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Atrocities March 27th, 2003 01:01 AM

OT: Galatcic Civilizations (GalCiv)
In short I like the game thus far. After buying that dismal POS Masters Of Orion 3, and being bilked for it, I am pleased to finally have a game that offers a good sense of game play combined with a good AI. Galciv is not what one would expect right from the box, and that is good. The User Interface is good, intuitive, and easy to learn. I had no problem learning the game and getting right into it. As far as complexity goes, well Galciv is not Space Empires IV, but it does have some really good points. I like the diplomacy thus far in Galciv far better than that of SEIV. However, SEIV is a better-looking game in many regards, but the eye candy movies offered in Galciv are a wonderful bonus. In all, I would rate Galciv just under what I rated SEIV. That is good given the fact that I bombed Masters Of Orion 3 hard core. I hope that Stardock continues to support Galciv as well as Malfador and Shrapnel Games have supported Space Empires IV. With that said, go out and buy this game, and have some fun. (7 out of 10)

[ March 26, 2003, 23:06: Message edited by: Atrocities ]

raynor March 27th, 2003 01:56 AM

Re: OT: Galatcic Civilizations (GalCiv)
Come on, Atrocities, Moo3 wasn't really *that* bad of a game. I mean, sure, I plucked down $50 and still haven't finished my first game yet. And, yes, I uninstalled the game from my hard drive less than a week after installing it. But, really, it's a pretty good game--or will be by the time it reaches the magical Version number of stability for all Master of Orion games: 1.3

(Of course, with MOO3, they may need to release their incremental patches by ten-thousandths instead of tenths...) http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon7.gif

Atrocities March 27th, 2003 02:10 AM

Re: OT: Galatcic Civilizations (GalCiv)
I am afraid that the best course of action for Moo3 is to start over.

Gandalph March 27th, 2003 02:30 AM

Re: OT: Galatcic Civilizations (GalCiv)
I have played exactly 1 game of GalCiv. It was OK and I got my arse whupped. I guess I'll read the manual before I start the second game!

sharp March 27th, 2003 05:31 AM

Re: OT: Galatcic Civilizations (GalCiv)
MOO3 WAS a POS ^^, glad I bought from EB so I could return it. Anyway how's combat, I mean I know it's not "tactical" combat, but does it actually take ANY skill at all in warfare other than "I have bigger badder ships than you". I'm thinking of buying Galactic Civs, looks very good.

Atrocities March 27th, 2003 08:32 PM

Re: OT: Galatcic Civilizations (GalCiv)
Well I have played my third game thus far. I must admit, it is not much to look at for star system details. (Moo3 still hold the top award here for galaxy map) but SEIV hold the best layout for star systems. GalCiv does a great job at drawing you into the game play. I must admit that I have really enjoyed it.

I have started messing around with the data files. I have also discovered that I can not, at least at this point, add new ship images. I think they are all 3d Models saved in the GFx folder as .MDL files. I have not been able to open them with any program I have. I have one other program I can try, but it is on another PC. I will have to get it for this PC. The same program I used to view the SFC models.

Overall, the game is fun. I hope others find it that way as well.

Now if we could combine the best of SEIV with the best of Moo3 and now Galciv, we would have a truly epic 4x game for all. (Galciv reminds me more of BOTF than SEIV.)


Aloofi March 27th, 2003 09:06 PM

Re: OT: Galatcic Civilizations (GalCiv)
By the pics it looks like there are not systems like in SE4.
Any news about a demo?

tesco samoa March 28th, 2003 02:27 AM

Re: OT: Galatcic Civilizations (GalCiv)
yea... just picked it up... so will try it on the weekend if i am not as busy as i have been the Last few weeks...IRC I miss thee

Askan Nightbringer March 28th, 2003 02:39 AM

Re: OT: Galatcic Civilizations (GalCiv)
I played the beta and am now waiting for my CD to arrive.
The battles are Civ like and the effects of technology are sometimes abstracted (get a new weapons tech and all your ship might get +10% attack). The economy model isn't resource based and you can actually fund things through debt (purchase a colony ship and pay back money over time). The developers have also been very active on the forum (during the beta phase anyway).
Its quite a good game as long as your not expecting a MOO or SEIV clone.


oleg March 28th, 2003 03:50 AM

Re: OT: Galatcic Civilizations (GalCiv)

Originally posted by raynor:
Come on, Atrocities, Moo3 wasn't really *that* bad of a game. I mean, sure, I plucked down $50 and still haven't finished my first game yet. And, yes, I uninstalled the game from my hard drive less than a week after installing it. But, really, it's a pretty good game--or will be by the time it reaches the magical Version number of stability for all Master of Orion games: 1.3

(Of course, with MOO3, they may need to release their incremental patches by ten-thousandths instead of tenths...) http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon7.gif

<font size="2" face="Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif">Come on, Raynor ! You did not finish your first game because you uninstalled the game... How worse it can ever be ? http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/shock.gif http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/shock.gif

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