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Old July 5th, 2003, 08:18 PM
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Default Re: want to see a movie. recomendations?

I saw T3 and Matrix II. I thought they both offered some good action sequences... in fact, they were both pretty close to being non-stop action sequences. I thought neither were as well-done, in non-action terms, as the films before them in their series. But if you want some impressive action sequences, both are good for that. I'd probably prefer T3 to M2.

I've only seen ads of The Hulk and am already sick of it. I can't stand ultra-fake-o computer animations whose physics stink, nor the annoying corporate brand-name hype assault. For example, my local grocery store, owned by the vile Kroger empire, is trying to sell Hulk muffins and even an entire Hulk cake for like $25! I'd much rather watch an old Super Friends cartoon (not to mention an old Buggs or Road Runner cartoon).

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