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sidhos June 30th, 2009 01:37 PM

CD Key
I bought Dominions 2 about 3-4 years ago. I'm on my third computer since then and just installed it to play again. Forgot it required the CD Key. I don't particularly keep a manual handy once I have logged a few hundred hours in a game. I have lost the manual, therefore, no CD Key.

I did a search and found that the last person to bring this up was ridiculed and accusations made. I guess it is so incredibly inplausible that an imperfect human being might lose a little book that is very rarely used, in the course of four years.

I was actually hoping for some help here , since customer support appears to be too busy. That doesn't look very likely if the last person's attempt is any indicator.

My thanks in advance to anyone that has something USEFUL to contribute.

capnq June 30th, 2009 05:03 PM

Re: CD Key

Originally Posted by sidhos (Post 698757)
I did a search and found that the last person to bring this up was ridiculed and accusations made. I guess it is so incredibly inplausible that an imperfect human being might lose a little book that is very rarely used, in the course of four years.

I was actually hoping for some help here , since customer support appears to be too busy.

Actually getting help from customer support for a five-year-old computer game is even more implausible, especially when said game has a three-year old sequel competing for the support team's attention.

(A lot of people find wanting to reinstall a four-year-old game implausible, especially when they can't think of any ways that the older version was superior to the newer version, but I've got older games than that installed myself.)

Past experience shows that for every person who claims to have lost the CD key, there are three or four who openly admit that they're using a pirated copy of the game, which throws suspicion on all the other requests. That's why such requests draw such a hostile reaction.

It doesn't help, either, that "official" support requests are supposed to be submitted from "The Gamer's Front", which is a completely separate part of Shrapnel's website than these forums.

sidhos June 30th, 2009 05:23 PM

Re: CD Key
I eventually found the manual. I don't know how it got there, but it was buried under a bunch of TV on DVD's.

I reinstall and play games much older than that one. About six months ago, the original Master of Orion. Before that, Emperor of the Fading Suns.

I'm saving for a trip to Key West, so no new computer games right now. Dominions 2 will have to satisfy the urge until I can afford 3.

Thanks for the input.

Edi June 30th, 2009 05:32 PM

Re: CD Key
Make a copy of your CD key just in case. As far as replacement manuals go, you can open a support ticket with Shrapnel support and they can provide you with a new manual for a fee after verifying your purchase. I don't know the policy on manuals for out of print games, but that's the way to do it for Dom3.

Arralen July 2nd, 2009 02:34 AM

Re: CD Key
And better make a backup of the "key" file found in your dominions2 folder.

Then, when installing again, do not start the game, but simply copy in the key file into the new dominions folder - and the game will not ask you for the key on the first startup even!

And you do make backup of your important data, don't you?!

sidhos July 2nd, 2009 10:30 PM

Re: CD Key
That is a great suggestion. Thanks.

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