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Mindi October 31st, 2006 05:47 PM

This New Forum
In an effort to show appreciation to our customers who have bought out-of-print products, we are providing this forum. If you want to hook up with players of old games or have questions about an out-of-print product, post them here. Some old game forum archives are provided as subforums for players to search through if need be.

Sertorius January 1st, 2007 02:31 PM

Re: This New Forum
Hi, Mindi.

Did those guys who produce "Horse and Musket 2, Dragoon: The Prussian War Machine" have a falling out over something? Some of us attempted to get them to make a couple logical changes, but notice that Dave Erickson, the original designer had disappeared. If there are any patches out there I'd love to get them for this game has a number of bugs in it that makes me believe that Mr. Erickson got cut out of the picture in some way. I never did get a really good answer from Magnus on this.

At the very least are the uniform graphics availible from the other game in this series somewhere, i.e., Russian, French, etc?

Happy New Year to you and thanks.

Sertorius January 1st, 2007 10:29 PM

Re: This New Forum

One other thing, please. I note that the forum has been dropped, but here are the original complaints:


I have a complaint.

I'll answer your question in two ways. One is marketing and the other one on the game itself, this being "The Prussian War Machine".

I was given the original "Dragoon" years ago and was so impressed that I bought all of the "Horse and Musket" series. That is to say I got the application and the scenario kits. It was at this time after expending all this money for the application I was asked if I wanted to buy the "The Prussian War Machine". I declined and opted to buy the kits.

I waited two years roughly before buying "The Prussian War Machine" for I wanted to give y'all time to do any debugging. The advertisement is misleading as a person who doesn't read the message board here would be under the impression that the new application under "The Prussian War Machine" allows you to purchase add on kits as in "Horse and Musket". I was disappointed to discover to my dismay that I would have to purchase new applications for each release. I don't see how I can justify the expenditure of money for something that has minor differences, other than taking up more space on my hardrive, and as a results I won't spend anymore money on this series. I'm sorry that I didn't see Antonio's comments earlier for I agree with him and would not have bought it because of this more than anything else. I can't recommend it for purchase. Caveat emptor

Now, the game itself. Two things come to mind. All around defense is lacking for redoubts and towns. I think this should be included, particularly for redoubts as the purpose is to either expose an attacking force to galling enfilade fire if they try to bypass the redoubt or force them to attack it like the Swedes were force to do so at Poltava. The defending force won't fight in a linear position. They will fight in an all around defense. It defeats the purpose of the redoubt to do otherwise. I'd apply the same thing to towns. The other one involves Dragoons. These troops should be allowed to fight as dismounted infantry when the situation calls for it. They are mounted infantrymen and fought dismounted at Blenheim. There are some minor problems with the interface that are not addressed in the manual. For example, how do you bring up the command to put troops in skirmish formation? And what is the deal with the "undo" button?

Overall, you folks did a fine job with the game itself and I am impressed. The best feature is unlike the others in this series which remind me of a transmission with for gears forward and no reverse you put in a reverse gear for this one. ("about face")

You might reconsider the decision to sell this game series like "books on a shelf".


Edited by Sertorius (05/13/06 02:52 PM)

Post Extras

I have to correct one thing above. When I order H&M2 it was a week afterwards I received the invite to buy this latest addition.

Why was the forum deleted, please?


Tim Brooks January 4th, 2007 07:10 AM

Re: This New Forum
Hi Sertorius:

The Developer owns the licenses for these products. We can no longer offer any patches or support for these games (and that includes the forums) as per the developer's request. If you have further questions, please contact customer support as they will be able to direct you to the developer.

Sorry for any difficulties this has presented.

Sertorius January 4th, 2007 09:54 PM

Re: This New Forum
Hello to you as well, Tim.

No problem. You have answered my questions. Thank you for the reply.

RVPERTVS January 28th, 2007 05:46 AM

Re: This New Forum
What happened to Remote Assault developers?


Richard February 3rd, 2007 02:31 PM

Re: This New Forum
Brian Gantt, the lone Remote Assault developer, decided to get out of the game business some time ago.

RVPERTVS February 3rd, 2007 05:16 PM

Re: This New Forum
Thatīs a shame, I think remote assault is one of the best tactical RTS ever, he definitely had a future. Was RA his only development?


Richard February 3rd, 2007 09:55 PM

Re: This New Forum

RVPERTVS February 4th, 2007 11:45 PM

Re: This New Forum
Thanks for the reply Richard! I really appreciate. Personally I loved the demo which I played extensively some time ago, Iīve just placed my RA order past thursday though. Is it going to be HD any soon? Interesting the developer refused to extend the series even being ofered to sell the code, he must had his respectable reasons.

I must express my sincere acknowledgment to you SG guys, since I discovered you about 2 1/2 years ago Iīve been progresively abandoning other brand publishers and playing BCT, ATF, RA and WSPMBT instead; currently yourīs (mainly wspmbt) are the only wargames I play because those "little" details and feel not found in other more comercial hits, so I just want to say: I like your wargame titles a lot, and keep up the good work !! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif


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