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SevenDeadlySins February 21st, 2008 12:05 PM

UI Mod: Division of Light
Ok. I made this post last night, but it didn't take. Second time round.

This started off as a side project, for my own personal enjoyment. But it's officially now a mod. It's an alternative to Dark UI Mod, aptly called Division of Light. It will be a complete re-design of the SEV UI, not a simple recolor. As I make progress, I will post it here.

First off, I need input. Blue or gold, people?


Next, the credits grab. Now, I've decided to start off with all of the larger elements of the UI, such as the alliance and colony management panels; to establish the uniform look and feel. It will be just as the mod name suggests; A clean, bright, hi tech feel. I do all my own renders in either 3D Studio MAx, Mojoworld or any number of other programs. (Bryce/DAZ - occasionally Lightwave) All of the post production work is in Adobe Photoshop.


Feedback is of course, welcome. I'll be posting more later in the day, and throughout the coming days and weeks. I do not intend to spend the remainder of my natural life on this, so expect a rapid development and deployment, without any of the hurried look and feel.

SevenDeadlySins February 21st, 2008 12:19 PM

Re: UI Mod: Division of Light
It occurred to me that a word needs to be said about the fantastic renderings for the main UI elements. (Such as the above "credits" panel. If I do not do the rendering work for the space scenery, I will credit the original artist, even though the work will be *heavily* modified. The work of Kees Veenenbos will feature heavily as backdrops for some of the scenery, as seen above. Below is his, next to mine. (Used with permission)


SevenDeadlySins February 21st, 2008 12:25 PM

Re: UI Mod: Division of Light
You may view the work of Kees Veenenbos at:


SevenDeadlySins February 21st, 2008 07:34 PM

Re: UI Mod: Division of Light
A preview of elements/style to be used in the new UI. Of course, it may or may not end up looking like this. These are simply design elements that I like and will try to incorporate. I will likely make it less "dirty", as well.


SevenDeadlySins February 24th, 2008 03:26 PM

Re: UI Mod: Division of Light
Again, do keep in mind that this remains very much a work in progress. The general look and feel is emerging, and as I design, I'm keeping in mind future implementations - such as an "order by" function for the fleet orders window. (Sort by name, etc.) Minor detail has yet to be added - widgets and the like, and finer airbrushing, metal detail and such will be added as well.


Each window, for everything in the game, is being redesigned. As I redesign, I test in-game. Until such time as all of the icons have been redesigned, much of this will appear to be a bit bland. The devil -as they say - is in the details.


As I redesign icons, they too, are tested. A small sampling provided here.


Nothing is set in stone at this point, and it's very much a process of finding what I like, versus what works. I'm trying to make it sleek, without being too busy. Functional, without distracting. This early in the project, it's hard to be critical, but if you want to offer *constructive* criticism, feel free to do so.

SevenDeadlySins February 25th, 2008 06:00 PM

Re: UI Mod: Division of Light
I dunno fellas. Clean versus used... what do you think?


atari_eric March 9th, 2008 04:47 AM

Re: UI Mod: Division of Light
I like your work on the logo - I'd suggest keeping the gold planet and 'V' but keep the glow beam behind the 'I' blue.

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