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Zylithan October 5th, 2007 04:31 PM

Killing Demons
Okay, I'm sure this is obvious to everyone, but I'm new, and I couldnt find this in a forum search (even though I'm sure its been covered).

<font color="purple"> What are the weaknesses (and strengths) of the "demon" attribute? How do you kill them?</font>

Mostly, I ask this because I want to try a blood nation, so I'd like to know what I have to watch out for if I summon demons.

Edi October 5th, 2007 04:53 PM

Re: Killing Demons
Demons are vulnerable to banishment and the smite demon spell. There are also certain types of weapons that do increased (2x or 3x) damage against demons, but they are not too common. Demons die just like any other units when they are whacked with pointy things, except they are generally tougher than a regular infantry unit.

Demons are best used in fairly large groups so that you can get the momentum going. Using them piecemeal among other units just gets them killed. If you want to try a blood nation, Lanka can give you a good primer on demons, since they can recruit some demons (palankasha, anusara, asara) right off the bat. Abysia is good for a basic blood nation, especially middle or late era.

Zylithan October 5th, 2007 05:12 PM

Re: Killing Demons
Ah... well, I'm in turn 1 of my first ever MP game with MA abysia.

I guess I have heard about races converting to demons in mid or end game, and I wonder if that isnt 1-dimensional and easy to kill with, as you say, banishment and smite demon.

Endoperez October 5th, 2007 05:28 PM

Re: Killing Demons
Demons generally have good magic resistance, so banishment isn't usually enough to kill the demons - if they've been massed.

There are some Water spells that are very good against demons/undead. Cleansinh Water at Evoc 7 or so is one.

Valandil October 5th, 2007 06:17 PM

Re: Killing Demons
For what its worth, marignon has a national holyfire spell that does extra damage to demons, and there is an artifact called the bell of cleansing that zaps a demon every turn.

Herald lances, flambeaus, demon banes, cleansing water, banishment, smite demon, apotropaic sword, apotropaic trident, and a few special sites, all have effects that kill demons.

Mind Elemental October 5th, 2007 07:26 PM

Re: Killing Demons
I always wondered how useful the flambeau is against demons, given that they're fire-immune...

NTJedi October 5th, 2007 07:34 PM

Re: Killing Demons

Mind Elemental said:
I always wondered how useful the flambeau is against demons, given that they're fire-immune...

Only some demons are fire-immune, plus what EDI says below.

Edi October 5th, 2007 07:44 PM

Re: Killing Demons
Flambeau does not do fire damage, it does 3x damage against demons and undead + the fire effect. Fire resistance on demons only protects against the extra fire, they take 3x damage from the normal blow, meaning 3x(str+weapon damage) and that's going to hurt.

Nikolai October 5th, 2007 08:41 PM

Re: Killing Demons
&gt; apotropaic sword, apotropaic trident,

What are these? Where did you get them?

Taqwus October 5th, 2007 09:14 PM

There\'s a pretender type with \'em.
For Kailasa, I believe.

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