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Hermit January 26th, 2024 08:01 PM

SU-152 Swiveling Gun?
I'm playing a solo computer-generated campaign. In several scenarios, the SU-152 fires at units not within its front facing. Nor does it pivot to fire. When I shot at it with another unit, it was a rear hit, which confirmed the visual depiction of the vehicle facing the other way.
Current game is US Army v. China, Dated 8/1951. Map is 239 - Korea Town, Meeting Engagement (but I don't think it is map-related since it happened in a previous match). I can provide the save file for Turn 20, when I noticed it happened again. I can provide more save files if requested. I'm making a wild guess that it is OOB related, but don't know editor well enough to look there myself.

Mobhack January 26th, 2024 08:38 PM

Re: SU-152 Swiveling Gun?
The frontal arc for SPGs is rather large - 45 degrees or so, and if it is in that arc then it usually does not turn to face the target much.

However if it is firing "over the shoulder" and not turning to face then something may well be off (wrong shp file, or wrong turret association in the base data).

Hermit January 26th, 2024 09:11 PM

Re: SU-152 Swiveling Gun?
It is definitely firing "over the shoulder." How can I check those files? Do you want me to send the save file for analysis?

Mobhack January 26th, 2024 09:34 PM

Re: SU-152 Swiveling Gun?
You dont check those files - since there arent any, it is inbuilt game data in the EXE

DRG January 26th, 2024 10:21 PM

Re: SU-152 Swiveling Gun?
1 Attachment(s)
Post the best example of a save game showing it happening and we will look into it.

Keep the others handy just in case we need others

So this is a Chinese SU-152? There is only one in the OOB.....actually there is only that one in all the OOB's. The only others are in SPww2 and there are four of them. The only difference is unit class but the MBT Chinese one is an SP gun and that is exactly the type of unit class it should be\

The MBT China OOB has three other units in that UC in the same time period

510 - SU-76M - Available 01/050 to 12/077
521 - SU-122 - Available 01/050 to 12/077
522 - SU-152 - Available 01/050 to 12/077

First off are they appearing under AI control? if yes, set up a test game with nothing but all three types and see if they all act the same way but we really do need the save you have showing this before running guesstests

A screen shot would also be nice if you can manage it.


I just saw it happen


The Pershing had been in the hex marked AI and I moved it to A
It was hit by B but B has not turned towards A as it should have

lansoar January 27th, 2024 01:12 AM

Re: SU-152 Swiveling Gun?

Originally Posted by Hermit (Post 855962)
I'm playing a solo computer-generated campaign. In several scenarios, the SU-152 fires at units not within its front facing. Nor does it pivot to fire. When I shot at it with another unit, it was a rear hit, which confirmed the visual depiction of the vehicle facing the other way.
Current game is US Army v. China, Dated 8/1951. Map is 239 - Korea Town, Meeting Engagement (but I don't think it is map-related since it happened in a previous match). I can provide the save file for Turn 20, when I noticed it happened again. I can provide more save files if requested. I'm making a wild guess that it is OOB related, but don't know editor well enough to look there myself.

I've seen this in MBT and WW2. A good answer lays here:


if that link doesn't work just look for the thread: SP gun vs. Tank

Dion January 27th, 2024 02:11 AM

Re: SU-152 Swiveling Gun?

Originally Posted by DRG (Post 855966)

I just saw it happen


The Pershing had been in the hex marked AI and I moved it to A
It was hit by B but B has not turned towards A as it should have

It's possible that there's a hidden enemy unit in one of the adjacent tree hexes with a AT weapon. Since tree hexes are real good at providing concealment, and the attack was at such a close range, the attack may have been too fast for the human eye to notice.

This happened to me before, and it was in the woods too, against a vehicle who hit me without turning his facing, and I can't remember if he had one, but there was no turret movement either, so I just figured there must be a hidden enemy infantry unit real close, so I got out there as fast as I could. Infantry in forrest terrain armed with man portable AT weapons are a real pain in the a**, especially if they have missiles, so I usually don't chase infantry in the woods in MBT, only WWII.

Hermit January 27th, 2024 07:59 AM

Re: SU-152 Swiveling Gun?
I really do not believe it was an infantry squad. In this scenario, the Chinese infantry don't have long-range AT capable of killing a Pershing, and the SU shot at me in earlier games from about 7 hexes if I recall correctly.
The saved games are *.cmt and *.dat files. How do I upload them? It's not one of the file types recognized in the upload manager.

DRG January 27th, 2024 08:18 AM

Re: SU-152 Swiveling Gun?


Don't bother with the save game I found the problem ( Andy guessed correctly it was icon-related in that it was entered into the wrong type of SHP file back in 2015 ) and it will be corrected for the next release whenever that happens

Hermit January 27th, 2024 08:50 AM

Re: SU-152 Swiveling Gun?
1 Attachment(s)
Thank you for your time in duplicating this so quickly, and for your continued efforts in supporting this great game. I have zipped up turns 15 through 20 to help with isolating the problem. I have every turn through 24 if needed.

EDIT - Oops, generated this message before seeing your last post. Great job!

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