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SilverRat August 18th, 2006 05:19 PM

Is there a way to...
As far as I can see this can't be done in the standard SEIV but it seems to make sense to me so I want to ask if a mod could allow or simulate this situation:
You have several SY's in one sector- perhaps planet(SY), moon(s)(SY), Base SY(s), and Ship based SY's work together on a larger project-adding their efforts to one project instead of working separatly on smaller projects. I would understand if there was a percentage of lossed effort for each additional SY after the first, maybe even on an escalating scale to represent efforts getting in each others' way with "too many cooks in the kitchen." Kind of like a building Fleet that only has one project.
1. Is this possible in the game and as a newb I don't know how to do it?
2. Is it possible to allow this with a mod that exists or could be created? or must the idea be hardcoded in by programmers--for another expansion?
3. Is it a good idea? (Has it been rehashed in thread XXXX from several years ago...?)

Ed Kolis August 18th, 2006 05:34 PM

Re: Is there a way to...
No, this is not possible in SE4, and it cannot be modded in. In SE2 and SE3, you could do this, but then also the spaceyards worked differently in those games - they basically functioned as repair bays do in SE4, as you "purchased" hulls (paying for them up-front) with "damaged" (unbuilt) components and the SY's job was to "repair" (build) the individual components. But in SE4, when you build a ship, the construction cost is spread over the time it takes to build the ship and the ship appears fully built when the cost is paid. I suppose it might be possible to combine the queue-management aspect of SE3 with the spread-out cost aspect of SE4, but to my knowledge at least SE5's construction queues will function identically to SE4's, with a few exceptions (you will now be able to "spill over" points from one project to the next, for instance)...

Atrocities August 18th, 2006 05:47 PM

Re: Is there a way to...
You can mod in an expansion yard thus bypassing the 1 construction yard per planet limit. Fyron has a tutorial on how to do it over at www.spaceempires.net

Fyron August 18th, 2006 05:57 PM

Re: Is there a way to...
Even in SE3, you could still only have one SY working on a ship at a time. Ships/bases just had the ability to have multiple SYs, each with their own build "queues."

SY Expansions direct link.

Suicide Junkie August 18th, 2006 08:20 PM

Re: Is there a way to...
The UI to link such yards together would not be fun to use...

In any case, though, what is wrong with building batches of 20 warships every 5 turns instead of 4 warships every turn?
And if you stagger your queue completion times, you get 4 warships every turn from your stack of 20 BSYs already.

Urendi Maleldil August 18th, 2006 08:45 PM

Re: Is there a way to...
Actually, you can mod an AI script to create a design with more than one space yard component for you and both yards will contribute their build ability to the same construction project.

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