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RERomine November 11th, 2008 03:51 PM

Tactical Suggestions
1 Attachment(s)
I'm looking for tactical suggestions for my upcoming battle. Here is the battle information:

Germany vs. GB

Mission: Meeting Engagement, North Africa, 7/1942 - scattered objectives.

Enemy: Reinforced Battalion - 1-2 Armor Co., 2-3 Infantry Co., 6-8 Artillery Btry, plus recon and AAA. New 6pdr tank mounted gun expected. No air assets expected. Average force experience, ~70.

Terrain: Map = 100x100, hilly desert terrain, ~1% rough, limited soft sand, visibility = 8 , no roads, no logical avenues of approach.

Troops: 1 Armor Co. (Pzkw IVg), 2 Infantry Co. (SS w/tracks), 5 Artillery Btry (On board, 9 SP, 8 towed w/o transport), 2 Assault Gun Pltn. (StuG IIIf), 2 ATG btry. (75mm PAK 40 w/tracks)), 2 MG Pltn (MG42(2) w/tracks), plus recon, AAA and ammo supply. Average force experience, ~95.

Time: 34 Turns


I expect to be outnumbered across the board. Normally, I would use the superior range of my guns to reduce the numbers of enemy tanks. Low visibility eliminates that option. This will be just short of a knife fight. Tank mounted 6pdrs are expected, but even the 2pdr can be deadly at 400 meters! This means a straight up tank fight it out of the question. It's a campaign battle and I don't want to leave half of my tanks burning in the sand just to get a victory. My ATGs aren't going to be as useful either. They will engage well within enemy rifle/machine gun range, but losses of the guns is expected.

AI tendencies mean I can expect armored cars to advance along the top and bottom edges of the map. There are also typically two attack "columns", which can merge with the recon units on the edge. Given the nature of the terrain, the attack columns might be channeled into a couple of paths. With the low visibility, it will be difficult to tell exactly where the attack columns will appear until both sides are engaged. One other tendency is the armor and infantry come in different waves. Some infantry ride the armor, but others walk. The infantry on foot will be delayed more than normal due to the hilly nature of the terrain.


There is a line of hills 500-750 meters out in front of my LD (Line of Departure). Both infantry companies and all ATG and MG units will quickly advance and take possession of the three center hills, numbered from North to South as 1, 2 and 3. Two platoons of infantry will deploy on each hill. The HQ platoons will deploy on hills 1 and 3. One ATG battery and one MG platoon will deploy on hill 3. The other ATG battery and MG platoon with be split between hills 1 and 2. Scouts will positioned 500 meters forward of the hill line as LP/OPs. Once the units are unloaded, the half tracks will withdraw out of the engagement zone.

Top and bottom map edges will be guarded by StuGs and scout tracks and will advance forward or strike the enemy flank as the situation dictates. Armor company will position in the valley between and behind hills 2 and 3 as the reserve. As needed, they may advance forward through the gap between hills 2 and 3, South behind and around hill 3 or North behind and around hill 1. Map recon indicated there is a rough/soft sand free path behind hill 3. The other routes are obviously clear. Artillery will deploy in positions near but NOT ON victory hexes behind or on the LD to defend those locations should enemy units get through. AAA assets will deploy in the depression on the LD to the rear of hill 1 as an emergency reserve.

Once the enemy attack column(s) are identified, the infantry and supporting units will delay their advance, while the armor reserve maneuvers against the enemy flank. Upon neutralizing the attack column(s), all units will advance forward to capture as many victory point hexes as practical in the time available.

Suggestions? Unfortunately, this plan will take time to play out. Due to the terrain, the AI will be slow getting to my planned line. While I should be able to destroy them in detail, I suspect it will take time and I don't expect to have enough left to capture all of the victory point hexes. I've attached a screen print of the center part of the map outlining my proposed positions and expected enemy advance lines.

RERomine November 11th, 2008 07:32 PM

Re: Tactical Suggestions
Lacking any suggestions, I proceded with the plan as listed.

Turn 1

AI prep fire was six 5.5in and seven 25pdr batteries, so my strength estimate was low. Units proceded to designated positions. Enemy not spotted.


One infantry squad plus track destroyed. Three tanks damaged (two lost main guns, one immobilized) :mad:. Damaged tanks withdrew if possible.

RERomine November 11th, 2008 07:46 PM

Re: Tactical Suggestions
Turn 2

Flank units in position. Units deploying to hills 1, 2 and 3. One enemy Morris AC spotted by my scouts along the bottom edge of the map.



RERomine November 11th, 2008 08:05 PM

Re: Tactical Suggestions
Turn 3

Most units in position on hills 1, 2 and 3. Enemy Dingos and Morris ACs probing top and bottom edges of the map and small gap between hills 1 and 2. Seven ACs and two Dingos on bottom edge. That's why I didn't put ATG guns on the edges. I figured they would be overwhelmed by scout units before guns could destroy enough. The scout units will have problems with the StuGs.


Friendly: Zero

Enemy: One Dingo destroyed.

RERomine November 11th, 2008 08:22 PM

Re: Tactical Suggestions
Turn 4

Heavy enemy recon action on top and bottom edges. Enemy "Honey" tanks approaching hill 3, with heavy ACs heading into gap between hills 2 and 3. One problem I've had is the LP/OP scouts for in front of hils 1, 2 and 3 were shot up pretty bad in the prep fire. They are moving up, but not out front of the hills yet. I don't know what's coming.


Friendly: Zero

Enemy: Four Dingos, five Morris ACs destroyed.

RERomine November 11th, 2008 08:44 PM

Re: Tactical Suggestions
Turn 5

Enemy recon advance has stalled on the board edges. Some units withdrawing. One StuG took a hit from an AT rifle in an AC and became a forward facing pillbox. Two Honey tanks probing gap between hills 2 and 3.


Friendly: One StuG immobilized

Enemy: Five Morric ACs, two AEC ACs, one Honey destroyed.

RERomine November 11th, 2008 09:08 PM

Re: Tactical Suggestions
Turn 6

Destroyed all but one enemy AC on the bottom edge of map. Pushing units forward to protect immobilized StuG. Will have to send one StuG back to take out the bypassed enemy AC. It was hiding in a gully and was spotted by scouts.

North edge enemy recon units not advancing, but not retreating either.

Remaining Honey tanks destroyed, but enemy infantry spotted approaching gap between hills 2 and 3. Since no more tanks have been spotted since the Honeys showed up, I'm probably looking at a slow model. I'm expecting Grants, Lees or Valentine IXs. Random artillery strikes in rear, but no damage.


Friendly: Zero

Enemy: Eight Morric ACs, two Honeys destroyed.

RERomine November 11th, 2008 09:33 PM

Re: Tactical Suggestions
Turn 7

Closing in on AC unit bypassed.

Three enemy Valentine IX tanks :mad: spotted 1200 meters Southeast of hill 3 with infantry support. One platoon of tanks sent to route pass behind and around hill 3, because I don't think two StuGs and the one ATG on the Southeastern corner of the hill can handle the threat. Artillery plotted to come in next turn.

Track mounted infantry spotted 400 meters East and Southeast of hill 2. Small arms fire exchanged with units on hill 2. One friendly scout destroyed. Artillery plotted to come in next turn.


Friendly: One scout destroyed.

Enemy: Two Morric ACs.

RERomine November 11th, 2008 10:00 PM

Re: Tactical Suggestions
Turn 7

Things are getting lively now.

Flank guard along top edge being approached by dismounted infantry in company strength from the East. Three StuGs, three recon tracks and some scout units have to hold that flank. Two batteries of artillery plotted in front of approaching infantry.

Additional track mounted infantry approaching hill 2 from East and Southeast. Estimated company strength, with supporting Valentine III tanks. Small arms fire and ATGs opened up on tracks and infantry. One platoon of tanks from the reserve committed to gap between hills 2 and 3. Enemy suffered infantry casualties and several tracks destroyed. Artillery hit the enemy to the Southeast and an additional battery was plotted.

Dismounted infantry approaching bottom flank guard from the East and hill 3 from the Southeast. Estimated company strength, with supporting Valentine IX tanks. Artillery hit tanks and infantry with some casualties on the infantry.


Friendly: Light casualties among scouts.

Enemy: Three tracks destroyed, some light infantry casualties

RERomine November 11th, 2008 10:41 PM

Re: Tactical Suggestions
Turn 8

Dismounted enemy infantry advance as stalled at the moment. They were attempting to turn Southwest toward hill 1, but were hit by the StuGs, recon tracks and artillery. I had some incoming mail from a 3in mortar.

The attack on hill 2 has also stalled. Enemy units were hit by small arms, ATGs, tanks and artillery. Several tracks destroyed and a number of enemy infantry popped smoke and withdrew. Enemy Valentine III tanks appear to be heading toward my tanks in the gap between hills 2 and 3. I lost several scouts East of the gap.

Enemy units Southeast of hill 3 have split. The Valentine IX tanks have turned North to pick up some victory hexes while the infantry turned West. These units were hit by artillery suffering a few casualties.


Friendly: Two scout units destroyed

Enemy: Four tracks destroyed, estimated 20 infantry casualties.

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