17 pdr **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18604, -1}, //8004 17/25 pdr **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18605, -1}, //8005 Germany 28mm PzB 41 **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18606, -1}, //8006 28mm PzB 41 para **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18607, -1}, //8007 37mm Pak 36 **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18608, -1}, //8008 37mm Pak 37(t) **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18609, -1}, //8009 47mm Pak 36(t) **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18610, -1}, //8010 50mm Pak 38 **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18611, -1}, //8011 75mm Pak 40 **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18612, -1}, //8012 75mm Pak 97/38 **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18613, -1}, //8013 75mm Pak 36(r) **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18614, -1}, //8014 88mm Pak 43 **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18615, -1}, //8015 88mm Pak 43/41 **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18616, -1}, //8016 88mm Flak 36 **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18617, -1}, //8017 88mm Puppchen **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18618, -1}, //8018 France 25mm SA 34 L72 **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18619, -1}, //8019 47mm APX L53 **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18620, -1}, //8020 Netherlands 20mm Madsen **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18621, -1}, //8021 Russia 37mm L45 **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18622, -1}, //8022 47mm L68 **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18623, -1}, //8023 57mm L72 **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18624, -1}, //8024 76.2mm L51 M36 **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18625, -1}, //8025 76.2mm L42 M39 **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18626, -1}, //8026 76.2mm L42 (ZiS-3) M42 **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18627, -1}, //8027 85mm AAG **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18628, -1}, //8028 100mm L60 **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18629, -1}, //8029 Italy Cannone 47/32-Böhler **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18630, -1}, //8030 Cannone da 75/46 C.A. mod.34 AAG **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18631, -1}, //8031 Cannone da 90/53 mod. 39 AAG**********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18632, -1}, //8032 Poland 37mm wz.16 **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18633, -1}, //8033 37mm wz.16 without wheels **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18634, -1}, //8034 75mm armata wz.36 L50 AAG **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18635, -1}, //8035 Japan 37mm Type 94 / Type 1 **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18636, -1}, //8036 47mm Type 1 **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18637, -1}, //8037 75mm Type 88 **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18638, -1}, //8038 USA 37mm M1 **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18639, -1}, //8039 76mm (3inch) M1A1 L55 **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18640, -1}, //8040 90mm M2 AAG **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18641, -1}, //8041 90mm T8 L52 **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18642, -1}, //8042 Belgium 47mm C.A L33 **********NEW winSPWW2 V10
{18643, -1}, //8043 Rumania 47mm Schneider **********NEW winSPWW2 V10

IronDuke99 February 8th, 2017 11:15 PM

Re: winSPWW2 V10 upgrade for 2017
This looks like much the best new patch in years.
Any chance of Pagoda as used in Burma, etc as a multi hex building?


Gelainey February 9th, 2017 02:42 AM

Re: winSPWW2 V10 upgrade for 2017
Thank you once again for the best game ever. Updates are just a wonderful bonus!

DRG February 9th, 2017 08:52 AM

Re: winSPWW2 V10 upgrade for 2017

Originally Posted by IronDuke99 (Post 837143)
This looks like much the best new patch in years.
Any chance of Pagoda as used in Burma, etc as a multi hex building?


Not at this stage........multi-hex buildings first have to be created and then entered into code individually

IronDuke99 February 9th, 2017 10:16 AM

Re: winSPWW2 V10 upgrade for 2017

Originally Posted by DRG (Post 837147)

Originally Posted by IronDuke99 (Post 837143)
This looks like much the best new patch in years.
Any chance of Pagoda as used in Burma, etc as a multi hex building?


Not at this stage........multi-hex buildings first have to be created and then entered into code individually

Lol, first time I asked that, a couple of years ago I was told "as much chance as world peace", so an advance.

DRG February 9th, 2017 12:30 PM

Re: winSPWW2 V10 upgrade for 2017
not much......

DRG February 12th, 2017 11:06 AM

Re: winSPWW2 V10 upgrade for 2017
Here's a chance to give some feedback on a new feature you haven't tired yet :D

This question is for map makers only. If you haven't done any mapmaking the question is irrelevant.

The SP standard default for a right mouse click while map making has always been the target hex and every hex around it

With the change we have made that now ties right click into fill range the default you get when you right click is the target hex and 4X the hexes around it

which I have found can be a "surprise" after right click being a 7 hex cluster for 20+ years when you "forget" and right click on an area of the map and get 4x the area you expected.

We can easily set the default back to 2 hexes ( just as map makers could set it to 2 to start off ) and it can be increased using fill range but I'm interested in what other map makers think......leave it at the new big 5 hex splat or turn it back to what it's always been for a right click default ?

The thing to remember also is that once you set fill range it stays that range until you change it or exit the editor so the default only stays 2 or 5 until it's changed in fill range


scorpio_rocks February 12th, 2017 01:11 PM

Re: winSPWW2 V10 upgrade for 2017
My feeling would be to keep the default as it has always been (for now at least) - 2 hex range.

DRG February 20th, 2017 12:31 PM

Re: winSPWW2 V10 upgrade for 2017

0 00 Gallabat, Sudan 100s40
1 01 Dernaki, Poland (1939) 80x100
2 02 Stalingrad-The Factories 100x200
3 03 Merderet R., France 100x100
4 04 Stonne, France 100x40
5 05 Gavrus, Normandy 100x40
6 06 Narvik, Norway 100x80
7 07 Ochsendorf, Germany 100x160
8 08 Bastogne, Belgium (wntr 44-45) 100x200
9 09 Schandelah, Germany 100x160
10 10 Herrlisheim, Germany (wntr) 100x160
11 11 Omaha Beach, Normandy 100x160
12 12 Schmidt, Germany 100x60
13 12 Posen (wntr) 100x60
14 14 Kapelsche Veer (wntr) 100x40
15 15 Louisendorf, Germany (mud) 100x100
16 15 Louisendorf, Germany 100x100
17 17 Milanow S 100x60
18 18 Champs, Belgium (wntr 44-45) 100x120
19 19 Normandy Town 60x80
20 20 Bloody Ridge, Guadacanal 100x40
21 21 Grevenbroich 100x40
22 22 Norman City 100x80
23 23 Jandrain 100x80
24 24 Grafstoms (wntr) 100x40
25 25 Jandrain (damage) 100x80
26 26 Lower Rhine, Netherlands 100x60
27 27 Cassino, Italy 100x120
28 28 Cassino, Italy (damage) 100x120
29 29 Betio Island 100x40
30 30 Betio Island (damage) 100x40
31 31 Haguenau, Germany (wntr) 100x60
32 32 Berchtesgaden, Germany (wntr) 100x60
33 33 Winter Mountains 100x40
34 34 Los Negros Island 100x200
35 35 Koevering, Netherlands 100x200
36 36 Belgian Ardennes 100x60
37 37 Inland From Utah Beach 100x200
38 38 Russian Ridges 100x80
39 39 Iwo Jima 100x180
40 40 Vierville, France 100x40
41 41 Carentan, Normandy 100x140
42 42 Son, Netherlands 100x40
43 43 Nuenen, Netherlands 100x40
44 44 Agordat, Italian E. Africa 100x60
45 45 Veghel, Netherlands 100x200
46 46 Fallujah Road, Iraq 100x40
47 47 Foy-Noville (Dec 44) 100x60
48 48 Foy-Noville (Jan 45) 100x60
49 49 Three Brooklets 100x200
50 50 Bulson 100x120
51 51 Ambleve River Valley (wntr) 100x80
52 52 Halfaya Pass/Sollum 100x200
53 53 Lk Balaton, Hungary 100x200
54 54 Bocage, Normandy 100x100
55 55 Balkan Hills 100x40
56 56 West of Shanghai 100x40
57 57 Bretteville sur Odon 100x100
58 58 Lakes 100x80
59 59 Longegoutte (wntr) 100x180
60 60 Warwarowka, Ukraine (Feb) 80x100
61 61 Pavlovo, Ukraine, 1943
62 62 Dickie's Bridge, Normandy 160x40
63 63 Neretva, Yugoslavia 100x200
64 64 Mai Pha, French Indochina 80x40
65 65 Finnish Winterscape 100x80
66 66 Osel Island, Baltic 100x80
67 67 Ryukyu Island 100x40
68 68 East Europe Countryside 100x80
69 69 West Europe Villages 80x80
70 70 Europe Town 40x40
71 71 Suomussalmi, Finland (wntr 39) 120x120
72 72 Mersa el Brega, Libya 100x80
73 73 Northern Russia 100x80
74 74 Dal, Norway 100x80
75 75 Russian Steppe 100x100
76 76 Menado, Celbes, NEI 200x160
77 77 les Attaques, France 120x100
78 78 Freyneux, Ardennes (wntr) 80x100
79 79 Vierville-sur-M., Nrmdy 80x100
80 80 Caumont, Normandy 100x100
81 81 St Aignain, Normandy 200x160
82 82 St Jean-de-D., Normandy 200x160
83 83 Tolvajarvi, Finland (wntr) 100x100
84 84 Buschkowo, Poland 200x160
85 85 Goldfled, Poland 200x160
86 86 French Villages 100x80
87 87 Debe Wielke, Poland (39) 100x120
88 88 Corregidor Is. (east) 140x160
89 89 Corregidor Is. (west) 200x160
90 90 Kamiri, Noemfoor (44) 100x140
91 91 Village, Solomons (Beach) 60x80
92 92 NW France 1940 (summer) 100x100
93 93 Broszki, Poland (39) 80x100
94 94 Airel, Normandy (44) 80x100
95 95 Pointe-du-Hoc, Nrmdy 100x120
96 96 Sitno, USSR (wntr) 80x100
97 97 Kapella Nova, USSR (wntr) 80x100
98 98 Paderborn, Germany 80x60
99 99 The Farm 40x20
100 100 Hill-line, Finland 100x80
101 101 RR Station, Finland (wntr) 100x60
102 102 Village, Finland (wntr) 100x40
103 103 Crossroads, Finland (wntr) 100x120
104 104 Coehoorn, Netherlands 160x200
105 105 Hills, Europe 100x200
106 106 Hill 231, USSR 40x20
107 107 Eben Emael, Belgium 170x140
108 108 Mountain Pass 100x200
109 109 Kopansky, Ukranie 80x100
110 110 Rimburg Castle, Germany 80x100
111 111 N. of Maastricht, Neth. 80x80
112 112 Recht, Ardennes 80x100
113 113 Thirimont, Ardennes 80x100
114 114 Bellevaux, Ardennes (wntr) 80x100
115 115 Stavelot, Ardennes (wntr) 120x120
116 116 Stoumont, Ardennes (wntr) 80x100
117 117 Podporozjje, Karelia USSR 120x120
118 118 Alexandrowka, USSR 100x120
119 119 Northern Europe Coastline 100x90
120 120 Northern Europe Road 60x120
121 121 Otta, Norway 60x120
122 122 Northern Europe Farmland 80x100
123 123 Tournai, Belgium 80x100
124 124 Orvilliers, France 60x120
125 125 Mortain, Normandy 100x120
126 126 Northern Europe Lakes 120x100
127 127 Pont-Hebert, Normandy 80x100
128 128 Hill 91/Les Haut Vents, Normandy 80x100
129 129 Hustenburg, Netherlands 40x60
130 130 Bjelovar, Yugoslavia 60x60
131 131 Northern Europe Riverside Village 80x120
132 132 Northern Europe Valleys 60x100
133 133 Sotei, Greece (wntr) 80x90
134 134 Bombed-Out City, Europe 30x20
135 135 Burmese Village 50x20
136 136 Ardennes Area (wntr) 120x80
137 Far Karelia 1944 80x80
138 138 Cremlingen, Germany 120x120
139 139 Puetz, Germany 80x100
140 140 Frenois (Meuse R.), France 80x100
141 141 Oberembt, Germany 80x100
142 142 Steinstrass, Germany 80x100
143 143 E Rimburg Bridgehead, Germany 80x100
144 144 Leczyca, Poland 100x100
145 145 Cleves, Netherlands (wntr) 100x100
146 145 Westerplatte, FC Gdansk, 1939 80x140
147 147 Utah Beach 160x200
148 148 Benouville, France 110x100
149 149 Tavoy, Burma 110x110
150 150 Saint Nazaire 130x130
151 151 Maleme, Crete 140x140
152 152 Lubany, USSR 100x100
153 153 Eastern Europe (winter) 80x100
154 154 Rural USSR 100x100
155 155 Sawarkow, USSR 100x100
156 156 Dep.-d-Mend., Ndrlnds 80x80
157 157 Rural Netherlands 80x80
158 158 Sola AF, Norway 80x120
159 159 Normandy Countryside 80x130
160 160 Rural Village, Italy 80x100
161 161 Lejini, Kurland 80x100
162 162 Villebaudon, Normandy 80x80
163 163 Sierakow, Poland 70x70
164 164 Rummelsburg, Germany 80x100
165 165 Krojanty, Poland
166 166 Gdansk (Danzig), Free City 1939 80x140
167 167 Danzig (Gdansk), Feb 1945 80x140
168 168 Starokrzepice , Poland 1939 100x100
169 169 Klosterdorf, Pomerania, Feb 1945 20x20
170 170 Epinoy, France 200x160
171 171 Hannut, Belgium 200x160
172 172 Sommauthe, France 120x120
173 173 Cholm, Russia 100x100
174 174 Cholm (damage)
175 Logowski, Russia 130x130
176 'Milk Farm', Russia 100x100
177 Kasatshi Heights, Russia 100x100
178 Sawarkow, USSR 100x100
179 French Fort, Syria 100x100
180 Don Region, Russia 80x100
181 Bodange, Ard., Belgium 80x100
182 Maeda Escarpment, Okinwa 80x100
183 Zetten, Netherlands 130x100
184 Pruth River, Romania 100x100
185 Bratuseni, Bessarabia 80x100
186 Fontana Nova, Bessarabia 80x100
187 Dnjester Crossing 80x150
188 Djneper Crossing 150x100
189 Soebang, Java, Indonesia 80x100
190 Rural, Java, Indonesia 80x100
191 Mezo-Kersztes, Hungary 80x100
192 Village, E Europe 80x100
193 Gora Kamienska, Poland 130x130
194 Rozan, Poland 80x100
195 Notre-D-de-Cenilly, Fr 80x100
196 Nevel Region, USSR 100x100
197 Mokra I-III, Poland 140x140
198 Lemberg, Fr-Ge border 80x100
199 Dep.-d-Mendicite, Ndrlands 80x80
200 Rural, USSR 100x100
201 Fontenay-le-Pesnel, Fr 100x100
202 Binning, France 110x110
203 Chenedolle, France 80x100
204 Ogledow, Poland 110x110
205 Strada, Italy 160x160
206 Manila (sect), Philippines80x100
207 Dagda, USSR 80x100
208 Opotschka, USSR 80x130
209 Flavion, Belgium 200x160
210 La Horgne, France 130x130
211 Bruneval, France 80x100
212 Deltuva, Latvia (USSR) 80x80
213 Rural, Normandy, France 80x130
214 Sainteny, Normandy, Fr 150x150
215 Town, Normandy, Fr 120x160
216 Small city, 30x30
217 Warszaw suburb, Poland 100x100
218 Pabianice, Poland 130x130
219 Koprivnica, Croatia 140x140
220 St Marguerite-s-Mer, Fr 200x160
221 Gottschee, Slovenia 120x120
222 Vendes, Normandy, France 80x100
223 Rijkevorsel, Belgium 120x120
224 Herleville, France 130x130
225 La Valtolaine, Nrmndy, Fr 80x100
226 Plains of Poland (wntr) 200x160
227 Pacy-sur-Eure, France 130x130
228 Autumn Forrest, Russia 90x90
229 Kowel, Russia,Winter 100x120
230 City building example
231 Bretteville sur Odon 180x100
232 Kalpaki, Greece '40 200x160
233 Platamon, Greece '41 200x160
234 Wysanow, Poland 120x120
235 Dompaire, France 160x160
236 Wehld, Netherlands 100x100
237 Hatten, France 200x160
238 Ostrov, Russia 100x100
239 Leliwa, Poland 160x160
240 Mnichow, Poland 160x160
241 Truchatschewka, USSR 200x160
242 Jeffrosinowka, USSR 200x160
243 Bykowo, USSR 200x160
244 Gorschetschnoje,USSR 200x160
245 Authie, Normandy 130x130
246 Picnic in Normandy 120x160
247 Pleasant Valley France 120x140
248 Tranquil Valleys Italy 120x140
249 Petrzalka 1938 [160x200]
250 Petrzalka 1938 full [160x200]
251 VVP Libava 100x160 S
252 Lodherov 100x100 Summer
253 Hohenau (100x100)
254 Desna 60x60 Autumn 1938
255 Borodino, Russia 200x160
256 Artemki, Russia 110x110
257 Otyakovo, Russia 110x110
258 Wolossowo, Russia 110x110
259 Gross Neuendorf, Germany 120x120
260 Jort, France 120x140
261 Elvenes, Norway 80x100
262 Bjerkvik, Norway 120x120
263 Wola District, Warszawa 120x120
264 Peleliu 200 x 160
265 Berezov, Russia 100x120
266 Yakovlevo, Russia 140x160
267 Teterevino, Russia 140x160
268 Prokhorovka, Russia 200x160
269 Town 30x30
270 Verrieres Ridge,Normandy 120x180
271 Sand River 50x40
272 Ruinberg 40x50
273 Ruinberg on Fire 40x50
274 Malinovka 40x50
275 275 Redshire 100x100
276 276 Sokolovo, USSR 70x60
277 277 Stalingrad winter map 40x40
278 278 Stalingrad rr 1 30x30
279 279 Butaritari Island-Makin Atoll
280 280 Maklin Island Battle area 1943
281 281 Merriville 100 X 100
282 282 Saint Lambert, France 80 X 100
283 283 Fintel Ridge, Germany 140 X 140
284 284 Arnsberg Wald, Germany 160 X 160
285 285 Lubbecke Crossroads 140 X 140
286 286 Ortona, Italy 100 X 140
287 287 Generic Countryside 100 X 160
288 288 China Rice Paddies 80 X 100
289 289 Fez, Morocco 70 X 120
290 290 Radzymin, Poland 80 X 120
291 291 Vimy Ridge, France 160 X 200
292 292 Polish Countryside 70 X 110
293 293 Teruel, Spain 80 X 100
294 294 Moroccan Beach 80 X 100
295 295 Rostov 100 X 100
296 296 Narva, Winter 160 X 200
297 297 Western Kharkov, Winter 110X110
298 298 Stalingrad, Winter 110 X 110
299 299 Stalingrad Ruins 120 X 180
300 300 Autumn village w railyard 30x30
301 Elvenes, Norway 200x160
302 Uscilug, Bug river 200x160
303 Oleksandrivka, Ukraine 200x160
304 Markajarvi, Finland 200x160
305 Schoenebeck, Germany 200x160
306 Pervomaisk, Ukraine 200x160
307 Birningen, Germany 120x150
308 Coulogne, France 160x140
309 Coulogne, Fr (shift N) 160x140
310 Levanger, Norway 200x160
311 Brieg-Oppeln, Ge (snow) 200x160
312 Brieg-Oppeln, Ge (fall) 200x160
313 Warlus, France 200x160
314 Chabrehez, Belgium 130x120
315 Fleury-s-Orne, France 140x160
316 S of Caen<Venhola-Contours only>200x160
317 Hockwald Gap<Venhola-Contours only>200x160
318 Villers B<Venhola-contours only>200x160
319 Seelow heights -contours 200x160

RVPERTVS February 26th, 2017 03:33 PM

Re: winSPWW2 V10 upgrade for 2017
Great news as always! Is it possible to include the whole Game Guide in a single PDF document?

Mobhack February 26th, 2017 03:45 PM

Re: winSPWW2 V10 upgrade for 2017

Originally Posted by RVPERTVS (Post 837469)
Great news as always! Is it possible to include the whole Game Guide in a single PDF document?

No since it is designed as an HTML document.

Someone may produce a PDF copy - but that is not a format we use.

DRG March 3rd, 2017 07:08 AM

Re: winSPWW2 V10 upgrade for 2017


Warhero March 3rd, 2017 08:42 AM

Re: winSPWW2 V10 upgrade for 2017

DRG March 3rd, 2017 09:37 AM

Re: winSPWW2 V10 upgrade for 2017
Both games by the numbers.....( March 2017 )

winSPMBT OOB's contain 36,555 units --winSPMBT units contain 68 individual unit data entries per unit
There are 16,539 formations in winSPMBT and each of those has 20 data points
There are 15,611 weapons listed in winSPMBT. ...each of those has 13 data points


36,555 X 68 = 2,485,740 bits of data
16,539 X 20 = 330,780 bits of data
15,611 X 13 = 202,943 bits of data

TOTAL bits of data in winSPMBT's OOB's
2,485,740 + 330,780 + 202,943 = 3,019,463

Three Million, Nineteen Thousand, Four Hundred and Sixty Three

winSPWW2 OOB's contain 12,566 units
winSPWW2 contains 60 individual unit data entries per unit

There are 6,979 formations in winSPWW2 and each of those has 20 data points
There are 4,828 weapons listed in winSPWW2 ...each of those has 13 data points


12,566 x 60 = 753,960
6,979 x 20= 139,580
4,828 X 13 = 62,764

TOTAL bits of data in winSPWW2
753,960 + 139,580 + 62,764 = 956,304

Nine Hundred and Fifty Six Thousand Three Hundred and Four

Total Data bits in both games

3,019,463 + 956,304 = 3,975,767


scorpio_rocks March 3rd, 2017 11:33 AM

Re: winSPWW2 V10 upgrade for 2017
Yikes! spend 1 sec / data point, every day for 8 hours a day = 138 days!

A miracle there aren't a few more mistakes!

Thanks guys for all the hard work!

DRG March 3rd, 2017 02:29 PM

Re: winSPWW2 V10 upgrade for 2017

Originally Posted by scorpio_rocks (Post 837539)
Yikes! spend 1 sec / data point, every day for 8 hours a day = 138 days!

Yes but we've been at this for NINETEEN YEARS

If I was in really good shape ( and all the other obvious impediments were removed ) I could have walk to the moon

Mario_Fr March 3rd, 2017 03:30 PM

Re: winSPWW2 V10 upgrade for 2017
Don, Andy, thanks a lot. It`s another great update.

Two minor mistakes I`ve found in the OOB`s (of Germany #16)

There is a 1000lbs bomb (#198) which is the primary weapon of two infantry units (#553 InfGrp (SMG)SS and #700 Brandenburger.

And unit #090 (8.8cm Flak 18) still has the old icon, while all the other 8.8cm Flak already have the new one.

Also thanks a lot for including the ATG icons I`ve made. I always was a fan of anti-tank guns in WinSPWW2 and now, seeing my icons in the official game, I will even buy more of them.:)

DRG March 3rd, 2017 03:36 PM

Re: winSPWW2 V10 upgrade for 2017
The bomb issue is a total mystery as I don't recall going anywhere near that bit of the OOB

The unit #090 88 still has the old icon because that's the icon I wanted for that unit. If you like yours better feel free to change it. I don't plan to

Mario_Fr March 3rd, 2017 03:51 PM

Re: winSPWW2 V10 upgrade for 2017

as for the 88. But you gave the other two 88`s the new icon (unit #134 and #707), so I thought that you just forgot about #090.


DRG March 3rd, 2017 04:01 PM

Re: winSPWW2 V10 upgrade for 2017
Can you please explain to me HOW, after we test for weeks and don't see that German W198 was turned into a 1000 pound bomb and we do NOT have ANY IDEA WHATSOEVER how or why or when that could have happened that you have the patch for what.....1 hour...2? and you "discover" that two relatively obscure German units have had 1000 pound bombs in place of vz.9 SMG.....I'd really ( really.. ) like to know how you managed to find that so quickly.

Mario_Fr March 3rd, 2017 04:26 PM

Re: winSPWW2 V10 upgrade for 2017
To be honest, I`ve checked if you included my OOB suggestions that I`ve proposed one and a half years ago (it was about the armament and bomb loads of the Fw 190, Bf 109 and Hs 129.) And you did, what it`s great because I`ve mentioned them quite a long time ago and placed them at the end of a running thread of some 50 or so pages, which made them very likely to be ignored anyway. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/showt...t=49664&page=6

Somewhere in this thread I`ve hinted that the Germans never had a 120kg bomb (which you also corrected in the new patch), and I was curious if you changed it for a 100kg bomb. All the rest is giving credit to the search possibilites of Mobhack (find: 100)

And of course, I`m quite familiar with "my German OOB"...

By the way, I`m not sure about it, but it is possible that ground attack and fighter bomber (unit class #44 and 243) have different costs again? I think this was corrected in v9, but it seems that it was changed again, so that unit class #243 is cheaper than #44 for the very same unit.

DRG March 3rd, 2017 05:00 PM

Re: winSPWW2 V10 upgrade for 2017

Originally Posted by Mario_Fr (Post 837548)

By the way, I`m not sure about it, but it is possible that ground attack and fighter bomber (unit class #44 and 243) have different costs again? I think this was corrected in v9, but it seems that it was changed again, so that unit class #243 is cheaper than #44 for the very same unit.

We ( in general not you and me.. ) go through this ALL the time and IDK why but.......WHICH "very same unit"s are you referring to. Am I suppose to read minds now too ?? If you or anyone else want to make claims like that you need to TELL ME THE UNIT NUMBERS....or do you expect me to go through each one to find the one you MIGHT be referring to because so far I cannot find two identical ones because " very same unit" means EVERYTHING is the same in both but the cost and NO .. nothing in the costing code was even looked at this year

Mario_Fr March 3rd, 2017 05:21 PM

Re: winSPWW2 V10 upgrade for 2017
I`m referring to this thread: the way the cost calculator treats the cost of unit class #44 and #243

What I meant by very same unit, is that if you take a fighter bomber (any) and change the class of that very unit to ground attack #243 the cost calculator changes it`s cost.

According to the notes for patch v9 this was corrected, but it seems that in v10 it was changed back again.

But before you go crazy (because you haven`t touched the cost calculator for this patch)... I`ve just checked. It seems that you`ve forgot to implement it in v9 or maybe it was in v9.0 but not in v9b)


DRG March 3rd, 2017 06:21 PM

Re: winSPWW2 V10 upgrade for 2017
I just built two test units in another OOB and yes there is a difference in cost between the two unit classes. I have no idea how it could be fixed then unfixed the cost calcs used date from March 2016.

For now learn to live with it. It's a minor issue. No one is going to win or lose a game over it and it's been like that for years already. But we put it on the to-do list.......again

DRG March 4th, 2017 02:57 PM

Re: winSPWW2 V10 upgrade for 2017
Andy found and fixed the cost calculator issue. It was getting WW2 and MBT unit classes mixed up ( sometimes...sometimes not ) and as a result, things like ground attack aircraft were being undervalued. We thought it had been fixed and tested...maybe we both dreamed it had been but it's fixed now. There are generally minor changes to the cost of some other unit types in both games. Nothing earth shattering.......a couple of points here or there and not many of them.

DRG March 6th, 2017 12:44 PM

Re: winSPWW2 V10 upgrade for 2017
If anyone has actually played with the sound on and used a

Panther, Tiger 1, Koenigstiger, T34, Is-2 or an M3A1

The sounds you hear when they move ARE recordings of each of those vehicles moving.

Tomas March 6th, 2017 01:39 PM

Re: winSPWW2 V10 upgrade for 2017
Thank you for the new patches devs!

Is it OK to update the game with ongoing PBEM campaign with basic security ?

DRG March 6th, 2017 04:23 PM

Re: winSPWW2 V10 upgrade for 2017
It's been awhile since Andy or I tested that but we both think it will be OK using Basic security

Pat58 March 12th, 2017 02:48 PM

Re: winSPWW2 V10 upgrade for 2017

Originally Posted by DRG (Post 837635)
If anyone has actually played with the sound on and used a

Panther, Tiger 1, Koenigstiger, T34, Is-2 or an M3A1

The sounds you hear when they move ARE recordings of each of those vehicles moving.

That is a nice touch. Is it a coding issue that prevents those tanks from playing the same sound file in the scenarios?

DRG March 12th, 2017 03:28 PM

Re: winSPWW2 V10 upgrade for 2017
When a scenario is made data like the unit sound used is taken from the unit at the time the scenario was made and locked into the scenario data file and at the time all the scenarios in the game now were made they all used the default tank unit sounds. You can change them if you like with ScenHack if you have the extended/CD version by loading the scenario then press change......find the same unit and change it and it will pick up the new unit and the new sound.....and if that sounds like "fun" imagine why we don't do it unless a scenario is actually "broken" by an OOB change

The game does not pick new units for scenarios to allow scenario designers the freedom to make changes to the basic data that will be used in his scenario......if he changed a unit to indicate it had taken damage before the scenario began of for example he wanted them to move at infantry speed all of that would go away if the game selected the unit from the OOB and that's why you don't hear those sounds in older scenarios

Non Serviam March 13th, 2017 06:32 PM

Re: winSPWW2 V10 upgrade for 2017
Confirmed to work perfectly in Linux, using Wine on default settings.

Also, thank you for this. It's an excellent patch that thoroughly improves the game. My favourite thing about it is how much better the maps look.

DRG March 13th, 2017 06:38 PM

Re: winSPWW2 V10 upgrade for 2017
Good news and information regarding Linux use.

We're glad you like the changes


jivemi March 16th, 2017 09:44 PM

Re: winSPWW2 V10 upgrade for 2017
Many thanks Don and Andy. The new terrain features are especially appreciated; they're softer in texture, easier on the eyes, and aesthetically pleasing. So pleasing in fact that I've finally been inspired to turn off the Move Radius button so I can enjoy them in full. Cheers!

DRG March 31st, 2017 08:07 AM

Re: winSPWW2 V10 upgrade for 2017
There is now a revised ver 10.01 of the patch posted to DL. The explanation is in the first post of this thread.


scorpio_rocks March 31st, 2017 12:17 PM

Re: winSPWW2 V10.01 upgrade for 2017
Thanks for your diligence and quick action.

KV7 April 6th, 2017 03:25 AM

Re: winSPWW2 V10.01 upgrade for 2017
I just noticed this, but in the long (and possibly user created) campaign the AI points seem to be not follow the standard formula but be capped or otherwise effected by the points in the user generated scenario screen; of course this is not meant to happen at all.

I just started a Soviet long campaign, the first two battles are meeting engagement and run as normal (although on 100% AI points it is a cakewalk, but still feels like a normal battle).

Then the next battle I was defending with ~3000 points and (with AI points in the scenario screen on the default setting of 4000 points) the AI opponent attacks with what looked like 4000 points (not the 9000 it would usually get), which resulted unsurprisingly in a pathetically easy victory.

I reloaded from the last turn of the previous battle (drawing a defend mission again) but with the AI points turned up to 12 000 (again in the scenario screen) and low and behold a good part of a German armored division appears (looks like 9000 points but I might be wrong).

Next I try reloading again and get a meeting engagement, but now the opponent force is almost the same size as when defending (looked like 12 k points actually, I can count 50 or so Panzer IV; 25 Panzer II; another 20 or so light vehicles etc.) Unsurprisingly this is now pretty tough

I have the latest mod on the CD base version.

DRG April 6th, 2017 06:48 AM

Re: winSPWW2 V10.01 upgrade for 2017
Post a save game. That is the ONLY way we can check anything like this

I am not sure at all what you mean by "capped or otherwise effected by the points in the user generated scenario screen"

........user generated scenario screen ??

I started a Soviet LC and the first battle was a meeter against the Poles. I bought my force started the game, saved it, renamed it to an empty scenario then moved it to the scenario folder and checked it in the editor.

The AI Poles had 5047 points worth of troops and equipment and the Russians had 5059 points worth of troops and equipment.....so about as equal as it's going to get ............BUT I had deliberately tried to force the AI to take 250 points in the preference screen when I first set up the campaign but the game ignored me ( as it should ) and bought an equal force for the AI.....that said SOP should be P2 in a campaign should be set to XXX

KV7 April 6th, 2017 08:59 AM

Re: winSPWW2 V10.01 upgrade for 2017

Originally Posted by DRG (Post 838148)
Post a save game. That is the ONLY way we can check anything like this

I am not sure at all what you mean by "capped or otherwise effected by the points in the user generated scenario screen"

........user generated scenario screen ??

I started a Soviet LC and the first battle was a meeter against the Poles. I bought my force started the game, saved it, renamed it to an empty scenario then moved it to the scenario folder and checked it in the editor.

The AI Poles had 5047 points worth of troops and equipment and the Russians had 5059 points worth of troops and equipment.....so about as equal as it's going to get ............BUT I had deliberately tried to force the AI to take 250 points in the preference screen when I first set up the campaign but the game ignored me ( as it should ) and bought an equal force for the AI.....that said SOP should be P2 in a campaign should be set to XXX

Sorry for the confusion; by 'user generated scenario screen' I meant the 'preferences screen' as this is used to adjust points for user generated battles or in my confusing language 'scenarios' ['not a campaign' or 'single battle'].

My understanding is if AI points are set to 'XXX' the game will determine AI points in a 'battle' by the standard formula (*0.33 AI defend; 0.5 AI delay; . . .*3 AI attack) and changing the points allocation will override the formula, but that in a campaign the points are ALWAYS set by the formula (as adjusted by the 'ai adjust = xxx %') for standard but not long scenarios (unless something changed in one mod and AI adjust now works for the long campaign ?)

What I am saying is that is appears that the points allocation in the preferences screen affected AI points in the campaign, overriding the formula.

This is very bizarre as I have played hundreds of campaign battles and never noticed this occur - although I have noticed that campaigns in WinSPMBT appear to under-spawn the AI (give it comparatively too little points)when my force gets very large, which could be explained by the points in the preferences screen setting an upper limit.

DRG April 6th, 2017 09:49 AM

Re: winSPWW2 V10.01 upgrade for 2017
Which is one reason I asked for a save game.

Just telling us you did this and that and saw whatever doesn't mean anything without the save game to back it up.

I'm 7 battles into a Canadian LC and have not seen anything out of the ordinary for AI force numbers based on battle type but that doesn't mean you don't.... it just mean TELLING us doesn't mean anything without SHOWING us and that goes for ANYONE making any type of report like this.....and a screen shot of your preference setting would help too.

We cannot duplicate a test without knowing exactly what the settings were that generated what you consider to be the problem. The game is too complicated with too many interconnecting bits of code to just guess.

As I showed you in the test I ran this morning I TRIED to force the AI to only choose 250 points for the AI in a Soviet LC and it ignored me ( as it should )

Mobhack April 6th, 2017 10:03 AM

Re: winSPWW2 V10.01 upgrade for 2017
Whatever you have set for points for player 2, or air strikes for player 1 or 2 in the preferences screen are irrelevant for campaign games.

Player 2 points in a long campaign are based on the value of your core troops plus any points spent on support troops for the current battle. Air strikes are handed out by the internal formula.

Whatever points you have set for player 1 in a campaign is only relevant for your initial purchase in the first battle. And if you do not spend that amount, the surplus points will be ignored as well. So if you had 5000 points as P1 points in preferences and spent just 3000 on your initial core then the first battle would be based on the 3000 points you actually spent (plus any support you buy from support troops points).

DRG April 6th, 2017 12:35 PM

Re: winSPWW2 V10.01 upgrade for 2017

Originally Posted by KV7 (Post 838149)
This is very bizarre as I have played hundreds of campaign battles and never noticed this occur - although I have noticed that campaigns in WinSPMBT appear to under-spawn the AI (give it comparatively too little points)when my force gets very large, which could be explained by the points in the preferences screen setting an upper limit.

This will be looked into once we get a save we can study but campaigns we have been a little too lenient with allowing players to purchase..... for MBT especially ( because equipment costs more ) players need to limit themselves to 22,000 points MAXIMUM and that INCLUDES support troops

It's on our " to-do" for next season

DRG April 6th, 2017 06:45 PM

Re: winSPWW2 V10.01 upgrade for 2017

Originally Posted by KV7 (Post 838145)
I just noticed this, but in the long (and possibly user created) campaign the AI points seem to be not follow the standard formula but be capped or otherwise effected by the points in the user generated scenario screen; of course this is not meant to happen at all.

I just started a Soviet long campaign, the first two battles are meeting engagement and run as normal (although on 100% AI points it is a cakewalk, but still feels like a normal battle).

Then the next battle I was defending with ~3000 points and (with AI points in the scenario screen on the default setting of 4000 points) the AI opponent attacks with what looked like 4000 points (not the 9000 it would usually get), which resulted unsurprisingly in a pathetically easy victory.

I reloaded from the last turn of the previous battle (drawing a defend mission again) but with the AI points turned up to 12 000 (again in the scenario screen) and low and behold a good part of a German armored division appears (looks like 9000 points but I might be wrong).

Next I try reloading again and get a meeting engagement, but now the opponent force is almost the same size as when defending (looked like 12 k points actually, I can count 50 or so Panzer IV; 25 Panzer II; another 20 or so light vehicles etc.) Unsurprisingly this is now pretty tough

I have the latest mod on the CD base version.

I would STILL like to see one of your save games but campaign unit/ points limits have gone into the " gold star to-do list " we have spent too much time adding new features and perhaps not enough on making sure things that have fallen off our radar....like long campaigns....are still working correctly. The code is, ......well....."convoluted" ....at the best of times and something we did someplace else may have had a Rube Goldberg effect where we least expect it.

IDK how many people play Long or generated campaigns but they need to keep their troop strength to no more than 22,000 points MAXIMUM to allow the AI enough points to mount a proper assault but we need to see that save to see if there is anything else needs a tweak to bring it back in line


KV7 April 6th, 2017 10:54 PM

Re: winSPWW2 V10.01 upgrade for 2017
Ok I have located the saves; but I cannot seem to attach as .dat is not a valid extension; I suppose I need to zip it or something ?

KV7 April 6th, 2017 11:28 PM

Re: winSPWW2 V10.01 upgrade for 2017
1 Attachment(s)
Ok here we go;

Turn 21: Human USSR defending against pathetic AI German attack,
(even launching counterattack on the right flank destroying routing German infantry. This is the final turn before victory awarded.

By my calculation the attacking German force should be ~10,000 points, it looks more like ~3500 or so.

DRG April 7th, 2017 09:13 AM

Re: winSPWW2 V10.01 upgrade for 2017
Do you by any chance have the save at the end of the last battle before this?

There is a problem we are going to have to look into. The AI was only given 2050 points to your 3597 and sorting out why may take awhile given this does not seem to be a regular occurrence but this gives us a known starting point to start looking

DRG April 7th, 2017 09:30 AM

Re: winSPWW2 V10.01 upgrade for 2017
Let's try something else......

1) What is your "AI advantage" set to in the misc settings tab of game options?


2) what did you set " Difficulty level" too when you started this Long campaign?

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