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RERomine September 12th, 2010 06:09 PM

DAR: USSR vs Finland II
1 Attachment(s)
USSR vs. Finland

Mission: Delay, Finland, 3/1940 - scattered objectives.

Enemy: Battalion Strength – 1 Armor Plt, 5 Infantry Co, 1 Artillery Btry, plus Cavalry, ATG and AAA. Strike aircraft possible. Average force experience, ~75.

This enemy force estimate is based on the last delay I fought against Finland. In that battle, my force was 1740. This battle has my force at 1766. Since the numbers are so close, I suspect a similar enemy sized enemy force.

Terrain: Map = 100x100. The battle area is composed of terrain that has low rolling hills and 50% covered by trees. Scattered about the map are a lot of what I will call medium sized lakes. The lakes are typically 500m long and 150m wide. Much of the area immediately around lakes are either marshy or muddy. There are some rough areas around which will make nice positions for infantry. Spring is on its way, so there is only one small area of snow. Of a man-made variety, there are two roads, one bridge and a handful of houses. One road is roughly East-West and the other North-South. The EW Road starts from the west edge of the map 250m from the south edge. It heads basically east, jogging north once in a while, crossing my deployment line 500m from the south edge. At this point, it turns more or less east north east and exits the eastern edge of the map. Just before it crosses into my deployment zone, it crossed one of the lakes. This is where the one bridge is located. The NW road runs mostly 200m from the east edge until it turns north northwest 1200m from the top of the map. Visibility = 83.

Troops: Battalion Strength – 1 Armor Co. (7xM26 1939, 5xM26 M1931), 3 Infantry Co., 1 Support Co (3xHMG sec., 2x45mm ATGs, 2x82mm Mort. sec., 2xBA6 ACs, 2xScouts w/trans., 1xEng. Plt, 1xAAMG sec. and 2xSupply Trucks) 1xSpotter Plane. Average force experience, ~65.

The only "upgrade" to my core was to swap out one 12.7mm AAMG with a quad 7.62mm. Standard for this group would have been two 12.7mm AAMGs and one Quad 7.62mm, but the OOB didn't allow this, so I started out with three 12.7mm AAMGs. I finally got around to "upgrading" to make this what it was supposed to be.

Time: 36 Turns


Starting with the roads, the NS road is unimportant. It is roughly 1000m beyond the furthest flag. The EW road is different. It provides the enemy a high speed avenue of approach. With the bridge just before entering my deployment zone, there is something of a choke point. Just beyond this bridge is a hill designed at Hill 4. This hill is 50% covered with trees and is level 20. Unless occupied, it provides a screen to enemy units advancing up the road.

Just north of Hill 4, there is another hill designated as Hill 3. This hill is also level 20 and mostly clear. On the eastern slope, there are some trees, but that is basically the extent of it. The west of the hill is a large wooded area. Assaults on the hill can move up to the slope in relative cover. North of the hill is a good sized lake. This would provide a hindrance to shifting troops north, but also protects the flank of the hill.

North of this lake is Hill 2. It is positioned about 500m east of my deployment line. There are several lakes to the west, creating several choke points for access to this area. Also west of the hill are a lot of swampy ground, so movement through the area will be difficult. Hill 2 has only one long tree line on it, so fields of fire are very clear. To the north and northwest of the hill is a large area of trees, so any concealed approach will likely come from this area.

Further north is Hill 1. It is a large hill, with two peaks or plateaus. The western slopes are fairly wooded. These woods are the same one near Hill 2. The is a lake between the two hills and the hills are actually joined just west of the lake. Controlling the peaks of Hill 1 don't help much because the only open fields of fire are to the east. The enemy can approach the hills from the west under good cover. To the north of Hill 1 is a lake and a large open area and to the northeast is large forest.

One other hill of note is Hill 5. It is mostly just forward of my deployment line and actually is conjoined to Hill 3. Any enemy units coming over this hill will be in sight of Hills 2 and 3. If the enemy placed tanks and crew served weapons up there, they would provide coving fire for any advancing infantry.

The remaining areas of the map not reviewed are open enough to allow rapid advance or shifting of units from one area to another as needed. With no snow of consequence, movement will be faster than in previous battles.


I'm doing this DAR since my last delay was a blood bath. Here are some of the lessons I learned from that battle:

1. When you have less experienced troops, don't deploy in the woods. In a one on one fight, the enemy usually doesn't run if it takes a casualty or two, but the less experienced force tends to bolt.
2. When your infantry has no/limited tank killing capability, your armor needs to be closer to or on the front. It took my way too long to send in my armor, which was kept in reserve. The snow and terrain were contributing factors, but my tanks should have been closer to the front.
3. Forget about counter battery fire if you have limited indirect capability with respect to the enemy. In that last battle, I would have done better to harass the enemy infantry instead of going a couple of mortars. By the time I started targeting infantry, they were in knife fighting range with my center and right.

With these three things in mind, here is my basic plan. I will have three basic groups around three infantry companies and they will cover three areas.

The first area covered by Alpha Company is the woods northeast of Hill 1. Since the western slopes of Hill 1 have a lot of trees, I opted to stay generally to the east. It allows me open fields of fire on the western and southwestern sides of the hill. My expectation is the enemy will cross this hill in small groups and I will be able to destroy them in detail. This area is too large for one company to cover it all, so one platoon from Bravo company will deploy on the eastern side of the eastern peak of Hill 1. Half of my tanks are scattered among my infantry to put the on the front. They will be able to add their fire power to that of the infantry and will prevent enemy tanks from over running my infantry like they did on my right flank during my last delay. The right flank is open so anything coming through here will be engaged at a distance. One HMG section has also been attached and positioned to add their fire to anything crossing the open on Hill 1.

The center section is the smallest. Bravo Company's remaining two, most experienced platoons will deploy on and around Hill 2. This will allow them good fields of fire to the west. The ground is open, swampy and with some lakes. Anything coming over Hill 5 that is seen can be engaged from Hill 2. All units will be deployed with some distance between them and the woods to the west of Hill 1. I don't want any enemy infantry to end up next to one of my squads without first begin engaged. Two armored cars are supporting this group. They are highly experienced and should help significantly in this area.

The southern sector will be covered by Charlie Company, reinforced by a platoon of engineers, six tanks and two ATGs. Two platoons will cover Hill 3 and two platoons will cover Hill 4. In both cases, they are going with something of a reverse slope defense. HM Gs will be cover the peaks of the two hills from a distance. Each group will be able to some fire on the peak of the hill they aren't behind, in addition to covering the peak to their immediate front. The area between the two hills is open, so that area is covered by HMGs and tanks. The road crosses Hill 4, so ATGs to the southeast will be able to engage tanks expected from this area.

In addition to those deployments, one scout team and Kosmolets will be deployed on each flank. The scout teams will provide eyes for any enemy approaching and the Kosmolets will engage any infantry sighted as long as it doesn't have tank support. Finally, my AAMGs were deployed so they can provide air defense and support ground troops as well.

One final note. I'm not covering three flags, so the enemy can take those without firing a shot. It was necessary to deploy to confirm to the terrain and not deploy to cover the flags. Deploying on inappropriate terrain means I probably lose and save no flags. On the other hand, if I do blunt the enemy attack well, I might actually be able to counter attack and take back the three flags I surrendered out of the gate. From a somewhat gamey angle, those three flags will act as indicators and let me know when the enemy is there, even if I don't happen to see them.

I've attached a map with my basic plan outlined on it.

RERomine September 12th, 2010 06:19 PM

Re: DAR: USSR vs Finland II
Turn 0 (Prep Fire)

No prep fire by either side.


Friendly: Zero.

Enemy: Zero.

Turn 1

No enemy sighted.


Friendly: Zero.

Enemy: Zero.

RERomine September 12th, 2010 06:29 PM

Re: DAR: USSR vs Finland II
Turn 2

Hmmm...three enemy BT-7 tanks seen advancing a fair distance away. I don't have BT-7 tanks and didn't expect the enemy to have them. Maybe I need to check to the encyclopedia and find out what the Finns had available in 3/1940.

Anyhow, they have infantry with them, because one of the tanks isn't centered in the hex. If they continue straight east, they will cross over Hill 1. I'm going to see if I can drop some mortar fire on them and separate the infantry from the tanks.


Friendly: Zero.

Enemy: Zero.

RERomine September 12th, 2010 06:42 PM

Re: DAR: USSR vs Finland II
Turn 3

It's getting better. Now I see three T-28E tanks. Those I can only take out from the front at point blank range. They are advancing along the same general line as the three BT-7s, which are 1000m outside of my deployment line. The T-28Es are about 500m further back.

I plotted mortars near the projected axis of advance of the enemy. Additionally, I'm going to get my spotter plane out there so I get a better look.

While I really want to move more tanks over there, I'm resisting the temptation at the moment. I have three tanks there and might be able to destroy the enemy in detail. The BT-7s should outrun the T-28Es.


Friendly: Zero.

Enemy: Zero.

RERomine September 12th, 2010 07:08 PM

Re: DAR: USSR vs Finland II
Turn 4

My spotter plane is down. Two shots from AAMGs and both hit. The plane almost dropped on an enemy infantry squad, missing it by 50m.

I'm done resisting moving my tanks. So far, three BT-7s, three T-26 M37s and five T-28Es have been spotted heading to Hill 1. My infantry has no AT capability so I'm moving vehicle with 45mm guns over there. That will give me seven tanks and two armored cars. I'll have a fourth tank there in short order. The two armored cars won't take long. The last three tanks are moving from the left flank and will tank a bit to get there.

Since I have a little time, I'm going to reevaluate my overall deployment. I've pulled all my armor except my light tanks off line, so I want to make sure I'm not vulnerable as a result of these changes. My ATGs will still cover the road on the left flank and I could move a few tanks back over to Hills 2 or 3 if needed. I need to make sure.


Friendly: 1xPolikarpov U-2 plane destroyed.

Enemy: Zero.

RERomine September 12th, 2010 07:25 PM

Re: DAR: USSR vs Finland II
Turn 5

Moved two tanks up on east side of Hill 1 and opened up on enemy BT-7s, destroying one and punching a hole in another. The other two ducked into some low ground east of their previous location. This should put them in the woods on the other side of Hill 1. They should pop out soon. Mortar rounds are dropping on the hill they had been located on, so any infantry there will be slowed down.

I've got a fourth tank at the projected target of the attack. My two armored cars will be on site in two more turns. The remaining three tanks moving from the left are on their way, but have a way to go.


Friendly: Zero.

Enemy: 1xBT-7 tank destroyed.

RERomine September 12th, 2010 07:38 PM

Re: DAR: USSR vs Finland II
Turn 6

The enemy BT-7s popped up on east side of Hill 1 and took fire from my tanks. Another hole was punched in one of the BT-7s. T-28Es fired at my tanks from a distance and hit one with no effect. I think I'm going to have to go reverse slope, because I need those things at point blank range.

Enemy infantry sighted heading east along the north edge. I opened up with one of my Kosmolets, without effect. This flank is going to get ugly. No activity anywhere else along the line, but I have to believe there will be. My estimate has one tank and two infantry companies heading toward my right flank. That should leave three more infantry companies somewhere.

Random and lucky incoming mail. They are dropping 76mm stuff right on the path of my three left flank tanks. One will push on and out of the impact zone. The other two will have to find a different way. There isn't anything else in the area.


Friendly: Zero.

Enemy: Zero.

RERomine September 12th, 2010 07:55 PM

Re: DAR: USSR vs Finland II
Turn 7

Busted open both enemy BT-7 tanks and then withdrew to the back side of Hill 1. I have one tank still deployed in the woods near the hill and it opened up on an enemy T-28E, without affect. The remaining enemy tanks are still advancing. I've deployed my armored cars on Hill 1, but behind the northern peak. The plan is to use them for flank shots on Finnish tanks once they show up. Hopefully, no enemy infantry will roll over the hill and catch them exposed.

Kosmolets still firing at one approaching enemy squad. It seems to be pinned, but isn't damaged. My scout is just watching the action at this point.

Moved my tanks from the enemy impact zone. Rounds are just falling on some hill behind my front. My mortar rounds are still dropping on the hill where the enemy lost their first BT-7. One decision I made during deployment is turning out to be bad. I separated my mortars so counter battery wouldn't get both of them. Now, I've lost contact with one and can't adjust. I need to remember most Soviet units don't have radios.


Friendly: Zero.

Enemy: 2xBT-7 tanks destroyed.

RERomine September 12th, 2010 08:37 PM

Re: DAR: USSR vs Finland II
Turn 8

Enemy artillery dropped on my position behind Hill 1, so I need to pull my tanks out of there until it stops. My mortars immobilized one T-28E, so that should reduce the number of incoming tanks to seven. There might be some I haven't seen, but I can't worry too much about it.

The enemy infantry that was advancing on my scout and Kosmolets has changed direction to the southeast. I guess it doesn't like the resistance it is meeting. The Kosmolets is in sight of an enemy tank, but I'm not going to move and hope it doesn't open up. There isn't anyplace safe to go, anyhow.

I'm thinking it is time to move my mortars. The enemy will eventually get around to some counter battery fire.


Friendly: Zero.

Enemy: Zero.

RERomine September 12th, 2010 08:47 PM

Re: DAR: USSR vs Finland II
Turn 9

Heavy incoming mail now. Receiving both on-board and off-board 76mm stuff. One of my squads turned and ran out of the impact zone. Three others held fast. I pulled my tanks out of the main impact zone.

Shifted my Kosmolets and engaged the enemy squad again. It had turned so it would move into range of my scout and I don't want it found.

Packed up my mortars. They move next turn.


Friendly: Zero.

Enemy: Zero.

RERomine September 12th, 2010 08:56 PM

Re: DAR: USSR vs Finland II
Turn 10

Howitzers lifted their fire. The one squad has recovered, so I'll move it forward again. It seems like the enemy tanks have changed direction some. They seem to be heading southeast, but will have to turn back east as there is a lake blocking their path. Two more tanks showed up on the northern edge, but these are MG armed T-37a types. All I have out there is one scout and one Kosmolets. The scout has a satchel charge, so it should do well.

Incoming mortar fire behind the lines of my left flank. Some rounds were coming down in the swamp. Frog's legs for dinner tonight :D


Friendly: Zero.

Enemy: Zero.

RERomine September 12th, 2010 09:14 PM

Re: DAR: USSR vs Finland II
Turn 11

The enemy howitzers are trying to hit my Kosmolets now, but over shot the target. I'm going to move it forward a bit more to make sure it doesn't get hit by a stray round. The enemy tanks and infantry along the north edge have turned to the southeast and will stay away from my scout.

Only two of the enemy big tanks are visible now, still heading toward Hill 1. They are slow. No contact anywhere else along the line. It seems like they are taking a long time to make any sort of contact elsewhere, but I am ready.


Friendly: Zero.

Enemy: Zero.

RERomine September 12th, 2010 09:24 PM

Re: DAR: USSR vs Finland II
Turn 12

Enemy artillery still coming in near scout and Kosmolet. Scout suppress some, but nothing else. My Kosmolet moved forward a little more and scored a hit on one enemy squad.

They dropped some more artillery behind my lines and plinked one of my tanks moving from the left. It takes a while to move 4km without a road.


Friendly: Zero.

Enemy: One.

RERomine September 12th, 2010 09:37 PM

Re: DAR: USSR vs Finland II
Turn 13

Kosmolets destroyed by artillery. A new round of fire started and it was on target. Scout suppressed some as well. More artillery falling behind the lines.

One of my flags turned about 200m in front of some infantry. I didn't see who was there, but I know it was likely an enemy scout or sniper, so I opened up with area fire. After a bit, it responded and my infantry line saw it. There was a scout there. Machine gun fire sent it running with two men down. Enemy infantry now appearing on Hill 5. My three tanks from the left are behind the lines in this area, so I am going to push them forward where they can contribute immediately. I have no clue where the enemy tanks are going, so it won't hurt to have three of my 45mm guns there.


Friendly: 1xKosmolets APC destroyed.

Enemy: Two casualties.

RERomine September 12th, 2010 09:44 PM

Re: DAR: USSR vs Finland II
Turn 14

Enemy artillery raining down just in front of my scout. No casaulties, but I'm sure he's pretty rattled.

Fired at the two enemy squads and scouts with HMGs and small arms. The scouts and squads are running. A sniper opened up on one of my squads, dropping two men. Tanks are starting to move up. My guess is the enemy saw the tanks moving around, because artillery is coming in around their location. A couple more plinks, but no damage.


Friendly: Two casualties.

Enemy: Estimated 5 casualties.

RERomine September 12th, 2010 10:03 PM

Re: DAR: USSR vs Finland II
Turn 15

One of my HMG sections is running because of artillery that fell close. I need to get him back on line because it covered the area where enemy infantry has been spotted. It was just random chance that if hit him. They were targeting my tanks that went through.

Traded shots with the enemy scout again. That sniper also snapped off a few more shots, but I don't know where it is right now. One tank is online; the other two are coming up.

Another flag turned out to my front. It is about 400m west of the southern peak of Hill 1. One of the enemy T-28E tanks is on the northern peak. I need to get my mortars dropping round on the west side of the hill, just in case there are infantry about.


Friendly: Zero.

Enemy: One casualty.

RERomine September 12th, 2010 11:25 PM

Re: DAR: USSR vs Finland II
Turn 16

Four enemy tanks on northern peak of Hill 1 now. I'm going to have to reposition to take them on. Two of their light tanks are moving into the open north of the hill, but I should be able to deal with them with one tank.

Ack!!! Their sniper is killing me. Five men down in one squad!!! I still don't know where he is. I've got two tanks on the line now and some more infantry, but I can't move anyone else on the line until that sniper is gone or out of ammo. Enemy mortars hitting Hill 2 as well. I should be able to hold, but it is a fairly thinly head section of my front.


Friendly: Estimated 5 casualties.

Enemy: Zero.

RERomine September 12th, 2010 11:38 PM

Re: DAR: USSR vs Finland II
Turn 17

Enemy tanks moving forward. Three still on northern peak of Hill 1 and one on the western slope of the southern peak. One of my armored cars punched a hole in the flank of this one and took a shot at another one. I'm going to pepper then with everything I can this turn. The two light tanks are still advancing, but are receiving fire from one of my tanks. One enemy infantry squad also on northern peak. It took small arms fire from all over and was sent back.

Two more enemy squads west of Hill 2, one on Hill 5. Both took tank and HMG fire, both being turned. A tank hunter team showed up as well 150m from my infantry line and was destroyed. The sniper was quiet this turn. Artillery and mortar fire still falling in hill.


Friendly: Zero.

Enemy: Estimated 10 casualties.

RERomine September 13th, 2010 12:00 AM

Re: DAR: USSR vs Finland II
Turn 18

Scored well against the enemy armor. First, one of my armored cars destroyed the tank forward of the southern peak of Hill 1. Next, I peppered a T-28E and T-26 M37 on the northern peak. My other armored car took a shot at the T-28E and had a round bounce off the front. The occurred what I can only call a fortuitous accident. I had decided to move the AC into the hex with the other one, putting it out of sight of the T-28E. For some reason, it moved one hex forward. It took a light penetrating hit from the T-28E and the T-26 missed. It fired at the T-28E and scored a major penetration. A second shot scored a kill. Both armored cars withdrew from back from the peak about 100m. One of my tanks came up onto the peak from the northwest and put a killing round into the T-26. Since there was enemy infantry on the northern peak, I pulled my tanks back to a position in front of my infantry. The tank engaging the light tanks to the north of the hill destroyed one. Friendly mortar rounds started dropping on the west side of Hill 1. Three enemy tanks are still on the hill, supported by infantry.

Action is picking up quickly in front of Hill 2. The majority of one enemy infantry company can be seen. Enemy artillery is still hitting the hill and have forced back two of my HMG units. I'm moving one light tank up from the south to take a position of one of those units until I can get it back online. The enemy is taking a few casualties in this area. So far, my damage has only come from a sniper, who has been quiet lately.


Friendly: Zero.

Enemy: 2xT-28E tanks, 1xT-26 M37 tank and 1xT37a tank destroyed, estimated 10 casualties.

RERomine September 13th, 2010 12:30 AM

Re: DAR: USSR vs Finland II
Turn 19

Destroyed two more enemy tanks. One of those light ones to the north, eliminating those and on T-26 on the northern peak. Two more T-28E tanks are up there. That should be all they have. About one platoon of enemy infantry is visible on Hill 1 as well and drawing fire from infantry and tanks.

Action in front if Hill 2 has really picked up. It appears elements of two enemy companies are now present. One is circling around the north side of the lake out front and another around the south side. I've got mortars plotted on both approaches, but have to bunch the enemy up for two turns. A lot of shooting came from both sides, but only I scored. Enemy artillery is still raining on the hill and my HMGs are still not back on line. My one light tank peppered a squad from the southeast. This area is going to be difficult. If I can finish off the enemy tanks to the north, I can get more help down here.


Friendly: Zero.

Enemy: 1xT-26 M37 tank and 1xT37a tank destroyed, estimated 15 casualties.

RERomine September 13th, 2010 01:27 AM

Re: DAR: USSR vs Finland II
2 Attachment(s)
Turn 20

Turns out there were four enemy tanks left on Hill 1. Three were on the northern peak and one the southern peak. I could only see two T-28Es on the northern peak so I decided to go after then. The tank that destroyed the two enemy light tanks to the north came up from the northeast. It was immediately fired upon by both tanks, which missed. My tank fired and destroyed one of the enemy T-28Es, but the other one destroyed him. One member of the crew survived, so nearby infantry popped smoke to cover him. Having three other tanks and two armored cars close by, I figured I could move up on the peak and swarm the survivor. First, I had to suppress the tank on the southern peak. Fire from infantry on that peak accomplished that task and my two light tanks ran for cover. I moved another tank over where the last one was destroyed and fired at the northern tank from there. The enemy tank turned and I can't kill him from the front at 400m. I moved one tank up top to get closer, but an unseen T-26 M37 fired. It was quickly destroyed, so I was able to focus back on the T-28E. Two armored cars came up and finally destroyed it. In the process, a scout and sniper were found and the last tank came up and tried to destroy them without success. Fire was also traded with the T-28E on the southern peak and infantry on both sides exchanged fire. I need to get my tanks off the hill next turn and take out that last T-28E.

Things are getting very hairy on Hill 2. Enemy infantry is forcing my troops back on the hill. My tanks are exposed now and need to pull back. Both sides are taking casualties, but they have more men in the area. I have two platoons holding this hill and they are facing two enemy companies. Making it worse enemy artillery is still hammering this hill. Since Charlie Company to the south isn't engaged at all, I will try to send some help but there is the lake directly to the north to go around. I made a comment before the battle that this lake would be a hindrance to shifting troops. Turns out to be an inconvenient truth.

One turn before my mortars turn loose and none too soon. There are Zips in the wire.


Friendly: 1xT-26 1939 tank destroyed, estimated 15 casualties.

Enemy: 2xT-28E tanks and 1xT-26 M37 tank destroyed, estimated 20 casualties.

I'm done for the night, but have attached screen prints of Hills 1 and 2. No action on Hills 3 and 4.

RERomine September 14th, 2010 09:59 PM

Re: DAR: USSR vs Finland II
Turn 21

Pulled all my armor off of the northern peak of Hill 1, but one of my armored cars took the time to take a few shots at the enemy T-28E on the southern peak. I started by lighting the enemy tanks up with small arms. The objective was to get him to turn giving my units on the northern flank some shots. It worked and I got one flank shot. No joy; it bounced of the front anyhow. The tank turned back toward my tanks and I gave up and backed off. Before completely leaving, I made sure the sniper on that peak was destroyed. My three tanks back up to the main infantry line and the armored cars moved to where they can use the T-28E next turn. My tanks and infantry traded fire with the enemy infantry around the peak. The enemy force seems to be wavering here. I see one new enemy squad north of the hill, but it is too far off to do any harm yet and probably isn't alone.

My force on Hill 2 is stabilizing some, but life is still difficult. I pulled back one of my tanks since there was an enemy squad to his rear. He slide around the side, turned around and cut loose, sending the enemy back. My other two tanks fired at the group rounding the north side of the lake, because that seems to be where they are making the most progress. The group coming around the south side of the lake are chewed pretty well, but not out of it yet. Both enemy groups are bunching up. My mortar rounds started dropping. Unfortunately, the one targeting the northern group was about 150m off and that is the one I need on target. One 82mm and one 50mm mortar were on target for the southern group. Aside from a few enemy artillery rounds on the forward slope of Hill 2, the rest has stopped. Things are getting better, but far from peachy.

I have decided against moving in infantry reinforcements from the south. It occurred to me the enemy could very easily be sending troop around the southern side of the lake there and hit me right where my infantry use to be. My three light tanks are moving over, however.


Friendly: Estimated 5 casualties.

Enemy: Estimated 15 casualties.

RERomine September 14th, 2010 10:26 PM

Re: DAR: USSR vs Finland II
Turn 22

I finally got that T-28E on the southern peak of Hill 1. The approach used was similar to last turn. I started with soaking off attacks with infantry. Once it was well buttoned and just firing MGs, I came up with an armored car. It took three shots (the first two missed), but it is destroyed. Once that was taken care of, I started my armored cars and two light tanks heading for a position where they could put fire onto Hill 2. Getting to the hill might be too risky. A fresh enemy platoon appeared on Hill 1. Hot fire was exchange between my forces and theirs, but both sides seem to be holding well right now.

Heavy enemy artillery hit the forward slope of Hill 2, but I started pulling back. No reason for me to hang on the edge with the numbers the enemy has to the west. Their numbers are starting to diminish, however and they don't have any more units on Hill 2. My forces were firing from Hill 1 and Hill 3, so the enemy is taking a beating now. Adjusted fire from my mortars are adding to the destruction. Unless things change, we should hold fast on the hill. One of the light tanks from the south joined the defenders, with two more on the way.


Friendly: Estimated 5 casualties.

Enemy: 1xT-28E tank destroyed, estimated 15 casualties.

RERomine September 14th, 2010 10:49 PM

Re: DAR: USSR vs Finland II
Turn 23

It seems like another platoon is on or around the northern peak of Hill 1. Lots of enemy troops around, but I have decent support here. I've got one platoon on the extreme right flank which can come into support if needed. Right now, two platoons of infantry, three tanks and three HMG teams are holding their own. Firing by both sides is heavy. A couple of my units have turned, but didn't go far. The enemy has far more units running.

Enemy artillery picked up on Hill 2. No casualties, but the suppression isn't good. Enemy on the hill again from the northwest. I've backed up some and allowed them to make a little progress, but I'm still holding reasonably well. I've got a platoon of infantry in buildings nearby, but they are holding still. If they try to move forward, the whole countryside will open up on them. Friendly mortars keep hammering the enemy. The attack around the southern edge of the lake has stalled, but the northern group keeps coming.


Friendly: Estimated 5 casualties.

Enemy: Estimated 20 casualties.

RERomine September 14th, 2010 11:19 PM

Re: DAR: USSR vs Finland II
Turn 24

A couple more enemy squads finally showed up north of Hill 1, but not soon enough to help out their buddy who showed up first. That one has turned. There are a lot of enemy units on Hill 1, but most if not all have taken casualties. My forces are holding them out about 250m, except the occasional tank hunters that get to within 100m. Fire is still pretty hot. I leave my infantry firing to the op-fire phase because if one does fire, he draws about 10 return shots. One of my HMG teams has been turned after taking a couple of casualties. I'm bringing my flank platoon over because all they were doing was watching trees grow. My guess is there are elements of two enemy companies around Hill 1. With the two putting presure on Hill 2 and the dead reinforced tank company, I've seen all the ground units they are sending forward.

Hill 2 is still getting some artillery, but most of it is on the back side. The company HQ squad is running and isn't even on the line. The two line platoons are still holding the enemy out about 200m. Mortar fire is keeping the enemy attack very fragmented. Most enemy units are shooting and not moving.

My guess is there are elements of two enemy companies around Hill 1. With the two putting presure on Hill 2 and the dead reinforced tank company, I've seen all the ground units they are sending forward. They haven't even bothered to take the "free" flag down in the southern area. I think it is time for me to move Charlie Company out and try to hit the right flank of the attacking enemy hitting Hill 2.


Friendly: Estimated 5 casualties.

Enemy: Estimated 15 casualties.

RERomine September 15th, 2010 12:01 AM

Re: DAR: USSR vs Finland II
2 Attachment(s)
Turn 25

Another couple of fresh squads showed up on Hill 1, but they are coming in too slowly to change the outcome. The enemy attack on the hill has definitely stalled. That doesn't mean there isn't a lot of shooting going on. It just means they aren't making any progress moving forward. There are still too many shooting enemy units for me to try to push forward, but I can easily hold my ground. My flank platoon will take up a position on the reverse slope just in case fortunes of war turn and I have to back up some.

The enemy around Hill 2 are still moving forward to some extent, but appearances are deceptive. I've noticed units that are running seem to be heading south, possibly toward the road 750m away. It makes it look like they are making more progress than they really are. My troops are holding just fine. The enemy seems to have a single minded fixation on one squad in some rough surrounded by tanks. They take a shot at him and all the tanks return fire, as do a couple of other infantry units. My mortar fire has really disrupted this attack. They might not be killing many, but the suppression is just as good right now. I decided to take a risk and bring my armored cars and two light tanks over from the southern slope of Hill 1. They are skirting the western edge of a lake, which puts them close to some trees. I'm worried there might be some tank hunters around, but I decided to take the chance. One more tanks from the south has also arrived. Enemy mortars dropped some smoke on the hill, but only masked one tank.

Charlie Company is starting to move out. I found the answer to why their "sniper" ripped up one squad earlier. There are two snipers. I haven't found them, but they are somewhere between the two lakes in this area. One of my squads had five men go down. There are two accepted ways to deal with snipers: Artillery and tanks. It is too risky to send tanks out and my mortars are busy. I guess I just have to deal with the incoming sniping.


Friendly: Estimated 10 casualties.

Enemy: Estimated 20 casualties.

Have to work in the morning, so I'll put out updated screen prints of the two areas where the action is taking place.

RERomine September 16th, 2010 07:41 PM

Re: DAR: USSR vs Finland II
Turn 26

Enemy forces on Hill 1 are starting to crumble. A fresh squad or two come up once in an while, but more of the enemy are running away than moving forward. The enemy took a number of casualties in this area, but didn't inflict any on my forces. They did shoot back, but missed.

On Hill 2, the enemy is of a mixed mind. A few squads are pushing forward, while other are running or being completely destroyed. The snipers are still active and the only enemy units scoring hits. I have five more down this turn because of them. One of the snipers is located with the flag west of the hill. Three enemy squads came up the western slope of the hill into a cross fire from seven tanks and two armored cars. They will be running before the next turn ends. My tanks are starting to move slowly forward. Enemy artillery is lighter now, but my mortars continue to pound the ground to the west. I'm shifting one to the flag where the sniper is so maybe I can put him and his buddy out of action.

Charlie still on the move. It will take time to get up to the enemy flank. Sniper fire still coming in, so smoke popped to screen the move.


Friendly: Estimated 5 casualties.

Enemy: Estimated 20 casualties.

RERomine September 16th, 2010 08:01 PM

Re: DAR: USSR vs Finland II
Turn 27

More enemy troops coming across northern peak of Hill 1, but I honestly can't tell if they are fresh or just rallied men that ran earlier. In the middle of a fire fight, it really doesn't matter. It seems like a shooting gallery. The enemy pops up and moves forward, gets shot and drops back. Their line keeps moving forward and back. One squad I'm sure is new is north of the hill. Too far away to draw fire at the moment. I shifted one of my tanks to the saddle between the two peaks because some enemy troops are showing up there as well.

All the enemy forces that were on Hill 2 got pushed back, just to be replaced by a few more. One enemy tank hunter got to one of my tanks. Two men dead in the tank, but it is still intact. The tank hunter is destroyed. Lines are now only about 100m apart, but that is more because I'm pushing forward than the enemy.

Charlie still on the move.


Friendly: Estimated 5 casualties.

Enemy: Estimated 20 casualties.

RERomine September 16th, 2010 08:29 PM

Re: DAR: USSR vs Finland II
Turn 28

Enemy not getting any closer than 200m on Hill 1. They are in total disarray up there. Some are shooting, some are just standing and others are running. My forces are holding their ground, which is all I'm looking for here. There is a lot of shooting. My forces are doing most of it.

Enemy artillery dropping smoke and HE on western side of Hill 2. They are trying to push infantry up. Some are showing up in the trees near my armored cars and light tanks, drawing some fire from southern peak of Hill 1. I'm going to have to pull my tanks back out of the smoke. They can't stay there without being under the protective eyes of my infantry. One big score this turn was the destruction of two enemy snipers. I fixed the position of both, even though I couldn't see them, so I pushed a squad forward. They fired and were both spotted. I opened up with everything I could and got both of them.

One platoon of Charlie taking mortar fire. The last action of two snipers.


Friendly: Estimated 5 casualties.

Enemy: Estimated 20 casualties.

RERomine September 16th, 2010 08:49 PM

Re: DAR: USSR vs Finland II
Turn 29

Slowly, the presure is building on the right flank of my line. Enemy forces that turn and run go to the northwest. When they come back, they head east. The result is the pressure is slowly shifting up the line. Still, it isn't that much pressure. The main enemy line is now 250m away. No real threat on Hill 1.

Smoke stopped falling, but artillery is still coming in. My platoon in the buildings is getting rattled. Enemy infantry is still trying to push up in this section, but fire from my armor is holding them back. I pulled my southern group back a little out of the smoke. One enemy tank hunter team slipped through the smoke, but didn't last long. Mortar fire still dropping on the enemy. Tubes are starting to get hot and the 50mm mortars are out. Pulling them back.

Mortar fire still hitting Charlie platoon. Others are still moving forward.


Friendly: Estimated 5 casualties.

Enemy: Estimated 20 casualties.

RERomine September 16th, 2010 09:30 PM

Re: DAR: USSR vs Finland II
Turn 30

I shifted one tank to the right and am moving another that way. Most enemy troops are gone from the northern peak and are either on the north slope or north of the hill. Even then, there aren't that many. One enemy squad popped out of the woods on the southern peak, but was turned quickly by the platoon I have up there. Things have been fairly quiet there.

Pushed one squad out and turned the "free" flag west of Hill 2. He quickly ran into trouble and was turned. I'll push another one out there soon, but I still have the flag. The northwest sector of the hill is a raging war zone. Enemy forces are hiding just over the edge of the hill and some push up on the hill every turn. Seems like four or five squads each turn. I force them off and more come up next turn. One hex seems like it has fragments of six enemy squads. That area is just a death zone. Making it worse for the enemy, my mortars keep adding to the carnage.

Enemy artillery lifted off Charlie. They are pushing forward without resistance.


Friendly: Estimated 5 casualties.

Enemy: Estimated 20 casualties.

RERomine September 16th, 2010 09:50 PM

Re: DAR: USSR vs Finland II
Turn 31

Enemy resistance is starting to break down at all points. Almost all enemy units are retreating on Hill 1. There was some incoming mail, but no damage.

A few enemy squad fragments are still trying to get onto Hill 2, but they are all getting chopped up and sent running. They are just about done in the northwestern edge of the hill. West of the flag I turned, a few enemy squads are trying to push forward. They are starting to draw fire from the lead elements of Charlie coming up from the south. Mortars are still hammering the enemy near the hill, but the number of casualties are starting to drop. There just aren't as many enemy units to kill anymore.


Friendly: Zero

Enemy: Estimated 15 casualties.

RERomine September 16th, 2010 10:09 PM

Re: DAR: USSR vs Finland II
Turn 32

Enemy artillery hitting left end of the Hill 1 line, but no damage. A few enemy squads tried to push forward, but did no shooting. My units fired as they moved and usually scored well. Once the turn ended, the vast majority of the enemy units bolted. There are some left, but not many.

I'm still holding the flag to the west of Hill 2. The enemy is trying to push a few squads to it, but are catching fire from Charlie to the south and Bravo to the east. They might make it, but won't hold it. I've still got mortars pounding the enemy, but ammo has to be getting used faster than it can be resupplied.


Friendly: Zero

Enemy: Estimated 15 casualties.

RERomine September 16th, 2010 10:26 PM

Re: DAR: USSR vs Finland II
Turn 33

Enemy artillery lifted on Hill 1. Two enemy fragments pushed forward and got hammered. The rest are either retreating or hiding in the woods.

The Finns took back the flag west of Hill 2. They have two squads there or what is left of them. The rest of their troops are about 250m north next to the hill or streaming to the rear. Their forces near the flag are being engaged by two platoons from Charlie, while the two platoons are moving in.


Friendly: Estimated 5 casualties.

Enemy: Estimated 15 casualties.

RERomine September 16th, 2010 10:42 PM

Re: DAR: USSR vs Finland II
Turn 34

A few bold souls keep trying to push forward along, just to get torn apart by fire from my line. My troops on southern peak are working forward towards the "free" flag in front of them. I might be able to get to it, but I do know there is an enemy squad or two to the front.

The enemy are in chaos in front of Hill 2. All their troops are running. I finally moved my armored cars and light tanks up to link with the rest of my armor. The platoon that had been holding out in the buildings on the east side of the hill have moved forward to the western edge. I have firm control of the hill now. All enemy infantry close to the flag to the west seem to be gone. Charlie is pushing north and Bravo is pushing west. With all my movement, not one enemy unit fired. They are done here. I am walking my mortar fire with them as they retreat.


Friendly: Zero.

Enemy: Estimated 15 casualties.

RERomine September 16th, 2010 11:01 PM

Re: DAR: USSR vs Finland II
Turn 35

The occasional enemy unit moves forward to Hill 1, but not many. Only five units are visible, with a total of 19 men between them. I've got one Infantry Company that is more or less intact, supported by three medium tanks. I don't think I have anything to worry about. Two squads are trying to push forward to get the enemy flag to the west of the southern peak. An unseen enemy scout opened up from the northern peak. My troops are about 200m away and the next turn is the last. Unless I get an extension, they won't make it.

I lost a few men in pursuit of the enemy in west of Hill 2. There are a few units in the woods pinned that open up when my infantry moves. I'm not going to send my tanks out alone because it just isn't worth it to pick up a few garbare time kills. The flag to the west of the hill has been turned and Charlie and Bravo have linked up.

My mortars packed up and moved out before the enemy artillery decided to counter battery fire against them. This battle is won and I don't want to lose them. They aren't needed now anyhow.


Friendly: Estimated 5 casualties.

Enemy: Estimated 10 casualties.

RERomine September 16th, 2010 11:41 PM

Re: DAR: USSR vs Finland II
1 Attachment(s)
Decisive Victory!!!!

Turn 36

Enemy artillery started to drop on the center of my line near my three tanks. Had the battle not ended, I would have pulled them out. An HE round in the commander's hatch at the end of the game wouldn't make me happy. Four enemy units stiffened their morale and moved forward on the north side of Hill 1. They took fire from about two platoons and a couple of HMG teams. Several were turned before the firing stopped. My two squads heading for the last flag made it to within 100m of their goal, but no battle extension granted.

A couple of enemy squads also moved forward again northwest of Hill 2. They caught heck from infantry and armor. They were too far away to be any sort of threat.


Friendly: Zero.

Enemy: Estimated 10 casualties.

Total Casualties


Men: 91
Artillery: 0
Soft Vehicles: 0
APCs: 1
AFVs: 1
Air Transports/Helos: 1
Aircraft: 0


Men: 720
Artillery: 0
Soft Vehicles: 0
APCs: 0
AFVs: 13
Air Transports/Helos: 0
Aircraft: 0


USSR: 4713
Finland: 334

Final Comments

My forces did quite well in this battle. Compared to the last delay I fought, there were two major differences. The lack of snow, allowing my tanks to move from one point to another and the open fields of fire. In my initial comments, I mentioned I needed to keep the enemy at more of a distance. This gives me time to reposition units to meet threats and also allowed me to put more fire on target. I wanted to avoid those one on one battles in the forests. It worked out quite well.

The enemy forces were a little stronger than expected. They had six infantry companies, in addition to one tank company. For the most part, one of my infantry companies sat the battle out while my other two, supported by my tank company fought the battle. That speaks well of the strength of my position and the experience of my men. A few more battles like this and I should be able to meet the Germans on equal terms, at least as far as experience.

I just checked and I'm not going to get those few battles. It is time for the Germans, unless I want to continue to fight the Finns in the Continuation War. I don't think so. I've had enough forests for now.

Since the Germans are up next, I do need to try to update my force some, which means I need to do a little research. I'm after realistic, so replacing all my tanks with T-34s isn't going to do right now. My core will remain the same basic structure, but the Soviets did learn something from their Winter War with the Finns.

I've attached the save just before I ended my last turn. Enjoy!

RERomine September 17th, 2010 12:32 AM

Re: DAR: USSR vs Finland II
I did a little looking around and near as I can figure, my force is stuck with the tanks they have until one of two things happen. Either they get destroyed and are replace with T-34s or maybe they survive until 1942. Then I might be able to make an argument for upgrade with more current equipment. I could make a game player's argument that my force is more experienced than other Soviet tank units and would thus get the best equipment available. Somehow, I feel if my troops are in T-26 tanks when the Germans attack, the Soviet high command would be very unlikely to pull troops off the line to give them better tanks. My guess is tanks rolling off the line would be used to create new armored forces.

I'm going to dig into this a little more, but I don't expect to get much information. Anyone with any opinions on this subject, feel free to chime in.

Brian61 September 17th, 2010 04:15 AM

Re: DAR: USSR vs Finland II
Depends on whether your force is drawn from a motorized rifle division or a tank division. If motorized rifle, probably more accurate to stick with the T-26's. If a tank division, especially considering you've had those tanks in operation for awhile, it wouldn't be uncommon for them to need heavy maintenance (at the factory), and T-34's were not uncommon in the tank divisions. At least according to what I'm seeing on Niehorster's TOEs and tank strengths.

One thing to consider is the AI's buying habits, the AI tends to buy the latest and greatest a lot. It isn't uncommon to see the AI buy units three or four months earlier than when they first saw battle (or were at least in common use) historically. Rather than seeing mainly 2cm and 3.7cm armed panzers as was common, I wouldn't be at all surprised if you encounter lots of 5cm and 7.5cm armed panzers of the uparmored variety which might be tough to handle.

Maybe upgrade your ATGs if you keep the T-26's?

My 2c, hope it helps :)

PS: not knocking the excellent work on the OOBs, its just one of those "can't please everyone in every situation" things combined with game limitations.

RERomine September 17th, 2010 09:20 AM

Re: DAR: USSR vs Finland II

Originally Posted by Brian61 (Post 758334)
Depends on whether your force is drawn from a motorized rifle division or a tank division. If motorized rifle, probably more accurate to stick with the T-26's. If a tank division, especially considering you've had those tanks in operation for awhile, it wouldn't be uncommon for them to need heavy maintenance (at the factory), and T-34's were not uncommon in the tank divisions. At least according to what I'm seeing on Niehorster's TOEs and tank strengths.

Very good opinion Brian. I hadn't gotten around to checking those site yet, but what you said makes sense to me. Since, I started out making reference to this core being part of a rifle battalion as part of a mechanized brigade, I guess I keep my T26s for now.

a_ver_est September 17th, 2010 03:25 PM

Re: DAR: USSR vs Finland II
I am not an historian, but if I don't remember bad Germans didn't find any T-34 through the firsts months of Barbarossa.

Anyway if you get T-34 now, what will you use later ?

BTW If I were you I will be more concern about my infantry, Russian troops seems to route very fast as soon as someone shots them and German squads have good firepower and are supported by MGs. It can cause you a lot of troubles.


RERomine September 17th, 2010 05:25 PM

Re: DAR: USSR vs Finland II

Originally Posted by a_ver_est (Post 758389)
I am not an historian, but if I don't remember bad Germans didn't find any T-34 through the firsts months of Barbarossa.

Anyway if you get T-34 now, what will you use later ?

BTW If I were you I will be more concern about my infantry, Russian troops seems to route very fast as soon as someone shots them and German squads have good firepower and are supported by MGs. It can cause you a lot of troubles.


My main interest in my armor is my infantry doesn't have any reliable integrated AT capability. The next battle my core fights will be their first with the Germans, but seventh overall. This means my general experience is as good, if not better, than the Germans I will meet. My troops don't run that quickly anymore. Tanks are always a problem with them, however since they don't have AT rifles or even Molotovs. They are more likely to run from enemy tanks than perform a successful or unsuccessful assault.

Thus, my concern about my tanks. Since my infantry can't deal with them, I have to do it with armored cars, tanks or antitank guns. I've only got two armored cars, seven medium tanks and two ATGs capable of destroying tanks. My tanks and armored cars have paper thin armor, by the way. T-34s would be nice but I'm shooting for as realistic as practical. I'll be much happier once my infantry is capable of dealing with tanks themselves. AT rifles should be available soon, but right it seems like the 12/39 Soviet infantry is still the best available in 6/41. I looked and there isn't any useful upgrade for my infantry right now, unless I upgrade my two engineers. Two out of three don't even have AT capability. I'll learn more after my first battle against the Germans, which is another delay. At least my ATGs should be able to shoot at tanks for a change.

a_ver_est September 17th, 2010 05:57 PM

Re: DAR: USSR vs Finland II

Originally Posted by RERomine (Post 758407)

My main interest in my armor is my infantry doesn't have any reliable integrated AT capability. The next battle my core fights will be their first with the Germans, but seventh overall. This means my general experience is as good, if not better,


Reading yor DARs I though this was the third battle, if your infantry has average experience then a simple hand grenade should be enough to kill a tank.

Playing Romania I use to deal with Soviets tanks with hand grenades, even a KV1 can be destroyed if done right.

Keep your team undetected (it is a MUST) until their launch the assault, also if possible attack its rear but I had many successful results even from the side or front. Some squads will panic and don't attack, also you will have a high suppression if the assault fails, but playing the URSS you should have many cannon folder to try several times.

Once done break the contact with hand grenades, withdraw one or two hexes and wait for the next tank.

Perhaps I am telling things that you already know, just trying to help. :)


Pat58 September 17th, 2010 07:39 PM

Re: DAR: USSR vs Finland II
This is a good read. I'm not particularly good at the game, but I'd suggest on the defensive integrating your weapons into a kill zone can help. Tanks and AT in the back and cannon-fodder infantry in the form of raw recruits up front from the support pool will improve the odds. Throw in selective smoke missions to blind selected targets from counter-fire will enhance your results.

RERomine September 17th, 2010 09:39 PM

Re: DAR: USSR vs Finland II
Guys, any advice is welcome. I've played the game quite a lot, but am in new territory with this core and a USSR campaign. So far, I've fought six battles, but only posted three DARs. I only post the ones I think for battles I think will be challenging, because they do tend to be wordy.

My core experience is around ~75, so my troops will stand and fight much better than they would if I just started the campaign here. I'm use to fighting as the Germans or Americans, so this is new. When fighting as the Germans, I typically go through the desert, so don't have much experience with the Soviets one way or the other. Also, being in the desert, I'm use to tanks or ATGs killing tanks. I'm not impressed with the ones I have now, but am trying to keep it realistic. Honestly, that might be gone now that I have troops that will actually stand and fight effectively in 1941. As far as my infantry is concerned, maybe I'm under estimating what they can do, based on their performance in the first two battles.

I'm also minimizing my use of support points. That doesn't mean I won't use them, but resist. I don't see the sense in spending points on using with an experience of ~55 that will cut and run at the first shot. My core already simulates receiving higher level assets as cross attached units, such as my tank company and two supply trucks. The roughest part is fighting battles with my only artillery support as two 82mm and three 50mm mortar sections. It never seems to be quite enough and rarely stops tanks. The range (800m) on my 50mm mortars is pitiful, also.

My next battle is a delay against the Germans. It should be interesting, so I will put a DAR out for that one. The first thing I need to do is take a look at the terrain and decide where to put my troops.



a_ver_est September 18th, 2010 05:18 AM

Re: DAR: USSR vs Finland II

Originally Posted by a_ver_est (Post 758416)

Once done break the contact with hand grenades, withdraw one or two hexes and wait for the next tank.

I wanted to say :

"Once done break the contact with smoke grenades, withdraw one or two hexes and wait for the next tank."

It was late at night when I wrote it :)

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