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SaS TrooP August 11th, 2018 10:10 AM

SaS TrooP non-series or limited series scenarios WW2 Edition

opening a general thread where I can put some scenarios that just does not fit as any real series. I guess it will be more of a case with WW2 than MBT anyway ;)

SaS TrooP August 11th, 2018 10:14 AM

Re: SaS TrooP non-series or limited series scenarios WW2 Edition
1 Attachment(s)
Starting now,


This one covers an important incident that occured between Italy and Ethiopia in late 1934. This incident at Walwal - or Ueluel - was direct cause of the Italo-Abbisinian war that erupted a few months later.

There is no Ethiopian OOB, so I had some fun recreating them from scratch ;)

Here's the detailed description:

Walwal (Ueluel) Incident*
Date: November-December 1934*
Location: Walwal (Italian: Ueluel), near Werder, modern day south-eastern Ethiopia*
Type: Ethiopian (green) advance vs. Italian delay*
Starting from 1928, Italian-Ethiopian relations began to deteriorate. The Italians, rather than to seek economic cooperation and fulfillment of mutual needs, directed themselves towards a more hostile approach with Ethiopia. A number of actions were undertaken, mostly aiming for weakening or the deposition of the ruling Emperor Tafari Makonnen, widely known under his imperial name Haile Sellassie I.**

It must be clearly noted though that the Italians did not seek war with Ethiopia at first. They aimed rather at turning it into its puppet state with an influx of financial and weapon support for the Emperor's enemies. Things changed after the Walwal Incident of December 1934.**

Walwal was back then a small fort within the borders of Italian Somalia. It was located about 15km from the larger fort of Warder. The significance of Walwal was in what it protected - a chain of about 50 wells and other water sources, able to supply the entire region in water. This area was seen by the Ethiopians as their own, even though Walwal was clearly put under Italian rule in accordance with the Italo-Ethiopian treaties of borders and friendship. In 1934, the British border commission was assigned to the Ethiopians and the latter started to locally contest the Italian control of the border region of Somalia and Ethiopia.**

The incident started to build up in late November of 1934. Negus (Prince) of Gondar province, Gabre Mariam, gathered a significant force of warriors close to Walwal and put pressure on the Italian garisson. The village was manned by Bandi (equivalent to a company) of so called Dubati, the Somali Askari - or local troops - from Ogaden province. Rather than retreat, the Dubati chose to inform both the stronger fort of Warder and the Mogadishu provincial headquarters of likely impending conflict. The Italians responded swiftly and soon poured more Dubati into Walwal with more colonial troops, including armour, rallied in Warder.**

Both sides continued the build-up until early December 1934. Gabre Marian gathered about 1500 warriors equipped with more or less modern rifles, as well as 6 machineguns supplied by the British and one or two field guns, most likely of Dutch origin. The Italians kept about 400 Dubati in the area and additional force in reserve in Warder.**

The fighting erupted on 5th of December 1934. The Ethiopians descended upon Dubati troops, who immediately called for help. Captain Cimmarutta, responsible for the defensive effort, soon organized the column of colonial troops supported by a few Ro.1 light aircraft that strafed Ethiopian lines causing panic (some of the troops saw a flying machines for the first time), as well as a couple of tankettes and armoured cars.**

Historically, the Dubati held firm, the advantage in weapons and reconnaissance gave the Italians a clear victory against numerically superior enemy. Gabre Mariam's forces soon routed in panic and the Italians overran the Ethiopian camps causing dozens of casualties to the Ethiopians.**

Yet, even though the Ethiopians were clearly the cause of the incident, the Italians were deemed responsible. In return, the Ueluel incident was the direct reason for Mussolini to order the military conquest of Ethiopia. A few months later, the African country would be invaded and occupied after a swift Italian victory. Occupation lasted till early summer 1941, when the entirety of Ethiopia was liberated by the Allies during so called East African Campaign.**

When playing against the AI, Player should take Italian side.
NOTE: Ethiopians do not exist in game OOB. They were recreated as carefully as possible from the "green" army.
Design: Marcin "SaS TrooP" Kaluza*
Sources: Various internet sources, also worth to mention the website wojna-mussoliniego.pl

RetLT August 27th, 2018 01:11 PM

Re: SaS TrooP non-series or limited series scenarios WW2 Edition
Historically were the Italians short on ammo? Most of my units at the base ran out of ammo.

I managed a 3:1 MV but given a few more turns I think the Ethiopian hoards would have over run my position. I stopped them just inside the trench. It was touch and go until the very end.

Flanking units captured the Ethiopian V hexes.

SaS TrooP August 29th, 2018 12:15 PM

Re: SaS TrooP non-series or limited series scenarios WW2 Edition
Historically they did not, the reinforcements brought some ammo. But I resigned from this concept in the end to make it a little harder. It generally relies on long range firefights a lot ;)

SaS TrooP September 17th, 2018 05:30 PM

Re: SaS TrooP non-series or limited series scenarios WW2 Edition
1 Attachment(s)

This one covers one of the most important engagements of the Hungarian army during WW2. The Hungarian Rapid Corps - Gyorshadtest - was the frontguard of southern axis of advance against Soviet troops encircled and destroyed in Uman Pocket in late July-early August 1941.

Here is the detailed text:


South of Uman*
Date: Last days of July 1941*
Location: Tauzne village area, 10km east of Khayvoron, 50km south of Uman, modern central Ukraine*
Type: Hungarian advance vs. Soviet delay*
Operation Barbarossa started on 22nd June 1941. Kingdom of Hungary, at first, did not participate in the conflict. However, just four days later, on 26th of June, Soviet Air Force bombed targets around hungarian city of Kassa, prompting Hungary to declare war a day later.**

Hungarian participation in Barbarossa was mostly the war path of so called Carpathian Group. This army-sized formation consisted of several corps, but one of those, soon to employed by the Germans in vital areas of teh front, was Hungarian Rapid Corps - or Gyorgshadtest. The Rapid Corps represented the very best of Hungarian army... but still little compared to the Germans or the Soviets. The unit consisted of two motorized brigades and a cavalry brigade, as well as couple of independent corps attachments. Half the trucks were in fact civilian. Half the infantry was bicycle based. Only tanks employed were light Toldi tanks, a licenced version of Lansverk M/38 tank with 20mm autocannon. Italian Ansaldo tankettes were also used. AT batteries relied mostly on 37mm guns, unable to fight with T-34s. Yet, esprit de corps was good, and so was the training.**

Rapid Corps was chosen to participate as a spearhead of the southern sector during battle of Uman against Soviet 6th, 12th and 18th Armies - the battle was supposed to open way for Kiev yet in August. While 16th Panzer Division was cutting the cauldron from the north, Hungarians were ordered to advance on the southern axis, against Soviet 12th and 18th Armies and reach the city of Pyervomaysk. On 28th of July, cavalry brigade from the Rapid Corps forced the river and captured a town of Khayvoron (with its bridges), allowing the motorozied elements of the Rapid Corps to cross the Dnieper and carry on towards its objective.**

This is where the scenario starts. You are in command of Hungarian 2nd Motorized Brigade minus one motorized battalion awaiting in direct pursuit reserve. Cavalry Brigade is still take a rest after some bloody fight. The 1st Brigade awaists your progress - they want to meet Germans in Pyervomaysk in 3 days time. You command the mixed recon battalion, two battalions of motorized infantry and a bicycle battalion, as well as additional Corps assets. Use them well and avoid unneccessary losses.**

There no detailed intel about the situation. All is in haste and chaos. Hungarian commands wants you to break any Soviet resistance around villages of Vilkovyetskie, Trakt and Tauzhne. We expect Soviet forces to be totally disorganized, any defences will be prepared in haste since majority of their forces tries to flee to the east towards Kiev. Be vigilant though, Soviet numbers are still formidable and their rearguard may still be able to bite. The terrain is however mostly open, any maneuvers should be noticeable quickly.**

There is also a village of Moschchene to the north. Your bicycle battalion is already on it. The remnants of Soviet troops defending Khayvoron retreated there, we expect a depleted battalion at most.**

Secure the road towards Pyervomaysk so other elements of the Rapid Corps may follow-on. We must close the pocket to ensure the destruction of dozens of divisions.**

When playing against the AI, Player should take Hungarian side.
Design: Marcin "SaS TrooP" Kaluza*
Sources: Various internet sources, scenario is semi-historical (there is no detailed account on Hungarian chase to Pyervomaysk)

DRG January 6th, 2019 03:11 PM

Re: SaS TrooP non-series or limited series scenarios WW2 Edition

Originally Posted by SaS TrooP (Post 843059)
Starting now,



How do you like this.......... ?


Still an experimental idea ATM but I noticed this scenario had camps and camps made me think of tents that this is the result

They are unlikely to be the style the Ethiopians used but this was what I came up with. you look at it and it's a "tent"

SaS TrooP January 6th, 2019 08:18 PM

Re: SaS TrooP non-series or limited series scenarios WW2 Edition
This looks superb! I just wonder though, they have markings for Green player. Are they considered the same way as grounded aircraft in UN?

DRG January 6th, 2019 10:18 PM

Re: SaS TrooP non-series or limited series scenarios WW2 Edition
Basically, yes.

Right now they are an experiment using an unused vehicle class in the Green OOB so they have no speed and a crew of one. They can "hold" up to 254 so about the same as a Landing craft...so you could hide a tank in one ( there may be adjustments... )

Because they are "vehicles" ( as are the grounded aircraft ) they can be positioned facing in any direction but once the scenario starts they would remain fixed as placed. I could add them to as buildings but we would not want them being placed by the AI so for limited scenario usage using them not unlike the grounded aircraft would be the best option.

Testing beyond placing has not been done.....as a vehicle with no armour they would be easy to "kill" and would burn like a truck would but they are tents and you wouldn't want to be in one when someone is hosing them down with MG fire.

*IF* I do leave them in they would be simply something a scenario designer could use ....so rarely but still handy to have for limited use


DRG January 6th, 2019 11:04 PM

Re: SaS TrooP non-series or limited series scenarios WW2 Edition
So far so good..... they aren't doing anything I don't want them to do. The only downside so far is even though I have given them zero cost the game gives them 1 point of cost each which is not really a problem I can see

They would have only limited use in scenarios but handy to have if you need one to " dress things up a bit"


I will do further tests tomorrow

SaS TrooP January 7th, 2019 04:10 PM

Re: SaS TrooP non-series or limited series scenarios WW2 Edition
Good it triggered some good stuff for upcoming patch, waiting eagerly to see it in-game! :3

DRG January 8th, 2019 11:30 AM

Re: SaS TrooP non-series or limited series scenarios WW2 Edition
Did you really want those two Vickers MG's showing Brit ID tags?


SaS TrooP January 8th, 2019 08:39 PM

Re: SaS TrooP non-series or limited series scenarios WW2 Edition
Honestly? No. I have issues with precise understanding of how to change the tags sometimes. I made those Vickers - as far as I remember - by simply buying them as captured unit. I have noticed it sometimes happens anyway, same did in scenario #295 Showdown Amrica: Desperados, where Uruguayan Vodniks (by the way - they use them and they should be added to their OOB) also keep Russian tags even though crew is Uruguayan and I simply cannot explain it.

zovs66 January 8th, 2019 09:54 PM

Re: SaS TrooP non-series or limited series scenarios WW2 Edition
IINM If you purchase formations as captured they will get your flag, if you purchase them as Allied they will have their flag.

DRG January 8th, 2019 10:42 PM

Re: SaS TrooP non-series or limited series scenarios WW2 Edition
And problems like that, when they occur, can easily be corrected with ScenHack.

295 now shows nothing but Uruguayan ID tags for all Uruguayan units in that scenario

SaS TrooP January 9th, 2019 04:50 PM

Re: SaS TrooP non-series or limited series scenarios WW2 Edition
Are you sure? Because I quickly checked yesterday, and my game still has russian ones in place. Unless I accidentally did not overwrite that scenario in the updates.

DRG January 9th, 2019 07:41 PM

Re: SaS TrooP non-series or limited series scenarios WW2 Edition
They show Uruguayan ID tags to me becasue I corrected them with ScenHack....:D...... and when the patch is release everyone else will see them too

SaS TrooP January 10th, 2019 08:21 PM

Re: SaS TrooP non-series or limited series scenarios WW2 Edition
Thanks for doing that, I will take more careful approach with the tags from now on. Particularly because new scenario is a matter of days.

SaS TrooP January 27th, 2019 09:29 PM

Re: SaS TrooP non-series or limited series scenarios WW2 Edition
1 Attachment(s)
Hello there!
New one coming, this time medium sized, battalion scale scenario. It covers assault on Gambella, part of Siege of Saio in Ethiopia, that was only major engagement conducted by Force Publique - or Belgian Colonial Army - during World War 2.

Since Force Publique is well covered in the Belgian OOB, I decided to give it a go and some purpose on the scenario list.

I hope you will like it. Mind that it is partly tested. I played it through, prepared for release aaaand... I found out I accidentally overwrote the scenario with and EMPTY one. And I had to redone all buying and deployment as carefully as I could, but "redone" version is untested.


Niam-Niams at Gambella*
Date: 22nd of March, 1941*
Location: Gambella, Gambella province, near Saio, northwestern Ethiopia*
Type: Belgian advance vs. Italian delay*
When Belgian army in Europe dropped arms in late May, 1940, one must remember that Belgium - same as Uniked Kingdom, France or Italy - was a colonial empire. The Belgian Congo continued to exist under Belgian administration and remained completely loyal to the government in exile that resided in London.
Belgian army in Congo - known as Force Publique - was well equipped and big colonial force with white officers and black soldiers from various tribes. Force Publique became more known to teh world during World War I, when it fought on various african fronts. After the fall of Belgium, it did remain as only effective fighting force of this country until Brigade Piron was raised and baptised in fire in August 1944 in Normandy.
After lengthy hesitation, Belgian government declared war upon Italy in 1941. The colonial administration immediately proposed that Force Publique should contribute its fighting force to the Allied offensive in East Africa, or modern Ethiopia and Somalia. Belgians finally deployed 3 battalions in April 1941, besieged and captured the natural fortress of Saio - with thousands of Italian troops captured, what allowed first to stall, and then to stop completely, Italian offensives on Southern Sudan.
In order to do this, Force Publique trekked thousands of miles through the jungles and bushes of Africa - a journey that took months to complete, with supplies in depletion and raging dysentery. Nevertheless, after brief fight at Asosa, the fatigued black troops followed the Baro river south, towards the Italian flank at Saio located at harbour town of Gambella.
The Belgians under command of Colonel van der Meersch stormed Gambella on 22nd of March, taking the town first, and then charging the so called "Sugarloaf" - a natural conical hill that overlooked the area. Italian garrison, made of about 700 colonial troops - fought hard and serious casualties were inflicted on both sides, however the Belgians were finally victorious.
Taking of Gambella would directly lead to the siege of Saio itself, since it was the only location Italians could withdraw to.
Note: during the attack on Gambella, Force Publique was still only in strength of one battalion and entire battalion was committed. Italian troops were also shaken of Belgian presence. There was a rumour spread by the Allies that Congolese troops are cannibals and will consume the bodies of the dead. Italians soon called them "Niam-Niams" - from the sound the meat makes when bitten into.
Historically, Gambella fell after ferocious and heavy combat that left dozens of combatants dead on the both sides.
When playing against the AI, Player should take Belgian side.
Design: Marcin "SaS TrooP" Kaluza*
Sources: Various internet sources, mostly The "Belgian Campaign in Ethiopia: A trek of 2,500 miles through jungle swamps and desert wastes" by George Weller (1942) as well as Italian war records I was able to aquire thanks to wojna-mussoliniego.pl

RetLT January 28th, 2019 06:13 PM

Re: SaS TrooP non-series or limited series scenarios WW2 Edition
Interesting backstory for this one.Thanks

SaS TrooP April 6th, 2019 04:41 PM

Re: SaS TrooP non-series or limited series scenarios WW2 Edition
1 Attachment(s)
Allright, I had quite a down for making scenarios, but it seems I might be back to it again :3

It seems to be running properly after the latest update, but there might be some fixes. I still wonder if I shouldn't make British AT guns self-mobile, AI seems to be having some issues with their mobility.

Nevertheless, here it comes, yet another forgotten conflict of WW2 ;)

This scenario covers partial what-if engagement near Ahvaz, during the Anglo-Soviet invasion of Iran. Scenario is playable from either side, but i recommend Iranian side - Iran OOB was manually made for this scenario. Hold your ground as Iranian commander... or crush the resistance with your elite forces :3

There will be 1-2 more Iranian scenarios to come, stay tuned! So I will keep slots 811 and 812 if possible as well.


Advance on Ahvaz*
Date: 27th of August, 1941*
Location: Ahvaz outskirts, Khruzestan Province, Iran*
Type: Iranian (Blue) defence vs. British (Indian) advance*
In August 1941, the war was surely not going well for the Allies.
Soviet army was being crushed in one battle after the other. In August 1941, the battle of Brody was already over and a huge pocket of Uman was created (those events were partly depicted in "South of Uman" scenario). Yet, at this point, USA was partly active in Allied war effort and so Allies were looking for short and effective supply routes to the Soviet Union.
One of those routes was Iran - or previously Persia - rulled by king Reza Shah Pahlavi. Iranians suffered greatly during World War 1, but interwar period was one of unseen before developments on all social fronts: political, economic, as well as military. At the same time, political crisis with United Kingdom was developing on ground of income from Anglo-Iranian Oil Companies. It comes to no surprise that Iran started to close its ties with Nazi Germany as soon as France fell in 1940. In August 1941, Iran was rather openly pro-German, shielding German interests and looking for possible bases for Luftwaffe war effort against the Soviet Union. At the same time, there was one of the greatest train rails of that era going from Bahgdad to Soviet republics of Azerbaijan and Turkiestan.
All above led to the Allied decision to invade Iran - after more peaceful persuasion proved to be futile - and secure the line for oil and weapon transports. Later in the war, this line will prove strategic for Lend-Lease program shipments.
The Anglo-Soviet invasion of Iran began on 25th of August, 1941 with strategic attacks against Iranian air force and oil fields in Abadan. British Advanced with two Indian divisions (8th and 10th), as well was one cavalry and one light tank brigade, aiming for southern province of Khruzestan and central Iran heights. Soviets opened up with several armies, including 47th from Turkiestan and 44th from Azerbaijan, mounting up to about 10 divisions and more than one thousand tanks and motor vehicles. Iran did upgrade its military and it was considered semi-modern in 1941 with about 10 divisions and an armoured brigade. Majority of Iranian equipment was provided by Czechoslovakia before its fall in 1939, yet the transports were continued under German supervision.
This scenario covers a what-if situation if battle of Ahvaz really developed. Ahvaz was approached on 27th of August by 8th Indian Division made up of three brigades, while the spearheading one was 17th Infantry Brigade under Brigadier Doughlas Gracey. 17th Brigade was a mixed formation made of Pakistani Lancers (armoured recon), British Royal Fusiliers, Indian Frontier Force and Ghurkas. Royal Air Force quickly secured its dominance.
Iranian forces in Ahvaz consisted of elite 1st Infantry Division under General Shakhbakti, reinforced with Iran's only motorized brigade. The presence of the latter - according to some historians - was a surprise to the British. Nevertheless, Iranians did have more than 100 tanks and armoured vehicles in the outer defence rings of Ahvaz, as well as serious fortifications prepared.
After initial skirmishes, the British 17th Brigade did not decide to assault the defence ring. Before the decision to attack was made, the Iranian government asked for a ceasefire. This scenario however covers the situation, in which Brigadier Gracey was finally order to break the Iranian defence and situation got serious...
Scenarios is playable from EITHER side, while the Iranian is somewhat recommended. As Iranians, you have two out of three regiment's battalions in that sector at your disposal - you are dug in around the village of Ein-I-Do, right before the Ahvaz's outskirts. Hold off the British long enough for your tank reinforcements to counterattack. Beware however of the British AT capabilities and their domination in the air.*
When playing as the British, try to crush Iranian defences rather quickly - their tanks will appear sooner or later, and your footmobile infantry better be ready for their welcome.
Design: Marcin "SaS TrooP" Kaluza*
Sources: Various internet sources

SaS TrooP June 1st, 2019 10:28 AM

Re: SaS TrooP non-series or limited series scenarios WW2 Edition
1 Attachment(s)
Hello lads, I am back. Currently switching mood to something different, but I still plan to add some Iranian scenarios if you think they are decent enough ;)

This time - Rimini. Slot 813.
Yet another Brigade sized battle for patient players... and I believe it offers quite a challenge :3


Battle of Rimini Airfield*
Date: 15th of September, 1944*
Location: Rimini, eastern coast of Italy*
Type: Greek/New Zealand/Canadian assault vs. German defence*
When Greece fell in 1941, a Greek government in exile was formed in Lebanon. As soon as it was possible, Greek government was interested in bringing troops into Allied war effort. However, Greeks were out of luck. 1st Greek Infantry Brigade was badly beaten and nearly destroyed during battle of El Alamein in late 1942, Italian and German submarines also did score numerous hits on Greek navy and merchant marine.
Final blow to the Greek effort came in April 1944, when a split in government in exile occured between two rivaling parties: the EAM (communists) and EDES (nationalists). Split also did trigger widespread mutiny of army and navy, after which nearly entire Greek force in exile was disbanded and interned in camps in Egypt and Palestyne. Given the wavering support of the British, new EDES nationalist government decided to hastily form a new Greek brigade - recruted only from "politically sure" soldiers and officers - and aid the war effort immediately. This is how the 3rd Greek Mountain Brigade (III EOT) was born.
The unit was shipped to Italy in late summer of 1944 and put under command of British 8th Army, togerther with New Zealanders, Canadians and Poles. As soon as Greeks were ready, they were immediately pushed to action. Their objective: Rimini - one of key German defended positions on the right flank of Gothic Line. Rimini itself was defended by elements of the German elite, the 1st Regiment of 1st Fallschirmjeager Division of General Richard Heidrich. The unit was further supplemented by battalion of Turkestani Osttruppen and heavy weapons: the deadly Pantherturms, assault guns, machine guns and anti-tank weapons. The Rimini itself (and its airfield) was heavily fortified, most bridges blown up, and ambushes prepared along the way. That was the objective of the Greek nationalist force these days.
Operations in Rimini sector begun on 12th September 1944. After heavy fighting - and New Zealand aid - Greek managed to capture Melo Stream with Casa Monticelli and Casa Monaldini positions, pushing the Fallschirmjeagers back. However, it was just a start. On 15th September, second phase of the attack begun, that focused on positions west of Rimini and led by Canadians. Greeks were ordered - together with a C Squadron of 18th New Zealand Armoured Regiment, 2nd Comapny of 22nd NZ Motor Rifle Battalion, 33rd NZ Anti-Tank Battery and 1st MG Company of Canadian Saskachewan Light Infantry Regiment - to assault the airfield and secure the city.
Battle of Rimini thus began. It would last for 3 days and nights, but Greeks would finally capture the airfield. Germans would then abandon the Rimini proper as undefensible, also due to Canadian breakthough on their sector. Greeks would hoist the Greek flag in RImini's mayor office and celebrate own troops' victory in this hard battle.
That would be the only battle of 3rd Greek Mointain Brigade during the war. Soon afterwards, with communist seazing power in Greece proper, they would be shipped - with some British troops - to the Athens, where their experience will help to form new Greek army and counter the communists. These events are known as Dekenvriana (The December Events) that mark the beginning of the Greek Civil War - as well as make decent prologue into cold war...
NOTE: When playing against AI, this scenario should be played from the Greek side.
Design: Marcin "SaS TrooP" Kaluza*
Sources: Various internet sources

DRG June 1st, 2019 01:58 PM

Re: SaS TrooP non-series or limited series scenarios WW2 Edition
1 Attachment(s)
813 conflicts with one Ts4EVER posted a few weeks back.... use 824

DRG June 19th, 2019 08:05 AM

Re: SaS TrooP non-series or limited series scenarios WW2 Edition
This is like trying to herd cats. I rebuilt that to use slot 824 but now TS4Ever has released the last two in his series and used 824 and 825 ( apparently he did not read this post.......:doh:)

Battle of Rimini Airfield 9/44 is now in slot 826 in my master game and will be released as 826 whenever we do another mini update ( probably spring 2020 )

so... if you have more planned in that series the next one can use 827 and I PROMISE not to move it again

zovs66 June 19th, 2019 09:08 AM

Re: SaS TrooP non-series or limited series scenarios WW2 Edition
Side note I have slots 775 to 800, plus about 10 others in spots, was waiting for SaS and Ts4ever to use the assigned slots I mentioned a while back.

At this point I don't know where all the "open/free" slots are, but I have 30 in a series that I'd rather not break up (they cover 1908-1929).


DRG June 19th, 2019 10:38 AM

Re: SaS TrooP non-series or limited series scenarios WW2 Edition
Like I said....... herding cats

SaS TrooP September 20th, 2019 12:24 PM

Re: SaS TrooP non-series or limited series scenarios WW2 Edition
1 Attachment(s)
OK, here comes the next one. I would appreciate additional testing since my timing in this scenario might be broken, as I will precisely know what will happen.


Yang Dang Khoum and Khum Phreav*
Date: 16th of January, 1941*
Location: Yang Dang Khoum and Khum Phreav, Battambang Province, French Cambodia*
Type: Thai defence and counterattack vs. Vichy French assault*
Since the crawling beginning of Thai dictatorship in 1932, Thailand (till 1939 called Siam) began to look for powerful allies, with whom the country would be able to regain some of the lost territories in the early XX century. Since Thailand lost those territories mostly to France, Britain and British Raj, choosing Japan as strategic ally seemed somewhat rational sollution. Both nations closening ties did not go unnoticed, yet Thailand aimed for staying neutral for as long as possible.
In May 1940, France lost to Germany in Europe and as result Vichy France was created. The now weakened French retained control of majority of colonies, including French Indochina, modern day Cambodia, Laos and Vietnam. Shortly after, in September 1940, Japanese troops forced Vichy government to provide access to Indochina bases and logistical lines (so needed for Japanese to sustain southern front in war against China), then expanded via short invation to de facto military control of Indochina. Japanese would eventually - after bloody fighting - disarm French forces there in 1945, when French Indochina army would declare its support for the Allied cause.
Nevertheless, territories lost to France in 1907 indeed interested the Thais. Using the political shielding of now close Japan, Thai dictator Plaek Phibunsongkhram claimed that Vichy France should cede majority of Cambodia into Thailand. At the same time, starting from October 1941, numerous border clashes erupted to add some arguments for the claims. French, however, remained steady and did not budge. Also, army of Indochina begun dislocating troops for Laos and Cambodia.
In early January 1941 Thai military command finally received green light for serious military operations, that includes carrying out offensives into French Indochina. At the onset of the war, French had 2 infantry divisions made of various regiments, mostly mixed colonial ones, as well as dreadful 5th Foreign Legion Regiment. French Air Force had some obsolete aircraft, approximately 100, of which about 60 could be considered front line. These included thirty Potez 25 TOE reconnaissance/fighters-bombers, four Farman 221 heavy bombers, six Potez 542 bombers, nine Morane-Saulnier M.S.406 fighters, and eight Loire 130 reconnaissance/bombers flying boats. There were only 20 Renault FT-17 tanks in Indochina, but these - on the contraty to popular belief - did not take part in fighting.
The slightly larger Thai Army was a relatively well-equipped force. Consisting of 60,000 men, it was made up of four armies. The largest were the Burapha Army with five divisions and the Isan Army with three divisions. Independent formations under direct control of the army high command included two motorised cavalry battalions, one artillery battalion, one signals battalion, one engineer battalion, and one armoured regiment. The artillery was a mixture of Krupp guns and modern Bofors guns and Howitzers, while 60 Carden Loyd tankettes and 30 Vickers 6-ton tanks made up the bulk of the army's tank force. As of air force, first-line strength were 24 Mitsubishi Ki-30 light bombers, nine Mitsubishi Ki-21 medium bombers, 25 Curtiss Hawk 75N pursuit fighter planes, six Martin B-10 medium bombers, and 70 Vought O2U Corsair observation/attacker aircraft.
On 5th January 1941, Thai swept into Laos and Cambodia, pushing aside worse equipped and smaller French force. Then Thai troops focused on securing administration of newly captured territories - generally that war was going kinda slow and bloodless, at least during early stages.
After two weeks of engagements and some stabilization, French admiral and Governor-General of French Indochina Jean Decoux ordered the French army to launch a larg scale counter attack and push Thai troops from Cambodia. The main axis of attack was marked against newest Thai gains - villages of Koum Phreav and Yang Dang Khoum in Cambodian Battambang province.
Against that target, the so called "Groupement J" was created under command of colonel Jacomy. A formidable force, it consisted of 4 infantry battalions, including one French Forreign Legion, two artillery battalions, including one Foreign Legion, as well as mixed motorized column from 11th Colonial Infantry Regiment. French did not know the size of Thai forces defending Yang Dang Khoum, since no intel was gathered, so French attacked blind, launching flanking attack from the north with two fixing frontal attacks.
Thai, on the other hand, belonging to 4th Infantry Division, were prepared and more than aware of French actions. Thais secured control of the air (also Thai pilots proved they might have been one of the best in the world by that time). Thai aerial reconneissance provided data to the ground troops that dug in heavily and deployed forward scouts. Finally, a armoured counterattack column was prepared for the right moment.
French forces were engaged on 16th of January 1941 in their staging areas, quickly discovered by Thai recon. Nevertheless, French moved in to attack, but its directions were already known. Thai put up still and stubborn defence in well prepared positions, relaying on heavy machinegun fire and canons deployed in direct fire roles.
Finally, after few hours, when French attack reached the grinding halt, Thai tanks appeared and caused panic in French lines. The entire force crumbled and routed towards city of Seam Reap, chased by the Thai armour. The day was saved by Foreign Legion battalion that arrived late as well as Legion artillery that remained in its initial position and decided on fighting via direct fire. Legion also brought 25mm AT guns, a rare item in French Indochina's armory. Thais did try to break Legion positions using all they got, including heavy airstrikes, yet the Legion withstood and Thais returned to Yang Dang Khoum, while rest of French forces were effectively saved from destruction.
At the end of the day, Thais claimed the battlefield and French attempt failed painfully, yet Thais failed to destroy the enemy force, making this battle somewhat indecisive. Historically, about 100 Thais and between 200-300 French troops were killed and scores more on both sides wounded, making battle of Yang Dang Khoum the bloodies of war entire.
A day later French Indochina Navy scored a major win against the Thai Navy nead the island of Ko Chang. VIctory was serious, yet not decisive. Nevertheless, Japanese mediated ceasefire worrying that their ally might loose the war in the end. Bangkok government was moderately interested, controling little new terrain after 2 weeks of serious fighting. Yet it finally gave way under the Japanese pressure. Finally, in middle of 1941, French ceeded a couple of Laos and Cambodia provinces to Thailand, mostly border ones (including Battambang with Yang Dang Khoum in it). The gains were however much less than expected (about 1/4 of territories originally lost in 1907) and infuriated Thai public opinion that blamed Japanese for early interference. In result, Thailand begun to slowly drift away from Japanese ties and looked for other possible allies. On 7th December 1941, when Pacific War begun, Thailand declared neutrality, yet for this reason a day later it was invaded both by Japanese and British, finally siding with Japan for the remainder of the war.
But that is quite a different tale.
NOTES: Scenario uses historical data on forces involved and their equipment. For this reason it is playable from both sides, but Player should have a few things in mind while picking side. Scenario has very long turn playtime. This is for a reason to allow both French attack take place and Thai counterattack. When playing as Thailand, generally play as you wish. First destroy the French attack and when you feel strong enough, launch a counterattack and attempt to destroy Foreign Legion artillery battalion.*
When playing as French, it is recommended to do as following: your use of Foreign Legion is free. You might either keep it in reserve or use it to bolster the attack on the Thai held villages. However, if your attack fails to gain a real foothold after about turn 35, turn back and consider it lost. Thai AI will move out to counterattack at about turn 35 - from now on your task will be to defend your artillery. In such situation, you should NOT attempt to capture Thai villages again should you break Thai counterattack. This will essentially give the most historical outcome. If you managed to capture the villages, simply hold against Thai reinforcements.
Design: Marcin "SaS TrooP" Kaluza*
Sources: Various sources, a lot of digging and questions asking, but best credit goes to "Le Franc-Tireur" paper, released Autumn 1996, detailing the battle and French force composition.

SaS TrooP November 19th, 2019 03:04 PM

Re: SaS TrooP non-series or limited series scenarios WW2 Edition
1 Attachment(s)
OK, here comes second from three Thai scenarios I made, since this nation probably had no scenarios this far.

This one is smaller as of my standard, only battalion size. Enjoy!


Nasty Nakhon Surprise*
Date: 8th of December, 1941*
Location: Just north of City of Nakhon Si Tammarat, Nakhon Si Tammarat Province, Southern Thailand*
Type: Thai delay and (possible) counterattack vs. Japanese assault*
Since the crawling beginning of Thai dictatorship in 1932, Thailand (till 1939 called Siam) began to look for powerful allies, with whom the country would be able to regain some of the lost territories in the early XX century. Since Thailand lost those territories mostly to France, Britain and British Raj, choosing Japan as strategic ally seemed somewhat rational sollution. Both nations closening ties did not go unnoticed, yet Thailand aimed for staying neutral for as long as possible.
Back in early 1941 Thais successfully took parts of modern day Laos and Cambodia from their previous enemy, Vichy France. However, even though Thais were winning the conflict on land, they suffered a defeat in the seas durking battle of Ko Chang, where one of thai heavy cruisers was crippled. Seeing this - and to the great dismay of Bangkok - Japanese pushed heavily towards ceasefire that left Thais with no option other than accepting limited territorial gains from the French.
As Thailand was definitely pro-Japanese to this point, public opinion blaned Tokyo for overexaggerated interference. Thai dictator - Plaek Phibulsonghkram - previously aiming for strict alliance with Japan now decided to steer the country towards "last minute neutrality", particularly given incoming Brito-Japanese confrontation. This move, however, came too late and in the eve of Pacific War Thailand found itself in a position of asian Norway. Japanese needed further staging areas for attacks against Malaya and Burma. Thailand would be a great place to start. British on the other hand were more than eager to preemptively move into Thailand to deny Japanese the mentioned landing grounds.
Few hours before invasion on Malaya, Japanese provided Bangkok with ultimatum: join us or face invasion. The cabinet was divided, there was no answer in time. Thus, at dawn, Japanese forces - grouped in two armies and supported by fleet - begun landing operations at about 15 different points all over Thailand, starting with Bangkok outskirts and ending in more remote areas.
One of the landings took place just north of Nakhon Si Tammarat in the southern Thailand and was one of vital areas for quick Japanese movement against Malaya. Japanese troops - about 1500 men from 3rd Battalion of the 143rd Infantry Regiment, as well as elements of 18th Air District Regiment, 32nd AA Battalion and 6th Construction Company - disembarked unoposed, yet quickly noted by the Thai. Their job was to prepare further landings and disarm Thai forces in the area.
Unbeknownst to the Japanese, local Thai forces of 39th Infantry Battalion, together with 6th Division Staff, were already aware of Japanese landings at nearby Songhla (they were notified by the phone). Instead of remaining in the Camp Vajiravudh - normally hosting high readiness units during their training sessions - they actually deployed effective yet hasty defence in order to contain Japanese beachhead.
What was supposed to be a formality, turn into a bloodshed. Thais tried to push Japanese back to their crafts but were stopped by superior artillery. On the other hand, Thai machineguns kept Japanese infantry at bay and did not allow them to cross Tha Phae canal, what would allow to bypass the defences. The battle lasted for several hours before ceasefire order arrived for the Thais. At midday the Cabinet finally gathered and Plaek Phibunsonghram accepted the Japanese terms and allowing Japanese i
It must be noted - perhaps other scenarios will be created in the future - that Thai forces, even though outgunned and outnumbered, stood strong with the government and offered resistance - usually a fierce one - against nearly all Japanese landing zones. Exact Japanese casualties are not known, yet during 6 hours of fighting they probably suffered about 1000 dead and unknown number of wounded. That dead are given at number of about 150-200 dead and 300-400 wounded.
If you play this scenario as Thais, at least hold steady. Your battalion is partly deployed, you get police support for your cause - they will hold Japanese for a while. 3rd Company (together with MG support) is not yet deployed, use them as you see fit. They may also fare well as counterattacking force.
If you stop Japanese advance and will be at strength, attempt to overrun the beachhead, eliminating it completely. In that case you will score a complete victory that eluded the Thais.
When playing as Japanese, your orders are simple: expand the beachhead, crush Thai resistance, make your way through Tha Phae Canal and occupy Camp Vajiravudh, ending the presence of the defender.
Either way: Good luck!
This particular scenario is playable from either side, but it is somewhat recommended to play as Thais and Japanese as AI.
Design: Marcin "SaS TrooP" Kaluza*
Sources: Various internet sources, those are rather scarce on particular engagements of that invasion.

DRG November 19th, 2019 04:52 PM

Re: SaS TrooP non-series or limited series scenarios WW2 Edition

Originally Posted by SaS TrooP (Post 846316)
OK, here comes second from three Thai scenarios I made, since this nation probably had no scenarios this far.

Actually, there are already 4 in the game

ScenarioID Title sMonth sYear Player_1 Player_2
624 Siam Sambal 1/41 1 1941 France Thai
741 Thai Hot 12/41 12 1941 Japan Thai
700 Surabaya Slugfest 11/45 11 1945 India Thai
760 Unlikely Allies 11/45 11 1945 India Thai

Your's is #5

SaS TrooP November 20th, 2019 01:53 PM

Re: SaS TrooP non-series or limited series scenarios WW2 Edition
624 and 741 are simple conversions, also 624 follows the ASL scenario that has a loooot of historical inaccuracy. 700 uses Thailand as proxy. So does 760.

SaS TrooP November 23rd, 2019 08:47 PM

Re: SaS TrooP non-series or limited series scenarios WW2 Edition
1 Attachment(s)
OK, here comes third and currently the last of Thai scenarios. Again, it is as historical as I could make it. Enjoy!


North of Kentung*
Date: EArly June, 1942*
Location: North of City of Kentung, British Burma, from 1942 to 1945 - Saharat Thai Doem (Unified FOrmer Thai Territories)*
Type: Thai advance vs. Chinese delay*
Since the crawling beginning of Thai dictatorship in 1932, Thailand (till 1939 called Siam) began to look for powerful allies, with whom the country would be able to regain some of the lost territories in the early XX century. Since Thailand lost those territories mostly to France, Britain and British Raj, choosing Japan as strategic ally seemed somewhat rational sollution. Both nations closening ties did not go unnoticed, yet Thailand aimed for staying neutral for as long as possible.
As it was mentioned in previous scenarios, after initial Japanese invasion of Thailand in December 1941, Thai government finally decided to side with the Japanese. The Thai-Japanese alliance was however only the pracitical one, as both nations could only gain, where the Thais did not particularly share the Japanese concept of master race of Asia. Thus, Thailand was often called "the Asian Italy" by the Allied, who were actively looking for turning the Thais on their side.
Nevertheless, Thai government declared war on Great Britain and United States on 25th of January 1942. Shortly afterwards, Imnperial Japanese Army advanced from Thailand into British Burma, initiating the BUrma Campaign that would last till late 1945. According to the protocols of 21th of December 1941, Thailand was promised the burmese province of Kentung (with the capital in the city of the same name) in Burma, as well as northernmost provinces of Malaya.
Thais were however required to assist the invasion. For this reason, a Phayap Army - or Northwestern Army - was created under command of lieutnant general Charun Rattanakun Seriroengrit. The army itself was comprised of 2nd, 3rd, 4th Infantry Divisions, as well as Cavalry Division, with multiple independent battalions and companies for support. Essentially, the Phayap Army was probably the strongest fighting force of Thailand deployed during the World War 2. In May 1942, Thai forces entered the Kentung province and advanced straight towards the capital, facing Chinese Expeditionary Forces in Burma under General Kan Li-Chu. Chinese resistance was however already feeble as powerfull Japanese attack dislodged both Chinese and Commonwealth troops, whose attention quickly turned towards campaign of Burma Road.
On 27th of May 1942, 3rd Division of Phayap Army entered Kentung after rapid bombardment and firefights with Chinese 93rd Infantry Division trying to evacuate the city in haste. Thais would occupy Kengtung till the end of war, when they accepted the return of that province into Burma in exchange of British resignation of demanding war reparations. The Kengtung would be known as Saharat Thai Doem, or Former Thai Unified Provinces. Thais however will fail in complete eradication of Chinese forces from Kengtung area. Due to rainy seasons and non-existant infrastructure, both armies would live off land and suffer from widespread disease. The diseases would claim the lives of as much as 5000 men, over 90% of all Thasi military casualties of World War 2. Thais will attempt to attack and capture Chinese border city of Xishuangbanna in Yunnan province in 1943, but they will be driven back by Chinese defenders.
Regardless. Commander, you are in command of one of the infantry regiments of 3rd Infantry Division. Your regiment is depleted by one battalion that currently serves as garrison force in Kentung. You are however well supported with regimental recon units and tank platoon of divisional tank company, as well as some air force we could muster.
Chinese 93rd Infantry Division suffered a number of setbacks against our forces and Japanese ones and are now retreating to Xishuangbanna in Yunnan. One of regiments of that division - unknown in strength - occupies northern road about 10km from Kentung and shields the retreat. Your job is to clear that road and eradicate the regiment. If you reach the Xishuangbanna road, Chinese forces will be partly cut off by your maneuver and Japanese push.
You have advantage in equipment and training, yet Chinese divisions are known for their numeurs infantry units. Good luck!
This particular scenario is playable exclusively from Thailand side, with Chinese as AI.
Design: Marcin "SaS TrooP" Kaluza*
Sources: Various internet sources, again, sources are scarce

SaS TrooP November 25th, 2019 05:11 PM

Re: SaS TrooP non-series or limited series scenarios WW2 Edition
1 Attachment(s)
Allright, here goes the last one that has just made it through the testing :3
I hope you like the originality of those scenarios - I try to cover less known stories of the war. Here we go with what-if scenario... but that indeed was a close call.



Klodzko Incident*
Date: September 1945*
Location: Klodzko, Silesia, modern day Poland*
Type: Polish delay and counterattack vs. Czechoslovak advance*
It is little known fact, but Poland and Czechoslovakia were on the verge of war shortly after World War 2 in Europe ended.
There was great animosity between both nations dating back to interwar period. In 1919, Czechoslovak forces entered Polish controlled Zaolzie area in Upper Silesia (that was to be subjected to democratic plebiscite). The week long Polish-Czechoslovak war ended with Czech victory as Polish forces were occupied with fighting in Ukraine against Red Army in what would soon be known as Polish-Soviet War. Czech victory was a bloody one: Czech troops commited numerous atrocities in Zaolzie. They also evicted Polish majority citizens by force.
The time of revenge came in 1938. When Germans, French and British discussed the Munich agreement - or first partition of Czechoslovakia - Polish forces entered Zaolzie after 19 years of absence and claimed the territory back. This time the invasion was bloodless. Also, Czech population was allowed to stay. Further reforms were interrupted by the outbreak of the war and subsequent occupation of Poland.
Later on, in 1945, a new borders were drawn. Soviets, who could say the most of all on the matter, proposed a rather decent sollution. Czechs would receive the Zaolzie back. In exchange, the territory of Klodzko in Lower Silesia will be attached to Poland. It so remains to this day, with Poland having a sort of "breakaway" line in Silesia.
Yet in 1945 Czechs were not so keen on agreeing on that partition plan. To make matters worse, there was a serious diplomatic incident on the Soviet side, where one of Soviet diplomats responsible for negotiating the precise borderline between the two nations sent diplomatic notes with wrong maps attached. These maps strongly favoured the Czechs and provided nearly entire Klodzko area for the government in Prague.
The Czechs tooks that mistake rather seriously. They immediately accepted thge faulty note and demanded immediate polish withdrawal from the area. Warsaw, surprise to say at least, of course refused. Both nations quickly increased the military build up in Klodzko and Zaolzie areas. The crisis was promptly diffused by Soviet political intervention (supported by Stalin himself). Maps were fixed. Both sides flexed a bit and stood down under international pressure.
But lets think of what if scenario. Lets assume Czechs are flexing longer than they should. Soviets demobilize quickly in Europe - their main attention is now shifted towards Manchuria and Korea. There is no one to stop the war now. So what happens?
In late 1945, Polish military was bigger than Czech one. Yet Poland was damaged in huge extent and Warsaw simply could not afford to keep two full line armies in ready status. Also, it must be mentioned that Polish People's Army was already facing the UPA (Ukraine Rebel Army) on its eastern borders, as well as interior unstability caused by anti-communist partisans, commonly known as Cursed Soldiers.
Czechoslovakia, on the other hand, was in much better shape. Bombings of the factories took its toll, yes, but in 1945 Czech military industry was much better developed compared to its polish counterpart. Czech army was smaller in size, but it could be reinforced by Czechoslovak forces pouring from France, trained and equipped by the British. These forces, commonly known as PHK, spent most of the war on the western front besieging the port of Dunkirk. After the war, PHK - mainly in form of entire tank brigade equipped with Cromwells - arrived in Czechoslovakia and offered itself for the service of government in Prague. At the same time, Czech industry was working hard, producing ex-German vehicles such as Hetzers and selling them to many customers (eg. Switzerland). Czech airforce received new batches of freshly made Avias S-199 - the copies of Messerschmitt BF-109 pattern aircraft that was also produced in Bohemia.
In other words: Czechs were damn ready to fight. And that war would be a vicious and bloody one, as both nations had a score to settle that was interrupted by the Reich. In this scenario the war finally breaks out in September, both in Zaolzie and Klodzko.
Commander. You control - first and foremost - entire 35th Infantry Regiment of Polish People's Army's 7th Infantry Division stationed nearby. You are supported by local People's Police company (Milicja). There are some elements of UB forces stationed, too (UB was Secret State Police, rough equivalent of NKVD). Your force is spread thinly along local villages and Klodzko itself. The city can however afford a defence for a while - this is due to old citadel built by the Austrians in XVIII century and later expanded by the Prussians. Remember however that your force is typical Soviet pattern infantry regiment. Your anti-tank capacity is low and due to sheer terrain of your responsibility cannot be properly concentrated.
There is a massive build-up of Czechoslovak forces in your area. We confirm the pressence of PHK tank brigade with their Cromwells and motorized infantry. We have also spotted Czech T-34s. It seems 1st Czechoslovak Independent Tank Brigade of general Svoboda joint forces with their brothers from the west. We expect they will push hard and quick. They will likely attempt to swiftly overrun Klodzko and set up defensive positions so that our counterattack will not be able to dislodge them. Such outcome would be a propaganda disaster as Czechs would quickly call it a win. In that case protracted conflict would not stand - we are already irritating Moscow greatly. Majority of 1st Army is still stuck in Vohlyn area fighting Ukrainian rebels. We rushed what we could to Zaolzie though.
We have dispatched the rest of 7th Infantry Division in the area, as well as other units of Polish 2nd Army. Entire 1st Tank Corps is also there, but we are canibalising equipment and suffering from shortage of crews. Thus we deployed 4th Armoured Brigade in advance, together with divisional artillery.
Commander, if the Czechs will move in, give them hell. Do not step back and resist stubbornly. Prevent them from capturing the bridges over Nysa river in Klodzko, as that will be the end of it. They will be most likely quicker than your fellow Polish. But we are coming, have no fear. Use engineers, use formidable 85mm AT guns we attached to your regiment. Sustain a defence until 4th Armoured will arrive. We will then jointly push in counterattack. It will be us-or-them scenario. Should the bridges hold for long enough, we will give them armoured battle they seek so badly. If we annihilate both armoured brigades in one day, Czech cause will be lost and we will emerge victorious from that war.
Good luck!
This scenarios should be played from Polish side with Czechoslovakia as AI. Important note: since you might get overrun, it is allowred (and suggested) to use your left-behind units to recapture the lost objectives. It might slow down the Czechoslovak speed of advance. Also note that PHK brigade is organized after British pattern, thus is it noticeably bigger compared to its Soviet-pattern counterpart.
Design: Marcin "SaS TrooP" Kaluza*
Sources: Fictional scenario, however it was indeed THAT close back in 1945. Historically though the conflict would most likely occur in June or July (rather than September). Also, both Czech brigades would most likely opperate on different fronts. In this scenario they are closely cooperating for greater effect. It must be though noted that Zaolzie would be a better tank suited battlegrounds rather than hilly Klodzko, itself being river valley and gorge between two main Silesian mountain ranges (thus its strategic importance).

SaS TrooP March 15th, 2020 08:18 AM

Re: SaS TrooP non-series or limited series scenarios WW2 Edition
1 Attachment(s)
This one is unusually small for me, it is typical battalion sized battle!


Romanian Armoured Division "Romana Mare" action at Scobalteni*
Date: 20th of August, 1944*
Location: Scobalteni, just near Podu Iloalei, Iassi region, modern day Moldavia*
Type: Romanian advance vs. Soviet delay*
Back in 1944, Nazi Germany and their allies were in general retreat. The most famous Soviet offensive of that year is the one known as Bagration, which completely shattered German central positions and pushed them away from pre-war Soviet territory for good.
The less known offensive is the one known widely as Second Iassi-Kischinev Offensive, executed in August 1944 by 2nd and 3rd Ukrainian Fronts. The offensive had several objectives. It mainly served as southern backbone of Bagration, pinning posible German reinforcements. Secondly, it aimed for possibly reaching Romanian oil fields in Ploesti region, the only decent oil fields Wehrmacht had access to. Finally, it could also knock out Romanians out of the war, and Romanians still provided roughly 400 000 troops for the German cause. It should be mentioned in the background that August was second Soviet attempt on the matter - the first offensive failed miserably in April.
Meanwhile, Germans were overburdened with attempts on stabilising the central front caught in deadly Bagration Frenzy. The south was stripped of many armoured units with German rebuilt 6th Army holding the area together with Romanian 3rd and 4th Armies commanded respectively by General Petre Dumitrescu and General Ioan Mihail Racovita.
The exception was however 1st (and only) Romanian Armoured Division, known in Romania as "Romana Mare", and on German planning tables as "Gross-Rumanien". The division was being rebuilt after disasterous losses it suffered in 1941-1942 mostly due to inadequate quality of armoured vehicles - Romanian licence aquired Panzer 38(t)s faced T-34s and KV-1s they could not simply fight against. Now, however, the division was fully German equipped, but low on tanks as for division grade unit. In August 1944, it operated roughly a battalion (~50) sized Panzer IV unit and another circa 30 StuG III assault guns and Romanian TACAMs (T-60s equipped with 75mm guns for tank destroyer role), as well as several dozens of Sd.Kfz. 222 and half-tracks for armoured reconneissance. This had to suffice for threre motorized regiments that only had AT guns. Nevertheless, morale was high and training properly conducted.
On 20th of August 1944, massive Soviet barrage made an opening statement for Second Iassi-Kischinev Offensive. German and Romanian field artillery positions (well reconnoitered before) were obliterated within one hour. At roughly 6 AM full front assault occured in the first phase of Soviet deep operations doctrinal concept. By 10 AM situation of German and Romanian armies was desperate with several divisions decimated or running in panic. This is when "Romana Mare" was deployed from the reserve. Their objective was to plug the gap in Romanian positions near the town of Podu Iloalei, roughly 20km from Iassi. The division was however split due to huge equipment shortages everywhere. Assault Gun companies were attached to motorized regiments with task of preparing blocking positions against Soviet armour.
For this reason, proper attack on Scobalteni and Podu Iloalei at around 10 AM was only conducted by the lone divisional tank battalion with the mentioned ~50 Panzer IV tanks and a lone TACAM tank destroyers company, supported with some armoured cars and in later stages by divisional mechanized recon infantry.
Commander - we know Soviets are already in Scobalteni, and they are in force. But you have tank heavy formation. Punch through the Soviets and stop the gap before it will be used by the enemy to bring reserves in. We do not know exact numbers, but we estimate Soviets to be at regimental strength.
As the order itself to attack on Scobalteni was correct, Axis command failed to determine the proper direction of Soviet thrusts on the first day of the offensive. Romanians were told they would engage blocking positions and anti-tank guns, this was proved to be true. But Romanian tanks descended from the city of Roman which was the Soviet objective for the first or second day of the offensive. Thus Romanians not only met blocking positions - they met untouched armoured brigade regrouping before striking on the deep rear of German lines.
Attacking Romanian tankists first encountered AT guns fire. But soon massive amount of T-34s emerged and quickly forced the attackers to grasp on rather defensive posture. Romanian attack soon turned into desperate delaying action against stronger armoured enemy and battle of Scobalteni later emerged as the greatest tank battle of entire offensive and the greatest tank battle in Romanian military history.
Fighting lasted for the whole day. Romanians claimed to have destroyed roughly 60 armoured vehicles of various types, which means they most likely destroyed the Soviet brigade and prevented it from reaching the rear. They however suffered heavy losses in the process with about 30 tanks disabled or destroyed. Finally, the battle ended with the nightfall. Battered Romanians divided into several small columns and attempted to retreat towards Roman, in which they succeeded, but with the loss of all company commanders and battalion commander.
3 days later, on 23rd of August, Romania declared a ceasefire with the Soviets. Menawhile in Bucarest, Romanian dictator Ion Antonescu was deposed by the King. One day later Romania switched sides and joined the Allies. At one point, nearly half million soldiers made Romania 4th member of the Allies with armies size compared. Soon the "Romana Mare" was fighting again - this time, however, against their recent allies.
After the war, communist coup deposed the king and People's Republic of Romania was declared. In early communist era, many commanders were persecuted for their previous fight with the Germans. it is somewhat ironic given the fact Romania joined the Axis because Soviet Union annected Moldova.
Design: Marcin "SaS TrooP" Kaluza*
Sources: Various, but the most brilliant ones are:
Cornel Scafes, Horia Serbanescu, Ioan Scafes, Cornel Andonie, Ioan Danila, Romeo Avram: Armata Romana 1941-1945, RAI, 1996
Ion S. Dumitru: Tancuri in flacari, Nemira, 1999
Vasile Ienceanu: Pedepsiti sa invinga, Fundatia General Stefan Gusa, 1998
(all translated in parts and available at Axis History Forum)

DRG March 15th, 2020 12:15 PM

Re: SaS TrooP non-series or limited series scenarios WW2 Edition
Everyone, please be advised that 818 is already taken for the next patch and this and most other scenarios posted this year will where I can fit them and rarely the slot they are offered in.

Also be advised that they entire naming/numbering system for scenarios in both games is completely different this year and I will be explaining all of that in the next week or so.

As it sits right now and that could easily change, the number of scenarios in WW2 as of this next ( last ) patch will be 860+ but there will be 2999 total slots once the game goes out so lots of room for everyone building scenarios

SaS TrooP March 15th, 2020 01:00 PM

Re: SaS TrooP non-series or limited series scenarios WW2 Edition
Sure, I just assigning slots as I have them free, it is seriously not a problem for me to have it chyanged in the final game

DRG March 15th, 2020 02:33 PM

Re: SaS TrooP non-series or limited series scenarios WW2 Edition
Just letting you and anyone who may DL it know.....and that the entire number system is being changed and every scenario in both games is being re-issued with the new numbering

SaS TrooP March 17th, 2020 12:51 PM

Re: SaS TrooP non-series or limited series scenarios WW2 Edition
But it is not as beautiful as I wished it to be and there are no filters, eg. by nations involved or date?

zovs66 March 17th, 2020 12:58 PM

Re: SaS TrooP non-series or limited series scenarios WW2 Edition

Originally Posted by SaS TrooP (Post 846984)
But it is not as beautiful as I wished it to be and there are no filters, eg. by nations involved or date?

You can do that with ScenHack, there are a bunch of queries I wrote and were shipped last year. I also have some more queries. ScenHack is the best thing for scenario designers along with the Extended Map Editor.

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