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Old January 20th, 2004, 11:27 AM
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Default Re: Deathstalker\'s Gold-D-2 Mod Uploaded to PBW


Thanks HEMAN. I did kinda go overboard with the mounts . I just made alot AI specific so they had a few advantages or at least didn't have to develop 3 or more tech's to get the same mount (and thus keep up with or have an edge over the human player who could naturally design ships better).

That being said I've found a few 'bugs' that I'll update later (mainly the fighter spinal mount being used by the rocket pods, ouch!). I also want to add in a few new decoy missiles (a 'decoy drone' type missile, huge hitpoints but a seeker speed of 1 or 2 and a range of up to 10 or 12, great to soak up pdc, going for and Honor Harrington type missile decoys here sort of. (OT, anyone seen the trailer for that new Angela Jole/Jude Law movie 'Skycaptain' something or other??, Angela's looks just scream Honor!! Damn they need an Honor movie with her in the lead role!))

Anyone else have some likes/dislikes/requests??
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