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Old November 21st, 2003, 09:29 AM

Humer Humer is offline
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Default Re: On Curious Findings and R\'lyeh

Originally posted by Saber Cherry:
Those names are just too funny!!! We need more!

I imagine that summoning skill increases survivability, as a 5% brain-fry chance gets compounded to only a 13% chance of surviving 39 turns. Or is it 5% per summon, rather than per turn?

Anyway, how did the starspawn survive the attacks? Or do they attack the province, rather than the mage?
I really don't have an inkling about the survivability. As mentioned else-thread, it seems that Starspawn Priest escapes injury more often than not.

Attack is on the summoner and is handled as an assassination attempt, i.e. 5 troops on "Guard commander" are brought along. Ring of Warning has found a use!

Do NOT use Illithids to guard the summoner: most void-thingys are mindless, so your 50gp is rather wasted.

Names, suggest 'em people, let's see what stick! Here's few:

[begin acronymania]

Thing That Should Not Be -> Tessie. Wouldn't you love to have a pet *this* cute. Awwww, look at all the life-draining tentacles...
Thing With Many Eyes -> Tweak (as in weak, because the poor bugger can't move)
Elder Thing -> Ellie
Formless Spawn -> Fossy
Vastness -> VASTNESS. You just gotta shout it out loud...
Greater Otherness -> Nestor (or G'Nessie)
Otherness -> Ness
Lesser Otherness -> Lester. Crap actually.

[end acronymania]

- Humer
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