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PvK April 9th, 2015 04:06 PM

Hoarding Data?
Is there any reason not to always sell collected generic Data? Is it used for anything other than selling, or is there any reason to wait to sell it?

Dubious April 9th, 2015 08:43 PM

Re: Hoarding Data?
AFAIK, it's only purpose is fund raising.


PvK April 10th, 2015 01:44 AM

Re: Hoarding Data?
Thanks. I did notice a reason to sometimes wait to sell it, though. The offer for it is not always the same. I imagine it depends on the faction paying for it.

Tarkh April 10th, 2015 03:09 AM

Re: Hoarding Data?
Maybe, it would be logical to have an option for using data in crafting somehow?

ibol April 10th, 2015 09:20 AM

Re: Hoarding Data?
Different races do indeed pay more or less for data, and it also varies by sector. There are some quests that require large amounts of data. But its main purpose is indeed to keep you flying (money!).

Mentioning crafting, maybe something like "moonstones in the grinder" in borderlands TPS... interesting...

Or, I've just created "experimental weapons", so maybe a certain amount of data could force an experimental weapon to be made...?

Or, exchange data for "crafting manuals", which permanently increases your base crafting level... oh, the possibilities.

[EDIT] 20 minutes later...
OK, I ran a simulation of using data to improve crafting, with a max of 133% of your base level. cost increases per level increased.

you have DATA=0 , your base crafting level =88
you could increase it by #levels=0

you have DATA=30578 , your base crafting level =88
you could increase it by #levels=18
which would cost data=31768

you have DATA=387998 , your base crafting level =88
you could increase it by #levels=29
which would cost data=64680
i had to stop becuase i reached the 133% limit

Kazeto April 10th, 2015 05:10 PM

Re: Hoarding Data?

Originally Posted by PvK (Post 829261)
Is there any reason not to always sell collected generic Data? Is it used for anything other than selling, or is there any reason to wait to sell it?

You can leave it be as emergency funds if you ever end up using up all your money on random stuff or losing it in any other way and don't have money to refuel.

Doesn't appear to be much, but that is indeed an option.

PvK April 10th, 2015 06:43 PM

Re: Hoarding Data?
ibol, it would be nice to have something interesting to do with data... except I wouldn't think it would make sense for the current data, which seems mostly to be from exploring space and planets and caves, to result in crafting improvements. Maybe if there were different types of data.

Also, while it makes some sense to be paid to contribute data and be paid for it once, it doesn't make sense that selling data to someone would reduce how useful that same data might have been if you used it to help you craft, because data is inherently copyable, so sharing with the Bank or the Gruff or whoever, would not mean you didn't still have copies of any data you had which would be useful to help craft things.

Which is a long way of saying, it seems to me that if data is usable for more things, maybe there should be different types of data - mapping data vs. terminal data and combat data.

ibol April 10th, 2015 10:13 PM

Re: Hoarding Data?
I get obsessed with math and modeling things...carried away...

Tarkh April 11th, 2015 02:35 AM

Re: Hoarding Data?
By the way, slightly offtop: I hired an officer with Science skill something about "greatly increasing the amount of data collecting" from various types of objects (anomalies, computer terminals and so on). So the question is: should this officer be in away team to "greatly increase" data amount from objects that awat team can meet?

Kazeto April 12th, 2015 02:52 PM

Re: Hoarding Data?
If it's something that you collect during your excursions to the surface, then yes. All the effects you get from your officers that apply to stuff on away missions only work when the officers who give that are present; anyone who had an officer with the skill that heals the away team can tell you that much because it's easy to see when it works and when it doesn't.

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