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Gandalf Parker January 17th, 2004 07:04 PM

--postexec wishlist
I apologize to everyone here. But at least I waited until after the first patch was out since I cant really justify this request as being for the players at all. I just think it would be neat.

If the game could output the scoreboard stuff, and maybe a list of who has what province, that would be great. The --statfile switch didnt seem to provide much.

The reason I call this a --postexec wishlist is that I have thoughts about what a postexec command could do with this. Even if the scoreBoards were put out as numbers to a file after each hosting Im pretty sure I could setup a script to recreate the scoreBoards. Then save them to a jpg, move them to a webdir, and have them viewable Online.

The province list would be more difficult but Im picturing a map image of just the provinces and capital dots against a black background. If the file says that province 19 is owned by Man then the routine would count the white dots from bottom-left to upper right, at 19 shift one pixel to the right and drop-fill the color for Man. Or maybe the flag. Anyway the result would be a map with no landscape stuff but showing who is where. You would setup one webpage showing the map and the scoreBoards in small thumbnails, click for larger view. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/icons/icon10.gif

Too much game info given out? Hmmm maybe. But another option would be to save all the info for a really great "After Action Review" of the game. page by page flip thru the game as it progressed. Or pasting them together into an animation. I'd love to be able to watch the map layout change in a quick little movie.

Anyway, just a dreamsheet. Maybe its a simple thing to do and I wont have to feel guilty for tring to get the devs to add it to their job list.

[ January 17, 2004, 17:05: Message edited by: Gandalf Parker ]

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