Thread: What No Stories
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Old March 3rd, 2004, 10:47 PM
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Wydraz Wydraz is offline
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Default Re: What No Stories

Starfury: The Reckoning

Part I

Captain Todd awoke to the blaring sound of the proximity detector, which he started cursing since he installed it. The ship had been on auto-pilot through a virtually dead system, but he knew he should check it out.

He made it to the bridge in only sixteen seconds. The bridge crew seemed to act as if nothing was going on. Looking at the viewscreen, a huge asteroid was looming towards the ship.

"Helm, hard to port!" Todd yelled, and the ship lurched out of harm's way. Breathing a sigh of relief, Todd stared at the crew. He had already lost one ship to a crash which he could have avoided, but he wasn't paying attention, and the crew were too stupid to do anything he didn't tell them to do. So they all died.

The guilt stayed with him to this day, as the only survivor. Someday, he hoped, he would be able to get a crew that could avoid asteroids and stop the ship from running into planets. Until that day, he would have to look out for the ship himself.
Weird Worlds Rocks!
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