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Val November 1st, 2001 08:47 PM

Babylon 5 Mod
I've been talking with Rambie, Atomannj and 2 other people (not on the thread yet) about putting together a Bab5 Mod for SE IV. So far we have some good shipsets for the EA, Narn, Centauri, Vorlons and League of Non-Aligned Worlds. I've also seen some decent Minbari and Shadow sets.

I'm in the process of setting up the map for the B5 universe, though it is taking me some time to create the solar systems.

We are also talking about setting up a tech tree that has a B5 flavor to it, which could be a daunting task as well. Perhaphs with racial specific techs for the different races to keep certain techs "off limits".

Ideas and what y'all would like to see are also most welcome.

If there is anyone interested, or anyone else that has done some B5 Mod work (or would like to), please let us know.


Rambie November 2nd, 2001 07:31 AM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod

Sounds great, I'm in the process in posting all the released B5 races on my site... I need to get permission from all the developers first.

A new Version of the EA set will be released as well.


Val November 2nd, 2001 11:15 PM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
I heard from atomannj through E*Mail that it was ok to post his Centauri, LoNAW and Vorlon ship sets.

thorfrog November 2nd, 2001 11:31 PM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
Hey guys! Please feel free to modify & post these ships sets.

Rambie November 5th, 2001 06:51 AM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
Thanks, I'll try and get all the B5 shipsets uploaded onto my site by next weekend.

I've been working on a new B5 themed SE4 Intro screen for the Mod... it's starting to look good.


zircher November 5th, 2001 08:50 PM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
One of the perks to making ship sets for the lesser known races is that you can let your imagination run wild and there is no 'canon' material to say that you're wrong.*

Is there any race that matches such in your planned B5 mod?

Val November 5th, 2001 09:09 PM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
In a quick headcount on the map I am working on I found 42 different races, a good number of which I haven't seen much (if any) material on. I'm working on an Excel spreadsheet listing the different races, their respective age (Ancients, Mid-Born, Young), if there is background info and if anyone has made a shipset yet.

This doesn't even count all the Nomadic, Pirate and Independent Groups that could have their own ship sets.

Rambie November 6th, 2001 02:19 AM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod

If you'd, or know anyone who would, like to make a set for any B5 race that'd be great!


zircher November 6th, 2001 03:48 AM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
I'm entertaining the idea or at least the art work side of the equation. (No experience in building AI files, yet.)

The Fire on the Suns PBEM game that I'm currently playing in is based on the B5 universe. My two allies in the 'Centauri Coalition' are the Gaim and the Hyach. Making up a fleet for either of them would be a two birds with one stone thing. :-)

The Gaim player is also a Lightwave user so that's got some potential there as well. I'll bounce the idea off of them and see if they'd be interested in helping me.

Rambie November 6th, 2001 08:06 AM

Re: Babylon 5 Mod
I'd love to see the Gaim, or the Hyach, in the MOD! I haven't written an AI yet, Mephisto did a great job on the EA set and maybe he'd be willing to help out.

I think we'd all like to see any many races in the MOD as possible, so ask your friend who'd good at Lightwave. I've got some Drazi and Vree models that I could send him if he's interested in making any ship sets.


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