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castigated April 12th, 2006 01:46 AM

The Senate of Dragon Country [server is up!]
The game is up:
port: 2350

Game Settings
Map: Dependent on Players
Starting Provinces: 1
Indy strength: 9
Magic Sites: 50
Richness: Normal
Events: Common
Graphs: Enabled
HoF: 15
Research: Difficult
Victory Condition: ? (i'm thinking 1/3 of provinces maybe?)
Master password: Enabled
Renaming: Allowed
Cheat Prevention: Active
Mods: Dragon mod and CB 5.4 (i'm pretty sure they are compatible)
Death themes not allowed (SG, AE and CW)

1. All nations are encouraged to select a dragon pretender, to act as a Senator. I think it would be good if everyone included "Senator" at the beginning of their pretender's name.
2. Any player not selecting a dragon pretender will not be able to act as a senator or vote on any proposals.
2. Any nation, including non-senators, may put forth any proposal to the senate. The proposal must be numbered (preferably in order, but any number not taken is acceptable). Proposals are to be posted in this thread. Every Senator is allowed to vote either "Acceptable" or "Not Acceptable" to each proposal. To vote, they will send an email to castigatedominions@gmail.com with "Proposal #x" as the subject, and their decision in the body of the email.
3. If 50% of voting Senators deem the proposal as "Acceptable", then it will be so. Anyone may confirm the vote at any time by logging into this account at gmail.com . The password is "dominions". Please don't delete anything from the inbox on this email address.
4. No player is allowed to attack any province controlled by any other player, without the council's permission. Players may attack any province with a white flag at any time.
5. If the council deems that another Senator may attack your province, you are still allowed to defend said province as you see fit.
6. If two players attack the same province on the same turn, this will not be considered as breaking any rules, assuming both Senators leading attacks on the province were allowed to do so. Whoever controls the province at the end of the turn will become the rightful owner.
7. Spies, stealthy preaching, creating unrest with stealth, and anonymous attacks are allowed, but if detected, can be used as reasons to convince others to vote a certain way in a proposal.
8. Any player breaking any of these rules will become a rogue nation for a duration of 5 turns. Any player may attack another player in rogue state without penalty from the council.

Senators (please include your race and which dragon you'd like to use)
castigated - r'lyeh
wish for blood slaves - marignon
shovah - mictlan
peacekeeper - man
morkilus - jotunheim
ZeWanker - Vanheim
Reverend Zombie - C'tis
Kissblade - Tien Chi
Tyrant - Pythium

please post with suggestions, other rules, and confirm gods and dragons. looking at starting this game sometime next week, maybe thursday or friday. i also figured i'd probably host by email using the same email address mentionned above, hosting 3x a week (sunday, tuesday and thursday?)

Wish April 12th, 2006 02:32 AM

Re: The Senate of Dragon Country [sign up now!]
confirm marignon, fire dragon (if we aere doing unique dragons)

Morkilus April 12th, 2006 05:16 AM

Re: The Senate of Dragon Country [sign up now!] *D
I'm picking Jotunheim with the Dracolich.

Introducing Senator Kr'Clidack, the everliving.

Ironhawk April 12th, 2006 05:29 AM

Re: The Senate of Dragon Country [sign up now!]

Master password: Disabled


castigated April 12th, 2006 06:16 AM

Re: The Senate of Dragon Country [sign up now!]
uhh...mork. i definitely called rlyeh on the old thread. and when i made the first post originally, i called it. i think you're out of luck, but if you REALLY want it, you can have it.

i was pretty set on it and excited, though.

i guess i could enable master password. i just feel like people could accuse me of something. if that's not the case, though, i'll switch it to enabled.

shovah April 12th, 2006 06:46 AM

Re: The Senate of Dragon Country [sign up now!]
Mictlan for me with the draco sanguinus please. thanks for offering to host btw (i probably would have messed it up anyway)
edit: all hail senator vicente valtiere!
ps: if we get a few more players i suggest saephi as the map

Ironhawk April 12th, 2006 03:29 PM

Re: The Senate of Dragon Country [sign up now!]

castigated said:
i guess i could enable master password. i just feel like people could accuse me of something. if that's not the case, though, i'll switch it to enabled.

Just being the host (even w/o the master password enabled) gives you more than enough power to maliciously effect the game. You can delete people's turns, force-host to make an enemy stale, or delay host to give yourself more time, etc. But having a master password at least enables you to handle any logistical problems that pop up with your players. Like if someone just wanders away from the game without saying anything, you can at least AI or sub them with the master password.

castigated April 12th, 2006 05:21 PM

Re: The Senate of Dragon Country [sign up now!]
thanks, IH. appreciate the feedback.

Peacekeeper April 12th, 2006 06:01 PM

Re: The Senate of Dragon Country [sign up now!]
Ill take arco, but would like to play without a dragon as a pretender. I accept all the consequences of this, such as having no vote on propositions, etc. Any other consequences you think make sense Id like you to list and I will probably accept(just making sure there are no surprises).

If yall dont want something like this....well, put me down as a maybe.

castigated April 12th, 2006 06:10 PM

Re: The Senate of Dragon Country [sign up now!]
i assume that's fine. i say he can still put propositions forth, and is view as an honourable nation by the council, unless he breaks other rules, at which point he will become free game for 5 months time. he will not have a vote.

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