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DRG December 31st, 2006 08:28 PM

WinSPMBTver3.0 Info
Below you will find the features list for the WinSPMBTv3 upgrade. We plan to release this sometime in January. When in January is still undecided. It depends on when we are finally done poking and prodding it but it won't be next week so perhaps "the end of January" would be more accurate at this time. All the OOB's have had at least a few changes and in some cases quite a few changes. There was a long list I had kept of concerns people had posted on these forums that was reviewed early on in the process

The patch is currently standing at 24.7 MB. It was originally supposed to be a small upgrade but as you can see it's grown some. This is NOT a cumulative patch so it does not have the previous patches included. You will need to install them BEFORE installing the V3 patch otherwise your game will not function properly. We'll be reminding people of that all along but someone always forgets. Consider this your first reminder http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Don Goodbrand

================================================== ========

WinSPMBT version 3.0 upgrade patch

***REVISED, now <font color="red">25 </font> Additional Scenarios ( was 19 )
89 Updated Scenarios
6 Additional previously released Campaigns
29 New Maps and 1 Updated Map.
113 Updated AI Picklists
1 Updated Leader Name File
6 Updated Ranks File
675 New photos
397 New and Revised Icons
92 Updated OOB Files
Upgraded Cost calculator
Upgraded MOBHack

1) GPS and laser Range Finder have been integrated into the game for use by
FOO officers and vehicles. When Artillery observers or FO vehicles are using
a Laser RF and IF the target hex is in LOS the shell scatter will be less. A
FOO with a Range Finder rating above 20 is considered to have a Laser Range
finder. If the observer or FO vehicle is fitted with GPS the scatter will be
less again. A FOO with an EW value of 15 has GPS. . Forward observers with
both GPS and Laser Range finders are not cheap but they do have added uses
in the game ( see point 2 )

2) The game no longer automatically issues 10 artillery priority hexes per
side except for sceanrio design. Priority hexes are issued based on the type
of battle and the number of Forward Observers and the equipment the forward
observers have available. .

3) Retreat/Rally hexes have been added to the game. .

4) Opfire filtering has been added as a bonus for players owning the CD
version of the game. As well, ScenHack and CampaignHack, which were issued
with the last version of WinSPWW2 for CD holders of that game, have both
been rewritten for use by CD holders of WinSPMBT and have been included as

5) Multi Charge RPG's have been added as a new weapons class so RPG-7VR,
RPG-29 , PzF 3T DC and PzF 3 IT-600 DC are modeled correctly now

6) An Optional AI force level adjustment for Campaign games has been added
An INI file variable has been added (optional) for users to use to boost (or
even reduce!) AI points in campaign games .

7) HEAT ammo now has a secondary HE ability. Units with HEAT ammo can fire
HEAT/HE at 66% if the effect of the regular HE round for that weapon. Units
will reserve the last 4 HEAT rounds for anti-tank purposes, and are more
reluctant to fire HEAT/HE against soft units in the reaction fire in the
opponent's turn unless at 1-2 hexes or so. ( in close combat you throw
everything into the fight ). HEAT/HE cannot be area fired (Z-Key) nor does
it have effects in the surrounding hexes like regular HE might, for larger
warhead sizes.

8) All HE ammo has been removed from RPG type weapons that had them added in
to simulate the change mentioned above. This fixes the problem of two man AT
teams carrying 10 or 12 ( or more ) RPG rounds. Typically now they carry
half what they did before.

9] A "View All" key has been added to the game to show all hexes currently
visible to your unit and saves clicking in all 6 directions.

10) The Light helo class is now classed as an arty observer and has all the
same abilities as the Leg FO and FO Vehicle classes with the exception that
the 15 EW value for other FOOs is not used, as that interferes with AAA
self-defence EW.

11) Arid maps Changes . Arid maps (e.g. Iraq) were sometimes being
referenced as a "summer" map, so the desert icons were not being used and
the "green" set was used instead. Desert icons are now used (if they have
them) by units in Arid maps.

12) Artillery effectiveness against armour was too high and the following
changes have been made to the code

* Only units in the shell explosion hex will receive top hits (except
cluster munitions)
* Penetration in the blast circle outside the shell explosion hex has
been reduced for shell splinters (except cluster munitions)
* Armoured units may now suffer a suppression-only hit (hit by shell
splinters message)
* HE penetration on armour now needs more overpenetration to be certain
of a penetration effect. If equal, 25% will go through, if overpenetration
of 6, 90%
* More chance of immobilizations (track hits) rather than kills
especially if the shell size is small

13) Short range effects in infantry combat was a bit too high and the
following changes have been made to the code

1.- The bonus effect for fire at 50m reduced, and takes more
consideration of firer suppression
2.- The bonus for being unspotted (ambush fire at short range) has been
reduced and takes more consideration of firer suppression level
3. - The panic fire chance at 50 metres takes more consideration of
suppression to the firer

14) Barge Changes-- Barges were creating a new barge in the barge carrier
when save games were re-loaded. Fixed. One barge per barge carrier now.

15) The coding for Smoke shells in campaign game upgrades was wrong and has
been fixed. In campaign battles beyond the first, units will have correct
smoke shell loads.

16) When "clone all" was selected in the scenario editor where the cloned
units had weapons deleted ("-"), the game initialisation code was wrongly
loading the template weapons for all the cloned units if the scenario was
reloaded in the scenario editor, or when the scenario was played as a game.
FIXED. The cloned units will now retain their weapon changes

17) Maximum game points has been increased from 50,000 points to 65,000
points. Previous versions of the game allowed 65,000 points only in one
specific case. We now allow the 65,000 maximum in all cases.

18) New Iran - Iraq war battle locations added

19) AI picklist revisions

20) MoBHack database checks expanded

21) EDIT Infantry and vehicles may now enter -1 water hexes. Previous to this change they could enter -1 hexes but only if they are classed as "land". There are sticking penalties for vehicles moving though these water hexes similar to swamp or mud. Infantry move one hex per turn. The game will now also accept entering -1 into a water hex with the map editor and the change will stick. Previous to this it would not.

22] EDIT Infantry is more expensive in V3. The percentage increase varies but averages around 60% more. A typical rifle squad that costs 14 points in the previous version now costs 22 but the costs vary by eqipment. A "high end" squad that cost 34 points in the previous version costs 39 now which is considerably less than 60%. The net result is the overall cost of buying infantry in the game has gone up whereas tank costs have stayed the same or **maybe** gone up a point ot two .

Plus many other small tweaks and adjustments

RVPERTVS December 31st, 2006 09:07 PM

Re: WinSPMBTver3.0 Info
Great News Don! Ive been waiting for that patch, some new features look interesting. Keep up that good work!

I´m curious though about the picklist updates and revisions and the opfire filtering bonus, what are those about?


Smersh December 31st, 2006 09:38 PM

Re: WinSPMBTver3.0 Info
great news, really practical and useful sounding new features. nice work.

JaM December 31st, 2006 10:38 PM

Re: WinSPMBTver3.0 Info
Wow, Absolutelly perfect addons. New weapon class for RPGs is great addon, can the weapon class be used for tank guns to simulate tandem HEAT shells like russian BK-29?

Nightblade January 1st, 2007 02:35 AM

Re: WinSPMBTver3.0 Info
That's really good to read, my favorite wargame will be getting an update.

Thank you to the SP:MBT developers for your work at improving the game.

Marek_Tucan January 1st, 2007 05:50 AM

Re: WinSPMBTver3.0 Info
Great news and many thanks! Looking forward to the patch! 8)

JohnHale January 1st, 2007 05:52 AM

Re: WinSPMBTver3.0 Info


<font color="green">"This is NOT a cumulative patch so it does not have the previous patches included" </font>

I presume it can be patched if you are at v2.5 or v2.51 equally without problems? Just checking..... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/cool.gif


Warhero January 1st, 2007 06:47 AM

Re: WinSPMBTver3.0 Info
Sounds great Don;)! Can't wait to get next patch... Especially OOBs/scens/campaigns (any historical or fictional?)/maps (never too much;)).

Mobhack January 1st, 2007 08:19 AM

Re: WinSPMBTver3.0 Info
Don did some testing on that, and the shell works just fine for tank gun HEAT as well. Apart from the weapon info showing "DC-RPG"!.

So I have sent him new versions of the EXE and Mobhack with the "DC-RPG" string swapped for "DC-HEAT".


Smersh January 1st, 2007 10:44 AM

Re: WinSPMBTver3.0 Info
very nice, a change for DC-RPGs following a suggestion also makes changes to HEAT. This is great.

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