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troopie March 31st, 2023 02:29 PM

Musing about map errors
I wonder how many minor map errors have crept in because a map was copied and pasted a great number of times? I am not a computer expert so I don't know. Can this happen?


DRG March 31st, 2023 05:09 PM

Re: Musing about map errors
Considering the number of changes we have made over the years the few minor map errors ( and they are minor and easily fixed when found) are almost insignificant. A lot found by Tom in his reviews are bridges and they could have been that way right from the start but unless someone reports them checking every hex of every map is just not going to happen. The other one that crops up are Hedgerows which sorta-kinda use the same type of code

The map made for the Tutorial was created in 2001 under DOS and AFAIK has never had a major issue....... so all and all that's pretty good.... Yes?

zovs66 March 31st, 2023 05:21 PM

Re: Musing about map errors
That’s a high fivin YES!

DRG April 1st, 2023 08:53 AM

Re: Musing about map errors
A major part of what I do for upgrades involves scenario maintenance to correct issues that have crept into existing scenarios either due to code or OOB changes.

If that is not done with every change the accumulated weirdness is impossible to fix as we discovered with some older "found" legacy scenarios that Zovs tried to resurrect that were, in most cases, younger than our existing oldest scenarios but they had not been incrementally updated and ended up having to be discarded as rebuilding from scratch was easier than fixing them.

The bridge issues that crop up from time to time I *suspect* ( maybe....) are somehow related to the creation of deep and shallow water. BUT they also tend to pop up in series from specific designers. In the lastest series of error reports all the Scenarios came from one designer AND in some cases maps were duplicated so the same error is duplicated and that **MAY** be a case of scenarios built with older version EXE's...... that is unknown but they do tend to come in clusters

Ts4EVER April 1st, 2023 09:36 AM

Re: Musing about map errors
The bridge and hedgerow issue happens pretty quick if you don't pay attention and when I started mapping I wasn't even aware of it. For later maps I usually checked every bridge after I noticed the issue, but for hedges not so much. That said, I dont think the gaps in hedges are that bad, I see them as little holes in the bocage, similar to random fords in creeks.

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