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WBWilder December 15th, 2005 03:55 PM

One at a Time - Single Man Units
1 Attachment(s)


Israeli Assault vs. Egypt Defend

Mitla Pass, Sinai
October 31st, 1956
Turns: 12
Night Scenario: 5AM

Scenario Size: Small (single man Units)
Estimated Play Time: 1 Hour or less

Testers: Massimo Rocca, Andrew Webber, Sgt Walrus, Tom DeShelter, Fabio Prado

Player Notes:

This battle is suitable for a 2 player game. If played solitaire, take the Israeli side.

This is another single man per unit scenario. You have a commando force under your command. It is a

small, well chosen group of men determined to get the job done.

As Israeli Captain Hod, your mission is to move into the ridges on the outpost of Mitla Pass to clear the

caves (represented by trenches) of enemy presence. Thus far no linkup has been possible with units of the

202nd Parachute Brigade. Their hold of the pass is tenuous and they desperately need reinforcing.

That cannot be accomplished until the entrance to the pass is cleared of enemy opposition. That is your task.

You must be aggressive. A slow passive advance is not possible. Daylight is near. You and your men must clear the hills as soon as possible!

In addition to the defensive positions, there are three caves that you need to destroy. Find them. Destroy them, then clear the area of any further enemy troops.

Historical Background:

The airdrop of the nearly 400 men of the 1st Battalion of the 202nd Israeli Parachute Brigade into Mitla Pass had been a bold gamble.

Its success depended on Israeli men and armor getting to them in time. On arriving at the pass, the Israelis discovered that Egyptian troops of the 2nd Brigade had beaten them there and set up defensive positions along the entrance to the Pass.

After failed attempts to storm the entrance, a sacrificial jeep was driven toward the opening and notes were made by Israeli commandos of the caves from which the Egyptians were firing.

That night the commandos assaulted those positions and cleared the Mitla Pass opening so that the Israelis could rescue the trapped paratroopers.
I begin the battle by moving my two separate forces of Israeli commandos together to the south. It is there I will initiate my attack. It is dark and visibility is limited to a litte over 100 yards (3 hexes).

A sentry pops up just before the escarpment but he is taken out without loss.

My men are quickly getting into position. With two men carrying demo charges and two bazooka teams, I should be able to knock out the three caves that are my assignment.

By turn 1 here is where I am, all men alive (see attached)

WBWilder December 15th, 2005 04:01 PM

Re: One at a Time - Single Man Units
1 Attachment(s)
On turn 2, I find and take out my first cave. There is some resistance but I move my men as a single force, concentrating my fire. The cave is destroyed by a demo charge and a thunderous explosion!

Turns 3-5 I continue up the escarpment and encounter a second cave, plus more enemy resistance from above the cave.

I move my men slowly, only one hex, then fire. Then I move another into the same hex, fire again, keeping the enemy partially suppressed and firing wildly.

This time a bazooka team does the honors plus taking out an RCL team on the hill just above the cave.

My force is still intact. I have not lost a man. See attachment.

WBWilder December 15th, 2005 04:03 PM

Re: One at a Time - Single Man Units
1 Attachment(s)
I have also taken my first objective. My units are still cohesive and Captain Hod is in control. We are ready to continue the attack. See attachment.

WBWilder December 15th, 2005 04:06 PM

Re: One at a Time - Single Man Units
1 Attachment(s)
On turn 6, feeling confident I can hold my ground and even move further up the hill, I divide my forces, sending part of them with Lt. Saje to the northwest to find and take out the third cave.

It appears that the enemy HQ position is vacant. I think, however, things are far too quiet and the enemy is preparing something.

Time, however, is a factor and I must get all objectives and the caves soon.

See attachment.

WBWilder December 15th, 2005 04:08 PM

Re: One at a Time - Single Man Units
1 Attachment(s)
Turn 7 and the action intensifies! Enemy troops are indeed preparing a counterattack. My northern wing has sighted the last cave and are moving toward it.

Now my job as Captain Hod is to keep their rear protected. I need to have their back.

See attachment as enemy soldiers come into my line of sight.

WBWilder December 15th, 2005 04:10 PM

Re: One at a Time - Single Man Units
1 Attachment(s)
Now all hell breaks loose. The Egyptians are charging right for my force near the first two caves. We are firing carefully but in volume. The Egyptians return the fire and keep coming.

See attachment for firefight.

WBWilder December 15th, 2005 04:12 PM

Re: One at a Time - Single Man Units
1 Attachment(s)
A couple of heroes emerge in this little firefight. One is Private Gahal who takes down three of the enemy. The other is Sgt.Gedaliah, who has up to now killed six of the enemy.

He will be honored for his courage under fire.

See attachment

WBWilder December 15th, 2005 04:16 PM

Re: One at a Time - Single Man Units
1 Attachment(s)
The fierce struggle continues for two more turns. At the same time, my northern group encounters resistance near the last cave.

It appears another enemy force is heading for my flank units headed for the cave. Some more fighting is on the horizon.

I continue my sweep through enemy positions at the top but it appears the fight is over there.

By now I have a bazooka team at the mouth of the cave, ready to fire.

WBWilder December 15th, 2005 04:18 PM

Re: One at a Time - Single Man Units
1 Attachment(s)
By the end of turn 9, I have suffered casualties. Corporal Galili and Private Shalev have died heroically at close quarters with the enemy.

The bazooka team takes unexpected fire and loses one man. It retreats back into the desert. I'lll have a talk with that young man later!

WBWilder December 15th, 2005 04:20 PM

Re: One at a Time - Single Man Units
1 Attachment(s)
By now all enemy objectives are taken and all caves eliminated. I have a turn to spare. It looks like the fight is done.

Time to regroup and see what we have done.

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