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zovs66 October 15th, 2018 03:10 PM

Possible OOB or Code Issue?
1 Attachment(s)
Attached I created a test scenario and also attached a save game file.

Essentially, Slovaks (maybe all cyclists?) Bicycle troops/units can enter buildings (you'll get a warning) and they will generally (like AFV) become immobilized or cause a building to collapse (see save game file).

Not sure if this is known issue or not.

Mobhack October 15th, 2018 03:28 PM

Re: Possible OOB or Code Issue?
Bicycles that are separate are motorcycles, which are vehicles. Vehicles which smash into houses can get immobilised. Bikes that are one-piece jobs are probably cavalry (which is a form of infantry) and so wont do so.

scorpio_rocks October 15th, 2018 03:30 PM

Re: Possible OOB or Code Issue?
Do the Slovaks have cyclists? I only see motorcycles - which count as vehicles.

I think (thought...) that unit classes 49 (Motorcycles), 188 (Motorcycle - Heavy Inf) count as Vehicles and 187 (Motorcycle - light inf), 172 (bicyle), 179 (Hvy bicycle) count as infantry.

EDIT: Ninja'd by Mobhack

DRG October 15th, 2018 05:53 PM

Re: Possible OOB or Code Issue?
Slovak OOB FORMATION 021 Bicycle Platoon - Available: 04/39-10/43

The Slovak cyclists was an experiment done a few years back to see if a way could be had to make them work better than they do now ( regularly ) we have some ideas on that regard and it's on the list to investigate over the winter months. What you see there was a test unit and nobody has commented on it until today.

The cycles in that OOB use the scout vehicle class as the bikes and regular infantry ride them.......simples.....so yes they would have trouble in buildings...... the point is to dismount them before going through the doorway ( as in real life ! ) ......that's why bike and rider are separate

scorpio_rocks October 15th, 2018 06:09 PM

Re: Possible OOB or Code Issue?
Ah ha - that explains it! I looked by unit class for cycle - completely missed them under another class.

zovs66 October 15th, 2018 08:07 PM

Re: Possible OOB or Code Issue?
Correct, in my scenario I am using Slovakian cyclists (plus others). I'll keep them in the scenario when I release it, and leave them as a default so if any work is done to correct them, they will pick it up. My scenario is set in 9/39 with the Slovaks advancing against some Poles.

zovs66 October 15th, 2018 08:09 PM

Re: Possible OOB or Code Issue?
In our playtesting we found that the bicycle guys would get immobile or cause a building to collapse and hence this thread to make it known or aware.

DRG October 15th, 2018 08:38 PM

Re: Possible OOB or Code Issue?
as I said those were an experiment to allow troops to dismount from bikes then fight on foot as normal infantry but it is ( known to be )an imperfect solution and IF we can both maintain our sanity the ideas we have bounced around my solve all the problems but it requires code work that differs from other vehicles

Imp October 15th, 2018 10:12 PM

Re: Possible OOB or Code Issue?
The obvious way apart from coding issues is a unit class that allows passengers to fire, more complicated perhaps just the first slot weapon as riding. Can now do dismountable bikes cavalry even skis and give the transport no weapon.
Of course someone would then say can pasdengers fire from my APC’s halftracks, short answer is probably no it’s ineffective useful for close defence only passengers help with spotting and closes combat already.

Imp October 15th, 2018 10:26 PM

Re: Possible OOB or Code Issue?
Other far more complicated I am guessing is dual state units. Spend x movement points to switch. This would change parts of the game as could now do things like limbered and unlimbered guns. Move but no fire vs fire but no movement.
Even things like vehicle recovery and bridge building could be possible for a one of bit of fun.
Vehicle recovery standard vehicle turns into slow vehicle with carry capacity.
Scrap major AI work would be required.

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