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Old September 8th, 2000, 08:00 PM

Narlotep Narlotep is offline
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Default Re: Anybody using Ground Combat/Units??


Ahh, the memories. I have to agree that Star General was the best computerized representation I've experienced with both Space/Ground components. I was never a fan of the PzGen series, but I still pull that one out for a quick fix, warts and all.

(I miss GDW's old "Invasion:Earth" cardboard/map game <sigh>.)

I absolutely_do_agree that the emphasis should be on the Galactic Conquest side of things. My point is if in SEIV we're getting into the nitty-gritty details of building ships and organizing fleet operations, where is the other half - the ground side. My point is MM has chosen to put a ground combat system into the game so why not do it to the same standard as the space combat component?

To be honest, I feel they should either dump it or do it right. Again for those who just want the macro experience, make tactical ground combat an option, just as the tactical space combat is.

I realize MM is a small company and this is not a show stopper as there is always planetary bombardment, but there is something visceral in getting down on somebody else's mudball and taking it away from him as part of an integrated multi-dimensional campaign...of course then you have to garrison, but that's another problem. ;-)

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