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Wdll August 24th, 2009 06:37 PM

Greek S-300 graphic
I noticed that recently (I haven't changed anything in the game) during a PBEM battle or PBEM Campaign, in some games (not all battles), appear on the map as just the crew. It will move just fine and fire its missiles fine, just the graphic remains its crew and not the system. A bit funny and it doesn't really affect anything (I hope), just thought to mention it.

gila August 24th, 2009 08:31 PM

Re: Greek S-300 graphic
You should have a recent save right?;)

Imp August 24th, 2009 11:05 PM

Re: Greek S-300 graphic
I think it might be an idea to finnish of your PBEM games & reinstall.
You seem to come across quite a few problems, could just be unlucky mind:)
If you havent recently defrag before reinstalling though I cat see how it finds the right icon sometimes & not others.
Thought 3 icons summer winter dessert one might have gone walkies.

Wdll August 25th, 2009 06:41 AM

Re: Greek S-300 graphic

Originally Posted by Imp (Post 707038)
You seem to come across quite a few problems, could just be unlucky mind:)

Or that I actually pay attention or even bother to mention them. There is also the fear that some people have coming out and posting about them.

Yes, I am unlucky that I have them, but I haven't done any tampering to the game and I am not exactly a noob with computers, owning one or more at a time since the mid 80s.
I don't know what the problem is with the thing I mentioned, and it is not a big deal for me, I just thought I would mention it.

Wdll August 25th, 2009 06:43 AM

Re: Greek S-300 graphic

Originally Posted by gila (Post 707027)
You should have a recent save right?;)

Unless a guy or gal from the development team or shrapnel, asks me for one, what would be the point of adding one here? They are pass protected anyway.

Mobhack August 25th, 2009 12:54 PM

Re: Greek S-300 graphic

Originally Posted by Wdll (Post 707081)

Originally Posted by gila (Post 707027)
You should have a recent save right?;)

Unless a guy or gal from the development team or shrapnel, asks me for one, what would be the point of adding one here? They are pass protected anyway.

No point.

Simple test - buy some for a random battle and deploy, which I just did. They are fine. (Since the area SAM is meant to be a launcher and not a truck, they come with a crew "superimposed").

So my best guess is that you may have missed one of the upgrades when installing, or you have damaged files somehow.

Once your PBEM is done, I would suggest that you defrag your hard drive, and then reinstall your game taking care to install each patch in order.


Imp August 25th, 2009 02:04 PM

Re: Greek S-300 graphic

Or that I actually pay attention or even bother to mention them. There is also the fear that some people have coming out and posting about them.
I play quite a bit & one thing about this game you have to give credit for is its rock hard stable. It does not matter whats going on in the background it soldiers on glitch free regardless even if other stuff hangs.
Yes a few in game issues needed sorting like for instance problems with PBEM campaigns when introduced but these were quickly sorted & due to the game not doing what was expected.
For actual glitches only time I have experienced was playing you hence the reasoning your install is broken.
A big shout to the team by the way for the level of support & constant upgrades we still get despite the age of the game. It constantly evolves even now & the last patch with arty & giro ATGM made a huge diffrence. Not to mention the 5 key all top ideas & name another year old game that gets this level of attention let alone a relic.

Wdll August 25th, 2009 03:08 PM

Re: Greek S-300 graphic
Imp, what was the point of that post of yours?

Mobhack, since all my pbem games are campaigns, I can simply uninstall and reinstall the game without any problems, correct?

Mobhack August 25th, 2009 08:37 PM

Re: Greek S-300 graphic

Originally Posted by Wdll (Post 707145)
Imp, what was the point of that post of yours?

Mobhack, since all my pbem games are campaigns, I can simply uninstall and reinstall the game without any problems, correct?

Since they use basic security, then there should be no problems. Emphasis on the "should" :)!.

But it is up to you, if you feel you want to take the risk with the ongoing campaigns. Me, I would tend to let the campaigns play out then fix.

I would also suggest that you do a full disk surface test, since you do seem to have been having a lot of problems. That is something to run overnight as it is slow. But a dodgy disk cluster can cause file read errors etc., so best to eliminate the possibility.


DRG September 1st, 2009 12:28 PM

Re: Greek S-300 graphic

Originally Posted by Wdll (Post 707011)
I noticed that recently (I haven't changed anything in the game) during a PBEM battle or PBEM Campaign, in some games (not all battles), appear on the map as just the crew. It will move just fine and fire its missiles fine, just the graphic remains its crew and not the system. A bit funny and it doesn't really affect anything (I hope), just thought to mention it.

When you see the main launcher come and go is it ONLY when playing a PBEM battle or PBEM Campaigns? Do you ever play against the AI and see this and if yes has it ever happened while you were playing continuously one turn after the other ?( as opposed to ending a turn, shutting down the computer then starting it up again the next day for example like you would for PBEM )

The only reason the game could miss picking up a graphic is if the SHP file were missing OR the game forgot where that SHP file was ( or it's been redirected someplace "confusing" to the game code. ) If you are seeing it sometimes but not others then it cannot be missing which leaves "confused".

What operating system are you using and if it's Vista has Vista installed all your files in the same place?

Has anyone else seen anything like this when playing? missing graphics that come and go ?


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