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Old October 12th, 2000, 11:22 PM
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Jubala Jubala is offline
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Default Re: Intelligence Opps

What about a prerequisite covert operation called "establish spy network" or something that has to be succesfully completed before any other op could be performed? And when counter intel foils one of your ops there's a slight chance they unravel whole or parts of your spy network based on how long it's been in place, number of succesful ops (maybe), and level of network. You know, 4 disgruntled teenagers planting bombs at the mining facility that wouldn't hire them or a fullfledged network with cells that don't know of each other and very deep undercover spymaster or something. You get the picture. The difficulty of establishing such a network would depend on level of network being established, amount of contact between races (treaties, mutual systems, wars (smugglers?), level of trade etc), race attitude (Xenophobes and such), population happines levels and so on.

So establishing a spy network at your intersettled 25+ year partner will be a piece of cake but establishing one with the aggressive Xenophobes you just met and are hellbent on wiping you off the galaxy will be tough as nails.

I also think different kinds of intel ops should generate different kinds of responses. Collecting information shouldn't generate to severe a response, like shaking a finger and saying naughty boy and not raise AI anger too much if at all. I mean, everybody does it in RL. But inciting a revolt should make the targets very angry and the response should be on the level of Shaking The Big Stick under your nose and demanding reparations Or Else.

Makes sense?
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