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lukerduker123 August 23rd, 2018 09:39 PM

Does fire spread?
Does fire spread? If not, why not? I was in a wildfire recently, and while watching it nearly destroy all that I held dear I realized just how fast a fire in dry terrain can spread. In less than ten minutes it engulfed roughly four hexes worth of trees, and in two hours it was covering over one-hundred hectares. Fire in dry terrain is no joke!

With this in mind, I'm surprised no massive forest fires develop over the course of a Steel Panthers game. Fire is an absolute monster, and if a lightning strike can cause such damage, imagine what a full on artillery bombardment can do! Fire in the game right now just feels.. Static. You just walk around it. What if fire spread, spreading even faster in summer months or in desert environments? A well-planned defensive line might be ruined because an artillery bombardment and bad luck sent a tidal-wave of death rolling towards the men. Truly terrifying, eh?

jp10 August 24th, 2018 12:33 AM

Re: Does fire spread?
High explosives tend to blow out a fire as much as starting one.

Imp August 25th, 2018 03:15 AM

Re: Does fire spread?
Try Far Cry 2 I think not the best in the series but it’s set in Africa, if you set something alight and your uphill or the the winds blowing your way can cause a whole rethink as avoiding the brush fire coming your way becomes a priority

Imp August 25th, 2018 03:42 AM

Re: Does fire spread?
Also memorable gaming moment killing a deer and going to get the meat and realising a male lion is watching you. Quick scan and you realise the pride is closing on you from behind, yikes the animals are a serious threat check they are not hunting before you decide to kill something. Way ahead of its time.

Wdll August 25th, 2018 04:04 AM

Re: Does fire spread?

Originally Posted by Imp (Post 843176)
Also memorable gaming moment killing a deer and going to get the meat and realising a male lion is watching you. Quick scan and you realise the pride is closing on you from behind, yikes the animals are a serious threat check they are not hunting before you decide to kill something. Way ahead of its time.

This is not from Far Cry 2 though. :p
In Far Cry 2 there are no predator animals and while you can kill other animals, you gain nothing from it.

Dion August 28th, 2018 05:35 PM

Re: Does fire spread?
I think fire should spread, though proportionally to its size, snow balling as it were. I think it would be realistic. On the other hand fire in the game causes suppression, which is highly realistic. It would be even more realistic if it slowly moved depending on the terrain, causing you to relocate to a different hex.

Wdll August 28th, 2018 09:18 PM

Re: Does fire spread?
From what I know wind is not calculated in the game. I could be wrong and if I am please correct me.
If wind is indeed not calculated (ie no wind in the game) and with each turn being (IIRC) about 2 minutes of real life time, how much do you think fire could possibly spread in a winspmbt battle?

Mobhack August 29th, 2018 04:28 AM

Re: Does fire spread?
There is wind in the game, but not wind strength. See how wrecks (or fires) smoke builds up in one particular direction "downwind" hex. Each game chooses a direction at random.

There is no fire fighting, or concepts of flammability (e.g. dry grass) to determine if fire could spread, or not.

zovs66 August 29th, 2018 07:36 AM

Re: Does fire spread?
One does have to be careful about kindling and fire spreading. Both are possible in ASL, hard to achieve but sometimes when they do and the environment conditions in that game happen you can have quite a lot of burning flames turning into blazes.

There is a Historical ASL that has a problem in the campaign game where 70-90% of the map is on fire due to the environment and large caliber guns. But that is a board wargame.

Rysgame December 25th, 2018 07:19 AM

Re: Does fire spread?

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