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ioticus March 23rd, 2006 01:39 PM

\"Transparent mechanics\"
The ad copy for Dominions 3 released today mentions "transparent mechanics decreases the learning curve." This means one of 2 things, neither of which I'm thrilled about:

1) The numbers used to calculate attacks, damage, spell effects, etc., are not readily accessible in the game interface, and therefore it becomes harder to assess your strategy and make intelligent decisions. Therefore, you must play more intuitively, as the various factors you need to consider become hidden from view. Hopefully, all the numbers and equations will be in the manual, so you can still find the info you need, you just need to dig a little more to find it.

2) This is the worst case scenario, in my view. The hard game data and equations are neither accessible in game, nor are they explained in the manual. Thus, as in many strategy games nowadays, the player has no clue about game mechanics (how chances to hit and damage are determined, magic resistance, etc.), and merely plays by "the seat of his pants," entirely on intuition. The classic board game feel of series becomes lost in this case. Although many players may like this approach (because they are scared of numbers and equations), it would personally make me very sad http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

Ed Kolis March 23rd, 2006 02:24 PM

Re: \"Transparent mechanics\"
Um, doesn't "transparent" mean you *can* see the numbers? As opposed to Dom2 with its mysterious "2d6+" rolls? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

ioticus March 23rd, 2006 02:27 PM

Re: \"Transparent mechanics\"

Ed Kolis said:
Um, doesn't "transparent" mean you *can* see the numbers? As opposed to Dom2 with its mysterious "2d6+" rolls? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Maybe, I hope you're right, but I don't see anything mysterious about the 2d6 rolls.

Nerfix March 23rd, 2006 02:28 PM

Re: \"Transparent mechanics\"

ioticus said:

Ed Kolis said:
Um, doesn't "transparent" mean you *can* see the numbers? As opposed to Dom2 with its mysterious "2d6+" rolls? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif

Maybe, I hope you're right, but I don't see anything mysterious about the 2d6 rolls.

I saw for ages. I bet many noobs will see.

JaydedOne March 23rd, 2006 02:38 PM

Re: \"Transparent mechanics\"
When I read "transparent" along with the other mention of "pop-ups", my sense was that there'd be more information available to the user regarding what's going on behind the curtain, not less. Dom 2 got a lot of heat for seeming arcane and unapproachable to non-grognards -- I think the idea is that sharing more information, not less, is a way of making the game more understandable to people who don't want to have to pick through the forums for days to know why certain things are happening in game.

Just a hunch.

Kristoffer O March 23rd, 2006 03:32 PM

Re: \"Transparent mechanics\"

castigated March 24th, 2006 08:44 AM

Re: \"Transparent mechanics\"
transparent =/= invisible. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/laugh.gif

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