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Spledge May 21st, 2016 06:51 PM

Units Taking Cover
RE: Taking Cover (C key)

1. When an infantry unit "takes cover" does that reduce an attackers effect should it later be fired upon?

2. Does taking cover also reduce the chance that an enemy unit will see it too.

3. Does taking cover need to be selected each subsequent turn that the unit stay in the same hex, turn after turn?

Sorry for if some of these questions seem obvious. I'm seeking clarity and couldn't find the topic covered in the manual.

Thanks all.

Mobhack May 21st, 2016 06:59 PM

Re: Units Taking Cover
An attempt at taking cover gives a unit a chance of no longer being spotted.

Naturally, you don't know if the attempt had any effect unless the enemy no longer fire on you.

ERISS May 23rd, 2016 12:03 PM

Re: Units Taking Cover

Originally Posted by Mobhack (Post 834293)
An attempt at taking cover gives a unit a chance of no longer being spotted.
Naturally, you don't know if the attempt had any effect unless the enemy no longer fire on you.

So, if the unit went in cover (but we don't know), if we ask again to take cover, a missed attempt will remove this unknown cover? (if nobody shoot at us, then no longer move? if ain't broken, don't fix it)

Mobhack May 24th, 2016 04:46 AM

Re: Units Taking Cover
There is no magic flag that you can look at to see if the attempt worked or not. Real troops dont have this, nor do you. But if the enemy fire on you in thier turn, or if you move then it probably did not work (or a fresh spotting roll by the opponent unmasked you again).

Basically - the further away you are then the more chance of it working. Chances at 50m are rather unlikely, 1000m more probable. The smaller your unit size is helps, as does experience, being in cover etc.

You could also try taking cover several times, if you are paranoid and have the spare MP..

ERISS May 27th, 2016 12:31 PM

Re: Units Taking Cover

Originally Posted by Mobhack (Post 834305)
You could also try taking cover several times, if you are paranoid and have the spare MP..

So I think you answer here my question: A failed added attempt won't brake a successful previous.

Spledge May 30th, 2016 01:29 AM

Re: Units Taking Cover
If an MG42 is within sight, an opposing squad just might insist on having the "C" key pressed an unlimited number of times on its behalf. :eek:

RightDeve May 30th, 2016 06:23 AM

Re: Units Taking Cover
What if there are multiple enemy units spotting your single unit? Does pressing the C-key affect all enemy units or only select random enemy units?

Because in real life, good concealment from the front doesn't always mean the same thing from the rear or the sides (or even from above). (But this is digressing from the SP mechanic, since being spotted by one enemy unit has always meant being seen/capable to be shot at by other enemy units).

So maybe my question is:
Is the algorithm set up in a way that increases a unit's failure at concealment if there are more enemy units currently spotting it?

Mobhack May 30th, 2016 07:53 AM

Re: Units Taking Cover
The more enemy with "eyes on" a unit, then the more chance one of them will re-spot it id it breaks LOS. Especially if those are close, experienced, unsuppressed etc - i.e. all the other things that help normal spotting.

Think of the times you have fired on a unit and got the takes cover message. Sometimes the unit goes away, and at other times it may disappear and then reappear as part of the reaction to fire process.

The c key just lets you use the reaction to fire process that has always been there for all grunts that get fired on.

Whether or not expending the MP is worthwhile, you will have to learn from experience. The exact workings of our algorithms dont get published.

Hint: attempting to take cover at 1 hex distance from an enemy elite, unsuppressed and stationary unit that is facing you is unlikely to end well... at 400m, it will be rather more likely.

RightDeve May 30th, 2016 02:05 PM

Re: Units Taking Cover
I see... It's a guessing game until you're experienced enough with it.

Sadly, even though I know the feature is there, I often forget to use it in the heat of battle. It must be ingrained in the brain that infantry units = C key, as real life soldiers are indeed cautious when it comes to staking a life on the battlefield. (to this end, maybe more SP scenarios should heavily emphasize the importance of preserving life than rushing V-hexes on a very limited number of turns :)).

chris h February 25th, 2019 06:15 AM

Re: Units Taking Cover
From this taking cover does not affect combat results per say, just the possiblity of not being spotted. The originator also posted this question.

3. Does taking cover need to be selected each subsequent turn that the unit stay in the same hex, turn after turn?

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