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Ripcord O'Reilly November 14th, 2005 04:52 AM

The Modmaker\'s Guide to the Galaxy
The Modmaker's Guide to the Galaxy
This website will contain various tutorials we hope to be useful to people who make mods for Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space. While starting small, the site will grow over time to cover most everything there is to modifying the game.

First up, a few basics and a tutorial for creating new starships!

Available Tutorials
[11/13/2005] The Basics - How to set up the folders etc.
[11/13/2005] Creating a Starship - Covers ship graphics and game data. Download included.

Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space

Digital Eel

Fingers November 28th, 2005 01:52 AM

Re: The Modmaker\'s Guide to the Galaxy
The Modmaker's Guide has been updated today with a new tutorial on creating an alien race.

Naismith January 13th, 2006 06:33 PM

Re: The Modmaker\'s Guide to the Galaxy
I bought the game a few days ago, and it's really quite good.

I was wondering, though. . .

Is it possible to alter/add the following game parameters through the 'open mod' structure?

1. The year length of missions, (make missions open-ended)
2. The types of weapons and equipment available while choosing ships in the combat training section.
3. The ability to save different combat scenarios in the combat training section so that you don't have to go through extensive initial set-up before each battle scenario?

And finally. . .

4. Give the game the ability to save a character, and thus continue from one mission to another until the acting captain finally meets his/her end? It'd be neat to see how many missions a captain could survive.



PvK January 27th, 2006 05:23 PM

Re: The Modmaker\'s Guide to the Galaxy
I've only just started looking at modding, but I think I know the answers to much of what you've asked:

1. You can specify the year length of the missions to be huge in a mod. I'm not sure what the limit is.

2. Someone's already made such a mod, though it needs to get posted someplace without a monthly download limit - see the Battle Coliseum mod on another thread here.

3. I don't know that there's a way to do that in the simulator. You could probably make a mod where there is just one system to go to, which has whatever you want in it, though.

4. I don't know how one would do that, except you might be able to mod a game to start with whatever you had in your last game.


PvK January 27th, 2006 05:28 PM

Re: The Modmaker\'s Guide to the Galaxy
Wow, the modding docs are looking really nice!


PvK January 27th, 2006 10:54 PM

Re: The Modmaker\'s Guide to the Galaxy
Ok, I've looked over all the modding docs and I have some questions remaining. My two at the moment are:

Is it possible to mod the Hyperdrive to still be a hyperdrive but not quite so good, for example I tried:

NAME Hyperdrive
NAM2 a hyperdrive
ICON items/s_system1.jpg 23
GFXP items/l_system2.jpg 7
FLAG tech unique
DIST dead cold warm hot toxic
TEXT A ship with this special type of star drive can teleport to any star system in the sector. It also requires nearly six months to recharge.
COST 803 technology
TYPE drive


PAR0 0
PAR1 0
PAR2 3000
PAR3 180


Where PAR3 was originally 60, so I figured it was the days it takes to recharge. But it didn't work - it still takes 60 days to recharge like before. So what are those parameters?

Also, are the values for a weapon ini file documented somewhere?



Fingers February 24th, 2006 03:09 PM

Re: The Modmaker\'s Guide to the Galaxy
Sorry for the late reply...

Anyway, at the Infinite Space Federatil boards there's a thread about the weapon parameters that covers it fairly well. Haven't had time to write a tutorial just yet (I'm currently serving in the Finnish army, with very little free time until summer...).

Unfortunately the hyperdrive recharge time is hardcoded at the moment. This may change in a future patch.

Fingers March 1st, 2006 11:53 AM

Re: The Modmaker\'s Guide to the Galaxy
The Modmaker's Guide has been updated 2/28/06 with a writeup on the Quest system.

dsgd47 November 26th, 2006 01:50 AM

Weapons parameters
Where is the thread about weapon parameters? I could not
find it there.

Fingers November 26th, 2006 05:17 AM

Re: Weapons parameters
I think this one is what I meant..


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