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Gandalf Parker November 7th, 2009 12:35 PM

Latest Update (dont get excited)
Dont get excited. It wont mean much to most of you. But the Dom3 updates page has added...

7th november 2009
* Support for PulseAudio on linux.
That doesnt mean much for Dom 3. But I find it interesting.

DISCLAIMER: Purely guesswork from this point on.

Im thinking Johan has been playing with PulseAudio in the new programming project. Having it down pat, he went back and added it to Dom3.

PulseAudio is a sound server, a background process accepting sound input from one or more sources (processes or capture devices) and redirecting it to one or more sinks (sound cards, remote network PulseAudio servers, or other processes).
the part I find interesting is that PulseAudio is a multi-OS driver that supports a sound server. One of the limitations of Dom3 is that certain things cannot be handled or modded for the server side of the game. Users must have copies of things that would be an advantage if they didnt have to have.

Just a stray thought....

Gandalf Parker

Jack_Trowell November 7th, 2009 03:04 PM

Re: Latest Update (dont get excited)
Thnaks for the info Gandalf

Trumanator November 7th, 2009 03:09 PM

Re: Latest Update (dont get excited)
At least this tells us they haven't forgotten us :)

Gandalf Parker November 7th, 2009 05:23 PM

Re: Latest Update (dont get excited)
Yes as far as I can tell this is the only one of their games that gets any updates. Not Conquest of Ellysium II (available for free download), or Dom1, or Dom2, or even the Dom3 demo. Maybe they still play occasionally and are keeping it up with their new toys (netbooks and such)

edit: by "here" I mean that Shrapnel nicely hosts it and makes it available for free download

HoneyBadger November 7th, 2009 10:27 PM

Re: Latest Update (dont get excited)
So the theory is that the Devs are addicted to their own game? That would seem to be the opposite of many, if not most, creation-creator relationships.

I like that the sound's getting updated. Not that I really understand what it all means (due to my own relative technical ignorance, not Gandalf's explanation). Whatever it is, though, it's good news that we're not being abandoned.

Tarrax November 26th, 2009 03:01 AM

Re: Latest Update (dont get excited)
This may actually be good news for me. I'm on Ubuntu 9.10 and one problem that I'm having is Dominions 3 takes over all sound so if I'm playing Dom3 I can't hear Youtube videos for instance. Conversely, if I'm watching Youtube videos and start Dom3, Dom3 would have no sound. This may just fix this problem.

Does anyone have any idea if and when this will make into a patch?

lch November 26th, 2009 05:40 AM

Re: Latest Update (dont get excited)
That has to do with how your sound system is configured. If both is set to using ALSA then you should be able to play sounds in parallel, I believe. Haven't really tested this much, though, my game is mostly mute except for sound fx since a long time.

Thilock_Dominus November 26th, 2009 06:19 AM

Re: Latest Update (dont get excited)

Originally Posted by Tarrax (Post 719697)
This may actually be good news for me. I'm on Ubuntu 9.10 and one problem that I'm having is Dominions 3 takes over all sound so if I'm playing Dom3 I can't hear Youtube videos for instance. Conversely, if I'm watching Youtube videos and start Dom3, Dom3 would have no sound. This may just fix this problem.

Does anyone have any idea if and when this will make into a patch?

You could change sound server meanwhile. Head over at ubuntuforums.org and make a search and you'll find or google ;)

Johan K November 27th, 2009 11:07 AM

Re: Latest Update (dont get excited)

Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker (Post 717430)
Im thinking Johan has been playing with PulseAudio in the new programming project. Having it down pat, he went back and added it to Dom3.

Good guess. That's actually what happened.

Herode November 27th, 2009 02:33 PM

Re: Latest Update (dont get excited)
OK, we now know the name of the next cool new magic site :
Gandalf's Shop, Arcane Probing 50 / Astral 2, rare

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