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Dogboy December 18th, 2012 04:04 PM

Seeking advice
It has been years since I played Dom3, but three friends and I have decided to set up a game, for old times sake.

1. Is there general agreement on a mod that we should definitely use?

2. How big a map would be fun for 4 players? Any suggestions? Shadowshore and Stone Haven look beautiful, but perhaps too big? Any favorites?

Shadowshore (120 land, 13 water)
Stone Haven (108 land, 18 water)
Others that look nice...
Silent Seas (45 land, 15 water)
Urgaia (51 land, 8 sea)
Blessed Isle (75 land, 11 sea)

3. I'm thinking early or mid era, to allow plenty of magic.

Anything else I should be sure to decide now?

Thank you!

Gandalf Parker December 18th, 2012 05:49 PM

Re: Seeking advice
On this forum, CBM became common.

The game itself considers a small game to be 10 provinces per player, a medium sized game to be 15 provinces per player, and a large game to be 20 provinces per player.

There are some always open 4-player games available on www.Dom3Minions.com
Check the link that says Hosted Games

jBrereton December 18th, 2012 07:29 PM

Re: Seeking advice
OPM (Other People's Mods) v6 just came out, and it incorporates:

- CBM 1.94 (general balance and removal of GemGens, Hammers and similar pain in the arse features from vanilla, except at Conj 8 Unique level, which is a Good Thing, because it takes some of the power away from the 'broader' nations and hands it back somewhat to the focussed ones like Abysia etc. who otherwise get the shaft massively because of their tight national paths)

- AwesomeGods (generally changes the gods to be more central to gameplay by increasing their power/utility, some of them radically, such as the Mapmove 0 Forge Lord with +3 to known paths but 120 cost to new ones at the start)


- AwesomeItems (clue's in the name, really).

If you're looking for one single mod to use, CBM 1.94 is probably it, but OPM really is a good combination mod, and remains only about a megabyte's download.

Dogboy January 22nd, 2013 11:15 AM

Re: Seeking advice
Thank you, guys!

Tifone January 27th, 2013 03:56 PM

Re: Seeking advice
Hello there! I have a question too!

I'm in a very similar situation to that of Dogboy, getting back to the game after years. I'm just gonna reinstall the game for some SP games, though. I too search for suggestion on mods, but (important) I don't want the experience to be too different to vanilla's, as when I used to play this game the CBM was just some good changes, a lot of essential bugfixes, but the gameplay of the nations was substantially unaltered and I don't want all the good old Baalz's guides and the manual to be completely obsolete because of new spells, items, gods, etc. Even the removal of gemgens and dwarven hammers doesn't really fit my tastes, even if I'm sure the community appreciated it and the guys of the mod are doing a great job. The easiest access to the sea via items was a welcomed change for me though, even though I really don't remember the name of that mod.

I though I could install the new CBM 1.94 but I see there are many many changes and I think I could never play the nations the way I remembered, and even though I think I'm still able to change a mod a bit to fit my tastes, I think removing the changes to gemgens and hammers wouldn't work as there are a lot of new spells, summons, items that have been influenced by that change and probably much more.

So I'm here humbly asking the good old helpful guys of the community for a solution! Should I install an old version of CBM, and which one? Was there ever one which included all the most necessary bugfixes and the mod for accessing the seas, but not the changes to gemgens and the late game?

Thanks in advance for assistance!

Gandalf Parker January 28th, 2013 12:57 AM

Re: Seeking advice
It seems to me that CBcomplete_1.6 was the last one to get general agreement. Also it is the last one I know of where someone (Edi?) broke it down into separate files so that someone could just use the gemgen if they wanted, or just use the pretenders without gemegens if they wanted, etc etc.

If you are interested in other Mods and Maps for Solo play you might check out the Solo link on www.Dom3Minions.com

Edi January 28th, 2013 03:24 AM

Re: Seeking advice
Yes, that was me, Gandalf.

Tifone, search for CBM 1.6 Piecemeal Edition. That's the one you want, because you can decide which parts of it to enable. You can choose a gemgens on or gemgens off version for items.

As far as Baalz's guides, any that were not made for vanilla are obsolete for any current mods and some of them even for CBM 1.6 (at least if you disable gemgens).

For any new returnees, be also sure to check out the forums at Desura (which is the home of the official Dom3 forums since December 2012).

Tifone January 28th, 2013 07:11 AM

Re: Seeking advice
Thanks a lot to both of you guys! I'll take the 1.6 Piecemeal with disable gemgens so I'll be able to play the nations the way I remembered and loved.
Gandalf: yes I already found and checked that link yesterday, very interesting stuff!
Edi: oh that's great I'll go there and see if the new community is great like it was the old one here, thanks a lot! Maybe I'll convince someone to play a 1.6-no-gemgens game.... Difficult, to be sure, but that would be fun :D

EDIT: Oh also I found some community at the Gaming Den that plays vanilla... nice

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