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vyrago February 8th, 2018 12:38 PM

Will there be a 2018 update?
we're currently at version 11.01 for MBT and version 10.01 for WW2.

is it planned to have a 2018 upgrade? what items might be included?

Might we see Baltic States added?

DRG February 8th, 2018 01:39 PM

Re: Will there be a 2018 update?
Yes there will be a 2018 update

Details will be announced a week or two before it's ready to release

no to Baltic states

SaS TrooP February 8th, 2018 09:23 PM

Re: Will there be a 2018 update?
What is the probability of making it a wishlist thread? :D

Like increasing minimal penetration of grenades and AA weapons :v

Suhiir February 9th, 2018 01:41 AM

Re: Will there be a 2018 update?
It's your game, use the OOB editor to do whatever you wish.
But I wouldn't expect the games base stats to change.

Warhero February 9th, 2018 04:49 AM

Re: Will there be a 2018 update?
Hmm are Baltic OOBs available somewhere here? I have some topics some years ago about item but no any OOB anywhere...

Apollo February 14th, 2018 08:14 AM

Re: Will there be a 2018 update?
I have a dream, that someday in Steel Panthers will be added "Disable Z-fire" button...

DRG February 14th, 2018 08:37 AM

Re: Will there be a 2018 update?
It's already there it's just called " self control " if you don't want Z-fire.....don't use Z-fire and if you are PBEM and your opponent won't stop then the solution is to stop playing with that person.

As well..... it already uses shots at twice the rate of normal as a penalty...so I'm a bit confused as to why this is an issue for anyone

Apollo February 14th, 2018 09:11 AM

Re: Will there be a 2018 update?
I know, I use it like that, playing only with home rules, but Z-fire is a core mechanics and it make game broken, when you have able to fire without LOS. Through the forest or even buildings with density 100.
I can assume that it hard to implement, but at least adding higher expenditure of ammunition (x10 or x15 for firearm ) from Z-fire can help make game more realistic

DRG February 14th, 2018 10:03 AM

Re: Will there be a 2018 update?

Originally Posted by Apollo (Post 841129)
I know, I use it like that, playing only with home rules, but Z-fire is a core mechanics and it make game broken, when you have able to fire without LOS. Through the forest or even buildings with density 100.

Well that's interesting..... I just tried that test and LOS was blocked though building and trees. There were lot's of hexes the unit could not fire into

Here's the problem....we can never build the game to make everyone happy and trying to only makes us wonder why we bother. The area fire does not "make game broken"... the whole POINT was to allow supressive fire into hexes out of LOS and the effect of that fire is reduced from normal in LOS rates but it's does not allow area fire if there are obstructions directly in front of the unit firing.

That said I will put this at the end of our list for possible investigation

Oche February 14th, 2018 10:33 AM

Re: Will there be a 2018 update?
The Steel Panthers series have wide acceptance preceding over many other tactical wargames since the late 90's. IMHO the area fire feature has not reduced simulation value but instead increased gameplay and simulation value. "Z" fire rules can be previously agreed upon by players if PBEM. It also comes handy when firing thru smoke stacks laid by opponent to cover his position. Smoke maybe a shield for LOS but it is no shield against incoming fire so i guess it is realistic enough to be able to use the "Z" fire to lay grazing and covering fire thru smoke stacks.

DRG February 14th, 2018 10:58 AM

Re: Will there be a 2018 update?
Agreed......nobody is "forced" to use it and in PBEM it's obvious right away if your opponent is using it....... but I do not see how it "breaks the game" at all......the AI doesn't use it, only human players

Mobhack February 14th, 2018 11:06 AM

Re: Will there be a 2018 update?
The ability to fire direct area fires at things that would have an LOS but it was blocked due to smoke or visibility limits was something that was vigorously argued for by many players in the original DOS days, so that is why it was provided.

Those who hate it can agree with their PBEM opponents as to any house rules regarding it in their games - whether nil or limited usage. The AI does not use it.

As to the original posters moan about Z fire going through trees and buildings - that is the normal SP scatter rules, which take no account of any blocking terrain for any area fire that is off-target. If the routine decides on 2 hexes scatter, and that new x,y ends up a couple of hexes into a built up area, or splats units in a valley that could not be directly targeted then that is where it goes.

DRG February 14th, 2018 11:15 AM

Re: Will there be a 2018 update?
Part of the problem is this.......Neither Andy nor I use Z-fire except on very rare occasions and since we don't PBEM we don't meet up with people who, by reports like this, use it as SOP.

BUT.......it's very obvious if someone is doing this so we get back to "self control" and PBEM "house rules"....... if you don't like it, don't use it and if you don't want a PBEM opponent to use it get that agreement before the game starts...and if he ignores that don't play a game with him again.

keif149 February 14th, 2018 11:41 AM

Re: Will there be a 2018 update?
Changing the subject: Could we ever have 10 hex wide or height maps?
That would be great for copying Advanced Squad Leader Boards.

DRG February 14th, 2018 01:18 PM

Re: Will there be a 2018 update?
I'm not sure I entirely understand what you are asking for but the scale the game works at will never change

Imp February 14th, 2018 03:44 PM

Re: Will there be a 2018 update?
He is saying wants to create a 10 x 30 map similar to the boards in squad leader.

Most games use more than 1 board so you are going to be cut & pasting anyway so I would make all maps 30 x 30.
Going to need to create 4 for each board to cover all facings, then there are the overlays :)

For multiple board sets load the first board
Adjust playing area to total size for all boards, 40x30 would be 4 boards.
Cut & paste the other boards to original board.

Dont remember playing many single board games, would need to get creative & while not perfect just add a couple of rows of impassable terrain.

Weasel February 14th, 2018 03:44 PM

Re: Will there be a 2018 update?
You can Z fire into unseen hexes, at the Blitz we call it GOD MODE firing, where the AI has shown an enemy unit but you don't have anyone who can see it. You can, sometimes, fire into that hex. This GOD MODE is the exact reason Z fire has so many restrictions in the optional game rules I posted under mods.

Also, I didn't know Z fire used 2x ammo, that is interesting, but I kind of agree that Z firing units are hosing down an area with rapid fire, maybe it should be increased? Thanks for that info DRG, didn't know that. I take it that increase in ammo use also applies to artillery firing Z fire over open sights?

DRG February 14th, 2018 04:47 PM

Re: Will there be a 2018 update?
I *thought* I had seen double ammo used when I first tested but I haven't seen it since and IDK why I *thought* I saw it the first time but Andy reminded me we HAD discussed doing that.. my brain **may** have been thinking we had and I wasn't paying enough attention to the test game...regardless any testing I did after showed normal ammo depetion

Wdll February 14th, 2018 05:41 PM

Re: Will there be a 2018 update?
Another feature that makes the game overpowering and needs to change is the ability to load a save game in a single player battle and/or campaign. If you do bad you can just load a save game. That is just bad game design.

(yes I am kidding)

keif149 February 15th, 2018 10:34 AM

Re: Will there be a 2018 update?

Originally Posted by Imp (Post 841139)
He is saying wants to create a 10 x 30 map similar to the boards in squad leader.

Most games use more than 1 board so you are going to be cut & pasting anyway so I would make all maps 30 x 30.
Going to need to create 4 for each board to cover all facings, then there are the overlays :)

For multiple board sets load the first board
Adjust playing area to total size for all boards, 40x30 would be 4 boards.
Cut & paste the other boards to original board.

Dont remember playing many single board games, would need to get creative & while not perfect just add a couple of rows of impassable terrain.

Yeah, I know all that already. Plenty of scenarios with single boards. Adding a bunch of impassable hexes looks...tacky.

Yes, I'd like the option to make a 10x30, or 30x10 map.

DRG February 15th, 2018 10:46 AM

Re: Will there be a 2018 update?
3 Attachment(s)

Originally Posted by Imp (Post 841139)
He is saying wants to create a 10 x 30 map similar to the boards in squad leader.

Most games use more than 1 board so you are going to be cut & pasting anyway so I would make all maps 30 x 30.
Going to need to create 4 for each board to cover all facings, then there are the overlays :)

For multiple board sets load the first board
Adjust playing area to total size for all boards, 40x30 would be 4 boards.
Cut & paste the other boards to original board.

Dont remember playing many single board games, would need to get creative & while not perfect just add a couple of rows of impassable terrain.

Ah ! That's different, I thought the reference was to the 50 meter per hex coverage area.

Attached are two blank custom maps......they will be entered into the next SPWW2 upgrade using these Map numbers. One is a true 10x30 playing area ( I had to change the code to 12x32 to get the 10x30 playing area )and the other is 30x10 playing area. They can be customized and saved like normal maps.

The game will still restrict size as in the past but it will load and save these as well maintaining the current size so you can recreate a single board squad leader map now

This shows it with terrain added but the ones in the zip are blank green


keif149 February 15th, 2018 11:22 AM

Re: Will there be a 2018 update?

Originally Posted by DRG (Post 841146)

Originally Posted by Imp (Post 841139)
He is saying wants to create a 10 x 30 map similar to the boards in squad leader.

Most games use more than 1 board so you are going to be cut & pasting anyway so I would make all maps 30 x 30.
Going to need to create 4 for each board to cover all facings, then there are the overlays :)

For multiple board sets load the first board
Adjust playing area to total size for all boards, 40x30 would be 4 boards.
Cut & paste the other boards to original board.

Dont remember playing many single board games, would need to get creative & while not perfect just add a couple of rows of impassable terrain.

Ah ! That's different, I thought the reference was to the 50 meter per hex coverage area.

Attached are two blank custom maps......they will be entered into the next SPWW2 upgrade using these Map numbers. One is a true 10x30 playing area ( I had to change the code to 12x32 to get the 10x30 playing area )and the other is 30x10 playing area. They can be customized and saved like normal maps.

The game will still restrict size as in the past but it will load and save these as well maintaining the current size so you can recreate a single board squad leader map now

This shows it with terrain added but the ones in the zip are blank green


Lol, well I'll be damned. I thought I would be chastised for making a request and you gave me a great present!!!
Thanks a lot! Even though I've been here since 2006, I don't ask for much:D

DRG February 15th, 2018 11:36 AM

Re: Will there be a 2018 update?
For a custom map used in a sceanrio where everything can be placed manually the game will use these as normal....the reason the game controls will not be changed to allow this at will is there are too many subsystems for basic game functions.....like V-Hex placement for one....automatic unit deployment for another that would have to be tweaked and tested to make this generated game usable ...we thought 20x20 was "small enough" and even that has some occasional issues crop up due to it's size but for making a small unit custom sceanrio these will work well.


FYI the map generator will work with these but you can't autogenerate 15 high mountains. There isn't the "room" for the map generator to do much but give basic terrain


DRG February 15th, 2018 02:05 PM

Re: Will there be a 2018 update?
1 Attachment(s)
This expands the set. I recall from early SL that there were games that could be set up on two or three maps set end to end so this set gives 6 blank maps that can be edited using the existing map editors:


any larger combinations can be recreated with the existing game code. All of these will appear in the WW2 upgrade that will be released this spring

keif149 February 15th, 2018 04:32 PM

Re: Will there be a 2018 update?
Man, more than I got for Christmas :you:

Thanks also for making them true width and length also.

Yeah, sitting on 2000+ Advanced Squad Leader scenarios....

Imp February 15th, 2018 06:28 PM

Re: Will there be a 2018 update?

Originally Posted by keif149 (Post 841152)

Yeah, sitting on 2000+ Advanced Squad Leader scenarios....

Wow that was a Christmas present then think I only have 150 or so.

Suhiir February 15th, 2018 11:12 PM

Re: Will there be a 2018 update?
Had a LOT of fun with ASL back in the day.

scorpio_rocks February 16th, 2018 08:33 PM

Re: Will there be a 2018 update?
Any thoughts on more "shots/reloads" for Tank countermeasures (trophy, etc)?

FASTBOAT TOUGH February 17th, 2018 02:05 AM

Re: Will there be a 2018 update?
Don and I had some discussion on this awhile back. I believe it to be in the MBT Thread. If I recall correctly the number we discussed was 4 or 6 shots.


DRG February 17th, 2018 09:33 AM

Re: Will there be a 2018 update?
There has been no change to the number of countermeasure "shots"

Suhiir February 17th, 2018 09:48 AM

Re: Will there be a 2018 update?
If they were changed they'd make ATGMs essentially worthless. As it stands now most ATGM teams only have 4 shots (usually), and currently countermeasures negate 1 or 2 of them. Change it to 4 and there would be no point even having ATGMs.

shahadi February 21st, 2018 03:08 PM

Re: Will there be a 2018 update?
I am sitting on two scenarios that are ready to play, however, since the next release is near, I'll wait to see what if anything I could incorporate in the scens, as in last year's NLOS Spike.

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