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WraithLord December 31st, 2010 07:41 PM

update on progress page
31st December 2010
* Modding: Gift of reason is subject to spec limitations on target unit.

I'm not sure what does it actually mean. Maybe allow CBM that tarts wouldn't be a valid target for GoR?

Finalgenesis January 1st, 2011 07:37 AM

Re: update on progress page
Maybe mindless units can't be GoRed? Gargoyle comes to mind...

WraithLord January 1st, 2011 08:25 AM

Re: update on progress page
Makes sense. But that would cut down a whole branch of currnent strats.

Makes more sense not to allow to GoR Tarts. With that we'd be clear of endgames ruled by tartarians.

bbz January 1st, 2011 09:58 AM

Re: update on progress page
Hello I'm new around here, well I've been reading a lot but I have no MP experience so I was just wondering what is the problem you see in Tartartians? I know that they are good thug/SC chassis and relatively cheap, but are you trying to remove them as such or to diversify the endgame?

Well I read somewhere(I might be mistaken) That the goal late game is to go for Const8 and then going for conj9 to get tartarians. What I assume is the problem is that everyone(of the remaining players) goes for const8 and then if they dont get the chalice they are a bit screwed since the guy that gets it gets the best chasis aka-tarts. Whouldn't highering their price help a little? I am a fan of SC particularly Bandar log's ones "_" and I find fighting with SC vs SC (trying to dodge enemy casters) Entartaining, so my concern is that by removing tartars people will start looking at the other sc-chassis find cost effective one, and start trying to remove it saying that its over-powered again, thus reducing the diversity and removing SC as a strategy to go for late game.

Gandalf Parker January 1st, 2011 11:06 AM

Re: update on progress page
1st January 2010
* Modding: New commands for underwater recruiting #uwcom1 ... #uwcom5 and #uwunit1 ... #uwunit5.

Amorphous January 1st, 2011 12:11 PM

Re: update on progress page

Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker (Post 767427)
1st January 2010
* Modding: New commands for underwater recruiting #uwcom1 ... #uwcom5 and #uwunit1 ... #uwunit5.


WraithLord January 1st, 2011 02:11 PM

Re: update on progress page
bbz the problem with tarts is that at some point they would own the end game. As in no matter what nation you were you'd employ them so the end became choiceless and boring.

With CBM 1.7 & EDM I'm no longer sure this is the case.

Corinthian January 1st, 2011 02:37 PM

Re: update on progress page
Actually, the lack of hammers in CBM 1.7 might just increase this problem. I have been playing in kings of drama using CBM 1.7 for 33 turns now, and I have yet to see a single thug in the game so far. I'm sort of starting to doubt I will see one until the tartarians start showing up. Because they are the only chassis that are powerful enough that you can afford to put expensive equipment on them without hammers.

Of course, all those gems are probably going somewhere else instead. But were? I don't know?

bbz January 1st, 2011 04:15 PM

Re: update on progress page
Thank you for the responce,
I was thinking if there is a way to compare them (tarts) to the other chasis would be the most unbiased way of not removing them from the game but leaving an end game open to the other types of SC and making Tarts a weapon late game, but not the only weapon.
In CBM 1.7 they cost 12 a peace and u get 1/5 chance to get a usable chassis, thats 60d gems to get one + 20 for GoR, + 30-40(this varries a lot) for equipment, thats 120-130 gems so if 2-3 of other Sc-chassis can take them lets say more than 50 % of the time, costing 120-130 (thats including equipment) that would be sort of ballanced and people would start thinking why not use those and not pay for the chalice.The problem I see here is that their equipment only would cost 90-120 which is a bit unfair, but if you bump Tartarians price a bit(lets say 20- 25 for the chance to get a usable one at the begginning for less than 5 worth of them, which is a good thing) that would make their cost 100-120 + equipment = 160ish(which is as much as Seraph from a whish with ****ty equipment) = 3 commanders costing 20 gems+ 30 gems worth of equipment. And if 3 commanders cant beat them then higher the price even more:).
Another option is to give them only to some races, which have hard time early on,(with the higher price,and not ruining the story of the game its possible).
Keep in mind though that there doesn't exist a prefectly balanced game (with diverse civilizations,races whatever)and thats the whole beauty of it - diversity. In most of the games you pick your side and you know- now I'll have easy time early game, but later on its gonna be harder or the opposite:) so its all about personal preference.

P.S. I know that its not an easy thing to balance the game so, I want to appologise in advance if I am completely wrong, those are my thoughts on the matter and I'm just trying to help the community:).

Corinthian January 1st, 2011 08:29 PM

Re: update on progress page
The real power behind Tarts, and the reason people go for them is not their power or their cheapness. No, its their plenty! Unless you have national SC chassis, or can cast wish, you could probably only go for elemental royalty, but they might already be taken, and come in limited numbers. And even then only the Air queens and one of the water queens can measure up the tarts.
Also, even if only one tart in five is useful on the spot, 12 gems is not bad for a troop as strong as a tart.

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