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tinkthank February 21st, 2005 09:20 AM

A New Mod: Oglala Sioux
1 Attachment(s)
Ladies and Gentlemen,

I hope you will enjoy this new national mod, Oglala Sioux, which I have finally finished, or at least have finished enough to allow it to be tested, and perhaps enjoyed, by you.

I would be very grateful for your feedback and constructive criticism.

*PLEASE* read the readme.doc before asking questions and/or flaming!

Liga has already been kind enough to host the mod on his or her (?) site here
and I would be very thankful if Arryn could host it on her site as well and if the folks at Illwinter would include it on their site as well.

This has not yet been tested in MP, as far as I know, and would like this very much. If anywould would like to play "with" or "against" this nation, I would be grateful!

Thank you very much in advance for your feedback.

Endoperez February 21st, 2005 12:40 PM

Re: A New Mod: Oglala Sioux
Heh, sent some for your e-mail. I had nice time testing it over the weekend, and it took a while to write those comments down. Congrats!

BTW, the Treant graphics (that supposedly are same in your and in the Forest of Loren mod) has empty eyes and mouth, and is partly floating in air. I think some shadow should be added under its roots, and it's eyes/mouth either made (0,0,1) black that DomII shows as black or filled with glow of insanity and thirst for whatever hulking beasts thirst.

Thilock_Dominus February 21st, 2005 01:27 PM

Re: A New Mod: Oglala Sioux
Endoperez could you take a screenshot how it looks and pinpoint where specific where the shadow are missing.

It's with purpose that the threant have empty eyes and empty mouth.

Endoperez February 21st, 2005 02:52 PM

Re: A New Mod: Oglala Sioux

Thilock_Dominus said:
Endoperez could you take a screenshot how it looks and pinpoint where specific where the shadow are missing.

Attached picture that hopefully helps. I might have overdrawn some of the old shadow, the filtering kills off that kind of precision.

It's with purpose that the threant have empty eyes and empty mouth.

Ok, then it's just fine.

Thilock_Dominus February 21st, 2005 02:59 PM

Re: A New Mod: Oglala Sioux
Hmmm....My fault, I misinformed/misunderstood Tinkthank about some colour and transparent issues.

PvK February 21st, 2005 06:32 PM

Re: A New Mod: Oglala Sioux
I've only browsed it so far, but it looks like a lot of interesting work here!


tinkthank February 23rd, 2005 01:53 PM

Re: A New Mod: Oglala Sioux
Hey, thanks for these replies so far. Only 15 Downloads, that is a bit dissapointing -- should I be making more noise about it somewhere, somehow? Or is it just unappealing to many people for a particular reason?

Alneyan February 23rd, 2005 01:55 PM

Re: A New Mod: Oglala Sioux
The download figure does not count the downloads from Liga's site (linked in your first post) and Arryn's, so you shouldn't use these figures to see how many people are interested.

I like the feel of your mod myself, but I am almost only playing in multiplayer, where new nations cannot be used. Hmm, perhaps it is time for another "only modded nations" game...

tinkthank February 23rd, 2005 02:23 PM

Re: A New Mod: Oglala Sioux
THanks for that reply, you are right.

I would love to have this nation tested in MP.

One of my strong motivations for making this mod was to have one which would be playable in MP.
By that I mean this: My feeling is that most modded nations out there are truly wonderful in every respect, including creativity and graphics, feeling and everything.
Most of these are in my opinion "unbalanced" in the sense that they are way too powerful. I can truly understand that too, since as the "creator" of a nation you feel like they are your children and should prosper. But the mods I like the most seem unfitting for MP play to me, since they have few if little weaknesses, and all of the units seem to be elite.
I really tried here to make a nation which could be competitive under the right circumstances, but which would not be a steamroller. (While testing, I made sure I got trounced by impossible AIs at least once or twice.)

Anyhow, thanks -- your feedback is very welcome.

Kristoffer O February 24th, 2005 01:41 PM

Re: A New Mod: Oglala Sioux

I took a quick look today. Seems fun. On the balance side I'm not sure yet. You have lots of cheap light cavalry. This is a bit hard for me to evaluate as light cav is overpriced (balance-wise) in the first place.

My main concern was the Crazy Horse Riders. Ethereal, stealthy aweful and sacred makes them my primary pick. But on the other hand they are almost without armor and capital only. So it's probably OK. (Edit: I should look at vanir instead)

Mages seems OK at a first glance. No glaring imbalancies.

Haven't used the summons yet, just summoned one each.


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