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Pyros July 5th, 2005 04:22 PM

General discussion
General discussion

Here you may introduce you!

narwan July 9th, 2005 11:33 PM

Re: General discussion
Looks like I get to go first! http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

My name is Remco Leenhouts, I live in the Netherlands and am from mixed dutch/belgian origin. I'm 33 years old and have a masters in business sciences from the 'catholic university of Nijmegen' (now known as the 'Radboud University'), specialising in organizational theory and HRM. Right now I'm just doing some freelance writing, trying to figure out what exactly I do want to do with my life. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

I've played SP for a couple of years now, mostly PBEM games. Some of you may know me from 'The Blitz' where I've played many of those games and have a quite decent track record. Most of my attention has gone to SPWW2 so far, I just love those little 'my-first-sony' tanks from the earlier years! Time to widen my SP horizon I guess.

I'll leave it at that for now, but feel free to ask any questions you may have.

Remco, aka 'Narwan'

Double_Deuce July 10th, 2005 12:22 AM

Re: General discussion
Guess that makes me 2nd.

My name is Mike Torrance and I live in the SouthEast US (Tennessee). I'm 41 and spent 13 years in the US Regular Army (Armor) followed by 3 years in the National Guard (Scout). My last employment stint was as Regional Director for a International Work Travel/Intership Sponsor here in the US.

I started with boardgames way back when they 1st came out and then graduated to the PC. For those who are old enough I played a lot of Panzer Strike, Typhoon of Steel and Overrun. These were really the grandfathers of the SP series. I have played all versions of SP but mostly SPWAW. This was primarilly due to my inability to get SPMBT and SPWW2 to work on my newer PC's. I prefer the Modern period so naturally SPMBT is my passion.

As some of you may already know, I am the Steel Panther's Section Leader for the "StrategyZone Online" Website. I also have my own personal website "Combat Campaigns". I have been running multi-player games (like the Combat Mission Mega Campaign) since about 1998. Most of these were run using SPWAW since it has additional utilities that helped make that type of truly multiplayer game possible. From what I see with WinSPMBT it will make my ability to run some Combat Campaigns in the Modern Era a reality.

"Double Deuce"

FJ_MD July 10th, 2005 04:20 AM

Re: General discussion
Here the 3rd,if no one write in between!

My name is Davide Bendazzi and I was born and live in Lodi, 30km south of Milano, Italy. I'm 27 years old and have taken a so called "diploma" in computer science. I spent two years in the Italian Army, was a generating set operator in an hawk missile battery. Right now I am a CNC operator.

I played lot of computer games in my life, and some boardgames like ASL and MBT, but my favourite remain "Close Combat 2: A Bridge Too Far", a computer game that I loved.

Well, I hope to be of any help to the workgroup!


dita July 10th, 2005 07:47 AM

Re: General discussion
Well, looks like I`m 4th in line.

My name is Paul Wykes, aged 31 and live in the county of Warwickshire, England. Currently employed (well, in fact my only job since leaving collage) as a costing engineer.

I`ve always had a passion for strategy, and in particular, wargames,having always played them since the 8 bit age of computers.

I discovered SPWAW at around version 5, and soon discovered SPWW2 and SPMBT.

I can also be found (occasionaly) at "SPWAW.com" wbsite, "StrategyZone Online" Website, matrix forums and I am also a member of "the blitz" for a few years now.

The modern era is an area of great interest for me, and the new WinSPMBT has opened the door even wider for me to get involved in scenario creation and a project like this.

Not sure what I can contribute, but I hope I can help in this great project.

Marek_Tucan July 10th, 2005 08:40 AM

Re: General discussion
My name's Marek Tucan, I'm... Wait, gotta count... OK, this September I'll be 23, so I hope I'm 22 at the moment.

I am studying Czech Technical University, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, going to specialise in Technologies. Up to this day only completed High School (best possible result, but it was more a matter of luck than knowledge http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif), but hopefully in 2.5 years I'll get a Master degree.
I'm interested in history, especially WWII and Arab-Israeli wars, altough recently I got me a bit into Napoleonic era and began to gather info about VietNam (Triggered most likely by description of Tunnel Rats operations in Forsyth's "Avenger").
Got hand on SP1 a long time ago, at first Beta version offered for free on a CD of one of gaming magasines, I have tried and after few initial plays I got hijacked completely. Got me a full version, soon after SP2 came I got it too. Played right first version of SPWW2.
Then for a while I got to SPWAW (ver. 1 and 2), just after that SP3, but discovered SPMBT v. 1, downloaded, played and upgraded since that moment. When SPWW2 v.6 came out, DL'ed it as well as MBT v. 2 and so on up to this point...

In the entire course of my SP carreer I was trying to mod it, be it units or new maps. Actually I'm a bit in the OOB editing, though whenever I'm preparing to publish mods new version appears, perhaps I will succeed now as WinMBT OOB's are compatible with v. 3.01 http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/wink.gif
Made some maps, not a vast number but I believe they were rather good, created them as close to reality as possible. The maps can be stil DL'ed on the Yahoo SPMBT or SPWW2 groups. As to the scen design, I haven't done too much so far, but already tried something.

Generally I hope I'd be able to do something useful in the campaign project.


EDIT: PS forgot to mention, I'm living in the Czech Republic, respectively in Kladno, which is an industrial city of 80.000 inhabitants some 30 kilometers off our capital, Prague. The University I attend is located in Prague.

Boonierat July 10th, 2005 02:15 PM

Re: General discussion
Well, you'll find my real name in my sig, I'm french, and I've got a passion for everything Vietnam, 'nuff said http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/smile.gif

PS: I'm a very poor SP player but heh, I'll help the best I can http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Weasel July 10th, 2005 02:24 PM

Re: General discussion
Howdy Folks; My name is Chris Ireland and I currently live in Ralston, Alberta Canada (Canadian Forces Base Suffield). I have been in the army since I was 17 which makes me an old man of 40. I was in the infantry reserves as a section commander for 7 years and then joined the regular army as a tank driver/gunner for 6 years. Now I just ride a desk and shoot erasers across the room (much safer!).

I am an assitant ladder custodian for The Blitz wargaming club with a great win average of 47% (I suck).

This project has tweaked my interest to no end and should be a good go. And now that I am retiring in about 3 weeks I will have a bit of free time to dig into this.

Glad to be a part of the group.

wulfir July 10th, 2005 07:00 PM

Re: General discussion
Hiya fellas!

My name is Ulf Lundström, I'm 28, working and living in a small town called Jokkmokk, Sweden. Emphasis on small.. http://forum.shrapnelgames.com/images/smilies/happy.gif

Long time SP player,
big time fan of SPWW2 and SPMBT.

I've previously done some scenarios etc for various SP games and have mostly been working on my own so I'm very much looking forward to a team effort.

Have some military experience through a defence volunteer organisation and national service in the (army) anti aircraft branch.

Listy July 10th, 2005 09:48 PM

Re: General discussion
and me:
My names David Lister, I'm currently 26. I've been playing the SP games since the first one came out. I've worked on SPWAW and one of it's mega-campaigns, as senario desginer, and Game tester. That's my claim to fame.

If all goes well I should be shortly in the Royal Signals.

My Main talents are playing with the OOB files, If you don't belive me see my constent baggering Of MobHack in the OOB forum...

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