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Old November 11th, 2003, 05:52 PM

Drake113 Drake113 is offline
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Default Re: Battlestar Galactica

One thing I found: Fighters have the tendency to explode on my aft when I recover them. Is this a problem with the ship model?

Hmmm... Now that you mention it, the sorta do... Never noticed that before. I guess I need to monkey around with the SpaceObjects_X.text file and figure out what does that. Anyone have any ideas? Could it be Base Model Radius?

Ok, first report back. The Cylons could use some more fighters and beter ECM/ECCM so they can hit you. Second, the Base Star weapons are not firing from the displayed model but a bit away from it.

Thanks! I'll increase the min/max fighters for the Cylons, and reduce the XYZ coordinates on the firing points for the basestar by like 10%... That should do it, I think. As far as ECM, all races are supposed to have ECM according to the Main_Enemies.txt file... I'll have to see if there's some way I can boost them or force them to have better targeting sensors...

Anyway, glad you're enjoying yourself and thanks for the feedback!
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