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Pyros September 5th, 2005 04:31 PM

Playtesting WinSPMBT patch

If you are interested to play-test the new PATCH for WinSPMBT, please post to this thread or send me an email.


Pyros September 5th, 2005 04:36 PM

Re: Playtesting WinSPMBT patch
So far,

Scott Littleton - "user: Skotty702" (skotndiva@cox.net), one of the best and most dedicated WinSPMBT players (+300 pbem games) has already accepted to playtest the patch.

Listy September 6th, 2005 10:24 AM

Re: Playtesting WinSPMBT patch
I'll have a look if you want me to, but I don't play that many PBEM's with it.

Pyros September 6th, 2005 10:39 AM

Re: Playtesting WinSPMBT patch
Ok, Listy
I will send you an email with the address to download the patch.
Please try to experiment with the Airstrikes.
Testing time will be almost one week.

I will use the email address you gave me, so if you don't get the email post here an active email address.


Pyros September 6th, 2005 10:41 AM

Re: Playtesting WinSPMBT patch
I have sent the email to your Yahoo email account.

Listy September 6th, 2005 11:25 AM

Re: Playtesting WinSPMBT patch
I've got it..
Had a look at some of the OOB's so far... http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/frown.gif

Where does one put their reports?

Pyros September 6th, 2005 02:08 PM

Re: Playtesting WinSPMBT patch

Don or Andy will take a look whenever you post something.


Pyros September 6th, 2005 04:21 PM

Re: Playtesting WinSPMBT patch
1 Attachment(s)
This is from Scotty:

Hi Pyros,

Playing first test fight, USSR assault Muj forces in Afghanistan 10/83.

One armor CS tank coy, one BTR coy, 1 mine tank, 1 mech sapper plt,
1 on map 122mm gun battery, one mot FO, and 2 COIN sections.

COIN stikes tasked to hit mortars dug in outta FO/HQ LOS. So far, 3
passes by all 6 planes have hit mortars where plotted with NO deviation
or drift. My 122mm guns untouched. Ingress-egress passed have been
SE to NW and NW to SE. Mortars taking damage and suppression.

Dug in Muj troops seem to be much more resistant to direct fire, taking
about 50% more fire to suppress.

Still, dug in troops are breaking cover from thier foxholes all over
the map, running into their own mines. No VH hexes have been taken by
USSR forces. Should this be happening?
Also,should the new blast radius indicators show up for direct fire
HE shots from tanks? It is occuring now.

Files from mid game attatched if needed.


Listy September 7th, 2005 03:39 PM

Re: Playtesting WinSPMBT patch
One Minor Question not realy that important..
The US M249 has an acc 0f 24, the UK Minimi SAW has an acc 0f 21, yet it's (I belive) the same gun?

Listy September 8th, 2005 12:08 AM

Re: Playtesting WinSPMBT patch
Pyros sergested looking at the Air routines, so these have featured heavily (20 sorties each side).

Stuff from a meeting game Oct 2013, UK Vs Russia.

UK Light Rifle coy, only has One platoon in it.

RPV's are far better, and you don't now need to overfly with about 10 of them to get any information out of them.. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/cool.gif

Missiles, Sound bug: When Missing with an ATGM sometimes a Small arms sound kicks in, instead of the explosion. If the target has blown Smoke then the missile detonation sounds like a smoke grenade going off.

Aircraft Defensive maneuvers:
These seem a bit to good at the moment, So far I've had about 6-10 Apache's hanging at high altitude while a Russian army bangs away at them, and I've suffered one point of damage. Mostly due to Defensive maneuvers's keeping me safe.

Air to ground fire from stationary Gunships, with ATGM's seems to be extremely inaccurate.

There seems to be a bug (Was in the old version as well) where a tank fired upon by a missile will blow smoke to avoid it, and then pop smoke again after the shot. Possibly down to the suppression routine saying if you get suppressed enough blow smoke.

This is just a feeling from Observations:
AAA fire seems to go in three's. The first shot will be at 20-35% chance to hit, next will be around the 40-60% then a either a hit or a 70 % chance of hitting, followed by a drop back down to the start.

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